require_relative '../../lib/asana_exception_notifier' # IMPORTANT !!!! DON'T use code from this file , this is done so that manually testing the gem would be easier. # Manual tests are done with command: ruby spec/manual_tests/test_notification.rb , which should send a notification to Asana # about an error occuring , if the system has configured properly the ASANA_API_KEY and ASANA_WORKSPACE_ID environment variables # DON'T use this Code from this file. This is done so that manual testing the gem would be easier. # The initialize method is overriden here so that we can see the resulting HTML generated before it gets archived # This helps when modifying the error page template manually and trying to see if the result is the expected one. AsanaExceptionNotifier::ErrorPage.class_eval do alias_method :original_initialize, :initialize def initialize(*args) original_initialize(*args) debug_html_template if ENV['DEBUG_ASANA_TEMPLATE'] end def debug_html_template _filename, path = create_tempfile system("google-chrome #{path}") sleep until 0 == 1 end end # DON'T require this manually, this is done here so that the gem will be configured with defaults while manually testing the gem # This should already be included in your app if you have followed the Readme and executed "rails g asana_exception_notifier:install" require_relative '../../lib/generators/asana_exception_notifier/templates/asana_exception_notifier' # Constructing the error we want to send during our manual tests exception = # FOR manual tests we are interested in duration of each request so we are registering subscribers for request. # This should not be done for production applications. This is used only for testing connections require_relative './subscribers/metrics' ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('request.faraday') do |*args|*args) end # Finally send our notification manually # This can be done manually in applications too, when rescueing from an exception ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception(exception, notifiers: :asana)