# tap console {options} # # Opens up an IRB session with Tap initialized to the configurations # in tap.yml. Access the Tap::App.instance through 'app'. # # handle options # ConfigParser.new do |opts| opts.separator "" opts.separator "options:" opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts Lazydoc.usage(__FILE__) puts opts exit end end.parse!(ARGV) require "irb" def app Tap::App.instance end def env Tap::Env.instance end IRB.start # Handles a bug in IRB that causes exit to throw :IRB_EXIT # and consequentially make a warning message, even on a # clean exit. This module resets exit to the original # aliased method. module CleanExit # :nodoc: def exit(ret = 0) __exit__(ret) end end IRB.CurrentContext.extend CleanExit