= marc4j4r A ruby wrapper around the marc4j.jar (as forked by javamarc) java library for dealing with library MARC data. *Note*: rdoc.info doesn't do a great job with this; I think it's getting confused by the java stuff. Here's a list of links for all the classes: * {MARC4J4R::Reader} * {MARC4J4R::Writer} * {MARC4J4R::Record} * {MARC4J4R::ControlField} * {MARC4J4R::DataField} * {MARC4J4R::SubField} == Getting a MARC reader marc4j4r provides three readers out of the box: :strictmarc (binary), :permissivemarc (:binary), :marcxml (MARC-XML), or :alephsequential (Ex Libris's AlephSequential format). You can pass either a filename or an open IO object (either ruby or java.io.inputstream) require 'marc4j4r' binreader = MARC4J4R::Reader.new('test.mrc') # defaults to :strictmarc binreader = MARC4J4R::Reader.new('test.mrc', :strictmarc) permissivereader = MARC4J4R::Reader.new('test.mrc', :permissivemarc) xmlreader = MARC4J4R::Reader.new('test.xml', :marcxml) asreader = MARC4J4R::Reader.new('test.seq', :alephsequential) # Or use a file object reader = MARC4J4R::Reader.new(File.open('test.mrc')) # Or a java.io.inputstream jurl = Java::java.net.URL.new('http://my.machine.com/test.mrc') istream = jurl.openConnection.getInputStream reader = MARC4J4R::Reader.new(istream) == Using the reader A MARC4J4R::Reader is an Enumerable, so you can do: reader.each do |record| # do stuff with the record end Or, if you're using threach[http://rdoc.info/projects/billdueber/threach]: reader.threach(2) do |record| # do stuff with records in two threads end == Using the writer binaryWriter = MARC4J4R::Writer.new(filename, :strictmarc) xmlWriter = MARC4J4R::Writer.new(filename, :marcxml) writer.write(record) # repeat writer.close == Working with records and fields In addition to all the normal marc4j methods, MARC4J4R::Record exposes some additional methods and syntaxes. See the classes themselves and/or the specs for more examples. * {MARC4J4R::Reader} * {MARC4J4R::Writer} * {MARC4J4R::Record} * {MARC4J4R::ControlField} * {MARC4J4R::DataField} * {MARC4J4R::SubField} leader = record.leader # All fields are available via #each or #fields fields = record.fields record.each do |field| # do something with each controlfield/datafield; returned in the order they were added end # Controlfields have a tag and a value idfield = record['001'] idfield.tag # => '001' id = idfield.value # or idfield.data, same thing # Get the first datafield with a given tag first700 = record['700'] # Note: need to use strings, not integers # Stringify a field to get all the subfields joined with spaces fullTitle = record['245'].to_s all700s = record.find_by_tag '700' all700and856s = record.find_by_tag ['700', '856'] # Construct and add a controlfield record << MARC4J4R::ControlField.new('001', '0000333234') # Construct and add a datafield df = MARC4J4R::DataField.new(tag, ind1, ind2) ind1 = df.ind1 ind2 = df.ind2 df << MARC4J4R::Subfield.new('a', 'the $a value') df << MARC4J4R::Subfield.new('b', 'the $b value') # Add it to a record record << df # Get subfields or their values firstSubfieldAValue = df['a'] allSubfields = df.subs allSubfieldAs = df.subs('a') allSubfieldAorBs = df.subs(['a', 'b']) allSubfieldAorBValues = df.sub_values(['a', 'b']) == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 BillDueber. See LICENSE for details.