package org.embulk.input.s3; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.Protocol; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.embulk.config.Config; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDefault; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDiff; import org.embulk.config.ConfigException; import org.embulk.config.ConfigInject; import org.embulk.config.ConfigSource; import org.embulk.config.Task; import org.embulk.config.TaskReport; import org.embulk.config.TaskSource; import org.embulk.spi.BufferAllocator; import org.embulk.spi.Exec; import org.embulk.spi.FileInputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.TransactionalFileInput; import org.embulk.spi.util.InputStreamFileInput; import org.embulk.spi.util.InputStreamFileInput.InputStreamWithHints; import org.embulk.spi.util.ResumableInputStream; import org.embulk.spi.util.RetryExecutor; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.embulk.spi.util.RetryExecutor.retryExecutor; public abstract class AbstractS3FileInputPlugin implements FileInputPlugin { private static final Logger LOGGER = Exec.getLogger(S3FileInputPlugin.class); public interface PluginTask extends AwsCredentialsTask, FileList.Task, RetrySupportPluginTask, Task { @Config("bucket") String getBucket(); @Config("path_prefix") @ConfigDefault("null") Optional<String> getPathPrefix(); @Config("path") @ConfigDefault("null") Optional<String> getPath(); @Config("last_path") @ConfigDefault("null") Optional<String> getLastPath(); @Config("access_key_id") @ConfigDefault("null") Optional<String> getAccessKeyId(); @Config("http_proxy") @ConfigDefault("null") Optional<HttpProxy> getHttpProxy(); void setHttpProxy(Optional<HttpProxy> httpProxy); @Config("incremental") @ConfigDefault("true") boolean getIncremental(); @Config("skip_glacier_objects") @ConfigDefault("false") boolean getSkipGlacierObjects(); // TODO timeout, ssl, etc FileList getFiles(); void setFiles(FileList files); @ConfigInject BufferAllocator getBufferAllocator(); } protected abstract Class<? extends PluginTask> getTaskClass(); @Override public ConfigDiff transaction(ConfigSource config, FileInputPlugin.Control control) { PluginTask task = config.loadConfig(getTaskClass()); validateInputTask(task); // list files recursively task.setFiles(listFiles(task)); // number of processors is same with number of files return resume(task.dump(), task.getFiles().getTaskCount(), control); } @Override public ConfigDiff resume(TaskSource taskSource, int taskCount, FileInputPlugin.Control control) { PluginTask task = taskSource.loadTask(getTaskClass()); // validate task newS3Client(task);, taskCount); // build next config ConfigDiff configDiff = Exec.newConfigDiff(); // last_path if (task.getIncremental()) { Optional<String> lastPath = task.getFiles().getLastPath(task.getLastPath());"Incremental job, setting last_path to [{}]", lastPath.orElse("")); configDiff.set("last_path", lastPath); } return configDiff; } @Override public void cleanup(TaskSource taskSource, int taskCount, List<TaskReport> successTaskReports) { // do nothing } /** * Provide an overridable default client. * Since this returns an immutable object, it is not for any further customizations by mutating, * e.g., {@link AmazonS3#setEndpoint} will throw a runtime {@link UnsupportedOperationException} * Subclass's customization should be done through {@link AbstractS3FileInputPlugin#defaultS3ClientBuilder}. * @param task Embulk plugin task * @return AmazonS3 */ protected AmazonS3 newS3Client(PluginTask task) { return defaultS3ClientBuilder(task).build(); } /** * A base builder for the subclasses to then customize.builder * @param task Embulk plugin * @return AmazonS3 client b **/ protected AmazonS3ClientBuilder defaultS3ClientBuilder(PluginTask task) { return AmazonS3ClientBuilder .standard() .withCredentials(getCredentialsProvider(task)) .withClientConfiguration(getClientConfiguration(task)); } protected AWSCredentialsProvider getCredentialsProvider(PluginTask task) { return AwsCredentials.getAWSCredentialsProvider(task); } protected ClientConfiguration getClientConfiguration(PluginTask task) { ClientConfiguration clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration(); //clientConfig.