/*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Wysicontent --- content blocks of formatted text and modules --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-wysicontent-ndj4ab { // default line-height > * { line-height: 1.65; } // default text styles > p, > ul, > ol, > blockquote, > pre, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-p { font-weight: 400; @include formatted-text( 1, 1, 1, false ); } // titles > h1, > h2, > h3, > h4, > h5, > h6, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h1, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h2, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h3, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h4, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h5, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h6 { font-weight: 600; line-height: 1.425; } > h1, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h1 { @include formatted-text( 2, 3, 1, false ); font-style: normal; line-height: 1.325; } > h2, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h2 { @include formatted-text( 1.55, 3, 1, false ); font-style: normal; } > h3, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h3 { @include formatted-text( 1.3, 3, 1, false ); font-style: normal; } > h4, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h4 { @include formatted-text( 1.15, 3, 1, false ); font-style: italic; } > h5, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h5 { @include formatted-text( 1.1, 3, 1, false ); font-style: italic; } > h6, > .anecdote-title-an4a2q.v-size-h6 { @include formatted-text( 1.05, 3, 1, false ); font-style: italic; } // code > code, > pre { font-family: monospace; } // quotations > blockquote, > q { padding: 0 1.8em; quotes: '\201C' '\201D'; font-style: italic; color: #777; &:before { content: '\201C' } &:after { content: '\201D' } } // list styles > ul, > ol { padding-left: 0; > li { @include remify( margin-left, 1.5 ); @include formatted-text( 1, 0.75, 0.75, false ); } } // remove margins from first and last element > *, > *.anecdote-title-an4a2q { &:first-child { margin-top: 0; } &:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } } } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Media embeds --- generic styles applied to media such as images, videos, etc --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-intrinsic-embed-n42ha1 { max-width: 100%; width: 100%; position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: block; // when it is a link > .inner { height: 0; padding-bottom: 50%; position: relative; > * { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } } } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Modules --- generic styles for images, pullquotes, asides, etc --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-module-3ba83n { @include remify( margin-top margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, standard) ); @include margin-horizontal( auto ); // sizes @include remify( max-width, 30 ); &.v-size-small { @include remify( max-width, 12 ); } &.v-size-medium { @include remify( max-width, 20 ); } &.v-size-big { @include remify( max-width, 40 ); } &.v-size-full-width { max-width: 100%; } // positioning &.v-float-right, &.v-float-left { @include margin-horizontal( auto ); width: 100%; } @mixin float-module-3ba83n { &.v-float-right, &.v-float-left { @include remify( margin, 0.35, 2, 1 ); } &.v-float-right { float: right; margin-right: 0; } &.v-float-left { float: left; margin-left: 0; } } &.v-float-from-always { @include float-module-3ba83n; } @each $breakpoint-name, $breakpoint-px in $respond-devices { &.v-float-from-#{$breakpoint-name} { @include respond(min, $breakpoint-name) { @include float-module-3ba83n; } } } } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Caption --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-caption-ajkd3b { font-size: 0.8em; color: #555; } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Graphic --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-graphic-dn32ja { .anecdote-caption-ajkd3b { @include remify( padding-top, 0.5 ); } // sidebar captions (only when flexbox is supported) @supports ( display: flex ) { @include respond(min, tablet) { &.v-sidebar-caption { > .inner { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: flex-start; align-content: stretch; > .anecdote-intrinsic-embed-n42ha1 { order: 10; flex: 1 1 auto; align-self: flex-start; } > .anecdote-caption-ajkd3b { order: 20; padding-top: 0; @include remify( padding-left, 1 ); flex: 0 0 230px; flex: 0 0 10.5rem; align-self: auto; } } &.v-sidebar-caption-left { > .inner > .anecdote-caption-ajkd3b { order: 1; @include remify( padding-right, 1 ); padding-left: 0; } } } } } } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Gallery --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-gallery-dn2bak { .anecdote-caption-ajkd3b { @include remify( padding-top, 0.5 ); } .anecdote-graphic-dn32ja { margin-bottom: 0; &:first-child { margin-top: 0; } } @supports ( display: flex ) { &.anecdote-flex-module-a4j2aj .flex-scope > .anecdote-module-3ba83n { @include remify( margin-left, 1 ); } } } .anecdote-flex-module-a4j2aj { .anecdote-flex-offset-a4j2aj { display: none; } // helper method for setting gutter spacing @mixin flow-modules-gutter-spacing-an32ka( $tmp-margin-size ) { // default gutter behavior @include remify( margin-left, $tmp-margin-size ); &:first-child { margin-left: 0; } // reverse order gutter behavior @include scope-variation( '.v-reverse-order-on-flow' ) { @include remify( margin-left, $tmp-margin-size ); &:last-child { margin-left: 0; } } } // flow modules helper (for looping over responsive breakpoints) @mixin flow-modules-an32ka { @supports ( display: flex ) { .anecdote-flex-offset-a4j2aj { display: block; } display: flex; justify-content: center; > .anecdote-module-3ba83n { flex: 1 1 auto; max-width: 100%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } &.v-reverse-order-on-flow { flex-direction: row-reverse; } // gutter spacing // TODO: support for nested flex modules with custom gutter spacing! > .anecdote-module-3ba83n { // default @include flow-modules-gutter-spacing-an32ka( 2.5 ); // user-defined @include scope-variation( '.v-gutter-spacing-small' ) { @include flow-modules-gutter-spacing-an32ka( 1 ); } @include scope-variation( '.v-gutter-spacing-medium' ) { @include flow-modules-gutter-spacing-an32ka( 2.5 ); } @include scope-variation( '.v-gutter-spacing-large' ) { @include flow-modules-gutter-spacing-an32ka( 4 ); } } } } &.v-flow-from-always { @include flow-modules-an32ka; } @each $breakpoint-name, $breakpoint-px in $respond-devices { &.v-flow-from-#{$breakpoint-name} { @include respond(min, $breakpoint-name) { @include flow-modules-an32ka; } } } } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Pull Quote --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-pull-quote-sba2ha { line-height: 1.5; @include formatted-text( 1.3, false, false, false ); color: #333; border: 2px solid $color-strokes; border-left: none; border-right: none; font-style: italic; em { font-style: normal; } @include remify( margin-top margin-bottom, 1.7 ); @include remify( padding-top padding-bottom, 1 ); &.v-float-right, &.v-float-left { @include respond(max, large-handheld) { &.v-size-small { max-width: 100%; } } @include respond(max, laptop) { &.v-size-medium { max-width: 100%; } } } } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Horizontal Lines --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-horizontal-line-asj31a { width: 100%; display: block; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; height: 1px; background-color: $color-strokes; &.v-light { background-color: lighten($color-strokes, 4%); } &.v-notable { height: 2px; } &.v-heavy { height: 5px; } hr { display: none; } } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Spacing --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-spacing-an4a2q { height: 1px; width: 100%; display: block; @include remify( margin-top margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, standard) ); &.v-tiny { @include remify( margin-top margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, tiny) ); } &.v-small { @include remify( margin-top margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, small) ); } &.v-standard { @include remify( margin-top margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, standard) ); } &.v-big { @include remify( margin-top margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, big) ); } &.v-mega { @include remify( margin-top margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, mega) ); } } .anecdote-adhoc-spacing-an4a2q { &, .anecdote-wysicontent-ndj4ab > & { &.an4a2q-v-none-top { @include remify( margin-top, 0 ); } &.an4a2q-v-none-bottom { @include remify( margin-bottom, 0 ); } &.an4a2q-v-tiny-top { @include remify( margin-top, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, tiny) ); } &.an4a2q-v-tiny-bottom { @include remify( margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, tiny) ); } &.an4a2q-v-small-top { @include remify( margin-top, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, small) ); } &.an4a2q-v-small-bottom { @include remify( margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, small) ); } &.an4a2q-v-standard-top { @include remify( margin-top, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, standard) ); } &.an4a2q-v-standard-bottom { @include remify( margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, standard) ); } &.an4a2q-v-big-top { @include remify( margin-top, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, big) ); } &.an4a2q-v-big-bottom { @include remify( margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, big) ); } &.an4a2q-v-mega-top { @include remify( margin-top, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, mega) ); } &.an4a2q-v-mega-bottom { @include remify( margin-bottom, map-get($anecdote-spacing-an4a2q, mega) ); } } } /*--------------------------------------------------- --- Anecdote: Font Styles & Sizes --------------------------------------------------- */ .anecdote-primary-font-a3a8fb { } .anecdote-secondary-font-a3a8fb { } .anecdote-no-text-dimming-lk8j2n { } .anecdote-mild-text-dimming-lk8j2n { } .anecdote-medium-text-dimming-lk8j2n { } .anecdote-aggressive-text-dimming-lk8j2n { } .anecdote-tiny-text-size-an43ja { @include remify( font-size, 0.7 ); } .anecdote-small-text-size-an43ja { @include remify( font-size, 0.85 ); } .anecdote-normal-text-size-an43ja { @include remify( font-size, 1 ); } .anecdote-large-text-size-an43ja { @include remify( font-size, 1.15 ); } .anecdote-center-aligned-text-vnd5b3 { text-align: center; } .anecdote-right-aligned-text-vnd5b3 { text-align: right; } .anecdote-left-aligned-text-vnd5b3 { text-align: left; }