# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Billing module V20180709 # 按交易类型汇总消费详情 class ActionSummaryOverviewItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ActionType: 交易类型编码 # @type ActionType: String # @param ActionTypeName: 交易类型:如包年包月新购、包年包月续费、按量计费扣费等类型 # @type ActionTypeName: String # @param RealTotalCostRatio: 费用所占百分比,两位小数 # @type RealTotalCostRatio: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param BillMonth: 账单月份,格式2019-08 # @type BillMonth: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # @type TotalCost: String attr_accessor :ActionType, :ActionTypeName, :RealTotalCostRatio, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :BillMonth, :TotalCost def initialize(actiontype=nil, actiontypename=nil, realtotalcostratio=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, billmonth=nil, totalcost=nil) @ActionType = actiontype @ActionTypeName = actiontypename @RealTotalCostRatio = realtotalcostratio @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @BillMonth = billmonth @TotalCost = totalcost end def deserialize(params) @ActionType = params['ActionType'] @ActionTypeName = params['ActionTypeName'] @RealTotalCostRatio = params['RealTotalCostRatio'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @BillMonth = params['BillMonth'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] end end # 适用商品信息 class ApplicableProducts < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param GoodsName: 适用商品名称,值为“全产品通用”或商品名称组成的string,以","分割。 # @type GoodsName: String # @param PayMode: postPay后付费/prePay预付费/riPay预留实例/空字符串或者"*"表示全部模式。如GoodsName为多个商品名以","分割组成的string,而PayMode为"*",表示每一件商品的模式都为"*"。 # @type PayMode: String attr_accessor :GoodsName, :PayMode def initialize(goodsname=nil, paymode=nil) @GoodsName = goodsname @PayMode = paymode end def deserialize(params) @GoodsName = params['GoodsName'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] end end # 账单明细数据对象 class BillDetail < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称:用户所采购的各类云产品,例如:云服务器 CVM # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param ProductCodeName: 子产品名称:用户采购的具体产品细分类型,例如:云服务器 CVM-标准型 S1 # @type ProductCodeName: String # @param PayModeName: 计费模式:资源的计费模式,区分为包年包月和按量计费 # @type PayModeName: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称:资源归属的项目,用户在控制台给资源自主分配项目,未分配则是默认项目 # @type ProjectName: String # @param RegionName: 地域:资源所属地域,如华南地区(广州) # @type RegionName: String # @param ZoneName: 可用区:资源所属可用区,如广州三区 # @type ZoneName: String # @param ResourceId: 资源 ID:账单中出账对象 ID,不同产品因资源形态不同,资源内容不完全相同,如云服务器 CVM 为对应的实例 ID # @type ResourceId: String # @param ResourceName: 资源别名:用户在控制台为资源设置的名称,如果未设置,则默认为空 # @type ResourceName: String # @param ActionTypeName: 交易类型,如包年包月新购、包年包月续费、按量计费扣费等类型 # @type ActionTypeName: String # @param OrderId: 订单ID:包年包月计费模式下订购的订单号 # @type OrderId: String # @param BillId: 交易ID:结算扣费单号 # @type BillId: String # @param PayTime: 扣费时间:结算扣费时间 # @type PayTime: String # @param FeeBeginTime: 开始使用时间:产品服务开始使用时间 # @type FeeBeginTime: String # @param FeeEndTime: 结束使用时间:产品服务结束使用时间 # @type FeeEndTime: String # @param ComponentSet: 组件列表 # @type ComponentSet: Array # @param PayerUin: 支付者UIN:支付者的账号 ID,账号 ID 是用户在腾讯云的唯一账号标识 # @type PayerUin: String # @param OwnerUin: 使用者UIN:实际使用资源的账号 ID # @type OwnerUin: String # @param OperateUin: 操作者UIN:操作者账号 ID(预付费资源下单或后付费操作开通资源账号的 ID 或者角色 ID ) # @type OperateUin: String # @param Tags: 标签信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Tags: Array # @param BusinessCode: 产品编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param ProductCode: 子产品编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ProductCode: String # @param ActionType: 交易类型编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ActionType: String # @param RegionId: 地域ID # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RegionId: String # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: Integer # @param PriceInfo: 价格属性:该组件除单价、时长外的其他影响折扣定价的属性信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PriceInfo: Array # @param AssociatedOrder: 关联交易单据ID:和本笔交易关联单据 ID,如,冲销订单,记录原订单、重结订单,退费单记录对应的原购买订单号 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type AssociatedOrder: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.BillDetailAssociatedOrder` # @param Formula: 计算说明:特殊交易类型计费结算的详细计算说明,如退费及变配 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Formula: String # @param FormulaUrl: 计费规则:各产品详细的计费规则官网说明链接 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FormulaUrl: String attr_accessor :BusinessCodeName, :ProductCodeName, :PayModeName, :ProjectName, :RegionName, :ZoneName, :ResourceId, :ResourceName, :ActionTypeName, :OrderId, :BillId, :PayTime, :FeeBeginTime, :FeeEndTime, :ComponentSet, :PayerUin, :OwnerUin, :OperateUin, :Tags, :BusinessCode, :ProductCode, :ActionType, :RegionId, :ProjectId, :PriceInfo, :AssociatedOrder, :Formula, :FormulaUrl def initialize(businesscodename=nil, productcodename=nil, paymodename=nil, projectname=nil, regionname=nil, zonename=nil, resourceid=nil, resourcename=nil, actiontypename=nil, orderid=nil, billid=nil, paytime=nil, feebegintime=nil, feeendtime=nil, componentset=nil, payeruin=nil, owneruin=nil, operateuin=nil, tags=nil, businesscode=nil, productcode=nil, actiontype=nil, regionid=nil, projectid=nil, priceinfo=nil, associatedorder=nil, formula=nil, formulaurl=nil) @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @ProductCodeName = productcodename @PayModeName = paymodename @ProjectName = projectname @RegionName = regionname @ZoneName = zonename @ResourceId = resourceid @ResourceName = resourcename @ActionTypeName = actiontypename @OrderId = orderid @BillId = billid @PayTime = paytime @FeeBeginTime = feebegintime @FeeEndTime = feeendtime @ComponentSet = componentset @PayerUin = payeruin @OwnerUin = owneruin @OperateUin = operateuin @Tags = tags @BusinessCode = businesscode @ProductCode = productcode @ActionType = actiontype @RegionId = regionid @ProjectId = projectid @PriceInfo = priceinfo @AssociatedOrder = associatedorder @Formula = formula @FormulaUrl = formulaurl end def deserialize(params) @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @ProductCodeName = params['ProductCodeName'] @PayModeName = params['PayModeName'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] @ZoneName = params['ZoneName'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @ResourceName = params['ResourceName'] @ActionTypeName = params['ActionTypeName'] @OrderId = params['OrderId'] @BillId = params['BillId'] @PayTime = params['PayTime'] @FeeBeginTime = params['FeeBeginTime'] @FeeEndTime = params['FeeEndTime'] unless params['ComponentSet'].nil? @ComponentSet = [] params['ComponentSet'].each do |i| billdetailcomponent_tmp = BillDetailComponent.new billdetailcomponent_tmp.deserialize(i) @ComponentSet << billdetailcomponent_tmp end end @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @OwnerUin = params['OwnerUin'] @OperateUin = params['OperateUin'] unless params['Tags'].nil? @Tags = [] params['Tags'].each do |i| billtaginfo_tmp = BillTagInfo.new billtaginfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Tags << billtaginfo_tmp end end @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @ActionType = params['ActionType'] @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @PriceInfo = params['PriceInfo'] unless params['AssociatedOrder'].nil? @AssociatedOrder = BillDetailAssociatedOrder.new @AssociatedOrder.deserialize(params['AssociatedOrder']) end @Formula = params['Formula'] @FormulaUrl = params['FormulaUrl'] end end # 明细账单关联单据信息 class BillDetailAssociatedOrder < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param PrepayPurchase: 新购订单 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PrepayPurchase: String # @param PrepayRenew: 续费订单 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PrepayRenew: String # @param PrepayModifyUp: 升配订单 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PrepayModifyUp: String # @param ReverseOrder: 冲销订单 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ReverseOrder: String # @param NewOrder: 优惠调整后订单 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type NewOrder: String # @param Original: 优惠调整前订单 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Original: String attr_accessor :PrepayPurchase, :PrepayRenew, :PrepayModifyUp, :ReverseOrder, :NewOrder, :Original def initialize(prepaypurchase=nil, prepayrenew=nil, prepaymodifyup=nil, reverseorder=nil, neworder=nil, original=nil) @PrepayPurchase = prepaypurchase @PrepayRenew = prepayrenew @PrepayModifyUp = prepaymodifyup @ReverseOrder = reverseorder @NewOrder = neworder @Original = original end def deserialize(params) @PrepayPurchase = params['PrepayPurchase'] @PrepayRenew = params['PrepayRenew'] @PrepayModifyUp = params['PrepayModifyUp'] @ReverseOrder = params['ReverseOrder'] @NewOrder = params['NewOrder'] @Original = params['Original'] end end # 账单明细组件对象 class BillDetailComponent < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ComponentCodeName: 组件类型:用户购买的产品或服务对应的组件大类,例如:云服务器 CVM 的组件:CPU、内存等 # @type ComponentCodeName: String # @param ItemCodeName: 组件名称:用户购买的产品或服务,所包含的具体组件 # @type ItemCodeName: String # @param SinglePrice: 组件刊例价:组件的官网原始单价(如果客户享受一口价/合同价则默认不展示) # @type SinglePrice: String # @param SpecifiedPrice: 组件指定价(已废弃) # @type SpecifiedPrice: String # @param PriceUnit: 组件价格单位:组件价格的单位,单位构成:元/用量单位/时长单位 # @type PriceUnit: String # @param UsedAmount: 组件用量:该组件实际结算用量,组件用量 = 组件原始用量 - 抵扣用量(含资源包 # @type UsedAmount: String # @param UsedAmountUnit: 组件用量单位:组件用量对应的单位 # @type UsedAmountUnit: String # @param RealTotalMeasure: 原始用量/时长:组件被资源包抵扣前的原始用量/时长 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RealTotalMeasure: String # @param DeductedMeasure: 抵扣用量/时长(含资源包):组件被资源包抵扣的用量/时长 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type DeductedMeasure: String # @param TimeSpan: 使用时长:资源使用的时长 # @type TimeSpan: String # @param TimeUnitName: 时长单位:资源使用时长的单位 # @type TimeUnitName: String # @param Cost: 组件原价:原价 = 组件刊例价 * 组件用量 * 使用时长(如果客户享受一口价/合同价则默认不展示,退费类场景也默认不展示) # @type Cost: String # @param Discount: 折扣率:本资源享受的折扣率(如果客户享受一口价/合同价则默认不展示,退费场景也默认不展示) # @type Discount: String # @param ReduceType: 优惠类型 # @type ReduceType: String # @param RealCost: 优惠后总价:优惠后总价=(原价 - 预留实例抵扣原价 - 节省计划抵扣原价)* 折扣率 # @type RealCost: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param ItemCode: 组件类型编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ItemCode: String # @param ComponentCode: 组件名称编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ComponentCode: String # @param ContractPrice: 组件单价:组件的折后单价,组件单价 = 刊例价 * 折扣 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ContractPrice: String # @param InstanceType: 实例类型:购买的产品服务对应的实例类型,包括资源包、RI、SP、竞价实例。正常的实例展示默认为不展示 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type InstanceType: String # @param RiTimeSpan: 预留实例抵扣的使用时长:本产品或服务使用预留实例抵扣的使用时长 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RiTimeSpan: String # @param OriginalCostWithRI: 预留实例抵扣组件原价:本产品或服务使用预留实例抵扣的组件原价金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type OriginalCostWithRI: String # @param SPDeductionRate: 节省计划抵扣率:节省计划可用余额额度范围内,节省计划对于此组件打的折扣率 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SPDeductionRate: String # @param SPDeduction: 节省计划抵扣金额(已废弃) # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SPDeduction: String # @param OriginalCostWithSP: 节省计划抵扣组件原价:节省计划抵扣原价=节省计划包抵扣金额/节省计划抵扣率 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type OriginalCostWithSP: String # @param BlendedDiscount: 混合折扣率:综合各类折扣抵扣信息后的最终折扣率,混合折扣率 = 优惠后总价 / 组件原价 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type BlendedDiscount: String # @param ComponentConfig: 配置描述:资源配置规格信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ComponentConfig: Array attr_accessor :ComponentCodeName, :ItemCodeName, :SinglePrice, :SpecifiedPrice, :PriceUnit, :UsedAmount, :UsedAmountUnit, :RealTotalMeasure, :DeductedMeasure, :TimeSpan, :TimeUnitName, :Cost, :Discount, :ReduceType, :RealCost, :VoucherPayAmount, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :ItemCode, :ComponentCode, :ContractPrice, :InstanceType, :RiTimeSpan, :OriginalCostWithRI, :SPDeductionRate, :SPDeduction, :OriginalCostWithSP, :BlendedDiscount, :ComponentConfig extend Gem::Deprecate deprecate :SpecifiedPrice, :none, 2023, 9 deprecate :SpecifiedPrice=, :none, 2023, 9 deprecate :SPDeduction, :none, 2023, 9 deprecate :SPDeduction=, :none, 2023, 9 def initialize(componentcodename=nil, itemcodename=nil, singleprice=nil, specifiedprice=nil, priceunit=nil, usedamount=nil, usedamountunit=nil, realtotalmeasure=nil, deductedmeasure=nil, timespan=nil, timeunitname=nil, cost=nil, discount=nil, reducetype=nil, realcost=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, itemcode=nil, componentcode=nil, contractprice=nil, instancetype=nil, ritimespan=nil, originalcostwithri=nil, spdeductionrate=nil, spdeduction=nil, originalcostwithsp=nil, blendeddiscount=nil, componentconfig=nil) @ComponentCodeName = componentcodename @ItemCodeName = itemcodename @SinglePrice = singleprice @SpecifiedPrice = specifiedprice @PriceUnit = priceunit @UsedAmount = usedamount @UsedAmountUnit = usedamountunit @RealTotalMeasure = realtotalmeasure @DeductedMeasure = deductedmeasure @TimeSpan = timespan @TimeUnitName = timeunitname @Cost = cost @Discount = discount @ReduceType = reducetype @RealCost = realcost @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @ItemCode = itemcode @ComponentCode = componentcode @ContractPrice = contractprice @InstanceType = instancetype @RiTimeSpan = ritimespan @OriginalCostWithRI = originalcostwithri @SPDeductionRate = spdeductionrate @SPDeduction = spdeduction @OriginalCostWithSP = originalcostwithsp @BlendedDiscount = blendeddiscount @ComponentConfig = componentconfig end def deserialize(params) @ComponentCodeName = params['ComponentCodeName'] @ItemCodeName = params['ItemCodeName'] @SinglePrice = params['SinglePrice'] @SpecifiedPrice = params['SpecifiedPrice'] @PriceUnit = params['PriceUnit'] @UsedAmount = params['UsedAmount'] @UsedAmountUnit = params['UsedAmountUnit'] @RealTotalMeasure = params['RealTotalMeasure'] @DeductedMeasure = params['DeductedMeasure'] @TimeSpan = params['TimeSpan'] @TimeUnitName = params['TimeUnitName'] @Cost = params['Cost'] @Discount = params['Discount'] @ReduceType = params['ReduceType'] @RealCost = params['RealCost'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @ItemCode = params['ItemCode'] @ComponentCode = params['ComponentCode'] @ContractPrice = params['ContractPrice'] @InstanceType = params['InstanceType'] @RiTimeSpan = params['RiTimeSpan'] @OriginalCostWithRI = params['OriginalCostWithRI'] @SPDeductionRate = params['SPDeductionRate'] @SPDeduction = params['SPDeduction'] @OriginalCostWithSP = params['OriginalCostWithSP'] @BlendedDiscount = params['BlendedDiscount'] unless params['ComponentConfig'].nil? @ComponentConfig = [] params['ComponentConfig'].each do |i| billdetailcomponentconfig_tmp = BillDetailComponentConfig.new billdetailcomponentconfig_tmp.deserialize(i) @ComponentConfig << billdetailcomponentconfig_tmp end end end end # 明细账单配置描述结构 class BillDetailComponentConfig < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Name: 配置描述名称 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Name: String # @param Value: 配置描述值 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Value: String attr_accessor :Name, :Value def initialize(name=nil, value=nil) @Name = name @Value = value end def deserialize(params) @Name = params['Name'] @Value = params['Value'] end end # 经销账单资源汇总数据对象 class BillDistributionResourceSummary < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称:用户所采购的各类云产品,例如:云服务器 CVM # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param ProductCodeName: 子产品名称:用户采购的具体产品细分类型,例如:云服务器 CVM-标准型 S1 # @type ProductCodeName: String # @param PayModeName: 计费模式:资源的计费模式,区分为包年包月和按量计费 # @type PayModeName: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称:资源归属的项目,用户在控制台给资源自主分配项目,未分配则是默认项目 # @type ProjectName: String # @param RegionName: 地域:资源所属地域,如华南地区(广州) # @type RegionName: String # @param ZoneName: 可用区:资源所属可用区,如广州三区 # @type ZoneName: String # @param ResourceId: 资源 ID:账单中出账对象 ID,不同产品因资源形态不同,资源内容不完全相同,如云服务器 CVM 为对应的实例 ID # @type ResourceId: String # @param ResourceName: 资源别名:用户在控制台为资源设置的名称,如果未设置,则默认为空 # @type ResourceName: String # @param ActionTypeName: 交易类型:如包年包月新购、包年包月续费、按量计费扣费等类型 # @type ActionTypeName: String # @param OrderId: 订单ID:包年包月计费模式下订购的订单号 # @type OrderId: String # @param PayTime: 扣费时间:结算扣费时间 # @type PayTime: String # @param FeeBeginTime: 开始使用时间:产品服务开始使用时间 # @type FeeBeginTime: String # @param FeeEndTime: 结束使用时间:产品服务结束使用时间 # @type FeeEndTime: String # @param ConfigDesc: 配置描述:该资源下的计费项名称和用量合并展示,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ConfigDesc: String # @param ExtendField1: 扩展字段1:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField1: String # @param ExtendField2: 扩展字段2:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField2: String # @param TotalCost: 原价:原价 = 组件刊例价 * 组件用量 * 使用时长(如果客户享受一口价/合同价则默认不展示,退费类场景也默认不展示) # @type TotalCost: String # @param Discount: 折扣率:本资源享受的折扣率(如果客户享受一口价/合同价则默认不展示,退费场景也默认不展示) # @type Discount: String # @param ReduceType: 优惠类型 # @type ReduceType: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param ExtendField3: 扩展字段3:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField3: String # @param ExtendField4: 扩展字段4:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField4: String # @param ExtendField5: 扩展字段5:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField5: String # @param Tags: 标签信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Tags: Array # @param OwnerUin: 使用者UIN:实际使用资源的账号 ID # @type OwnerUin: String # @param OperateUin: 操作者UIN:操作者账号 ID(预付费资源下单或后付费操作开通资源账号的 ID 或者角色 ID ) # @type OperateUin: String # @param BusinessCode: 产品编码 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param ProductCode: 子产品编码 # @type ProductCode: String # @param RegionId: 地域ID # @type RegionId: Integer # @param InstanceType: 实例类型:购买的产品服务对应的实例类型,包括资源包、RI、SP、竞价实例。正常的实例展示默认为不展示 # @type InstanceType: String # @param OriginalCostWithRI: 预留实例抵扣组件原价:本产品或服务使用预留实例抵扣的组件原价金额 # @type OriginalCostWithRI: String # @param SPDeduction: 节省计划抵扣金额(已废弃) # @type SPDeduction: String # @param OriginalCostWithSP: 节省计划抵扣组件原价:节省计划抵扣原价=节省计划包抵扣金额/节省计划抵扣率 # @type OriginalCostWithSP: String attr_accessor :BusinessCodeName, :ProductCodeName, :PayModeName, :ProjectName, :RegionName, :ZoneName, :ResourceId, :ResourceName, :ActionTypeName, :OrderId, :PayTime, :FeeBeginTime, :FeeEndTime, :ConfigDesc, :ExtendField1, :ExtendField2, :TotalCost, :Discount, :ReduceType, :RealTotalCost, :VoucherPayAmount, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :ExtendField3, :ExtendField4, :ExtendField5, :Tags, :OwnerUin, :OperateUin, :BusinessCode, :ProductCode, :RegionId, :InstanceType, :OriginalCostWithRI, :SPDeduction, :OriginalCostWithSP extend Gem::Deprecate deprecate :SPDeduction, :none, 2023, 9 deprecate :SPDeduction=, :none, 2023, 9 def initialize(businesscodename=nil, productcodename=nil, paymodename=nil, projectname=nil, regionname=nil, zonename=nil, resourceid=nil, resourcename=nil, actiontypename=nil, orderid=nil, paytime=nil, feebegintime=nil, feeendtime=nil, configdesc=nil, extendfield1=nil, extendfield2=nil, totalcost=nil, discount=nil, reducetype=nil, realtotalcost=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, extendfield3=nil, extendfield4=nil, extendfield5=nil, tags=nil, owneruin=nil, operateuin=nil, businesscode=nil, productcode=nil, regionid=nil, instancetype=nil, originalcostwithri=nil, spdeduction=nil, originalcostwithsp=nil) @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @ProductCodeName = productcodename @PayModeName = paymodename @ProjectName = projectname @RegionName = regionname @ZoneName = zonename @ResourceId = resourceid @ResourceName = resourcename @ActionTypeName = actiontypename @OrderId = orderid @PayTime = paytime @FeeBeginTime = feebegintime @FeeEndTime = feeendtime @ConfigDesc = configdesc @ExtendField1 = extendfield1 @ExtendField2 = extendfield2 @TotalCost = totalcost @Discount = discount @ReduceType = reducetype @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @ExtendField3 = extendfield3 @ExtendField4 = extendfield4 @ExtendField5 = extendfield5 @Tags = tags @OwnerUin = owneruin @OperateUin = operateuin @BusinessCode = businesscode @ProductCode = productcode @RegionId = regionid @InstanceType = instancetype @OriginalCostWithRI = originalcostwithri @SPDeduction = spdeduction @OriginalCostWithSP = originalcostwithsp end def deserialize(params) @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @ProductCodeName = params['ProductCodeName'] @PayModeName = params['PayModeName'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] @ZoneName = params['ZoneName'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @ResourceName = params['ResourceName'] @ActionTypeName = params['ActionTypeName'] @OrderId = params['OrderId'] @PayTime = params['PayTime'] @FeeBeginTime = params['FeeBeginTime'] @FeeEndTime = params['FeeEndTime'] @ConfigDesc = params['ConfigDesc'] @ExtendField1 = params['ExtendField1'] @ExtendField2 = params['ExtendField2'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] @Discount = params['Discount'] @ReduceType = params['ReduceType'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @ExtendField3 = params['ExtendField3'] @ExtendField4 = params['ExtendField4'] @ExtendField5 = params['ExtendField5'] unless params['Tags'].nil? @Tags = [] params['Tags'].each do |i| billtaginfo_tmp = BillTagInfo.new billtaginfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Tags << billtaginfo_tmp end end @OwnerUin = params['OwnerUin'] @OperateUin = params['OperateUin'] @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @InstanceType = params['InstanceType'] @OriginalCostWithRI = params['OriginalCostWithRI'] @SPDeduction = params['SPDeduction'] @OriginalCostWithSP = params['OriginalCostWithSP'] end end # 账单资源汇总数据对象 class BillResourceSummary < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称:用户所采购的各类云产品,例如:云服务器 CVM # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param ProductCodeName: 子产品名称:用户采购的具体产品细分类型,例如:云服务器 CVM-标准型 S1 # @type ProductCodeName: String # @param PayModeName: 计费模式:资源的计费模式,区分为包年包月和按量计费 # @type PayModeName: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称:资源归属的项目,用户在控制台给资源自主分配项目,未分配则是默认项目 # @type ProjectName: String # @param RegionName: 地域:资源所属地域,如华南地区(广州) # @type RegionName: String # @param ZoneName: 可用区:资源所属可用区,如广州三区 # @type ZoneName: String # @param ResourceId: 资源 ID:账单中出账对象 ID,不同产品因资源形态不同,资源内容不完全相同,如云服务器 CVM 为对应的实例 ID # @type ResourceId: String # @param ResourceName: 资源别名:用户在控制台为资源设置的名称,如果未设置,则默认为空 # @type ResourceName: String # @param ActionTypeName: 交易类型:如包年包月新购、包年包月续费、按量计费扣费等类型 # @type ActionTypeName: String # @param OrderId: 订单ID:包年包月计费模式下订购的订单号 # @type OrderId: String # @param PayTime: 扣费时间:结算扣费时间 # @type PayTime: String # @param FeeBeginTime: 开始使用时间:产品服务开始使用时间 # @type FeeBeginTime: String # @param FeeEndTime: 结束使用时间:产品服务结束使用时间 # @type FeeEndTime: String # @param ConfigDesc: 配置描述:该资源下的计费项名称和用量合并展示,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ConfigDesc: String # @param ExtendField1: 扩展字段1:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField1: String # @param ExtendField2: 扩展字段2:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField2: String # @param TotalCost: 原价:原价 = 组件刊例价 * 组件用量 * 使用时长(如果客户享受一口价/合同价则默认不展示,退费类场景也默认不展示) # @type TotalCost: String # @param Discount: 折扣率:本资源享受的折扣率(如果客户享受一口价/合同价则默认不展示,退费场景也默认不展示) # @type Discount: String # @param ReduceType: 优惠类型 # @type ReduceType: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param ExtendField3: 扩展字段3:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField3: String # @param ExtendField4: 扩展字段4:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField4: String # @param ExtendField5: 扩展字段5:产品对应的扩展属性信息,仅在资源账单体现 # @type ExtendField5: String # @param Tags: 标签信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Tags: Array # @param PayerUin: 支付者UIN:支付者的账号 ID,账号 ID 是用户在腾讯云的唯一账号标识 # @type PayerUin: String # @param OwnerUin: 使用者UIN:实际使用资源的账号 ID # @type OwnerUin: String # @param OperateUin: 操作者UIN:操作者账号 ID(预付费资源下单或后付费操作开通资源账号的 ID 或者角色 ID ) # @type OperateUin: String # @param BusinessCode: 产品编码 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param ProductCode: 子产品编码 # @type ProductCode: String # @param RegionId: 地域ID # @type RegionId: Integer # @param InstanceType: 实例类型:购买的产品服务对应的实例类型,包括资源包、RI、SP、竞价实例。正常的实例展示默认为不展示 # @type InstanceType: String # @param OriginalCostWithRI: 预留实例抵扣组件原价:本产品或服务使用预留实例抵扣的组件原价金额 # @type OriginalCostWithRI: String # @param SPDeduction: 节省计划抵扣金额(已废弃) # @type SPDeduction: String # @param OriginalCostWithSP: 节省计划抵扣组件原价:节省计划抵扣原价=节省计划包抵扣金额/节省计划抵扣率 # @type OriginalCostWithSP: String attr_accessor :BusinessCodeName, :ProductCodeName, :PayModeName, :ProjectName, :RegionName, :ZoneName, :ResourceId, :ResourceName, :ActionTypeName, :OrderId, :PayTime, :FeeBeginTime, :FeeEndTime, :ConfigDesc, :ExtendField1, :ExtendField2, :TotalCost, :Discount, :ReduceType, :RealTotalCost, :VoucherPayAmount, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :ExtendField3, :ExtendField4, :ExtendField5, :Tags, :PayerUin, :OwnerUin, :OperateUin, :BusinessCode, :ProductCode, :RegionId, :InstanceType, :OriginalCostWithRI, :SPDeduction, :OriginalCostWithSP extend Gem::Deprecate deprecate :SPDeduction, :none, 2023, 9 deprecate :SPDeduction=, :none, 2023, 9 def initialize(businesscodename=nil, productcodename=nil, paymodename=nil, projectname=nil, regionname=nil, zonename=nil, resourceid=nil, resourcename=nil, actiontypename=nil, orderid=nil, paytime=nil, feebegintime=nil, feeendtime=nil, configdesc=nil, extendfield1=nil, extendfield2=nil, totalcost=nil, discount=nil, reducetype=nil, realtotalcost=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, extendfield3=nil, extendfield4=nil, extendfield5=nil, tags=nil, payeruin=nil, owneruin=nil, operateuin=nil, businesscode=nil, productcode=nil, regionid=nil, instancetype=nil, originalcostwithri=nil, spdeduction=nil, originalcostwithsp=nil) @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @ProductCodeName = productcodename @PayModeName = paymodename @ProjectName = projectname @RegionName = regionname @ZoneName = zonename @ResourceId = resourceid @ResourceName = resourcename @ActionTypeName = actiontypename @OrderId = orderid @PayTime = paytime @FeeBeginTime = feebegintime @FeeEndTime = feeendtime @ConfigDesc = configdesc @ExtendField1 = extendfield1 @ExtendField2 = extendfield2 @TotalCost = totalcost @Discount = discount @ReduceType = reducetype @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @ExtendField3 = extendfield3 @ExtendField4 = extendfield4 @ExtendField5 = extendfield5 @Tags = tags @PayerUin = payeruin @OwnerUin = owneruin @OperateUin = operateuin @BusinessCode = businesscode @ProductCode = productcode @RegionId = regionid @InstanceType = instancetype @OriginalCostWithRI = originalcostwithri @SPDeduction = spdeduction @OriginalCostWithSP = originalcostwithsp end def deserialize(params) @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @ProductCodeName = params['ProductCodeName'] @PayModeName = params['PayModeName'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] @ZoneName = params['ZoneName'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @ResourceName = params['ResourceName'] @ActionTypeName = params['ActionTypeName'] @OrderId = params['OrderId'] @PayTime = params['PayTime'] @FeeBeginTime = params['FeeBeginTime'] @FeeEndTime = params['FeeEndTime'] @ConfigDesc = params['ConfigDesc'] @ExtendField1 = params['ExtendField1'] @ExtendField2 = params['ExtendField2'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] @Discount = params['Discount'] @ReduceType = params['ReduceType'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @ExtendField3 = params['ExtendField3'] @ExtendField4 = params['ExtendField4'] @ExtendField5 = params['ExtendField5'] unless params['Tags'].nil? @Tags = [] params['Tags'].each do |i| billtaginfo_tmp = BillTagInfo.new billtaginfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Tags << billtaginfo_tmp end end @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @OwnerUin = params['OwnerUin'] @OperateUin = params['OperateUin'] @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @InstanceType = params['InstanceType'] @OriginalCostWithRI = params['OriginalCostWithRI'] @SPDeduction = params['SPDeduction'] @OriginalCostWithSP = params['OriginalCostWithSP'] end end # 账单 Tag 信息 class BillTagInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TagKey: 分账标签键 # @type TagKey: String # @param TagValue: 标签值 # @type TagValue: String attr_accessor :TagKey, :TagValue def initialize(tagkey=nil, tagvalue=nil) @TagKey = tagkey @TagValue = tagvalue end def deserialize(params) @TagKey = params['TagKey'] @TagValue = params['TagValue'] end end # 收支明细的流水信息 class BillTransactionInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ActionType: 收支类型:deduct 扣费, recharge 充值, return 退费, block 冻结, unblock 解冻 # @type ActionType: String # @param Amount: 流水金额,单位(分);正数表示入账,负数表示出账 # @type Amount: Integer # @param Balance: 可用余额,单位(分);正数表示入账,负数表示出账 # @type Balance: Integer # @param BillId: 流水号,如20190131020000236005203583326401 # @type BillId: String # @param OperationInfo: 描述信息 # @type OperationInfo: String # @param OperationTime: 操作时间"2019-01-31 23:35:10.000" # @type OperationTime: String # @param Cash: 现金账户余额,单位(分) # @type Cash: Integer # @param Incentive: 赠送金余额,单位(分) # @type Incentive: Integer # @param Freezing: 冻结余额,单位(分) # @type Freezing: Integer # @param PayChannel: 交易渠道 # @type PayChannel: String # @param DeductMode: 扣费模式:trade 包年包月(预付费),hourh 按量-小时结,hourd 按量-日结,hourm 按量-月结,month 按量-月结 # @type DeductMode: String attr_accessor :ActionType, :Amount, :Balance, :BillId, :OperationInfo, :OperationTime, :Cash, :Incentive, :Freezing, :PayChannel, :DeductMode def initialize(actiontype=nil, amount=nil, balance=nil, billid=nil, operationinfo=nil, operationtime=nil, cash=nil, incentive=nil, freezing=nil, paychannel=nil, deductmode=nil) @ActionType = actiontype @Amount = amount @Balance = balance @BillId = billid @OperationInfo = operationinfo @OperationTime = operationtime @Cash = cash @Incentive = incentive @Freezing = freezing @PayChannel = paychannel @DeductMode = deductmode end def deserialize(params) @ActionType = params['ActionType'] @Amount = params['Amount'] @Balance = params['Balance'] @BillId = params['BillId'] @OperationInfo = params['OperationInfo'] @OperationTime = params['OperationTime'] @Cash = params['Cash'] @Incentive = params['Incentive'] @Freezing = params['Freezing'] @PayChannel = params['PayChannel'] @DeductMode = params['DeductMode'] end end # 产品汇总信息 class BusinessSummaryInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessCode: 产品编码 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称:用户所采购的各类云产品,例如:云服务器 CVM # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TotalCost: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String attr_accessor :BusinessCode, :BusinessCodeName, :TotalCost, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount def initialize(businesscode=nil, businesscodename=nil, totalcost=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil) @BusinessCode = businesscode @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @TotalCost = totalcost @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount end def deserialize(params) @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] end end # 按产品汇总产品详情 class BusinessSummaryOverviewItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessCode: 产品编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称:用户所采购的各类云产品,例如:云服务器 CVM # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param RealTotalCostRatio: 费用所占百分比,两位小数 # @type RealTotalCostRatio: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param BillMonth: 账单月份,格式2019-08 # @type BillMonth: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # @type TotalCost: String attr_accessor :BusinessCode, :BusinessCodeName, :RealTotalCostRatio, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :BillMonth, :TotalCost def initialize(businesscode=nil, businesscodename=nil, realtotalcostratio=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, billmonth=nil, totalcost=nil) @BusinessCode = businesscode @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @RealTotalCostRatio = realtotalcostratio @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @BillMonth = billmonth @TotalCost = totalcost end def deserialize(params) @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @RealTotalCostRatio = params['RealTotalCostRatio'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @BillMonth = params['BillMonth'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] end end # 按产品汇总总费用 class BusinessSummaryTotal < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # @type TotalCost: String attr_accessor :RealTotalCost, :VoucherPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :CashPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :TotalCost def initialize(realtotalcost=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, cashpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, totalcost=nil) @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @TotalCost = totalcost end def deserialize(params) @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] end end # 产品过滤条件 class ConditionBusiness < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessCode: 产品名称代码 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称 # @type BusinessCodeName: String attr_accessor :BusinessCode, :BusinessCodeName def initialize(businesscode=nil, businesscodename=nil) @BusinessCode = businesscode @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename end def deserialize(params) @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] end end # 付费模式过滤条件 class ConditionPayMode < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param PayMode: 付费模式 # @type PayMode: String # @param PayModeName: 付费模式名称 # @type PayModeName: String attr_accessor :PayMode, :PayModeName def initialize(paymode=nil, paymodename=nil) @PayMode = paymode @PayModeName = paymodename end def deserialize(params) @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @PayModeName = params['PayModeName'] end end # 项目过滤条件 class ConditionProject < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称 # @type ProjectName: String attr_accessor :ProjectId, :ProjectName def initialize(projectid=nil, projectname=nil) @ProjectId = projectid @ProjectName = projectname end def