# Ruby Raider
## What is ruby raider?
Ruby Raider is a generator and scaffolding gem to make UI test automation easier
### At the moment Ruby raider supports
* Generating a framework with Cucumber and Selenium
* Generating a framework with Rspec and Selenium
* Generating a framework with Cucumber and Watir
* Generating a framework with Rspec and Watir
* Generating a framework with Rspec and Appium for IOS
* Generating a framework with Cucumber and Appium for IOS
* Generating a framework with Rspec and Appium for Android
* Generating a framework with Cucumber and Appium for Android
* Generating a framework with Rspec and Appium cross platform
* Generating a framework with Cucumber and Appium cross platform
* Generating a visual testing framework with Rspec, Applitools and Selenium
* Generating a visual testing framework with Cucumber, Applitools and Selenium
***In order to run the Appium tests, download the example [app](https://github.com/saucelabs/my-demo-app-rn).***
***In order to run the visual tests with applitools, you need to create an account and get your api key, you can read
more [here](https://applitools.com/docs/topics/overview/obtain-api-key.html#:~:text=If%20you%20already%20have%20an,Your%20key%20will%20be%20displayed.)
***To use the open ai integration you need to set up the OPENAI_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable and
you can also set the optional OPENAI_ORGANIZATION_ID if you have an organization***
This works in all the platforms (Tested on Mac OS, Linux and Windows).
## Getting started
To get the project up and running.
**Just do:**
gem install ruby_raider
**Then do:**
raider new [name_of_project]
Then a TUI/CLI will appear where the configuration of which frameworks you want to be generated/scaffolded can be
Select the ones you will like to work with.
### Ruby raider provides the following list of basic commands
###### Anything between square brackets([...]) is where your imput goes
Commands :
raider generate # Provides access to all the generators commands
raider help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
raider new [PROJECT_NAME] # Creates a new framework based on settings picked
raider open_ai # Provides access to all the open ai commands
raider utility # Provides access to all the utility commands
raider version # It shows the version of Ruby Raider you are currently using
All the basic commands have their corresponding shortcut:
* g for generate
* n for new
* o for open_ai
* u for utility
* v for version
Ruby raider also supports scaffolding:
* To create a new page object you do: ```raider g page [PAGE_NAME]```
* To create a new spec you do: ```raider g spec [SPEC_NAME]```
* To create a new feature you do: ```raider g feature [FEATURE_NAME]```
It's possible to add the option --path or -p if you want to specify where to create your features, pages, helpers and
If you want to set the default path for the creation of your features, helpers and specs:
raider u path [PATH_NAME] - -feature or -f
raider u path [PATH_NAME] - -spec or -s
raider u path [PATH_NAME] - -helper or -h
If you don't specify an option, path will assume you want to change the default path for pages.
### Open AI Commands
# Will print the result of the request on the terminal
raider o make [REQUEST]
# Will create a file with the result of your request as content
raider o make [REQUEST] - -path or -p [PATH]
# Will input the content of the chosen file into open ai and will edit it based on the result
raider o make [PATH_NAME] - -edit or -e [FILE_PATH]
# Creates a cucumber file and uses it to input into open ai and create a steps file
# The prompt is required
raider o cucumber [NAME] - -prompt or -p [PROMPT]
# Creates a cucumber step definitions file based on an scenario file
raider open_ai steps [NAME]
Options :
-p, [--path = PATH] # The path where your steps will be created
-pr, [--prompt = PROMPT] # This will create the selected steps based on your prompt using open ai
-i, [--input = INPUT] # It uses a file as input to create the steps