When /^I run cucumber "(.+)"$/ do |cmd| run_simple(unescape("cucumber #{cmd}"), false) end Then /^it should (pass|fail) with JSON:$/ do |pass_fail, json| # Need to store it in a variable. With JRuby we can only do this once it seems :-/ stdout = all_stdout # JRuby has weird traces sometimes (?) stdout = stdout.gsub(/ `\(root\)':in/, '') actual = JSON.parse(stdout) expected = JSON.parse(json) actual.should == expected assert_success(pass_fail == 'pass') end Given /^a directory without standard Cucumber project directory structure$/ do in_current_dir do FileUtils.rm_rf 'features' if File.directory?('features') end end Given /^a scenario with a step that looks like this:$/ do |string| create_feature do create_scenario { string } end end Given /^a step definition that looks like this:$/ do |string| create_step_definition { string } end When /^I run the feature with the (\w+) formatter$/ do |formatter| features.length.should == 1 run_feature features.first, formatter end