# Riveter [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/riveter.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/riveter) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/virtualstaticvoid/riveter.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/virtualstaticvoid/riveter) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/virtualstaticvoid/riveter.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/virtualstaticvoid/riveter) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/virtualstaticvoid/riveter/badge.png)](https://coveralls.io/r/virtualstaticvoid/riveter) Provides several useful patterns, packaged in a gem, for use in Rails and other web based applications, including generators to help improve consistency in your applications. ## Motivation In an effort to refactor large Rails applications, a number of patterns emerged, which this gem seeks to formalize. Encapsulating each pattern helps provide consistency and promotes standardization of implementation in a team of developers. Also, having generators to create all the necessary classes and specs helps developers follow the standards more easily and prevents unnecessary coding and ensures the focus remains on the business problem being solved instead. Some of these patterns have been discussed at length within the Ruby and Rails communities, with many people making cases for and against some of these patterns. The important thing to bear in mind is that there is no "one" solution for everything, nor "one" way to solve a problem, so these patterns will _not_ always be applicable. Please use them where it makes sense to do so, and the solution to the problem you are trying to solve becomes clearer by doing so. ## Patterns Included The following patterns are included, and an explaination of each follows: ### Enumerated Rails 4+ now has support for enumerated attributes on models, however the `Riverter::Enumerated` module is a slightly different take on the idea but can still be used on conjunction with the default functionality. You define an enumerated type by creating a module, adding the desired members as constants and then include the `Riveter::Enumerated` module. E.g. Module containing enumeration members: ```ruby module FooStatusEnum Bar = 1 Baz = 2 include Riveter::Enumerated end ``` The `FooStatusEnum` module will now have the following methods exposed: * `::All` - a constant which behaves like an `Array` for enumerating the members. E.g. `FooBarStatusEnum::All #=> [FooBarStatusEnum::Member1, FooBarStatusEnum::Member2]` * `human` - if a locale file is provided, gives the human name for the enumeration. E.g. `FooStatusEnum.human #=> "Foo Status"` * `names` - lists all the member names. E.g. `FooStatusEnum.names #=> [Bar, Baz]` * `values` - lists all the member values. E.g. `FooStatusEnum.values #=> [1, 2]` * `collection` - provides a collection of the members for use in form inputs. And when enumerating over the members using `FooStatusEnum::All`, each member will have the following methods: * `name` - the member name * `human` - if a locale file is provided, gives the human name for the member * `value` - the member value ### QueryFilter A common requirement in a Rails application is to collect criteria from the user and then prepairing a query using those criteria within the `where` clauses. The query filter pattern encapsulates the criteria attributes so that they can be converted from params and validated prior to building up the query. Create a class which inherits from `Riveter::QueryFilter::Base` and then define the attributes, their default values and validations as needed. E.g. Query filter example class ```ruby class FooQueryFilter < Riveter::QueryFilter::Base attr_string :bar_like, :required => true attr_boolean :baz, :default => true attr_date :qux, :default => { Time.now } end ``` There are a number of `attr_*` methods as follows: * `attr_string` * `attr_integer` * `attr_decimal` * `attr_date` * `attr_date_range` * `attr_time` * `attr_boolean` * `attr_enum` * `attr_array` * `attr_hash` * `attr_model` * `attr_object` In your controller, create an instance of the query filter as if it were a model. It can be used within your views easily as there is a view helper method, `query_filter_form_for`, which makes it easy to build HTML forms for the specified attributes. If you have `simple_form` installed, it will behave like a `simple_form_for`, otherwise the standard Rails `form_for` is used. E.g. Controller example ```ruby class FooController < ApplicationController def new_search @query_filter = FooQueryFilter.new() end def search @query_filter = FooQueryFilter.new(foo_query_filter_params) respond_to do |format| if @query_filter.valid? # E.g. your query logic here @list = BarModel.where(:bar => @query_filter.bar_like) .where(:baz => @query_filter.baz) .where(:qux => @query_filter.qux) format.html else format.html {render :action => :new_search} end end end private def foo_query_filter_params params.require(:foo_query_filter).permit(:bar_like, :baz, :qux) end end ``` ### Query Given that the query filter is encapsulated, it follows that the query, which is built using the query filter, should be encapsulated too. Also, considering the controller example code above, it would be better to encapsulate the building of the query into it's own class, instead of coding it in the controller, especially if the criteria is applied conditionally to the query. By abstracting the query filter and query as separate classes, it is easier to test each component individually, and there are greater possibility for reuse of either class in other scenarios. Create a class which inherits from `Riveter::Query::Base` class and implement the `build_relation` method to define the query. E.g. The query class ```ruby class FooQuery < Riveter::Query::Base def build_relation(filter) query = FooModel.all # apply criteria to the query conditionally... if filter.bar_like.present? query = query.where(:bar => filter.bar_like) end ... query end end ``` The `FooQuery` with now have the following methods, which help in rendering the results in your views: * `has_data?` - given the relation provided, yields true to indicate whether there is result data * `relation` - the built relation * `find_each` - this method is used to enumerate over the result data in the most efficient way ### Enquiry Since the query filter and query encapsulate filtering and querying, and as they are defined individually, it follows that there should be a way to bring them together, and thus make them easier to work with in controllers and views. An enquiry is defined by specifying the query filter and query to use. Provide a class which inherits from `Riveter::Enquiry::Base` and specify which query filter and query to use with the `filter_with` and `query_with` methods respectively. E.g. A simple enquiry class ```ruby class FooEnquiry < Riveter::Enquiry::Base filter_with FooQueryFilter query_with FooQuery end ``` In your controller, create an instance of the enquiry as if it were a model. It can be used within your views as there is a view helper method, `enquiry_form_for`, which makes it easy to build HTML forms for the specified attributes of the query filter. If you have `simple_form` installed, it will behave like a `simple_form_for`, otherwise the standard Rails `form_for` is used. Then on submission of the form, call the `submit` method passing in the form parameters, and then enumerate over the resultant data using the `find_each` method. E.g. An example enquiry controller ```ruby class FooEnquiryController < ApplicationController def index @enquiry = FooEnquiry.new() respond_to do |format| unless @enquiry.submit(enquiry_params) flash[:notice] = 'Invalid enquiry criteria, please correct and try again.' end format.html end end private def enquiry_params params .require(:foo_enquiry) .permit(:bar_like, :baz, :qux) .merge(:page => params.fetch(:page, 1)) end end ``` And the corresponding view, in HAML using `simple_form_for` to build the criteria inputs and Kaminari for pagination: ```haml .criteria = enquiry_form_for(@enquiry) do |f| = f.input :bar_like = f.input :baz = f.input :qux .results %table %tr %th Foo %th Bar %th Baz - unless @enquiry.has_data? %tr %td(colspan=3) No data found for enquiry... - else - @enquiry.find_each do |result| %tr %td= result.bar %td= result.bax %td= result.qux = paginate_enquiry(@enquiry) ``` ### EnquiryController _TDB_ ### Command _TDB_ ### CommandController _TDB_ ### Service _TDB_ ### Presenter _TDB_ ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'riveter' And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install riveter ## Usage Riverter provides generators for creating boilerplate code necessary for each pattern. To get the list of available generators, execute: $ rails generate The generator names are prefixed with `riveter`. E.g. To generate an enquiry controller, query filter, query, views and associated specs, execute: $ rails generate riveter:enquiry SomeEnquiryName filter1:string filter2:integer:required This will create a query with `filter1` string attribute and `filter2` integer attribute, a query, a controller and views: invoke enquiry_controller create app/controllers/my_enquiry_name_enquiry_controller.rb route enquiry :my_enquiry_name invoke haml create app/views/my_enquiry_name_enquiry/index.html.haml invoke rspec create spec/controllers/my_enquiry_name_enquiry_controller_spec.rb invoke query create app/queries/my_enquiry_name_query.rb invoke rspec create spec/queries/my_enquiry_name_query_spec.rb invoke query_filter create app/query_filters/my_enquiry_name_query_filter.rb invoke rspec create spec/query_filters/my_enquiry_name_query_filter_spec.rb create app/enquiries/my_enquiry_name_enquiry.rb invoke rspec create spec/enquiries/my_enquiry_name_enquiry_spec.rb ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( http://github.com/virtualstaticvoid/riveter/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## License Released under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE.txt) file for further details.