module IB module Models # OrderState represents dynamic (changeable) info about a single Order, # isolating these changes and making Order essentially immutable class OrderState < Model.for(:order_state) include ModelProperties #p column_names belongs_to :order # Properties arriving via OpenOrder message prop :init_margin, # Float: The impact the order would have on your initial margin. :maint_margin, # Float: The impact the order would have on your maintenance margin. :equity_with_loan, # Float: The impact the order would have on your equity :commission, # double: Shows the commission amount on the order. :min_commission, # The possible min range of the actual order commission. :max_commission, # The possible max range of the actual order commission. :commission_currency, # String: Shows the currency of the commission. :warning_text # String: Displays a warning message if warranted. # Properties arriving via OrderStatus message: prop :filled, # int :remaining, # int [:price, :last_fill_price,], # double [:average_price, :average_fill_price], # double :why_held # String: comma-separated list of reasons for order to be held. # Properties arriving in both messages: prop [:local_id, :order_id], # int: Order id associated with client (volatile). :perm_id, # int: TWS permanent id, remains the same over TWS sessions. :client_id, # int: The id of the client that placed this order. :parent_id, # int: The order ID of the parent (original) order, used :status => :s # String: Displays the order status. Possible values include: # - PendingSubmit - indicates that you have transmitted the order, but # have not yet received confirmation that it has been accepted by the # order destination. NOTE: This order status is NOT sent back by TWS # and should be explicitly set by YOU when an order is submitted. # - PendingCancel - indicates that you have sent a request to cancel # the order but have not yet received cancel confirmation from the # order destination. At this point, your order cancel is not confirmed. # You may still receive an execution while your cancellation request # is pending. NOTE: This order status is not sent back by TWS and # should be explicitly set by YOU when an order is canceled. # - PreSubmitted - indicates that a simulated order type has been # accepted by the IB system and that this order has yet to be elected. # The order is held in the IB system until the election criteria are # met. At that time the order is transmitted to the order destination # as specified. # - Submitted - indicates that your order has been accepted at the order # destination and is working. # - Cancelled - indicates that the balance of your order has been # confirmed canceled by the IB system. This could occur unexpectedly # when IB or the destination has rejected your order. # - ApiCancelled - canceled via API # - Filled - indicates that the order has been completely filled. # - Inactive - indicates that the order has been accepted by the system # (simulated orders) or an exchange (native orders) but that currently # the order is inactive due to system, exchange or other issues. validates_format_of :status, :without => /^$/, :message => 'must not be empty' validates_numericality_of :price, :average_price, :allow_nil => true validates_numericality_of :local_id, :perm_id, :client_id, :parent_id, :filled, :remaining, :only_integer => true, :allow_nil => true ## Testing Order state: def new? status.empty? || status == 'New' end # Order is in a valid, working state on TWS side def pending? status == 'PendingSubmit' || status == 'PreSubmitted' || status == 'Submitted' end # Order is in invalid state def active? new? || pending? end # Order is in invalid state def inactive? !active? # status == 'Inactive' end def complete_fill? status == 'Filled' && remaining == 0 # filled >= total_quantity # Manually corrected end # Comparison def == other other && other.is_a?(OrderState) && status == other.status && local_id == other.local_id && perm_id == other.perm_id && client_id == other.client_id && filled == other.filled && remaining == other.remaining && last_fill_price == other.last_fill_price && init_margin == other.init_margin && maint_margin == other.maint_margin && equity_with_loan == other.equity_with_loan && why_held == other.why_held && warning_text == other.warning_text && commission == other.commission end def to_human " 0 ? " fee #{commission}" : "") + (why_held ? " why_held #{why_held}" : '') + ((warning_text && warning_text != '') ? " warning #{warning_text}" : '') + ">" end alias to_s to_human end # class Order end # module Models end # module IB