// Copyright (C) 2010  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include "../matrix.h"
#include "optimization_trust_region.h"
#include "optimization_least_squares_abstract.h"

namespace dlib

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename column_vector_type,
        typename funct_type,
        typename funct_der_type,
        typename vector_type
    class least_squares_function_model 
        least_squares_function_model (
            const funct_type& f_,
            const funct_der_type& der_,
            const vector_type& list_
        ) : f(f_), der(der_), list(list_) 
            S = 0;
            last_f = 0;
            last_f2 = 0;


        const funct_type& f;
        const funct_der_type& der;
        const vector_type& list;

        typedef typename column_vector_type::type type;
        typedef typename column_vector_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
        typedef typename column_vector_type::layout_type layout_type;
        const static long NR = column_vector_type::NR;

        typedef column_vector_type column_vector;
        typedef matrix<type,NR,NR,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix;

        type operator() ( 
            const column_vector& x
        ) const
            type result = 0;
            for (long i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
                const type temp = f(list(i), x);
                // save the residual for later
                r(i) = temp;
                result += temp*temp;

            last_f = 0.5*result;
            return 0.5*result;

        void get_derivative_and_hessian (
            const column_vector& x,
            column_vector& d,
            general_matrix& h
        ) const
            J.set_size(list.size(), x.size());

            // compute the Jacobian
            for (long i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
                set_rowm(J,i) = trans(der(list(i), x));

            // Compute the Levenberg-Marquardt gradient and hessian
            d = trans(J)*r;
            h = trans(J)*J;

            if (S.size() == 0)
                S.set_size(x.size(), x.size());
                S = 0;

            // If this isn't the first iteration then check if using
            // a quasi-newton update helps things.
            if (last_r.size() != 0)

                s = x - last_x;
                y = d - last_d;
                yy = d - trans(last_J)*r;

                const type ys = trans(y)*s;
                vtemp = yy - S*s;
                const type temp2 = std::abs(trans(s)*S*s);
                type scale = (temp2 != 0) ? std::min<type>(1, std::abs(dot(s,yy))/temp2)  :  1;

                if (ys != 0)
                    S = scale*S + (vtemp*trans(y) + y*trans(vtemp))/(ys) - dot(vtemp,s)/ys/ys*y*trans(y);
                    S *= scale;

                // check how well both the models fit the last change we saw in f()
                const type measured_delta = last_f2 - last_f;
                s = -s;
                const type h_predicted_delta = 0.5*trans(s)*h*s + trans(d)*s;
                const type s_predicted_delta = 0.5*trans(s)*(h+S)*s + trans(d)*s;

                const type h_error = std::abs((h_predicted_delta/measured_delta) - 1);
                const type s_error = std::abs((s_predicted_delta/measured_delta) - 1);

                if (s_error < h_error && h_error > 0.01)
                    h += make_symmetric(S);
                else if (s_error > 10)
                    S = 0;

                // put r into last_r
                // put r into last_r
                last_r = r;

            last_x = x;
            last_d = d;

            last_f2 = last_f;

        mutable type last_f;   // value of function we saw in last operator()
        mutable type last_f2;  // value of last_f we saw in get_derivative_and_hessian()
        mutable matrix<type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> r;
        mutable column_vector vtemp;
        mutable column_vector s, y, yy;

        mutable general_matrix S;
        mutable column_vector last_x;
        mutable column_vector last_d;
        mutable matrix<type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> last_r;
        mutable matrix<type,0,NR,mem_manager_type,layout_type> last_J;
        mutable matrix<type,0,NR,mem_manager_type,layout_type> J;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename column_vector_type,
        typename funct_type,
        typename funct_der_type,
        typename vector_type
    least_squares_function_model<column_vector_type,funct_type,funct_der_type,vector_type> least_squares_model (
        const funct_type& f,
        const funct_der_type& der,
        const vector_type& list
        return least_squares_function_model<column_vector_type,funct_type,funct_der_type,vector_type>(f,der,list);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename stop_strategy_type,
        typename funct_type,
        typename funct_der_type,
        typename vector_type,
        typename T
    double solve_least_squares (
        stop_strategy_type stop_strategy,
        const funct_type& f,
        const funct_der_type& der,
        const vector_type& list,
        T& x, 
        double radius = 1
        // The starting point (i.e. x) must be a column vector.  
        COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(T::NC <= 1);

        // make sure requires clause is not broken
        DLIB_ASSERT(is_vector(mat(list)) && list.size() > 0 && 
                    is_col_vector(x) && radius > 0,
            "\t double solve_least_squares()"
            << "\n\t invalid arguments were given to this function"
            << "\n\t is_vector(list):  " << is_vector(mat(list)) 
            << "\n\t list.size():      " << list.size() 
            << "\n\t is_col_vector(x): " << is_col_vector(x) 
            << "\n\t radius:           " << radius

        return find_min_trust_region(stop_strategy,
                                     least_squares_model<T>(f, der, mat(list)), 

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename column_vector_type,
        typename funct_type,
        typename funct_der_type,
        typename vector_type
    class least_squares_lm_function_model 
        least_squares_lm_function_model (
            const funct_type& f_,
            const funct_der_type& der_,
            const vector_type& list_
        ) : f(f_), der(der_), list(list_) 

        const funct_type& f;
        const funct_der_type& der;
        const vector_type& list;

        typedef typename column_vector_type::type type;
        typedef typename column_vector_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
        typedef typename column_vector_type::layout_type layout_type;
        const static long NR = column_vector_type::NR;

        typedef column_vector_type column_vector;
        typedef matrix<type,NR,NR,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix;

        mutable matrix<type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> r;
        mutable column_vector vtemp;

        type operator() ( 
            const column_vector& x
        ) const
            type result = 0;
            for (long i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
                const type temp = f(list(i), x);
                // save the residual for later
                r(i) = temp;
                result += temp*temp;

            return 0.5*result;

        void get_derivative_and_hessian (
            const column_vector& x,
            column_vector& d,
            general_matrix& h
        ) const
            d = 0;
            h = 0;
            for (long i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
                vtemp = der(list(i), x); 
                d += r(i)*vtemp;
                h += vtemp*trans(vtemp);


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename column_vector_type,
        typename funct_type,
        typename funct_der_type,
        typename vector_type
    least_squares_lm_function_model<column_vector_type,funct_type,funct_der_type,vector_type> least_squares_lm_model (
        const funct_type& f,
        const funct_der_type& der,
        const vector_type& list
        return least_squares_lm_function_model<column_vector_type,funct_type,funct_der_type,vector_type>(f,der,list);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename stop_strategy_type,
        typename funct_type,
        typename funct_der_type,
        typename vector_type,
        typename T
    double solve_least_squares_lm (
        stop_strategy_type stop_strategy,
        const funct_type& f,
        const funct_der_type& der,
        const vector_type& list,
        T& x, 
        double radius = 1
        // The starting point (i.e. x) must be a column vector.  
        COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(T::NC <= 1);

        // make sure requires clause is not broken
        DLIB_ASSERT(is_vector(mat(list)) && list.size() > 0 && 
                    is_col_vector(x) && radius > 0,
            "\t double solve_least_squares_lm()"
            << "\n\t invalid arguments were given to this function"
            << "\n\t is_vector(list):  " << is_vector(mat(list)) 
            << "\n\t list.size():      " << list.size() 
            << "\n\t is_col_vector(x): " << is_col_vector(x) 
            << "\n\t radius:           " << radius

        return find_min_trust_region(stop_strategy,
                                     least_squares_lm_model<T>(f, der, mat(list)), 

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