deserialize(params) @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] end end # 地域过滤条件 class ConditionRegion < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RegionId: 地域ID # @type RegionId: String # @param RegionName: 地域名称 # @type RegionName: String attr_accessor :RegionId, :RegionName def initialize(regionid=nil, regionname=nil) @RegionId = regionid @RegionName = regionname end def deserialize(params) @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] end end # 账单筛选条件对象 class Conditions < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TimeRange: 只支持6和12两个值 # @type TimeRange: Integer # @param BusinessCode: 产品名称代码 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: Integer # @param RegionId: 地域ID # @type RegionId: Integer # @param PayMode: 付费模式,可选prePay和postPay # @type PayMode: String # @param ResourceKeyword: 资源关键字 # @type ResourceKeyword: String # @param BusinessCodes: 产品名称代码 # @type BusinessCodes: Array # @param ProductCodes: 子产品名称代码 # @type ProductCodes: Array # @param RegionIds: 地域ID # @type RegionIds: Array # @param ProjectIds: 项目ID # @type ProjectIds: Array # @param PayModes: 付费模式,可选prePay和postPay # @type PayModes: Array # @param ActionTypes: 交易类型 # @type ActionTypes: Array # @param HideFreeCost: 是否隐藏0元流水 # @type HideFreeCost: Integer # @param OrderByCost: 排序规则,可选desc和asc # @type OrderByCost: String # @param BillIds: 交易ID # @type BillIds: Array # @param ComponentCodes: 组件编码 # @type ComponentCodes: Array # @param FileIds: 文件ID # @type FileIds: Array # @param FileTypes: 文件类型 # @type FileTypes: Array # @param Status: 状态 # @type Status: Array attr_accessor :TimeRange, :BusinessCode, :ProjectId, :RegionId, :PayMode, :ResourceKeyword, :BusinessCodes, :ProductCodes, :RegionIds, :ProjectIds, :PayModes, :ActionTypes, :HideFreeCost, :OrderByCost, :BillIds, :ComponentCodes, :FileIds, :FileTypes, :Status def initialize(timerange=nil, businesscode=nil, projectid=nil, regionid=nil, paymode=nil, resourcekeyword=nil, businesscodes=nil, productcodes=nil, regionids=nil, projectids=nil, paymodes=nil, actiontypes=nil, hidefreecost=nil, orderbycost=nil, billids=nil, componentcodes=nil, fileids=nil, filetypes=nil, status=nil) @TimeRange = timerange @BusinessCode = businesscode @ProjectId = projectid @RegionId = regionid @PayMode = paymode @ResourceKeyword = resourcekeyword @BusinessCodes = businesscodes @ProductCodes = productcodes @RegionIds = regionids @ProjectIds = projectids @PayModes = paymodes @ActionTypes = actiontypes @HideFreeCost = hidefreecost @OrderByCost = orderbycost @BillIds = billids @ComponentCodes = componentcodes @FileIds = fileids @FileTypes = filetypes @Status = status end def deserialize(params) @TimeRange = params['TimeRange'] @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @ResourceKeyword = params['ResourceKeyword'] @BusinessCodes = params['BusinessCodes'] @ProductCodes = params['ProductCodes'] @RegionIds = params['RegionIds'] @ProjectIds = params['ProjectIds'] @PayModes = params['PayModes'] @ActionTypes = params['ActionTypes'] @HideFreeCost = params['HideFreeCost'] @OrderByCost = params['OrderByCost'] @BillIds = params['BillIds'] @ComponentCodes = params['ComponentCodes'] @FileIds = params['FileIds'] @FileTypes = params['FileTypes'] @Status = params['Status'] end end # 消耗按产品汇总详情 class ConsumptionBusinessSummaryDataItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessCode: 产品名称代码 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称 # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param RealTotalCost: 折后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param Trend: 费用趋势 # @type Trend: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ConsumptionSummaryTrend` # @param CashPayAmount: 现金 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送金 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 代金券 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String attr_accessor :BusinessCode, :BusinessCodeName, :RealTotalCost, :Trend, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount def initialize(businesscode=nil, businesscodename=nil, realtotalcost=nil, trend=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil) @BusinessCode = businesscode @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @Trend = trend @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount end def deserialize(params) @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] unless params['Trend'].nil? @Trend = ConsumptionSummaryTrend.new @Trend.deserialize(params['Trend']) end @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] end end # 消耗按项目汇总详情 class ConsumptionProjectSummaryDataItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称 # @type ProjectName: String # @param RealTotalCost: 折后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param Trend: 趋势 # @type Trend: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ConsumptionSummaryTrend` # @param Business: 产品消耗详情 # @type Business: Array # @param CashPayAmount: 现金 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送金 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 代金券 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String attr_accessor :ProjectId, :ProjectName, :RealTotalCost, :Trend, :Business, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount def initialize(projectid=nil, projectname=nil, realtotalcost=nil, trend=nil, business=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil) @ProjectId = projectid @ProjectName = projectname @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @Trend = trend @Business = business @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount end def deserialize(params) @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] unless params['Trend'].nil? @Trend = ConsumptionSummaryTrend.new @Trend.deserialize(params['Trend']) end unless params['Business'].nil? @Business = [] params['Business'].each do |i| consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp = ConsumptionBusinessSummaryDataItem.new consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @Business << consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp end end @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] end end # 消耗按地域汇总详情 class ConsumptionRegionSummaryDataItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RegionId: 地域ID # @type RegionId: String # @param RegionName: 地域名称 # @type RegionName: String # @param RealTotalCost: 折后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param Trend: 趋势 # @type Trend: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ConsumptionSummaryTrend` # @param Business: 产品消费详情 # @type Business: Array attr_accessor :RegionId, :RegionName, :RealTotalCost, :Trend, :Business def initialize(regionid=nil, regionname=nil, realtotalcost=nil, trend=nil, business=nil) @RegionId = regionid @RegionName = regionname @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @Trend = trend @Business = business end def deserialize(params) @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] unless params['Trend'].nil? @Trend = ConsumptionSummaryTrend.new @Trend.deserialize(params['Trend']) end unless params['Business'].nil? @Business = [] params['Business'].each do |i| consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp = ConsumptionBusinessSummaryDataItem.new consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @Business << consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp end end end end # 消耗按资源汇总过滤条件 class ConsumptionResourceSummaryConditionValue < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Business: 产品列表 # @type Business: Array # @param Project: 项目列表 # @type Project: Array # @param Region: 地域列表 # @type Region: Array # @param PayMode: 付费模式列表 # @type PayMode: Array attr_accessor :Business, :Project, :Region, :PayMode def initialize(business=nil, project=nil, region=nil, paymode=nil) @Business = business @Project = project @Region = region @PayMode = paymode end def deserialize(params) unless params['Business'].nil? @Business = [] params['Business'].each do |i| conditionbusiness_tmp = ConditionBusiness.new conditionbusiness_tmp.deserialize(i) @Business << conditionbusiness_tmp end end unless params['Project'].nil? @Project = [] params['Project'].each do |i| conditionproject_tmp = ConditionProject.new conditionproject_tmp.deserialize(i) @Project << conditionproject_tmp end end unless params['Region'].nil? @Region = [] params['Region'].each do |i| conditionregion_tmp = ConditionRegion.new conditionregion_tmp.deserialize(i) @Region << conditionregion_tmp end end unless params['PayMode'].nil? @PayMode = [] params['PayMode'].each do |i| conditionpaymode_tmp = ConditionPayMode.new conditionpaymode_tmp.deserialize(i) @PayMode << conditionpaymode_tmp end end end end # 消耗按资源汇总详情 class ConsumptionResourceSummaryDataItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ResourceId: 资源ID # @type ResourceId: String # @param ResourceName: 资源名称 # @type ResourceName: String # @param RealTotalCost: 折后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金花费 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称 # @type ProjectName: String # @param RegionId: 地域ID # @type RegionId: String # @param RegionName: 地域名称 # @type RegionName: String # @param PayMode: 付费模式 # @type PayMode: String # @param PayModeName: 付费模式名称 # @type PayModeName: String # @param BusinessCode: 产品名称代码 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称 # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param ConsumptionTypeName: 消耗类型 # @type ConsumptionTypeName: String # @param RealCost: 折前价 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RealCost: String # @param FeeBeginTime: 费用起始时间 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FeeBeginTime: String # @param FeeEndTime: 费用结束时间 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FeeEndTime: String # @param DayDiff: 天数 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type DayDiff: String # @param DailyTotalCost: 每日消耗 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type DailyTotalCost: String # @param OrderId: 订单号 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type OrderId: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 代金券 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送金 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String attr_accessor :ResourceId, :ResourceName, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :ProjectId, :ProjectName, :RegionId, :RegionName, :PayMode, :PayModeName, :BusinessCode, :BusinessCodeName, :ConsumptionTypeName, :RealCost, :FeeBeginTime, :FeeEndTime, :DayDiff, :DailyTotalCost, :OrderId, :VoucherPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :TransferPayAmount def initialize(resourceid=nil, resourcename=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, projectid=nil, projectname=nil, regionid=nil, regionname=nil, paymode=nil, paymodename=nil, businesscode=nil, businesscodename=nil, consumptiontypename=nil, realcost=nil, feebegintime=nil, feeendtime=nil, daydiff=nil, dailytotalcost=nil, orderid=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil) @ResourceId = resourceid @ResourceName = resourcename @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @ProjectId = projectid @ProjectName = projectname @RegionId = regionid @RegionName = regionname @PayMode = paymode @PayModeName = paymodename @BusinessCode = businesscode @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @ConsumptionTypeName = consumptiontypename @RealCost = realcost @FeeBeginTime = feebegintime @FeeEndTime = feeendtime @DayDiff = daydiff @DailyTotalCost = dailytotalcost @OrderId = orderid @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount end def deserialize(params) @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @ResourceName = params['ResourceName'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @PayModeName = params['PayModeName'] @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @ConsumptionTypeName = params['ConsumptionTypeName'] @RealCost = params['RealCost'] @FeeBeginTime = params['FeeBeginTime'] @FeeEndTime = params['FeeEndTime'] @DayDiff = params['DayDiff'] @DailyTotalCost = params['DailyTotalCost'] @OrderId = params['OrderId'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] end end # 消耗汇总详情 class ConsumptionSummaryTotal < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RealTotalCost: 折后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String attr_accessor :RealTotalCost def initialize(realtotalcost=nil) @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost end def deserialize(params) @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] end end # 消耗费用趋势 class ConsumptionSummaryTrend < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Type: 趋势类型,upward上升/downward下降/none无 # @type Type: String # @param Value: 趋势值,Type为none是该字段值为null # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Value: String attr_accessor :Type, :Value def initialize(type=nil, value=nil) @Type = type @Value = value end def deserialize(params) @Type = params['Type'] @Value = params['Value'] end end # cos产品用量明细返回数据结构 class CosDetailSets < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BucketName: 存储桶名称 # @type BucketName: String # @param DosageBeginTime: 用量开始时间 # @type DosageBeginTime: String # @param DosageEndTime: 用量结束时间 # @type DosageEndTime: String # @param SubProductCodeName: 子产品名称 # @type SubProductCodeName: String # @param BillingItemCodeName: 计费项名称 # @type BillingItemCodeName: String # @param DosageValue: 用量 # @type DosageValue: String # @param Unit: 单位 # @type Unit: String attr_accessor :BucketName, :DosageBeginTime, :DosageEndTime, :SubProductCodeName, :BillingItemCodeName, :DosageValue, :Unit def initialize(bucketname=nil, dosagebegintime=nil, dosageendtime=nil, subproductcodename=nil, billingitemcodename=nil, dosagevalue=nil, unit=nil) @BucketName = bucketname @DosageBeginTime = dosagebegintime @DosageEndTime = dosageendtime @SubProductCodeName = subproductcodename @BillingItemCodeName = billingitemcodename @DosageValue = dosagevalue @Unit = unit end def deserialize(params) @BucketName = params['BucketName'] @DosageBeginTime = params['DosageBeginTime'] @DosageEndTime = params['DosageEndTime'] @SubProductCodeName = params['SubProductCodeName'] @BillingItemCodeName = params['BillingItemCodeName'] @DosageValue = params['DosageValue'] @Unit = params['Unit'] end end # 消耗组件明细 class CostComponentSet < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ComponentCodeName: 组件类型名称 # @type ComponentCodeName: String # @param ItemCodeName: 组件名称 # @type ItemCodeName: String # @param SinglePrice: 刊例价 # @type SinglePrice: String # @param PriceUnit: 刊例价单位 # @type PriceUnit: String # @param UsedAmount: 用量 # @type UsedAmount: String # @param UsedAmountUnit: 用量单位 # @type UsedAmountUnit: String # @param Cost: 原价 # @type Cost: String # @param Discount: 折扣 # @type Discount: String # @param RealCost: 折后价 # @type RealCost: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 代金券支付金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金支付金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送金支付金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String attr_accessor :ComponentCodeName, :ItemCodeName, :SinglePrice, :PriceUnit, :UsedAmount, :UsedAmountUnit, :Cost, :Discount, :RealCost, :VoucherPayAmount, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount def initialize(componentcodename=nil, itemcodename=nil, singleprice=nil, priceunit=nil, usedamount=nil, usedamountunit=nil, cost=nil, discount=nil, realcost=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil) @ComponentCodeName = componentcodename @ItemCodeName = itemcodename @SinglePrice = singleprice @PriceUnit = priceunit @UsedAmount = usedamount @UsedAmountUnit = usedamountunit @Cost = cost @Discount = discount @RealCost = realcost @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount end def deserialize(params) @ComponentCodeName = params['ComponentCodeName'] @ItemCodeName = params['ItemCodeName'] @SinglePrice = params['SinglePrice'] @PriceUnit = params['PriceUnit'] @UsedAmount = params['UsedAmount'] @UsedAmountUnit = params['UsedAmountUnit'] @Cost = params['Cost'] @Discount = params['Discount'] @RealCost = params['RealCost'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] end end # 消耗明细数据类型 class CostDetail < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param PayerUin: 支付者uin # @type PayerUin: String # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称 # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param ProductCodeName: 子产品名称 # @type ProductCodeName: String # @param PayModeName: 计费模式名称 # @type PayModeName: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称 # @type ProjectName: String # @param RegionName: 区域名称 # @type RegionName: String # @param ZoneName: 地区名称 # @type ZoneName: String # @param ResourceId: 资源id # @type ResourceId: String # @param ResourceName: 资源名称 # @type ResourceName: String # @param ActionTypeName: 类型名称 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ActionTypeName: String # @param OrderId: 订单id # @type OrderId: String # @param BillId: 交易id # @type BillId: String # @param FeeBeginTime: 费用开始时间 # @type FeeBeginTime: String # @param FeeEndTime: 费用结束时间 # @type FeeEndTime: String # @param ComponentSet: 组件明细 # @type ComponentSet: Array # @param ProductCode: 子产品名称代码 # @type ProductCode: String attr_accessor :PayerUin, :BusinessCodeName, :ProductCodeName, :PayModeName, :ProjectName, :RegionName, :ZoneName, :ResourceId, :ResourceName, :ActionTypeName, :OrderId, :BillId, :FeeBeginTime, :FeeEndTime, :ComponentSet, :ProductCode def initialize(payeruin=nil, businesscodename=nil, productcodename=nil, paymodename=nil, projectname=nil, regionname=nil, zonename=nil, resourceid=nil, resourcename=nil, actiontypename=nil, orderid=nil, billid=nil, feebegintime=nil, feeendtime=nil, componentset=nil, productcode=nil) @PayerUin = payeruin @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @ProductCodeName = productcodename @PayModeName = paymodename @ProjectName = projectname @RegionName = regionname @ZoneName = zonename @ResourceId = resourceid @ResourceName = resourcename @ActionTypeName = actiontypename @OrderId = orderid @BillId = billid @FeeBeginTime = feebegintime @FeeEndTime = feeendtime @ComponentSet = componentset @ProductCode = productcode end def deserialize(params) @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @ProductCodeName = params['ProductCodeName'] @PayModeName = params['PayModeName'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] @ZoneName = params['ZoneName'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @ResourceName = params['ResourceName'] @ActionTypeName = params['ActionTypeName'] @OrderId = params['OrderId'] @BillId = params['BillId'] @FeeBeginTime = params['FeeBeginTime'] @FeeEndTime = params['FeeEndTime'] unless params['ComponentSet'].nil? @ComponentSet = [] params['ComponentSet'].each do |i| costcomponentset_tmp = CostComponentSet.new costcomponentset_tmp.deserialize(i) @ComponentSet << costcomponentset_tmp end end @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] end end # CreateAllocationTag请求参数结构体 class CreateAllocationTagRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TagKey: 用户分账标签键 # @type TagKey: Array attr_accessor :TagKey def initialize(tagkey=nil) @TagKey = tagkey end def deserialize(params) @TagKey = params['TagKey'] end end # CreateAllocationTag返回参数结构体 class CreateAllocationTagResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 订单数据对象 class Deal < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param OrderId: 订单号 # @type OrderId: String # @param Status: 订单的状态 1:未支付 2:已支付3:发货中 4:已发货 5:发货失败 6:已退款 7:已关单 8:订单过期 9:订单已失效 10:产品已失效 11:代付拒绝 12:支付中 # @type Status: Integer # @param Payer: 支付者 # @type Payer: String # @param CreateTime: 创建时间 # @type CreateTime: String # @param Creator: 创建人 # @type Creator: String # @param RealTotalCost: 实际支付金额(分) # @type RealTotalCost: Integer # @param VoucherDecline: 代金券抵扣金额(分) # @type VoucherDecline: Integer # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: Integer # @param GoodsCategoryId: 产品分类ID # @type GoodsCategoryId: Integer # @param ProductInfo: 产品详情 # @type ProductInfo: Array # @param TimeSpan: 时长 # @type TimeSpan: Float # @param TimeUnit: 时间单位 # @type TimeUnit: String # @param Currency: 货币单位 # @type Currency: String # @param Policy: 折扣率 # @type Policy: Float # @param Price: 单价(分) # @type Price: Float # @param TotalCost: 原价(分) # @type TotalCost: Float # @param ProductCode: 产品编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ProductCode: String # @param SubProductCode: 子产品编码 # @type SubProductCode: String # @param BigDealId: 大订单号 # @type BigDealId: String # @param Formula: 退费公式 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Formula: String # @param RefReturnDeals: 退费涉及订单信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RefReturnDeals: String # @param PayMode: 付费模式:prePay 预付费 postPay后付费 riPay预留实例 # @type PayMode: String # @param Action: 交易类型 # modifyNetworkMode 调整带宽模式 # modifyNetworkSize 调整带宽大小 # refund 退款 # downgrade 降配 # upgrade 升配 # renew 续费 # purchase 购买 # preMoveOut 包年包月迁出资源 # preMoveIn 包年包月迁入资源 # preToPost 预付费转后付费 # postMoveOut 按量计费迁出资源 # postMoveIn 按量计费迁入资源 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Action: String # @param ProductName: 产品编码中文名称 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ProductName: String # @param SubProductName: 子产品编码中文名称 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SubProductName: String # @param ResourceId: 订单对应的资源id, 查询参数Limit超过200,将返回null # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ResourceId: Array attr_accessor :OrderId, :Status, :Payer, :CreateTime, :Creator, :RealTotalCost, :VoucherDecline, :ProjectId, :GoodsCategoryId, :ProductInfo, :TimeSpan, :TimeUnit, :Currency, :Policy, :Price, :TotalCost, :ProductCode, :SubProductCode, :BigDealId, :Formula, :RefReturnDeals, :PayMode, :Action, :ProductName, :SubProductName, :ResourceId def initialize(orderid=nil, status=nil, payer=nil, createtime=nil, creator=nil, realtotalcost=nil, voucherdecline=nil, projectid=nil, goodscategoryid=nil, productinfo=nil, timespan=nil, timeunit=nil, currency=nil, policy=nil, price=nil, totalcost=nil, productcode=nil, subproductcode=nil, bigdealid=nil, formula=nil, refreturndeals=nil, paymode=nil, action=nil, productname=nil, subproductname=nil, resourceid=nil) @OrderId = orderid @Status = status @Payer = payer @CreateTime = createtime @Creator = creator @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @VoucherDecline = voucherdecline @ProjectId = projectid @GoodsCategoryId = goodscategoryid @ProductInfo = productinfo @TimeSpan = timespan @TimeUnit = timeunit @Currency = currency @Policy = policy @Price = price @TotalCost = totalcost @ProductCode = productcode @SubProductCode = subproductcode @BigDealId = bigdealid @Formula = formula @RefReturnDeals = refreturndeals @PayMode = paymode @Action = action @ProductName = productname @SubProductName = subproductname @ResourceId = resourceid end def deserialize(params) @OrderId = params['OrderId'] @Status = params['Status'] @Payer = params['Payer'] @CreateTime = params['CreateTime'] @Creator = params['Creator'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @VoucherDecline = params['VoucherDecline'] @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @GoodsCategoryId = params['GoodsCategoryId'] unless params['ProductInfo'].nil? @ProductInfo = [] params['ProductInfo'].each do |i| productinfo_tmp = ProductInfo.new productinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @ProductInfo << productinfo_tmp end end @TimeSpan = params['TimeSpan'] @TimeUnit = params['TimeUnit'] @Currency = params['Currency'] @Policy = params['Policy'] @Price = params['Price'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @SubProductCode = params['SubProductCode'] @BigDealId = params['BigDealId'] @Formula = params['Formula'] @RefReturnDeals = params['RefReturnDeals'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @Action = params['Action'] @ProductName = params['ProductName'] @SubProductName = params['SubProductName'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] end end # DeleteAllocationTag请求参数结构体 class DeleteAllocationTagRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TagKey: 用户分账标签键 # @type TagKey: Array attr_accessor :TagKey def initialize(tagkey=nil) @TagKey = tagkey end def deserialize(params) @TagKey = params['TagKey'] end end # DeleteAllocationTag返回参数结构体 class DeleteAllocationTagResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeAccountBalance请求参数结构体 class DescribeAccountBalanceRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel def initialize() end def deserialize(params) end end # DescribeAccountBalance返回参数结构体 class DescribeAccountBalanceResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Balance: 接口做过变更,为兼容老接口,本字段与RealBalance相同,为当前真实可用余额,单位 分 # @type Balance: Integer # @param Uin: 查询的用户Uin # @type Uin: Integer # @param RealBalance: 当前真实可用余额,单位 分 # @type RealBalance: Float # @param CashAccountBalance: 现金账户余额,单位 分 # @type CashAccountBalance: Float # @param IncomeIntoAccountBalance: 收益转入账户余额,单位 分 # @type IncomeIntoAccountBalance: Float # @param PresentAccountBalance: 赠送账户余额,单位 分 # @type PresentAccountBalance: Float # @param FreezeAmount: 冻结金额,单位 分 # @type FreezeAmount: Float # @param OweAmount: 欠费金额,单位 分 # @type OweAmount: Float # @param IsAllowArrears: 是否允许欠费消费 # @type IsAllowArrears: Boolean # @param IsCreditLimited: 是否限制信用额度 # @type IsCreditLimited: Boolean # @param CreditAmount: 信用额度 # @type CreditAmount: Float # @param CreditBalance: 可用信用额度 # @type CreditBalance: Float # @param RealCreditBalance: 真实可用信用额度 # @type RealCreditBalance: Float # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Balance, :Uin, :RealBalance, :CashAccountBalance, :IncomeIntoAccountBalance, :PresentAccountBalance, :FreezeAmount, :OweAmount, :IsAllowArrears, :IsCreditLimited, :CreditAmount, :CreditBalance, :RealCreditBalance, :RequestId def initialize(balance=nil, uin=nil, realbalance=nil, cashaccountbalance=nil, incomeintoaccountbalance=nil, presentaccountbalance=nil, freezeamount=nil, oweamount=nil, isallowarrears=nil, iscreditlimited=nil, creditamount=nil, creditbalance=nil, realcreditbalance=nil, requestid=nil) @Balance = balance @Uin = uin @RealBalance = realbalance @CashAccountBalance = cashaccountbalance @IncomeIntoAccountBalance = incomeintoaccountbalance @PresentAccountBalance = presentaccountbalance @FreezeAmount = freezeamount @OweAmount = oweamount @IsAllowArrears = isallowarrears @IsCreditLimited = iscreditlimited @CreditAmount = creditamount @CreditBalance = creditbalance @RealCreditBalance = realcreditbalance @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Balance = params['Balance'] @Uin = params['Uin'] @RealBalance = params['RealBalance'] @CashAccountBalance = params['CashAccountBalance'] @IncomeIntoAccountBalance = params['IncomeIntoAccountBalance'] @PresentAccountBalance = params['PresentAccountBalance'] @FreezeAmount = params['FreezeAmount'] @OweAmount = params['OweAmount'] @IsAllowArrears = params['IsAllowArrears'] @IsCreditLimited = params['IsCreditLimited'] @CreditAmount = params['CreditAmount'] @CreditBalance = params['CreditBalance'] @RealCreditBalance = params['RealCreditBalance'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillDetailForOrganization请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillDetailForOrganizationRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Offset: 分页偏移量,Offset=0表示第一页,如果Limit=100,则Offset=100表示第二页,Offset=200表示第三页,依次类推 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 数量,最大值为100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param PeriodType: 周期类型,byUsedTime按计费周期/byPayTime按扣费周期。需要与费用中心该月份账单的周期保持一致。您可前往[账单概览](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/expense/bill/overview)页面顶部查看确认您的账单统计周期类型。 # @type PeriodType: String # @param Month: 月份,格式为yyyy-mm,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有传BeginTime&EndTime则Month字段无效。不能早于开通账单2.0的月份,最多可拉取18个月内的数据。 # @type Month: String # @param BeginTime: 周期开始时间,格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有该字段则Month字段无效。BeginTime和EndTime必须一起传,且为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,查询结果是整月数据。不能早于开通账单2.0的月份,最多可拉取18个月内的数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 周期结束时间,格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有该字段则Month字段无效。BeginTime和EndTime必须一起传,且为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,查询结果是整月数据。不能早于开通账单2.0的月份,最多可拉取18个月内的数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要访问列表的总记录数,用于前端分页 # 1-表示需要, 0-表示不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer # @param PayMode: 付费模式 prePay(表示包年包月)/postPay(表示按时按量) # @type PayMode: String # @param ResourceId: 查询指定资源信息 # @type ResourceId: String # @param ActionType: 查询交易类型(请使用交易类型名称入参),入参示例枚举如下: # 包年包月新购 # 包年包月续费 # 包年包月配置变更 # 包年包月退款 # 按量计费扣费 # 线下项目扣费 # 线下产品扣费 # 调账扣费 # 调账补偿 # 按量计费小时结 # 按量计费日结 # 按量计费月结 # 竞价实例小时结 # 线下项目调账补偿 # 线下产品调账补偿 # 优惠扣费 # 优惠补偿 # 按量计费迁入资源 # 按量计费迁出资源 # 包年包月迁入资源 # 包年包月迁出资源 # 预付费用 # 小时费用 # 预留实例退款 # 按量计费冲正 # 包年包月转按量 # 保底扣款 # 节省计划小时费用 # @type ActionType: String # @param ProjectId: 项目ID:资源所属项目ID # @type ProjectId: Integer # @param BusinessCode: 产品名称代码 # 备注:如需获取当月使用过的BusinessCode,请调用API:<a href="https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/555/35761">获取产品汇总费用分布</a> # @type BusinessCode: String # @param Context: 上一次请求返回的上下文信息,翻页查询Month>=2023-05的月份的数据可加快查询速度,数据量10万级别以上的用户建议使用,查询速度可提升2~10倍 # @type Context: String attr_accessor :Offset, :Limit, :PeriodType, :Month, :BeginTime, :EndTime, :NeedRecordNum, :PayMode, :ResourceId, :ActionType, :ProjectId, :BusinessCode, :Context def initialize(offset=nil, limit=nil, periodtype=nil, month=nil, begintime=nil, endtime=nil, needrecordnum=nil, paymode=nil, resourceid=nil, actiontype=nil, projectid=nil, businesscode=nil, context=nil) @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @PeriodType = periodtype @Month = month @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum @PayMode = paymode @ResourceId = resourceid @ActionType = actiontype @ProjectId = projectid @BusinessCode = businesscode @Context = context end def deserialize(params) @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @PeriodType = params['PeriodType'] @Month = params['Month'] @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @ActionType = params['ActionType'] @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @Context = params['Context'] end end # DescribeBillDetailForOrganization返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillDetailForOrganizationResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DetailSet: 详情列表 # @type DetailSet: Array # @param Total: 总记录数,24小时缓存一次,可能比实际总记录数少 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Total: Integer # @param Context: 本次请求的上下文信息,可用于下一次请求的请求参数中,加快查询速度 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Context: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DetailSet, :Total, :Context, :RequestId def initialize(detailset=nil, total=nil, context=nil, requestid=nil) @DetailSet = detailset @Total = total @Context = context @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DetailSet'].nil? @DetailSet = [] params['DetailSet'].each do |i| distributionbilldetail_tmp = DistributionBillDetail.new distributionbilldetail_tmp.deserialize(i) @DetailSet << distributionbilldetail_tmp end end @Total = params['Total'] @Context = params['Context'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillDetail请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillDetailRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Offset: 分页偏移量,Offset=0表示第一页,如果Limit=100,则Offset=100表示第二页,Offset=200表示第三页,依次类推 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 数量,最大值为100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param PeriodType: 周期类型,byUsedTime按计费周期/byPayTime按扣费周期。需要与费用中心该月份账单的周期保持一致。您可前往[账单概览](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/expense/bill/overview)页面顶部查看确认您的账单统计周期类型。 # @type PeriodType: String # @param Month: 月份,格式为yyyy-mm,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有传BeginTime&EndTime则Month字段无效。不能早于开通账单2.0的月份,最多可拉取18个月内的数据。 # @type Month: String # @param BeginTime: 周期开始时间,格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有该字段则Month字段无效。BeginTime和EndTime必须一起传,且为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,查询结果是整月数据。不能早于开通账单2.0的月份,最多可拉取18个月内的数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 周期结束时间,格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有该字段则Month字段无效。BeginTime和EndTime必须一起传,且为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,查询结果是整月数据。