# Sqoot Wrapper for [Sqoot](http://www.sqoot.com) [API](http://www.sqoot.com/docs/api). Highly inspired by [Gowalla](https://github.com/pengwynn/gowalla) gem. Built using [Faraday](https://github.com/technoweenie/faraday) and [Faraday Middleware](https://github.com/pengwynn/faraday_middleware). To get the list of available parameters kindly check out [API](http://www.sqoot.com/docs/search) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'sqoot' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install sqoot ## Usage Sqoot.configure do |config| config.affiliate_token = "YOUR AFFILIATE TOKEN" config.authentication_token = "YOUR AUTHENTICATION TOKEN" end sqoot = Sqoot::Client.new # http://api.sqoot.com/v1/offers?affiliate_token=yadayada sqoot.offers #=> returns a list of offers # http://api.sqoot.com/v1/offers?affiliate_token=yadayada&location=Chicago sqoot.offers(:location => 'Chicago') # http://api.sqoot.com/v1/offers?affiliate_token=yadayada&location=Chicago&per_page=10 sqoot.offers(:location => 'Chicago', :per_page => 10) # http://api.sqoot.com/v1/offers?affiliate_token=yadayada&categories=health-beauty&location=&page=2 sqoot.offers(:location => 'Chicago', :per_page => 10, :categories => 'health-beauty', :page => 2) # http://api.sqoot.com/v1/offers?affiliate_token=yadayada&order=commission&per_page=250&price_at_least=10 sqoot.offers(:price_at_least => 10, :order => commission) # http://api.sqoot.com/v1/providers?affiliate_token=yadayada sqoot.providers # http://api.sqoot.com/v1/commissions?authentication_token=tokenawesome sqoot.commissions # => returns current month commissions sqoot.commissions(:to => '2012-01-01', :from => '2012-01-20') # => returns commissions using date_range :to & :from # http://api.sqoot.com/v1/clicks?authentication_token=tokenawesome sqoot.clicks # => returns real-time clicks from the event request limit of 1000 sqoot.clicks(:to => '2012-01-01', :from => '2012-01-20') # => returns clicks using date_range :to & :from ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request