require 'spec_helper' require 'loga/formatters/simple_formatter' # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength describe Loga::Formatters::SimpleFormatter do before { allow(Process).to receive(:pid).and_return(999) } describe '#call(severity, time, _progname, message)' do subject { super().call(severity, time_anchor, nil, message) } let(:severity) { 'INFO' } let(:message) { 'Tree house magic' } let(:time_pid) { '[2015-12-15T09:30:05.123000+06:00 #999]' } context 'when the message parameter is a String' do specify do expect(subject).to eq("I, #{time_pid} Tree house magic\n") end end context 'when the message parameter is a nil' do let(:message) { nil } specify do expect(subject).to eq("I, #{time_pid} nil\n") end end context 'when message parameter is a Hash' do let(:message) { { record: 'Wooden house' } } specify do expect(subject).to eq("I, #{time_pid} {:record=>\"Wooden house\"}\n") end end context 'when the message parameter is a Loga::Event' do let(:options) { { message: 'Hello World' } } let(:message) { } it 'the short_message is the Event message' do expect(subject).to eq("I, #{time_pid} Hello World\n") end context 'when the event has a timestamp' do it 'uses the event timestamp' end context 'when the Event has a type' do let(:options) { { message: 'Hello World', type: 'request' } } specify do expect(subject).to eq("I, #{time_pid} Hello World type=request\n") end end context 'when the Event has an exception' do let(:backtrace) { %w[a b] } let(:exception) do'Foo Error').tap { |e| e.set_backtrace backtrace } end let(:options) { { exception: exception } } it 'outputs the exception' end context 'when the event has data' do let(:options) do { data: { admin: true, user: { email: '', }, }, message: 'Hello World', } end specify do expect(subject).to eq("I, #{time_pid} Hello World data={:admin=>true, :user=>{:email=>\"\"}}\n") end end context 'when the event has data and a type' do let(:options) do { data: { ssl: true }, message: 'Hello World', type: 'request', } end specify do expect(subject).to eq("I, #{time_pid} Hello World type=request data={:ssl=>true}\n") end end end context 'when tags are available' do let(:tags) { %w[USER_54321 EmailWorker] } before do allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:current_tags).and_return(tags) end specify do expect(subject).to eq("I, #{time_pid}[USER_54321 EmailWorker] #{message}\n") end end { 'DEBUG' => 'D', 'INFO' => 'I', 'WARN' => 'W', 'ERROR' => 'E', 'FATAL' => 'F', 'UNKNOWN' => 'U', }.each do |ruby_severity, formatted_severity| context "with severity #{ruby_severity}" do let(:severity) { ruby_severity } specify { expect(subject).to match(/^#{formatted_severity},/) } end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength