$:.unshift File.expand_path('..', __FILE__) require "etc" require "tmpdir" require "json" module Flombe VERSION = "" autoload :Dsl, 'flombe/dsl' class FlombeError < Exception ; end class MissingXCodeError < FlombeError ; end class BadMacOSXVersionError < FlombeError ; end class NoFlombefileError < FlombeError ; end class RunningAsRootError < FlombeError ; end class Runner RECOMMENDED_LLVM = 2206 def self.run new.run end def self.warn(msg) $stderr.puts "\033[0;31m\033[1m==> \033[0m\033[1m" + msg + "\033[0m" end def run raise BadMacOSXVersionError, "You must have Snow Leopard for Flombe. Sorry bro." unless macosx? raise MissingXCodeError, "You must have xcode installed to run Flombe." unless xcode? raise NoFlombefileError, "There is no Flombefile here: #{Dir.pwd}" unless flombefile? raise RunningAsRootError, "Please do not run this command as root." if root? if `/usr/bin/xcode-select -print-path` + `/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 -v 2>&1` =~ /LLVM build (\d{4,})/ if $1.to_i < RECOMMENDED_LLVM warn "You should really upgrade your xcode install for best performance." end end run_chef end private def xcode? !`/usr/bin/xcode-select -print-path`.chomp.empty? end def macosx? macosx_version >= 10.6 end def flombefile? File.exist?(flombefile) end def macosx_version /(10\.\d+)(\.\d+)?/.match(`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`.chomp).captures.first.to_f end def root? Etc.getpwuid.uid == 0 end def run_chef system("chef-solo -j #{dna} -c #{config}") exit($?.to_i) end def sane_xcode_version? xcode_path = `/usr/bin/xcode-select -print-path`.chomp if xcode_path.empty? false elsif `#{xcode_path}/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 -v 2>&1` =~ /LLVM build (\d{4,})/ if $1.to_i < RECOMMENDED_LLVM warn "You should really upgrade your xcode install" end true end end def flombefile @flombefile ||= File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, "Flombefile")) end def flombe_definition @flombe ||= Flombe::Dsl.evaluate(flombefile) end def config config_file = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "solo.rb")) File.open(config_file, "w") do |fp| fp.write( flombe_definition.to_solo_config ) end config_file end def dna dna_file = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "dna.json")) File.open(dna_file, "w") do |fp| fp.write( flombe_definition.to_dna ) end dna_file end end end