require 'rubygems' require 'cucumber' require 'cucumber/rake/task' namespace :cc do desc "Run features in a style suitable for Continuous Integration" task :ci do |t| def feature_dir(dir, &block) puts("=" * 80) puts("feature_dir(#{dir.inspect})") puts("=" * 80) system(%Q{echo "
  • #{File.basename(dir)}

    " | tee -a #{@index_html}}) end def run_feature(feature_file) puts("=" * 80) puts("run_feature(#{feature_file.inspect})") puts("=" * 80) filename = feature_file.gsub(/(\w*).feature/, '\1.html') puts("#{feature_file} -> public/#{filename}") system(%Q{mkdir -pv #{File.dirname("public/#{filename}")}}) push = (@pushed ? nil : %Q{SETUP="YES"}) output_file = File.join(@output_dir, filename) command = [push, "bundle exec cucumber", "features/support", feature_file, ENV['EXTRA_CUCUMBER_ARGS'], "--format html", "--out", output_file].flatten.compact.join(" ") @pushed = true if !@pushed puts("command=#{command.inspect}") system(command) @exit_codes << $?.exitstatus passed = "PASSED" failed = "FAILED" status = ((@exit_codes[-1] == 0) ? passed : failed) system(%Q{echo "
  • #{File.basename(filename.gsub('.html', ''))} (#{status})" | tee -a #{@index_html}}) end @output_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, "public") @index_html = File.join(@output_dir, "index.html") @pushed = false @exit_codes = puts("Cleaning up...") system(%Q{rm -rfv .cucumber-chef/aws/artifacts}) system(%Q{rm -rfv public}) system(%Q{mkdir -v public}) puts("Generating Cucumber-Chef html reports...") system(%Q{echo "Cucumber-Chef Report" | tee public/index.html}) system(%Q{echo "

    Cucumber-Chef Report

    " | tee -a public/index.html}) # If we had a failure be sure to surface it exit_code = (@exit_codes.any?{ |ec| ec != 0 } ? 1 : 0) exit(exit_code) end do |t| feature_dirs = feature_dir_glob = File.join(Dir.pwd, "*cookbook*", "*", "*feature*") feature_dirs << Dir.glob(feature_dir_glob) feature_dir_glob = File.join(Dir.pwd, "*feature*") feature_dirs << Dir.glob(feature_dir_glob) opts = [ "--exclude support/cookbooks", "--exclude support/data_bags", "--exclude support/environments", "--exclude support/keys", "--exclude support/roles", feature_dirs ].flatten.compact.join(" ") t.cucumber_opts = opts end end