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTP); clientConfig.setMaxConnections(50); // SDK default: 50 // clientConfig.setMaxErrorRetry(3); // SDK default: 3 clientConfig.setSocketTimeout(8 * 60 * 1000); // SDK default: 50*1000 clientConfig.setRetryPolicy(PredefinedRetryPolicies.NO_RETRY_POLICY); // set http proxy if (task.getHttpProxy().isPresent()) { setHttpProxyInAwsClient(clientConfig, task.getHttpProxy().get()); } return clientConfig; } private void setHttpProxyInAwsClient(ClientConfiguration clientConfig, HttpProxy httpProxy) { // host clientConfig.setProxyHost(httpProxy.getHost()); // port if (httpProxy.getPort().isPresent()) { clientConfig.setProxyPort(httpProxy.getPort().get()); } // https clientConfig.setProtocol(httpProxy.getHttps() ? Protocol.HTTPS : Protocol.HTTP); // user if (httpProxy.getUser().isPresent()) { clientConfig.setProxyUsername(httpProxy.getUser().get()); } // password if (httpProxy.getPassword().isPresent()) { clientConfig.setProxyPassword(httpProxy.getPassword().get()); } } /** * Build the common retry executor from some configuration params of plugin task. * @param task Plugin task. * @return RetryExecutor object */ private static RetryExecutor retryExecutorFrom(RetrySupportPluginTask task) { return retryExecutor() .withRetryLimit(task.getMaximumRetries()) .withInitialRetryWait(task.getInitialRetryIntervalMillis()) .withMaxRetryWait(task.getMaximumRetryIntervalMillis()); } private FileList listFiles(final PluginTask task) { try { AmazonS3 client = newS3Client(task); String bucketName = task.getBucket(); FileList.Builder builder = new FileList.Builder(task); RetryExecutor retryExec = retryExecutorFrom(task); if (task.getPath().isPresent()) {"Start getting object with path: [{}]", task.getPath().get()); addS3DirectObject(builder, client, task.getBucket(), task.getPath().get(), retryExec); } else { // does not need to verify existent path prefix here since there is the validation requires either path or path_prefix"Start listing file with prefix [{}]", task.getPathPrefix().get()); if (task.getPathPrefix().get().equals("/")) {"Listing files with prefix \"/\". This doesn't mean all files in a bucket. If you intend to read all files, use \"path_prefix: ''\" (empty string) instead."); } listS3FilesByPrefix(builder, client, bucketName, task.getPathPrefix().get(), task.getLastPath(), task.getSkipGlacierObjects(), retryExec);"Found total [{}] files", builder.size()); } return; } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) { if (ex.getErrorType().equals(AmazonServiceException.ErrorType.Client)) { // HTTP 40x errors. auth error, bucket doesn't exist, etc. See AWS document for the full list: // if (ex.getStatusCode() != 400 // 404 Bad Request is unexpected error || "ExpiredToken".equalsIgnoreCase(ex.getErrorCode())) { // if statusCode == 400 && errorCode == ExpiredToken => throws ConfigException throw new ConfigException(ex); } } throw ex; } } @VisibleForTesting public void addS3DirectObject(FileList.Builder builder, final AmazonS3 client, String bucket, String objectKey) { addS3DirectObject(builder, client, bucket, objectKey, null); } @VisibleForTesting public void addS3DirectObject(FileList.Builder builder, final AmazonS3 client, String bucket, String objectKey, RetryExecutor retryExec) { final GetObjectMetadataRequest objectMetadataRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest(bucket, objectKey); ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new DefaultRetryable<ObjectMetadata>("Looking up for a single object") { @Override public ObjectMetadata call() { return client.getObjectMetadata(objectMetadataRequest); } }.executeWith(retryExec); builder.add(objectKey, objectMetadata.getContentLength()); } private void validateInputTask(PluginTask task) { if (!task.getPathPrefix().isPresent() && !task.getPath().isPresent()) { throw new ConfigException("Either path or path_prefix is required"); } } @VisibleForTesting public static void listS3FilesByPrefix(FileList.Builder builder, final AmazonS3 client, String bucketName, String prefix, Optional<String> lastPath, boolean skipGlacierObjects) { listS3FilesByPrefix(builder, client, bucketName, prefix, lastPath, skipGlacierObjects, null); } /** * Lists S3 filenames filtered by prefix. * <p> * The resulting list does not include the file that's size == 0. * @param builder custom Filelist builder * @param client Amazon S3 * @param bucketName Amazon S3 bucket name * @param prefix Amazon S3 bucket name prefix * @param lastPath last path * @param