不能早于开通账单2.0的月份,最多可拉取18个月内的数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要访问列表的总记录数,用于前端分页 # 1-表示需要, 0-表示不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer # @param ProductCode: 已废弃参数,未开放 # @type ProductCode: String # @param PayMode: 付费模式 prePay(表示包年包月)/postPay(表示按时按量) # @type PayMode: String # @param ResourceId: 查询指定资源信息 # @type ResourceId: String # @param ActionType: 查询交易类型(请使用交易类型名称入参),入参示例枚举如下: # 包年包月新购 # 包年包月续费 # 包年包月配置变更 # 包年包月退款 # 按量计费扣费 # 线下项目扣费 # 线下产品扣费 # 调账扣费 # 调账补偿 # 按量计费小时结 # 按量计费日结 # 按量计费月结 # 竞价实例小时结 # 线下项目调账补偿 # 线下产品调账补偿 # 优惠扣费 # 优惠补偿 # 按量计费迁入资源 # 按量计费迁出资源 # 包年包月迁入资源 # 包年包月迁出资源 # 预付费用 # 小时费用 # 预留实例退款 # 按量计费冲正 # 包年包月转按量 # 保底扣款 # 节省计划小时费用 # @type ActionType: String # @param ProjectId: 项目ID:资源所属项目ID # @type ProjectId: Integer # @param BusinessCode: 产品名称代码 # 备注:如需获取当月使用过的BusinessCode,请调用API:<a href="https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/555/35761">获取产品汇总费用分布</a> # @type BusinessCode: String # @param Context: 上一次请求返回的上下文信息,翻页查询Month>=2023-05的月份的数据可加快查询速度,数据量10万级别以上的用户建议使用,查询速度可提升2~10倍 # @type Context: String # @param PayerUin: 支付者的账号 ID(账号 ID 是用户在腾讯云的唯一账号标识),默认查询本账号账单,如集团管理账号需查询成员账号自付的账单,该字段需入参成员账号UIN # @type PayerUin: String attr_accessor :Offset, :Limit, :PeriodType, :Month, :BeginTime, :EndTime, :NeedRecordNum, :ProductCode, :PayMode, :ResourceId, :ActionType, :ProjectId, :BusinessCode, :Context, :PayerUin def initialize(offset=nil, limit=nil, periodtype=nil, month=nil, begintime=nil, endtime=nil, needrecordnum=nil, productcode=nil, paymode=nil, resourceid=nil, actiontype=nil, projectid=nil, businesscode=nil, context=nil, payeruin=nil) @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @PeriodType = periodtype @Month = month @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum @ProductCode = productcode @PayMode = paymode @ResourceId = resourceid @ActionType = actiontype @ProjectId = projectid @BusinessCode = businesscode @Context = context @PayerUin = payeruin end def deserialize(params) @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @PeriodType = params['PeriodType'] @Month = params['Month'] @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @ActionType = params['ActionType'] @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @Context = params['Context'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] end end # DescribeBillDetail返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillDetailResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DetailSet: 详情列表 # @type DetailSet: Array # @param Total: 总记录数,24小时缓存一次,可能比实际总记录数少 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Total: Integer # @param Context: 本次请求的上下文信息,可用于下一次请求的请求参数中,加快查询速度 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Context: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DetailSet, :Total, :Context, :RequestId def initialize(detailset=nil, total=nil, context=nil, requestid=nil) @DetailSet = detailset @Total = total @Context = context @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DetailSet'].nil? @DetailSet = [] params['DetailSet'].each do |i| billdetail_tmp = BillDetail.new billdetail_tmp.deserialize(i) @DetailSet << billdetail_tmp end end @Total = params['Total'] @Context = params['Context'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillDownloadUrl请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillDownloadUrlRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FileType: 账单类型,枚举值 # billOverview=L0-PDF账单 # billSummary=L1-汇总账单 # billResource=L2-资源账单 # billDetail=L3-明细账单 # billPack=账单包 # @type FileType: String # @param Month: 账单月份 # 支持的最早开始月份为2021-01 # L0-PDF&账单包不支持当月下载,当月账单请在次月1号19:00出账后下载 # @type Month: String # @param ChildUin: 下载的账号 ID列表,默认查询本账号账单,如集团管理账号需下载成员账号自付的账单,该字段需入参成员账号UIN # @type ChildUin: Array attr_accessor :FileType, :Month, :ChildUin def initialize(filetype=nil, month=nil, childuin=nil) @FileType = filetype @Month = month @ChildUin = childuin end def deserialize(params) @FileType = params['FileType'] @Month = params['Month'] @ChildUin = params['ChildUin'] end end # DescribeBillDownloadUrl返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillDownloadUrlResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 账单文件是否准备就绪,0文件生成中,1文件已生成 # @type Ready: Integer # @param DownloadUrl: 账单文件下载链接,有效时长为一小时 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type DownloadUrl: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :DownloadUrl, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, downloadurl=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @DownloadUrl = downloadurl @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] @DownloadUrl = params['DownloadUrl'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillList请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillListRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param StartTime: 查询范围的起始时间(包含)时间格式 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 开始时间和结束时间差值小于等于六个月 # @type StartTime: String # @param EndTime: 查询范围的结束时间(包含)时间格式 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ,开始时间和结束时间差值小于等于六个月 # @type EndTime: String # @param Offset: 翻页偏移量,初始值为0 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 每页的限制数量 # @type Limit: Integer # @param PayType: 交易类型: all所有交易类型,recharge充值,return退款,unblock解冻,agentin资金转入,advanced垫付,cash提现,deduct扣费,block冻结,agentout资金转出,repay垫付回款,repayment还款(仅国际信用账户),adj_refund调增(仅国际信用账户),adj_deduct调减(仅国际信用账户) # @type PayType: Array # @param SubPayType: 扣费模式, # 当所选的交易类型为扣费deduct时: # all所有扣费类型;trade预付费支付;hour_h按量小时结;hour_d按量日结;hour_m按量月结;decompensate调账扣费;other第三方扣费;panshi 线下项目扣费;offline 线下产品扣费; # 当所选的交易类型为扣费recharge时: # online 在线充值;bank-enterprice 银企直连;offline 线下充值;transfer 分成充值 # 当所选的交易类型为扣费cash时: # online 线上提现;offline 线下提现;panshi 赠送金清零 # 当所选的交易类型为扣费advanced时: # advanced 垫付充值 # 当所选的交易类型为扣费repay时: # panshi 垫付回款 # 当所选的交易类型为扣费block时: # other 第三方冻结;hour 按量冻结;month按月冻结 # 当所选的交易类型为扣费return时: # compensate 调账补偿;trade 预付费退款 # 当所选的交易类型为扣费unblock时: # other 第三方解冻;hour 按量解冻;month 按月解冻 # @type SubPayType: Array # @param WithZeroAmount: 是否返回0元交易金额的交易项,取值:0-不返回,1-返回。不传该参数则不返回 # @type WithZeroAmount: Integer attr_accessor :StartTime, :EndTime, :Offset, :Limit, :PayType, :SubPayType, :WithZeroAmount def initialize(starttime=nil, endtime=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil, paytype=nil, subpaytype=nil, withzeroamount=nil) @StartTime = starttime @EndTime = endtime @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @PayType = paytype @SubPayType = subpaytype @WithZeroAmount = withzeroamount end def deserialize(params) @StartTime = params['StartTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @PayType = params['PayType'] @SubPayType = params['SubPayType'] @WithZeroAmount = params['WithZeroAmount'] end end # DescribeBillList返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillListResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TransactionList: 收支明细列表 # @type TransactionList: Array # @param Total: 总条数 # @type Total: Integer # @param ReturnAmount: 退费总额,单位(分) # @type ReturnAmount: Float # @param RechargeAmount: 充值总额,单位(分) # @type RechargeAmount: Float # @param BlockAmount: 冻结总额,单位(分) # @type BlockAmount: Float # @param UnblockAmount: 解冻总额,单位(分) # @type UnblockAmount: Float # @param DeductAmount: 扣费总额,单位(分) # @type DeductAmount: Float # @param AgentInAmount: 资金转入总额,单位(分) # @type AgentInAmount: Float # @param AdvanceRechargeAmount: 垫付充值总额,单位(分) # @type AdvanceRechargeAmount: Float # @param WithdrawAmount: 提现扣减总额,单位(分) # @type WithdrawAmount: Float # @param AgentOutAmount: 资金转出总额,单位(分) # @type AgentOutAmount: Float # @param AdvancePayAmount: 还垫付总额,单位(分) # @type AdvancePayAmount: Float # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :TransactionList, :Total, :ReturnAmount, :RechargeAmount, :BlockAmount, :UnblockAmount, :DeductAmount, :AgentInAmount, :AdvanceRechargeAmount, :WithdrawAmount, :AgentOutAmount, :AdvancePayAmount, :RequestId def initialize(transactionlist=nil, total=nil, returnamount=nil, rechargeamount=nil, blockamount=nil, unblockamount=nil, deductamount=nil, agentinamount=nil, advancerechargeamount=nil, withdrawamount=nil, agentoutamount=nil, advancepayamount=nil, requestid=nil) @TransactionList = transactionlist @Total = total @ReturnAmount = returnamount @RechargeAmount = rechargeamount @BlockAmount = blockamount @UnblockAmount = unblockamount @DeductAmount = deductamount @AgentInAmount = agentinamount @AdvanceRechargeAmount = advancerechargeamount @WithdrawAmount = withdrawamount @AgentOutAmount = agentoutamount @AdvancePayAmount = advancepayamount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['TransactionList'].nil? @TransactionList = [] params['TransactionList'].each do |i| billtransactioninfo_tmp = BillTransactionInfo.new billtransactioninfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @TransactionList << billtransactioninfo_tmp end end @Total = params['Total'] @ReturnAmount = params['ReturnAmount'] @RechargeAmount = params['RechargeAmount'] @BlockAmount = params['BlockAmount'] @UnblockAmount = params['UnblockAmount'] @DeductAmount = params['DeductAmount'] @AgentInAmount = params['AgentInAmount'] @AdvanceRechargeAmount = params['AdvanceRechargeAmount'] @WithdrawAmount = params['WithdrawAmount'] @AgentOutAmount = params['AgentOutAmount'] @AdvancePayAmount = params['AdvancePayAmount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillResourceSummaryForOrganization请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillResourceSummaryForOrganizationRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Offset: 分页偏移量,Offset=0表示第一页,如果Limit=100,则Offset=100表示第二页,Offset=200表示第三页,依次类推 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 数量,最大值为1000 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Month: 月份,格式为yyyy-mm。不能早于开通账单2.0的月份 # @type Month: String # @param PeriodType: 周期类型,byUsedTime按计费周期/byPayTime按扣费周期。需要与费用中心该月份账单的周期保持一致。您可前往[账单概览](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/expense/bill/overview)页面顶部查看确认您的账单统计周期类型。 # @type PeriodType: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要访问列表的总记录数,用于前端分页 # 1-表示需要, 0-表示不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer # @param ActionType: 查询交易类型(请使用交易类型名称入参),入参示例枚举如下: # 包年包月新购 # 包年包月续费 # 包年包月配置变更 # 包年包月退款 # 按量计费扣费 # 线下项目扣费 # 线下产品扣费 # 调账扣费 # 调账补偿 # 按量计费小时结 # 按量计费日结 # 按量计费月结 # 竞价实例小时结 # 线下项目调账补偿 # 线下产品调账补偿 # 优惠扣费 # 优惠补偿 # 按量计费迁入资源 # 按量计费迁出资源 # 包年包月迁入资源 # 包年包月迁出资源 # 预付费用 # 小时费用 # 预留实例退款 # 按量计费冲正 # 包年包月转按量 # 保底扣款 # 节省计划小时费用 # @type ActionType: String # @param ResourceId: 查询指定资源信息 # @type ResourceId: String # @param PayMode: 付费模式 prePay/postPay # @type PayMode: String # @param BusinessCode: 产品名称代码 # 备注:如需获取当月使用过的BusinessCode,请调用API:<a href="https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/555/35761">获取产品汇总费用分布</a> # @type BusinessCode: String # @param TagKey: 分账标签键,用户自定义(支持2021-01以后账单查询) # @type TagKey: String # @param TagValue: 分账标签值,该参数为空表示该标签键下未设置标签值的记录 # (支持2021-01以后账单查询) # @type TagValue: String attr_accessor :Offset, :Limit, :Month, :PeriodType, :NeedRecordNum, :ActionType, :ResourceId, :PayMode, :BusinessCode, :TagKey, :TagValue def initialize(offset=nil, limit=nil, month=nil, periodtype=nil, needrecordnum=nil, actiontype=nil, resourceid=nil, paymode=nil, businesscode=nil, tagkey=nil, tagvalue=nil) @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @Month = month @PeriodType = periodtype @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum @ActionType = actiontype @ResourceId = resourceid @PayMode = paymode @BusinessCode = businesscode @TagKey = tagkey @TagValue = tagvalue end def deserialize(params) @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Month = params['Month'] @PeriodType = params['PeriodType'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] @ActionType = params['ActionType'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @TagKey = params['TagKey'] @TagValue = params['TagValue'] end end # DescribeBillResourceSummaryForOrganization返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillResourceSummaryForOrganizationResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ResourceSummarySet: 资源汇总列表 # @type ResourceSummarySet: Array # @param Total: 资源汇总列表总数,入参NeedRecordNum为0时不返回 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Total: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :ResourceSummarySet, :Total, :RequestId def initialize(resourcesummaryset=nil, total=nil, requestid=nil) @ResourceSummarySet = resourcesummaryset @Total = total @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['ResourceSummarySet'].nil? @ResourceSummarySet = [] params['ResourceSummarySet'].each do |i| billdistributionresourcesummary_tmp = BillDistributionResourceSummary.new billdistributionresourcesummary_tmp.deserialize(i) @ResourceSummarySet << billdistributionresourcesummary_tmp end end @Total = params['Total'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillResourceSummary请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillResourceSummaryRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Offset: 分页偏移量,Offset=0表示第一页,如果Limit=100,则Offset=100表示第二页,Offset=200表示第三页,依次类推 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 数量,最大值为1000 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Month: 月份,格式为yyyy-mm。不能早于开通账单2.0的月份 # @type Month: String # @param PeriodType: 周期类型,byUsedTime按计费周期/byPayTime按扣费周期。需要与费用中心该月份账单的周期保持一致。您可前往[账单概览](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/expense/bill/overview)页面顶部查看确认您的账单统计周期类型。 # @type PeriodType: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要访问列表的总记录数,用于前端分页 # 1-表示需要, 0-表示不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer # @param ActionType: 查询交易类型(请使用交易类型名称入参),入参示例枚举如下: # 包年包月新购 # 包年包月续费 # 包年包月配置变更 # 包年包月退款 # 按量计费扣费 # 线下项目扣费 # 线下产品扣费 # 调账扣费 # 调账补偿 # 按量计费小时结 # 按量计费日结 # 按量计费月结 # 竞价实例小时结 # 线下项目调账补偿 # 线下产品调账补偿 # 优惠扣费 # 优惠补偿 # 按量计费迁入资源 # 按量计费迁出资源 # 包年包月迁入资源 # 包年包月迁出资源 # 预付费用 # 小时费用 # 预留实例退款 # 按量计费冲正 # 包年包月转按量 # 保底扣款 # 节省计划小时费用 # @type ActionType: String # @param ResourceId: 查询指定资源信息 # @type ResourceId: String # @param PayMode: 付费模式 prePay/postPay # @type PayMode: String # @param BusinessCode: 产品名称代码 # 备注:如需获取当月使用过的BusinessCode,请调用API:<a href="https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/555/35761">获取产品汇总费用分布</a> # @type BusinessCode: String # @param PayerUin: 支付者的账号 ID(账号 ID 是用户在腾讯云的唯一账号标识),默认查询本账号账单,如集团管理账号需查询成员账号自付的账单,该字段需入参成员账号UIN # @type PayerUin: String # @param TagKey: 分账标签键,用户自定义(支持2021-01以后账单查询) # @type TagKey: String # @param TagValue: 分账标签值,该参数为空表示该标签键下未设置标签值的记录 # (支持2021-01以后账单查询) # @type TagValue: String attr_accessor :Offset, :Limit, :Month, :PeriodType, :NeedRecordNum, :ActionType, :ResourceId, :PayMode, :BusinessCode, :PayerUin, :TagKey, :TagValue def initialize(offset=nil, limit=nil, month=nil, periodtype=nil, needrecordnum=nil, actiontype=nil, resourceid=nil, paymode=nil, businesscode=nil, payeruin=nil, tagkey=nil, tagvalue=nil) @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @Month = month @PeriodType = periodtype @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum @ActionType = actiontype @ResourceId = resourceid @PayMode = paymode @BusinessCode = businesscode @PayerUin = payeruin @TagKey = tagkey @TagValue = tagvalue end def deserialize(params) @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Month = params['Month'] @PeriodType = params['PeriodType'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] @ActionType = params['ActionType'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @TagKey = params['TagKey'] @TagValue = params['TagValue'] end end # DescribeBillResourceSummary返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillResourceSummaryResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ResourceSummarySet: 资源汇总列表 # @type ResourceSummarySet: Array # @param Total: 资源汇总列表总数,入参NeedRecordNum为0时不返回 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Total: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :ResourceSummarySet, :Total, :RequestId def initialize(resourcesummaryset=nil, total=nil, requestid=nil) @ResourceSummarySet = resourcesummaryset @Total = total @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['ResourceSummarySet'].nil? @ResourceSummarySet = [] params['ResourceSummarySet'].each do |i| billresourcesummary_tmp = BillResourceSummary.new billresourcesummary_tmp.deserialize(i) @ResourceSummarySet << billresourcesummary_tmp end end @Total = params['Total'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByPayMode请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByPayModeRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :PayerUin def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, payeruin=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @PayerUin = payeruin end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByPayMode返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByPayModeResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0准备中,1已就绪。(Ready=0,为当前UIN首次进行初始化出账,预计需要5~10分钟出账,请于10分钟后重试即可) # @type Ready: Integer # @param SummaryOverview: 各付费模式花费分布详情 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SummaryOverview: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :SummaryOverview, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, summaryoverview=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @SummaryOverview = summaryoverview @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['SummaryOverview'].nil? @SummaryOverview = [] params['SummaryOverview'].each do |i| paymodesummaryoverviewitem_tmp = PayModeSummaryOverviewItem.new paymodesummaryoverviewitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @SummaryOverview << paymodesummaryoverviewitem_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByProduct请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByProductRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String # @param PayType: 款项类别,与L0账单上的汇总类别对应。 # 此参数自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效。 # 枚举值: # consume-消费 # refund-退款 # adjustment-调账 # @type PayType: String attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :PayerUin, :PayType def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, payeruin=nil, paytype=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @PayerUin = payeruin @PayType = paytype end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @PayType = params['PayType'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByProduct返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByProductResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0准备中,1已就绪。(Ready=0,为当前UIN首次进行初始化出账,预计需要5~10分钟出账,请于10分钟后重试即可) # @type Ready: Integer # @param SummaryTotal: 总花费详情 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SummaryTotal: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.BusinessSummaryTotal` # @param SummaryOverview: 各产品花费分布 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SummaryOverview: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :SummaryTotal, :SummaryOverview, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, summarytotal=nil, summaryoverview=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @SummaryTotal = summarytotal @SummaryOverview = summaryoverview @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['SummaryTotal'].nil? @SummaryTotal = BusinessSummaryTotal.new @SummaryTotal.deserialize(params['SummaryTotal']) end unless params['SummaryOverview'].nil? @SummaryOverview = [] params['SummaryOverview'].each do |i| businesssummaryoverviewitem_tmp = BusinessSummaryOverviewItem.new businesssummaryoverviewitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @SummaryOverview << businesssummaryoverviewitem_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByProject请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByProjectRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :PayerUin def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, payeruin=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @PayerUin = payeruin end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByProject返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByProjectResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0准备中,1已就绪。