Feature: Cells support for Middleman Scenario: Render a basic cell Given the Server is running at "basic-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "Hello." Scenario: Cells in non-default directory Given the Server is running at "non-default-dir-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "Hello from non-default directory." Scenario: Render with helpers Given the Server is running at "helpers-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "This is rendered by a helper." When I go to "/method.html" Then I should see "This is rendered by #foobar." When I go to "/collection.html" Then I should see "Item #1" Then I should see "Item #2" Then I should see "Item #3" Scenario: Edit and reload Given the Server is running at "reload-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "Before" And a file named "source/cells/reload/show.erb" with: """
""" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "After" Scenario: View helpers Given the Server is running at "view-helpers-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see: """ Follow me """ When I go to "/render_nested_cells.html" Then I should see: """This is a parent.
This is a child.
""" Scenario: Hamlit support Given the Server is running at "hamlit-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "This is a Hamlit.
" Scenario: Haml support Given the Server is running at "haml-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "This is a Haml.
" Scenario: Slim support Given the Server is running at "slim-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "This is a Slim.