skipGlacierObjects skip gracier objects * @param retryExec a retry executor object to do the retrying */ @VisibleForTesting public static void listS3FilesByPrefix(FileList.Builder builder, final AmazonS3 client, String bucketName, String prefix, Optional<String> lastPath, boolean skipGlacierObjects, RetryExecutor retryExec) { String lastKey = lastPath.orElse(null); do { final String finalLastKey = lastKey; final ListObjectsRequest req = new ListObjectsRequest(bucketName, prefix, finalLastKey, null, 1024); ObjectListing ol = new DefaultRetryable<ObjectListing>("Listing objects") { @Override public ObjectListing call() { return client.listObjects(req); } }.executeWith(retryExec); for (S3ObjectSummary s : ol.getObjectSummaries()) { if (s.getStorageClass().equals(StorageClass.Glacier.toString())) { if (skipGlacierObjects) { Exec.getLogger("AbstractS3FileInputPlugin.class").warn("Skipped \"s3://{}/{}\" that stored at Glacier.", bucketName, s.getKey()); continue; } else { throw new ConfigException("Detected an object stored at Glacier. Set \"skip_glacier_objects\" option to \"true\" to skip this."); } } if (s.getSize() > 0) { builder.add(s.getKey(), s.getSize()); if (!builder.needsMore()) { LOGGER.warn("Too many files matched, stop listing file"); return; } } } lastKey = ol.getNextMarker(); } while (lastKey != null); } @Override public TransactionalFileInput open(TaskSource taskSource, int taskIndex) { PluginTask task = taskSource.loadTask(getTaskClass()); return new S3FileInput(task, taskIndex); } @VisibleForTesting static class S3InputStreamReopener implements ResumableInputStream.Reopener { private final Logger log = Exec.getLogger(S3InputStreamReopener.class); private final AmazonS3 client; private final GetObjectRequest request; private final long contentLength; private final RetryExecutor retryExec; public S3InputStreamReopener(AmazonS3 client, GetObjectRequest request, long contentLength) { this(client, request, contentLength, null); } public S3InputStreamReopener(AmazonS3 client, GetObjectRequest request, long contentLength, RetryExecutor retryExec) { this.client = client; this.request = request; this.contentLength = contentLength; this.retryExec = retryExec; } @Override public InputStream reopen(final long offset, final Exception closedCause) throws IOException { log.warn(format("S3 read failed. Retrying GET request with %,d bytes offset", offset), closedCause); request.setRange(offset, contentLength - 1); // [first, last] return new DefaultRetryable<S3ObjectInputStream>(format("Getting object '%s'", request.getKey())) { @Override public S3ObjectInputStream call() { return client.getObject(request).getObjectContent(); } }.executeWithCheckedException(retryExec, IOException.class); } } public class S3FileInput extends InputStreamFileInput implements TransactionalFileInput { public S3FileInput(PluginTask task, int taskIndex) { super(task.getBufferAllocator(), new SingleFileProvider(task, taskIndex)); } public void abort() { } public TaskReport commit() { return Exec.newTaskReport(); } @Override public void close() { } } // TODO create single-file InputStreamFileInput utility private class SingleFileProvider implements InputStreamFileInput.Provider { private AmazonS3 client; private final String bucket; private final Iterator<String> iterator; private final RetryExecutor retryExec; public SingleFileProvider(PluginTask task, int taskIndex) { this.client = newS3Client(task); this.bucket = task.getBucket(); this.iterator = task.getFiles().get(taskIndex).iterator(); this.retryExec = retryExecutorFrom(task); } @Override public InputStreamWithHints openNextWithHints() throws IOException { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return null; } final String key =; final GetObjectRequest request = new GetObjectRequest(bucket, key); S3Object object = new DefaultRetryable<S3Object>(format("Getting object '%s'", request.getKey())) { @Override public S3Object call() { return client.getObject(request); } }.executeWithCheckedException(retryExec, IOException.class); long objectSize = object.getObjectMetadata().getContentLength(); InputStream inputStream = new ResumableInputStream(object.getObjectContent(), new S3InputStreamReopener(client, request, objectSize, retryExec)); return new InputStreamWithHints(inputStream, String.format("s3://%s/%s", bucket, key)); } @Override public void close() { } } }