(Ready=0,为当前UIN首次进行初始化出账,预计需要5~10分钟出账,请于10分钟后重试即可) # @type Ready: Integer # @param SummaryOverview: 各项目花费分布详情 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SummaryOverview: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :SummaryOverview, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, summaryoverview=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @SummaryOverview = summaryoverview @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['SummaryOverview'].nil? @SummaryOverview = [] params['SummaryOverview'].each do |i| projectsummaryoverviewitem_tmp = ProjectSummaryOverviewItem.new projectsummaryoverviewitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @SummaryOverview << projectsummaryoverviewitem_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByRegion请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByRegionRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :PayerUin def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, payeruin=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @PayerUin = payeruin end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByRegion返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByRegionResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0准备中,1已就绪。(Ready=0,为当前UIN首次进行初始化出账,预计需要5~10分钟出账,请于10分钟后重试即可) # @type Ready: Integer # @param SummaryOverview: 各地域花费分布详情 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SummaryOverview: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :SummaryOverview, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, summaryoverview=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @SummaryOverview = summaryoverview @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['SummaryOverview'].nil? @SummaryOverview = [] params['SummaryOverview'].each do |i| regionsummaryoverviewitem_tmp = RegionSummaryOverviewItem.new regionsummaryoverviewitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @SummaryOverview << regionsummaryoverviewitem_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByTag请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByTagRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param TagKey: 分账标签键,用户自定义 # @type TagKey: String # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String # @param TagValue: 分账标签值 # @type TagValue: String attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :TagKey, :PayerUin, :TagValue def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, tagkey=nil, payeruin=nil, tagvalue=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @TagKey = tagkey @PayerUin = payeruin @TagValue = tagvalue end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @TagKey = params['TagKey'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @TagValue = params['TagValue'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryByTag返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryByTagResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0准备中,1已就绪。(Ready=0,为当前UIN首次进行初始化出账,预计需要5~10分钟出账,请于10分钟后重试即可) # @type Ready: Integer # @param SummaryOverview: 各标签值花费分布详情 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SummaryOverview: Array # @param SummaryTotal: 总数 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SummaryTotal: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.SummaryTotal` # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :SummaryOverview, :SummaryTotal, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, summaryoverview=nil, summarytotal=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @SummaryOverview = summaryoverview @SummaryTotal = summarytotal @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['SummaryOverview'].nil? @SummaryOverview = [] params['SummaryOverview'].each do |i| tagsummaryoverviewitem_tmp = TagSummaryOverviewItem.new tagsummaryoverviewitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @SummaryOverview << tagsummaryoverviewitem_tmp end end unless params['SummaryTotal'].nil? @SummaryTotal = SummaryTotal.new @SummaryTotal.deserialize(params['SummaryTotal']) end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryForOrganization请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryForOrganizationRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Month: 账单月份,格式为2023-04 # @type Month: String # @param GroupType: 账单维度类型,枚举值如下:business、project、region、payMode、tag # @type GroupType: String # @param TagKey: 标签键,GroupType=tag获取标签维度账单时传 # @type TagKey: Array attr_accessor :Month, :GroupType, :TagKey def initialize(month=nil, grouptype=nil, tagkey=nil) @Month = month @GroupType = grouptype @TagKey = tagkey end def deserialize(params) @Month = params['Month'] @GroupType = params['GroupType'] @TagKey = params['TagKey'] end end # DescribeBillSummaryForOrganization返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryForOrganizationResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0准备中,1已就绪。(Ready=0,为当前UIN首次进行初始化出账,预计需要5~10分钟出账,请于10分钟后重试即可) # @type Ready: Integer # @param SummaryDetail: 账单多维度汇总消费详情 # @type SummaryDetail: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :SummaryDetail, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, summarydetail=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @SummaryDetail = summarydetail @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['SummaryDetail'].nil? @SummaryDetail = [] params['SummaryDetail'].each do |i| summarydetail_tmp = SummaryDetail.new summarydetail_tmp.deserialize(i) @SummaryDetail << summarydetail_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeBillSummary请求参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Month: 账单月份,格式为2023-04 # @type Month: String # @param GroupType: 账单维度类型,枚举值如下:business、project、region、payMode、tag # @type GroupType: String # @param TagKey: 标签键,GroupType=tag获取标签维度账单时传 # @type TagKey: Array attr_accessor :Month, :GroupType, :TagKey def initialize(month=nil, grouptype=nil, tagkey=nil) @Month = month @GroupType = grouptype @TagKey = tagkey end def deserialize(params) @Month = params['Month'] @GroupType = params['GroupType'] @TagKey = params['TagKey'] end end # DescribeBillSummary返回参数结构体 class DescribeBillSummaryResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0准备中,1已就绪。(Ready=0,为当前UIN首次进行初始化出账,预计需要5~10分钟出账,请于10分钟后重试即可) # @type Ready: Integer # @param SummaryDetail: 账单多维度汇总消费详情 # @type SummaryDetail: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :SummaryDetail, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, summarydetail=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @SummaryDetail = summarydetail @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['SummaryDetail'].nil? @SummaryDetail = [] params['SummaryDetail'].each do |i| summarydetail_tmp = SummaryDetail.new summarydetail_tmp.deserialize(i) @SummaryDetail << summarydetail_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeCostDetail请求参数结构体 class DescribeCostDetailRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Limit: 数量,最大值为100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 偏移量 # @type Offset: Integer # @param BeginTime: 周期开始时间,格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有该字段则Month字段无效。BeginTime和EndTime必须一起传,且为同一月份,暂不支持跨月拉取。可拉取的数据是开通成本分析后,且距今 24 个月内的数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 周期结束时间,格式为yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有该字段则Month字段无效。BeginTime和EndTime必须一起传,且为同一月份,暂不支持跨月拉取。可拉取的数据是开通成本分析后,且距今 24 个月内的数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要访问列表的总记录数,用于前端分页 # 1-表示需要, 0-表示不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer # @param Month: 月份,格式为yyyy-mm,Month和BeginTime&EndTime必传一个,如果有传BeginTime&EndTime则Month字段无效。不能早于开通成本分析的月份,最多可拉取24个月内的数据。 # @type Month: String # @param ProductCode: 查询指定产品信息(暂时未开放获取) # @type ProductCode: String # @param PayMode: 付费模式 prePay/postPay # @type PayMode: String # @param ResourceId: 查询指定资源信息 # @type ResourceId: String attr_accessor :Limit, :Offset, :BeginTime, :EndTime, :NeedRecordNum, :Month, :ProductCode, :PayMode, :ResourceId def initialize(limit=nil, offset=nil, begintime=nil, endtime=nil, needrecordnum=nil, month=nil, productcode=nil, paymode=nil, resourceid=nil) @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum @Month = month @ProductCode = productcode @PayMode = paymode @ResourceId = resourceid end def deserialize(params) @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] @Month = params['Month'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] end end # DescribeCostDetail返回参数结构体 class DescribeCostDetailResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DetailSet: 消耗明细 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type DetailSet: Array # @param Total: 记录数 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Total: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DetailSet, :Total, :RequestId def initialize(detailset=nil, total=nil, requestid=nil) @DetailSet = detailset @Total = total @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DetailSet'].nil? @DetailSet = [] params['DetailSet'].each do |i| costdetail_tmp = CostDetail.new costdetail_tmp.deserialize(i) @DetailSet << costdetail_tmp end end @Total = params['Total'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeCostSummaryByProduct请求参数结构体 class DescribeCostSummaryByProductRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param Limit: 每次获取数据量,最大值为100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认从0开始 # @type Offset: Integer # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要返回记录数量,0不需要,1需要,默认不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :Limit, :Offset, :PayerUin, :NeedRecordNum def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, limit=nil, offset=nil, payeruin=nil, needrecordnum=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @PayerUin = payeruin @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] end end # DescribeCostSummaryByProduct返回参数结构体 class DescribeCostSummaryByProductResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0未准备好,1准备好 # @type Ready: Integer # @param Total: 消耗详情 # @type Total: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ConsumptionSummaryTotal` # @param Data: 消耗按产品汇总详情 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Data: Array # @param RecordNum: 记录数量,NeedRecordNum为0是返回null # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RecordNum: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :Total, :Data, :RecordNum, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, total=nil, data=nil, recordnum=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @Total = total @Data = data @RecordNum = recordnum @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['Total'].nil? @Total = ConsumptionSummaryTotal.new @Total.deserialize(params['Total']) end unless params['Data'].nil? @Data = [] params['Data'].each do |i| consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp = ConsumptionBusinessSummaryDataItem.new consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @Data << consumptionbusinesssummarydataitem_tmp end end @RecordNum = params['RecordNum'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeCostSummaryByProject请求参数结构体 class DescribeCostSummaryByProjectRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param Limit: 每次获取数据量,最大值为100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认从0开始 # @type Offset: Integer # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要返回记录数量,0不需要,1需要,默认不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :Limit, :Offset, :PayerUin, :NeedRecordNum def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, limit=nil, offset=nil, payeruin=nil, needrecordnum=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @PayerUin = payeruin @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] end end # DescribeCostSummaryByProject返回参数结构体 class DescribeCostSummaryByProjectResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0未准备好,1准备好 # @type Ready: Integer # @param Total: 消耗详情 # @type Total: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ConsumptionSummaryTotal` # @param Data: 消耗按业务汇总详情 # @type Data: Array # @param RecordNum: 记录数量,NeedRecordNum为0是返回null # @type RecordNum: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :Total, :Data, :RecordNum, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, total=nil, data=nil, recordnum=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @Total = total @Data = data @RecordNum = recordnum @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['Total'].nil? @Total = ConsumptionSummaryTotal.new @Total.deserialize(params['Total']) end unless params['Data'].nil? @Data = [] params['Data'].each do |i| consumptionprojectsummarydataitem_tmp = ConsumptionProjectSummaryDataItem.new consumptionprojectsummarydataitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @Data << consumptionprojectsummarydataitem_tmp end end @RecordNum = params['RecordNum'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeCostSummaryByRegion请求参数结构体 class DescribeCostSummaryByRegionRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param Limit: 每次获取数据量,最大值为100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认从0开始 # @type Offset: Integer # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要返回记录数量,0不需要,1需要,默认不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :Limit, :Offset, :PayerUin, :NeedRecordNum def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, limit=nil, offset=nil, payeruin=nil, needrecordnum=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @PayerUin = payeruin @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] end end # DescribeCostSummaryByRegion返回参数结构体 class DescribeCostSummaryByRegionResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0未准备好,1准备好 # @type Ready: Integer # @param Total: 消耗详情 # @type Total: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ConsumptionSummaryTotal` # @param Data: 消耗按地域汇总详情 # @type Data: Array # @param RecordNum: 记录数量,NeedRecordNum为0是返回null # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RecordNum: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :Total, :Data, :RecordNum, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, total=nil, data=nil, recordnum=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @Total = total @Data = data @RecordNum = recordnum @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['Total'].nil? @Total = ConsumptionSummaryTotal.new @Total.deserialize(params['Total']) end unless params['Data'].nil? @Data = [] params['Data'].each do |i| consumptionregionsummarydataitem_tmp = ConsumptionRegionSummaryDataItem.new consumptionregionsummarydataitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @Data << consumptionregionsummarydataitem_tmp end end @RecordNum = params['RecordNum'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeCostSummaryByResource请求参数结构体 class DescribeCostSummaryByResourceRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BeginTime: 目前必须和EndTime相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 目前必须和BeginTime为相同月份,不支持跨月查询,且查询结果是整月数据,例如 BeginTime为2018-09,EndTime 为 2018-09,查询结果是 2018 年 9 月数据。 # @type EndTime: String # @param Limit: 每次获取数据量,最大值为100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认从0开始 # @type Offset: Integer # @param PayerUin: 查询账单数据的用户UIN # @type PayerUin: String # @param NeedRecordNum: 是否需要返回记录数量,0不需要,1需要,默认不需要 # @type NeedRecordNum: Integer # @param NeedConditionValue: 是否需要返回过滤条件,0不需要,1需要,默认不需要 # @type NeedConditionValue: Integer # @param Conditions: 过滤条件,只支持ResourceKeyword(资源关键字,支持资源id及资源名称模糊查询),ProjectIds(项目id),RegionIds(地域id),PayModes(付费模式,可选prePay和postPay),HideFreeCost(是否隐藏0元流水,可选0和1),OrderByCost(按费用排序规则,可选desc和asc) # @type Conditions: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.Conditions` attr_accessor :BeginTime, :EndTime, :Limit, :Offset, :PayerUin, :NeedRecordNum, :NeedConditionValue, :Conditions def initialize(begintime=nil, endtime=nil, limit=nil, offset=nil, payeruin=nil, needrecordnum=nil, needconditionvalue=nil, conditions=nil) @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @PayerUin = payeruin @NeedRecordNum = needrecordnum @NeedConditionValue = needconditionvalue @Conditions = conditions end def deserialize(params) @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @PayerUin = params['PayerUin'] @NeedRecordNum = params['NeedRecordNum'] @NeedConditionValue = params['NeedConditionValue'] unless params['Conditions'].nil? @Conditions = Conditions.new @Conditions.deserialize(params['Conditions']) end end end # DescribeCostSummaryByResource返回参数结构体 class DescribeCostSummaryByResourceResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ready: 数据是否准备好,0未准备好,1准备好 # @type Ready: Integer # @param Total: 消耗详情 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Total: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ConsumptionSummaryTotal` # @param ConditionValue: 过滤条件 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ConditionValue: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ConsumptionResourceSummaryConditionValue` # @param RecordNum: 记录数量 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RecordNum: Integer # @param Data: 资源消耗详情 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Data: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ready, :Total, :ConditionValue, :RecordNum, :Data, :RequestId def initialize(ready=nil, total=nil, conditionvalue=nil, recordnum=nil, data=nil, requestid=nil) @Ready = ready @Total = total @ConditionValue = conditionvalue @RecordNum = recordnum @Data = data @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ready = params['Ready'] unless params['Total'].nil? @Total = ConsumptionSummaryTotal.new @Total.deserialize(params['Total']) end unless params['ConditionValue'].nil? @ConditionValue = ConsumptionResourceSummaryConditionValue.new @ConditionValue.deserialize(params['ConditionValue']) end @RecordNum = params['RecordNum'] unless params['Data'].nil? @Data = [] params['Data'].each do |i| consumptionresourcesummarydataitem_tmp = ConsumptionResourceSummaryDataItem.new consumptionresourcesummarydataitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @Data << consumptionresourcesummarydataitem_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDealsByCond请求参数结构体 class DescribeDealsByCondRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param StartTime: 开始时间 2016-01-01 00:00:00 # @type StartTime: String # @param EndTime: 结束时间 2016-02-01 00:00:00 建议跨度不超过3个月 # @type EndTime: String # @param Limit: 一页多少条数据,默认是20条,最大不超过1000 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 第多少页,从0开始,默认是0 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Status: 订单状态,默认为4(成功的订单) # 订单的状态 # 1:未支付 # 2:已支付3:发货中 # 4:已发货 # 5:发货失败 # 6:已退款 # 7:已关单 # 8:订单过期 # 9:订单已失效 # 10:产品已失效 # 11:代付拒绝 # 12:支付中 # @type Status: Integer # @param OrderId: 订单号 # @type OrderId: String # @param BigDealId: 大订单号 # @type BigDealId: String # @param ResourceId: 资源id # @type ResourceId: String attr_accessor :StartTime, :EndTime, :Limit, :Offset, :Status, :OrderId, :BigDealId, :ResourceId def initialize(starttime=nil, endtime=nil, limit=nil, offset=nil, status=nil, orderid=nil, bigdealid=nil, resourceid=nil) @StartTime = starttime @EndTime = endtime @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @Status = status @OrderId = orderid @BigDealId = bigdealid @ResourceId = resourceid end def deserialize(params) @StartTime = params['StartTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Status = params['Status'] @OrderId = params['OrderId'] @BigDealId = params['BigDealId'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] end end # DescribeDealsByCond返回参数结构体 class DescribeDealsByCondResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Deals: 订单列表 # @type Deals: Array # @param TotalCount: 订单总数 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Deals, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(deals=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @Deals = deals @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['Deals'].nil? @Deals = [] params['Deals'].each do |i| deal_tmp = Deal.new deal_tmp.deserialize(i) @Deals << deal_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDosageCosDetailByDate请求参数结构体 class DescribeDosageCosDetailByDateRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param StartDate: 查询用量开始时间,例如:2020-09-01 # @type StartDate: String # @param EndDate: 查询用量结束时间,例如:2020-09-30(与开始时间同月,不支持跨月查询) # @type EndDate: String # @param BucketName: COS 存储桶名称,可通过Get Service 接口是用来获取请求者名下的所有存储空间列表(Bucket list)https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/8291 # @type BucketName: String attr_accessor :StartDate, :EndDate, :BucketName def initialize(startdate=nil, enddate=nil, bucketname=nil) @StartDate = startdate @EndDate = enddate @BucketName = bucketname end def deserialize(params) @StartDate = params['StartDate'] @EndDate = params['EndDate'] @BucketName = params['BucketName'] end end # DescribeDosageCosDetailByDate返回参数结构体 class DescribeDosageCosDetailByDateResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DetailSets: 用量数组 # @type DetailSets: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DetailSets, :RequestId def initialize(detailsets=nil, requestid=nil) @DetailSets = detailsets @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DetailSets'].nil? @DetailSets = [] params['DetailSets'].each do |i| cosdetailsets_tmp = CosDetailSets.new cosdetailsets_tmp.deserialize(i) @DetailSets << cosdetailsets_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDosageDetailByDate请求参数结构体 class DescribeDosageDetailByDateRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param StartDate: 查询账单开始日期,如 2019-01-01 # @type StartDate: String # @param EndDate: 查询账单结束日期,如 2019-01-01, 时间跨度不超过7天 # @type EndDate: String # @param ProductCode: 互动直播: # 10194 互动直播-核心机房 : # 10195 互动直播-边缘机房 # cdn业务: # 102383:CDN静态加速流量(国内) # 102384:CDN静态加速带宽(国内) # 102385:CDN静态加速流量(海外) # 102386:CDN静态加速带宽(海外) # 100967:弹性公网IP-按流量计费 # 101065:公网负载均衡-按流量计费 # 视频直播 # 10226 视频直播流量(国内) # 10227 视频直播带宽(国内) # 100763 视频直播流量(海外) # 100762 视频直播宽带(海外) # @type ProductCode: String # @param Domain: 查询域名 例如 www.qq.com # 非CDN业务查询时传入空字符串,返回的值为空 # @type Domain: String # @param InstanceID: 1、如果为空,则返回EIP或CLB所有实例的明细; # 2、如果传入实例名,则返回该实例明细 # @type InstanceID: String attr_accessor :StartDate, :EndDate, :ProductCode, :Domain, :InstanceID def initialize(startdate=nil, enddate=nil, productcode=nil, domain=nil, instanceid=nil) @StartDate = startdate @EndDate = enddate @ProductCode = productcode @Domain = domain @InstanceID = instanceid end def deserialize(params) @StartDate = params['StartDate'] @EndDate = params['EndDate'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @Domain = params['Domain'] @InstanceID = params['InstanceID'] end end # DescribeDosageDetailByDate返回参数结构体 class DescribeDosageDetailByDateResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Unit: 计量单位 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Unit: String # @param DetailSets: 用量数组 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type DetailSets: Array # @param RetCode: 错误码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RetCode: Integer # @param RetMsg: 错误信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RetMsg: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Unit, :DetailSets, :RetCode, :RetMsg, :RequestId def initialize(unit=nil, detailsets=nil, retcode=nil, retmsg=nil, requestid=nil) @Unit = unit @DetailSets = detailsets @RetCode = retcode @RetMsg = retmsg @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Unit = params['Unit'] unless params['DetailSets'].nil? @DetailSets = [] params['DetailSets'].each do |i| detailset_tmp = DetailSet.new detailset_tmp.deserialize(i) @DetailSets << detailset_tmp end end @RetCode = params['RetCode'] @RetMsg = params['RetMsg'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeTagList请求参数结构体 class DescribeTagListRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Limit: 分页偏移量,Offset=0表示第一页,如果Limit=100,则Offset=100表示第二页,Offset=200表示第三页,依次类推 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 数量,最大值为1000 # @type Offset: Integer # @param TagKey: 分账标签键,用作模糊搜索 # @type TagKey: String # @param Status: 标签类型,枚举值:0普通标签,1分账标签,用作筛选,不传获取全部标签键 # @type Status: Integer # @param OrderType: 排序方式,枚举值:asc排升序,desc排降序 # @type OrderType: String attr_accessor :Limit, :Offset, :TagKey, :Status, :OrderType def initialize(limit=nil, offset=nil, tagkey=nil, status=nil, ordertype=nil) @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @TagKey = tagkey @Status = status @OrderType = ordertype end def deserialize(params) @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @TagKey = params['TagKey'] @Status = params['Status'] @OrderType = params['OrderType'] end end # DescribeTagList返回参数结构体 class DescribeTagListResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RecordNum: 总记录数 # @type RecordNum: Integer # @param Data: 标签信息 # @type Data: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RecordNum, :Data, :RequestId def initialize(recordnum=nil, data=nil, requestid=nil) @RecordNum = recordnum @Data = data @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RecordNum = params['RecordNum'] unless params['Data'].nil? @Data = [] params['Data'].each do |i| tagdatainfo_tmp = TagDataInfo.new tagdatainfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Data << tagdatainfo_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeVoucherInfo请求参数结构体 class DescribeVoucherInfoRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Limit: 一页多少条数据,默认是20条,最大不超过1000 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 第多少页,默认是1 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Status: 券状态:待使用:unUsed,已使用: used,已发货:delivered,已作废: cancel,已过期:overdue # @type Status: String # @param VoucherId: 代金券id # @type VoucherId: String # @param CodeId: 代金券订单id # @type CodeId: String # @param ProductCode: 商品码 # @type ProductCode: String # @param ActivityId: 活动id # @type ActivityId: String # @param VoucherName: 代金券名称 # @type VoucherName: String # @param TimeFrom: 发放开始时间,例:2021-01-01 # @type TimeFrom: String # @param TimeTo: 发放结束时间,例:2021-01-01 # @type TimeTo: String # @param SortField: 指定排序字段:BeginTime开始时间、EndTime到期时间、CreateTime创建时间 # @type SortField: String # @param SortOrder: 指定升序降序:desc、asc # @type SortOrder: String # @param PayMode: 付费模式,postPay后付费/prePay预付费/riPay预留实例/""或者"*"表示全部模式,如果payMode为""或"*",那么productCode与subProductCode必须传空 # @type PayMode: String # @param PayScene: 付费场景PayMode=postPay时:spotpay-竞价实例,"settle account"-普通后付费PayMode=prePay时:purchase-包年包月新购,renew-包年包月续费(自动续费),modify-包年包月配置变更(变配)PayMode=riPay时:oneOffFee-预留实例预付,hourlyFee-预留实例每小时扣费,*-支持全部付费场景 # @type PayScene: String # @param Operator: 操作人,默认就是用户uin # @type Operator: String attr_accessor :Limit, :Offset, :Status, :VoucherId, :CodeId, :ProductCode, :ActivityId, :VoucherName, :TimeFrom, :TimeTo, :SortField, :SortOrder, :PayMode, :PayScene, :Operator def initialize(limit=nil, offset=nil, status=nil, voucherid=nil, codeid=nil, productcode=nil, activityid=nil, vouchername=nil, timefrom=nil, timeto=nil, sortfield=nil, sortorder=nil, paymode=nil, payscene=nil, operator=nil) @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @Status = status @VoucherId = voucherid @CodeId = codeid @ProductCode = productcode @ActivityId = activityid @VoucherName = vouchername @TimeFrom = timefrom @TimeTo = timeto @SortField = sortfield @SortOrder = sortorder @PayMode = paymode @PayScene = payscene @Operator = operator end def deserialize(params) @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Status = params['Status'] @VoucherId = params['VoucherId'] @CodeId = params['CodeId'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @ActivityId = params['ActivityId'] @VoucherName = params['VoucherName'] @TimeFrom = params['TimeFrom'] @TimeTo = params['TimeTo'] @SortField = params['SortField'] @SortOrder = params['SortOrder'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @PayScene = params['PayScene'] @Operator = params['Operator'] end end # DescribeVoucherInfo返回参数结构体 class DescribeVoucherInfoResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TotalCount: 券总数 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param TotalBalance: 总余额(微分) # @type TotalBalance: Integer # @param VoucherInfos: 代金券相关信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VoucherInfos: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :TotalCount, :TotalBalance, :VoucherInfos, :RequestId def initialize(totalcount=nil, totalbalance=nil, voucherinfos=nil, requestid=nil) @TotalCount = totalcount @TotalBalance = totalbalance @VoucherInfos = voucherinfos @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @TotalBalance = params['TotalBalance'] unless params['VoucherInfos'].nil? @VoucherInfos = [] params['VoucherInfos'].each do |i| voucherinfos_tmp = VoucherInfos.new voucherinfos_tmp.deserialize(i) @VoucherInfos << voucherinfos_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeVoucherUsageDetails请求参数结构体 class DescribeVoucherUsageDetailsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Limit: 一页多少条数据,默认是20条,最大不超过1000 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 第多少页,默认是1 # @type Offset: Integer # @param VoucherId: 代金券id # @type VoucherId: String # @param Operator: 操作人,默认就是用户uin # @type Operator: String attr_accessor :Limit, :Offset, :VoucherId, :Operator def initialize(limit=nil, offset=nil, voucherid=nil, operator=nil) @Limit = limit @Offset = offset @VoucherId = voucherid @Operator = operator end def deserialize(params) @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @VoucherId = params['VoucherId'] @Operator = params['Operator'] end end # DescribeVoucherUsageDetails返回参数结构体 class DescribeVoucherUsageDetailsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TotalCount: 券总数 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param TotalUsedAmount: 总已用金额(微分) # @type TotalUsedAmount: Integer # @param UsageRecords: 代金券使用记录细节 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type UsageRecords: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :TotalCount, :TotalUsedAmount, :UsageRecords, :RequestId def initialize(totalcount=nil, totalusedamount=nil, usagerecords=nil, requestid=nil) @TotalCount = totalcount @TotalUsedAmount = totalusedamount @UsageRecords = usagerecords @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @TotalUsedAmount = params['TotalUsedAmount'] unless params['UsageRecords'].nil? @UsageRecords = [] params['UsageRecords'].each do |i| usagerecords_tmp = UsageRecords.new usagerecords_tmp.deserialize(i) @UsageRecords << usagerecords_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 由时间和值组成的数据结构 class DetailPoint < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Time: 时间 # @type Time: String # @param Value: 值 # @type Value: String attr_accessor :Time, :Value def initialize(time=nil, value=nil) @Time = time @Value = value end def deserialize(params) @Time = params['Time'] @Value = params['Value'] end end # 由域名和使用明细组成的数据结构 class DetailSet < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Domain: 域名 # @type Domain: String # @param DetailPoints: 使用数据明细 # @type DetailPoints: Array # @param InstanceID: 实例ID # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type InstanceID: String attr_accessor :Domain, :DetailPoints, :InstanceID def initialize(domain=nil, detailpoints=nil, instanceid=nil) @Domain = domain @DetailPoints = detailpoints @InstanceID = instanceid end def deserialize(params) @Domain = params['Domain'] unless params['DetailPoints'].nil? @DetailPoints = [] params['DetailPoints'].each do |i| detailpoint_tmp = DetailPoint.new detailpoint_tmp.deserialize(i) @DetailPoints << detailpoint_tmp end end @InstanceID = params['InstanceID'] end end # 经销账单明细数据对象 class DistributionBillDetail < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessCodeName: 产品名称:用户所采购的各类云产品,例如:云服务器 CVM # @type BusinessCodeName: String # @param ProductCodeName: 子产品名称:用户采购的具体产品细分类型,例如:云服务器 CVM-标准型 S1 # @type ProductCodeName: String # @param PayModeName: 计费模式:资源的计费模式,区分为包年包月和按量计费 # @type PayModeName: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称:资源归属的项目,用户在控制台给资源自主分配项目,未分配则是默认项目 # @type ProjectName: String # @param RegionName: 地域:资源所属地域,如华南地区(广州) # @type RegionName: String # @param ZoneName: 可用区:资源所属可用区,如广州三区 # @type ZoneName: String # @param ResourceId: 资源 ID:账单中出账对象 ID,不同产品因资源形态不同,资源内容不完全相同,如云服务器 CVM 为对应的实例 ID # @type ResourceId: String # @param ResourceName: 资源别名:用户在控制台为资源设置的名称,如果未设置,则默认为空 # @type ResourceName: String # @param ActionTypeName: 交易类型,如包年包月新购、包年包月续费、按量计费扣费等类型 # @type ActionTypeName: String # @param OrderId: 订单ID:包年包月计费模式下订购的订单号 # @type OrderId: String # @param BillId: 交易ID:结算扣费单号 # @type BillId: String # @param PayTime: 扣费时间:结算扣费时间 # @type PayTime: String # @param FeeBeginTime: 开始使用时间:产品服务开始使用时间 # @type FeeBeginTime: String # @param FeeEndTime: 结束使用时间:产品服务结束使用时间 # @type FeeEndTime: String # @param ComponentSet: 组件列表 # @type ComponentSet: Array # @param OwnerUin: 使用者UIN:实际使用资源的账号 ID # @type OwnerUin: String # @param OperateUin: 操作者UIN:操作者账号 ID(预付费资源下单或后付费操作开通资源账号的 ID 或者角色 ID ) # @type OperateUin: String # @param Tags: 标签信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Tags: Array # @param BusinessCode: 产品编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type BusinessCode: String # @param ProductCode: 子产品编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ProductCode: String # @param ActionType: 交易类型编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ActionType: String # @param RegionId: 地域ID # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RegionId: String # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: Integer # @param PriceInfo: 价格属性:该组件除单价、时长外的其他影响折扣定价的属性信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PriceInfo: Array # @param AssociatedOrder: 关联交易单据ID:和本笔交易关联单据 ID,如,冲销订单,记录原订单、重结订单,退费单记录对应的原购买订单号 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type AssociatedOrder: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.BillDetailAssociatedOrder` # @param Formula: 计算说明:特殊交易类型计费结算的详细计算说明,如退费及变配 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Formula: String # @param FormulaUrl: 计费规则:各产品详细的计费规则官网说明链接 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FormulaUrl: String attr_accessor :BusinessCodeName, :ProductCodeName, :PayModeName, :ProjectName, :RegionName, :ZoneName, :ResourceId, :ResourceName, :ActionTypeName, :OrderId, :BillId, :PayTime, :FeeBeginTime, :FeeEndTime, :ComponentSet, :OwnerUin, :OperateUin, :Tags, :BusinessCode, :ProductCode, :ActionType, :RegionId, :ProjectId, :PriceInfo, :AssociatedOrder, :Formula, :FormulaUrl def initialize(businesscodename=nil, productcodename=nil, paymodename=nil, projectname=nil, regionname=nil, zonename=nil, resourceid=nil, resourcename=nil, actiontypename=nil, orderid=nil, billid=nil, paytime=nil, feebegintime=nil, feeendtime=nil, componentset=nil, owneruin=nil, operateuin=nil, tags=nil, businesscode=nil, productcode=nil, actiontype=nil, regionid=nil, projectid=nil, priceinfo=nil, associatedorder=nil, formula=nil, formulaurl=nil) @BusinessCodeName = businesscodename @ProductCodeName = productcodename @PayModeName = paymodename @ProjectName = projectname @RegionName = regionname @ZoneName = zonename @ResourceId = resourceid @ResourceName = resourcename @ActionTypeName = actiontypename @OrderId = orderid @BillId = billid @PayTime = paytime @FeeBeginTime = feebegintime @FeeEndTime = feeendtime @ComponentSet = componentset @OwnerUin = owneruin @OperateUin = operateuin @Tags = tags @BusinessCode = businesscode @ProductCode = productcode @ActionType = actiontype @RegionId = regionid @ProjectId = projectid @PriceInfo = priceinfo @AssociatedOrder = associatedorder @Formula = formula @FormulaUrl = formulaurl end def deserialize(params) @BusinessCodeName = params['BusinessCodeName'] @ProductCodeName = params['ProductCodeName'] @PayModeName = params['PayModeName'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] @ZoneName = params['ZoneName'] @ResourceId = params['ResourceId'] @ResourceName = params['ResourceName'] @ActionTypeName = params['ActionTypeName'] @OrderId = params['OrderId'] @BillId = params['BillId'] @PayTime = params['PayTime'] @FeeBeginTime = params['FeeBeginTime'] @FeeEndTime = params['FeeEndTime'] unless params['ComponentSet'].nil? @ComponentSet = [] params['ComponentSet'].each do |i| billdetailcomponent_tmp = BillDetailComponent.new billdetailcomponent_tmp.deserialize(i) @ComponentSet << billdetailcomponent_tmp end end @OwnerUin = params['OwnerUin'] @OperateUin = params['OperateUin'] unless params['Tags'].nil? @Tags = [] params['Tags'].each do |i| billtaginfo_tmp = BillTagInfo.new billtaginfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Tags << billtaginfo_tmp end end @BusinessCode = params['BusinessCode'] @ProductCode = params['ProductCode'] @ActionType = params['ActionType'] @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @PriceInfo = params['PriceInfo'] unless params['AssociatedOrder'].nil? @AssociatedOrder = BillDetailAssociatedOrder.new @AssociatedOrder.deserialize(params['AssociatedOrder']) end @Formula = params['Formula'] @FormulaUrl = params['FormulaUrl'] end end # 不适用商品信息 class ExcludedProducts < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param GoodsName: 不适用商品名称 # @type GoodsName: String # @param PayMode: postPay后付费/prePay预付费/riPay预留实例/空字符串或者"*"表示全部模式。 # @type PayMode: String attr_accessor :GoodsName, :PayMode def initialize(goodsname=nil, paymode=nil) @GoodsName = goodsname @PayMode = paymode end def deserialize(params) @GoodsName = params['GoodsName'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] end end # PayDeals请求参数结构体 class PayDealsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param OrderIds: 需要支付的一个或者多个子订单号,与BigDealIds字段两者必须且仅传一个参数 # @type OrderIds: Array # @param AutoVoucher: 是否自动使用代金券,1:是,0否,默认0 # @type AutoVoucher: Integer # @param VoucherIds: 代金券ID列表,目前仅支持指定一张代金券 # @type VoucherIds: Array # @param BigDealIds: 需要支付的一个或者多个大订单号,与OrderIds字段两者必须且仅传一个参数 # @type BigDealIds: Array attr_accessor :OrderIds, :AutoVoucher, :VoucherIds, :BigDealIds def initialize(orderids=nil, autovoucher=nil, voucherids=nil, bigdealids=nil) @OrderIds = orderids @AutoVoucher = autovoucher @VoucherIds = voucherids @BigDealIds = bigdealids end def deserialize(params) @OrderIds = params['OrderIds'] @AutoVoucher = params['AutoVoucher'] @VoucherIds = params['VoucherIds'] @BigDealIds = params['BigDealIds'] end end # PayDeals返回参数结构体 class PayDealsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param OrderIds: 此次操作支付成功的子订单号数组 # @type OrderIds: Array # @param ResourceIds: 此次操作支付成功的资源Id数组 # @type ResourceIds: Array # @param BigDealIds: 此次操作支付成功的大订单号数组 # @type BigDealIds: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :OrderIds, :ResourceIds, :BigDealIds, :RequestId def initialize(orderids=nil, resourceids=nil, bigdealids=nil, requestid=nil) @OrderIds = orderids @ResourceIds = resourceids @BigDealIds = bigdealids @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @OrderIds = params['OrderIds'] @ResourceIds = params['ResourceIds'] @BigDealIds = params['BigDealIds'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 按计费模式汇总消费详情 class PayModeSummaryOverviewItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param PayMode: 计费模式编码 # @type PayMode: String # @param PayModeName: 计费模式:区分为包年包月和按量计费 # @type PayModeName: String # @param RealTotalCostRatio: 费用所占百分比,两位小数 # @type RealTotalCostRatio: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # @type TotalCost: String # @param Detail: 按交易类型汇总消费详情 # @type Detail: Array attr_accessor :PayMode, :PayModeName, :RealTotalCostRatio, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :TotalCost, :Detail def initialize(paymode=nil, paymodename=nil, realtotalcostratio=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, totalcost=nil, detail=nil) @PayMode = paymode @PayModeName = paymodename @RealTotalCostRatio = realtotalcostratio @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @TotalCost = totalcost @Detail = detail end def deserialize(params) @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @PayModeName = params['PayModeName'] @RealTotalCostRatio = params['RealTotalCostRatio'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] unless params['Detail'].nil? @Detail = [] params['Detail'].each do |i| actionsummaryoverviewitem_tmp = ActionSummaryOverviewItem.new actionsummaryoverviewitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @Detail << actionsummaryoverviewitem_tmp end end end end # 商品详细信息 class ProductInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Name: 商品详情名称标识 # @type Name: String # @param Value: 商品详情 # @type Value: String attr_accessor :Name, :Value def initialize(name=nil, value=nil) @Name = name @Value = value end def deserialize(params) @Name = params['Name'] @Value = params['Value'] end end # 按项目汇总消费详情 class ProjectSummaryOverviewItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ProjectId: 项目ID # @type ProjectId: String # @param ProjectName: 项目名称:资源归属的项目,用户在控制台给资源自主分配项目,未分配则是默认项目 # @type ProjectName: String # @param RealTotalCostRatio: 费用所占百分比,两位小数 # @type RealTotalCostRatio: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param BillMonth: 账单月份,格式2019-08 # @type BillMonth: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # @type TotalCost: String attr_accessor :ProjectId, :ProjectName, :RealTotalCostRatio, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :BillMonth, :TotalCost def initialize(projectid=nil, projectname=nil, realtotalcostratio=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, billmonth=nil, totalcost=nil) @ProjectId = projectid @ProjectName = projectname @RealTotalCostRatio = realtotalcostratio @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @BillMonth = billmonth @TotalCost = totalcost end def deserialize(params) @ProjectId = params['ProjectId'] @ProjectName = params['ProjectName'] @RealTotalCostRatio = params['RealTotalCostRatio'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @BillMonth = params['BillMonth'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] end end # 按地域汇总消费详情 class RegionSummaryOverviewItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RegionId: 地域ID # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RegionId: String # @param RegionName: 地域名称:资源所属地域,例如华南地区(广州) # @type RegionName: String # @param RealTotalCostRatio: 费用所占百分比,两位小数 # @type RealTotalCostRatio: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param BillMonth: 账单月份,格式2019-08 # @type BillMonth: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # @type TotalCost: String attr_accessor :RegionId, :RegionName, :RealTotalCostRatio, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :BillMonth, :TotalCost def initialize(regionid=nil, regionname=nil, realtotalcostratio=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, billmonth=nil, totalcost=nil) @RegionId = regionid @RegionName = regionname @RealTotalCostRatio = realtotalcostratio @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @BillMonth = billmonth @TotalCost = totalcost end def deserialize(params) @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @RegionName = params['RegionName'] @RealTotalCostRatio = params['RealTotalCostRatio'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @BillMonth = params['BillMonth'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] end end # 账单多维度汇总消费详情 class SummaryDetail < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param GroupKey: 账单维度编码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type GroupKey: String # @param GroupValue: 账单维度值 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type GroupValue: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # @type TotalCost: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param Business: 产品汇总信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Business: Array attr_accessor :GroupKey, :GroupValue, :TotalCost, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :Business def initialize(groupkey=nil, groupvalue=nil, totalcost=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, business=nil) @GroupKey = groupkey @GroupValue = groupvalue @TotalCost = totalcost @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @Business = business end def deserialize(params) @GroupKey = params['GroupKey'] @GroupValue = params['GroupValue'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] unless params['Business'].nil? @Business = [] params['Business'].each do |i| businesssummaryinfo_tmp = BusinessSummaryInfo.new businesssummaryinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Business << businesssummaryinfo_tmp end end end end # 总数 class SummaryTotal < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TotalCost: String attr_accessor :RealTotalCost, :TotalCost def initialize(realtotalcost=nil, totalcost=nil) @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @TotalCost = totalcost end def deserialize(params) @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] end end # 标签信息 class TagDataInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TagKey: 分账标签键 # @type TagKey: String # @param Status: 标签类型,0普通标签,1分账标签 # @type Status: Integer # @param UpdateTime: 设置分账标签时间,普通标签不返回 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type UpdateTime: String attr_accessor :TagKey, :Status, :UpdateTime def initialize(tagkey=nil, status=nil, updatetime=nil) @TagKey = tagkey @Status = status @UpdateTime = updatetime end def deserialize(params) @TagKey = params['TagKey'] @Status = params['Status'] @UpdateTime = params['UpdateTime'] end end # 按标签汇总消费详情 class TagSummaryOverviewItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TagValue: 标签值 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TagValue: String # @param RealTotalCostRatio: 费用所占百分比,两位小数 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RealTotalCostRatio: String # @param RealTotalCost: 优惠后总价 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type RealTotalCost: String # @param CashPayAmount: 现金账户支出:通过现金账户支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type CashPayAmount: String # @param IncentivePayAmount: 赠送账户支出:使用赠送金支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type IncentivePayAmount: String # @param VoucherPayAmount: 优惠券支出:使用各类优惠券(如代金券、现金券等)支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type VoucherPayAmount: String # @param TransferPayAmount: 分成金账户支出:通过分成金账户支付的金额 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TransferPayAmount: String # @param TotalCost: 原价,单位为元。TotalCost字段自账单3.0(即2021-05)之后开始生效,账单3.0之前返回"-"。合同价的情况下,TotalCost字段与官网价格存在差异,也返回“-”。 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type TotalCost: String attr_accessor :TagValue, :RealTotalCostRatio, :RealTotalCost, :CashPayAmount, :IncentivePayAmount, :VoucherPayAmount, :TransferPayAmount, :TotalCost def initialize(tagvalue=nil, realtotalcostratio=nil, realtotalcost=nil, cashpayamount=nil, incentivepayamount=nil, voucherpayamount=nil, transferpayamount=nil, totalcost=nil) @TagValue = tagvalue @RealTotalCostRatio = realtotalcostratio @RealTotalCost = realtotalcost @CashPayAmount = cashpayamount @IncentivePayAmount = incentivepayamount @VoucherPayAmount = voucherpayamount @TransferPayAmount = transferpayamount @TotalCost = totalcost end def deserialize(params) @TagValue = params['TagValue'] @RealTotalCostRatio = params['RealTotalCostRatio'] @RealTotalCost = params['RealTotalCost'] @CashPayAmount = params['CashPayAmount'] @IncentivePayAmount = params['IncentivePayAmount'] @VoucherPayAmount = params['VoucherPayAmount'] @TransferPayAmount = params['TransferPayAmount'] @TotalCost = params['TotalCost'] end end # 购买商品信息 class UsageDetails < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ProductName: 商品名 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ProductName: String # @param SubProductName: 商品细节 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SubProductName: String attr_accessor :ProductName, :SubProductName def initialize(productname=nil, subproductname=nil) @ProductName = productname @SubProductName = subproductname end def deserialize(params) @ProductName = params['ProductName'] @SubProductName = params['SubProductName'] end end # 使用记录 class UsageRecords < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UsedAmount: 使用金额(微分) # @type UsedAmount: Integer # @param UsedTime: 使用时间 # @type UsedTime: String # @param UsageDetails: 使用记录细节 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type UsageDetails: Array attr_accessor :UsedAmount, :UsedTime, :UsageDetails def initialize(usedamount=nil, usedtime=nil, usagedetails=nil) @UsedAmount = usedamount @UsedTime = usedtime @UsageDetails = usagedetails end def deserialize(params) @UsedAmount = params['UsedAmount'] @UsedTime = params['UsedTime'] unless params['UsageDetails'].nil? @UsageDetails = [] params['UsageDetails'].each do |i| usagedetails_tmp = UsageDetails.new usagedetails_tmp.deserialize(i) @UsageDetails << usagedetails_tmp end end end end # 代金券相关信息 class VoucherInfos < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param OwnerUin: 代金券拥有者 # @type OwnerUin: String # @param Status: 券状态:待使用:unUsed,已使用: used,已发货:delivered,已作废: cancel,已过期:overdue # @type Status: String # @param NominalValue: 代金券面额(微分) # @type NominalValue: Integer # @param Balance: 剩余金额(微分) # @type Balance: Integer # @param VoucherId: 代金券id # @type VoucherId: String # @param PayMode: postPay后付费/prePay预付费/riPay预留实例/空字符串或者'*'表示全部模式 # @type PayMode: String # @param PayScene: 付费场景PayMode=postPay时:spotpay-竞价实例,"settle account"-普通后付费PayMode=prePay时:purchase-包年包月新购,renew-包年包月续费(自动续费),modify-包年包月配置变更(变配)PayMode=riPay时:oneOffFee-预留实例预付,hourlyFee-预留实例每小时扣费,*-支持全部付费场景 # @type PayScene: String # @param BeginTime: 有效期生效时间 # @type BeginTime: String # @param EndTime: 有效期截止时间 # @type EndTime: String # @param ApplicableProducts: 适用商品信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ApplicableProducts: :class:`Tencentcloud::Billing.v20180709.models.ApplicableProducts` # @param ExcludedProducts: 不适用商品信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ExcludedProducts: Array attr_accessor :OwnerUin, :Status, :NominalValue, :Balance, :VoucherId, :PayMode, :PayScene, :BeginTime, :EndTime, :ApplicableProducts, :ExcludedProducts def initialize(owneruin=nil, status=nil, nominalvalue=nil, balance=nil, voucherid=nil, paymode=nil, payscene=nil, begintime=nil, endtime=nil, applicableproducts=nil, excludedproducts=nil) @OwnerUin = owneruin @Status = status @NominalValue = nominalvalue @Balance = balance @VoucherId = voucherid @PayMode = paymode @PayScene = payscene @BeginTime = begintime @EndTime = endtime @ApplicableProducts = applicableproducts @ExcludedProducts = excludedproducts end def deserialize(params) @OwnerUin = params['OwnerUin'] @Status = params['Status'] @NominalValue = params['NominalValue'] @Balance = params['Balance'] @VoucherId = params['VoucherId'] @PayMode = params['PayMode'] @PayScene = params['PayScene'] @BeginTime = params['BeginTime'] @EndTime = params['EndTime'] unless params['ApplicableProducts'].nil? @ApplicableProducts = ApplicableProducts.new @ApplicableProducts.deserialize(params['ApplicableProducts']) end unless params['ExcludedProducts'].nil? @ExcludedProducts = [] params['ExcludedProducts'].each do |i| excludedproducts_tmp = ExcludedProducts.new excludedproducts_tmp.deserialize(i) @ExcludedProducts << excludedproducts_tmp end end end end end end end