module BeakerAnswers # Used to generate a Hash of configuration appropriate for generating # the initial MEEP pe.conf for a given set of hosts and a particular # MEEP pe.conf schema version. class PeConf # The default pe.conf schema version. DEFAULT_VERSION = '1.0'.freeze # This lists various aliases for different PE components that might # be installed on a host. # # The first entry in the list is the canonical name for the # component from the PuppetX::Puppetlabs::Meep::Config.pe_components() # from the pe_infrastructure module. # # Secondary aliases are the various working names that have been used # with beaker in CI to establish that a host has that component # installed on it. COMPONENTS = [ ["primary_master", "master"], ["primary_master_replica"], # the 'database' alias will be troublesome if/when we begin # breaking out a managed database (as opposed to external) # in future PE layouts. ["puppetdb", "database"], ["console", "classifier", "dashboard"], ["compile_master"], ["mco_hub", "hub"], ["mco_broker", "spoke"], ] attr_accessor :hosts, :meep_schema_version, :options # The array of Beaker hosts are inspected to provide configuration # for master, database, console nodes, and other configuration data # as required by the particular pe.conf version. # # @param hosts [Array] # @param meep_schema_version [String] Determines the implementation which # will be used to generate pe.conf data. Defaults to '1.0' # @param options [Hash] of additional option parameters. Used to supply # specific master, puppetdb, console hosts for the 1.0 implementation. # (Optional) def initialize(hosts, meep_schema_version, options = {}) self.hosts = hosts self.meep_schema_version = meep_schema_version || DEFAULT_VERSION self.options = options || {} end # @return [Hash] of pe.conf configuration data # @raise RuntimeError if no implementation can be found for the # meep_schema_version. def configuration_hash case meep_schema_version when '1.0' _generate_1_0_data when '2.0' _generate_2_0_data else raise(RuntimeError, "Unknown how to produce pe.conf data for meep_schema_version: '#{meep_schema_version}'") end end private # Relies on a :master, :puppetdb and :console host having been passed # in the options. def _generate_1_0_data pe_conf = {} ns = "puppet_enterprise" master = the_host_with_role('master') puppetdb = the_host_with_role('database') console = the_host_with_role('dashboard') pe_conf["#{ns}::puppet_master_host"] = master.hostname # Monolithic installs now only require the puppet_master_host, so only # pass in the console and puppetdb host if it is a split install if [master, puppetdb, console].uniq.length != 1 pe_conf["#{ns}::console_host"] = console.hostname pe_conf["#{ns}::puppetdb_host"] = puppetdb.hostname end if the_host_with_role('pe_postgres', raise_error=false) pe_conf["#{ns}::database_host"] = the_host_with_role('pe_postgres', raise_error=false).hostname if options[:pe_postgresql_options] if options[:pe_postgresql_options][:security] == 'cert' postgres_cert_answers(pe_conf, '1.0') elsif options[:pe_postgresql_options][:security] == 'password' postgres_password_answers(pe_conf, '1.0') end else postgres_password_answers(pe_conf, '1.0') end end pe_conf end def _generate_2_0_data pe_conf = { "node_roles" => {} } hosts_by_component = {} COMPONENTS.each do |aliases| meep_component_name = aliases.first # Only generate node_role settings for installing primary nodes # Secondary infrastructure will be added dynamically later next unless ['primary_master', 'puppetdb', 'console'].include?(meep_component_name) hosts_by_component[meep_component_name] = all_hostnames_with_component(aliases) end # Reject console and puppetdb lists if they are the same as master hosts_by_component.reject! do |component,hosts| ["puppetdb", "console"].include?(component) && hosts_by_component["primary_master"].sort == hosts.sort end # Which is also sufficient to determine our architecture at the moment architecture = (hosts_by_component.keys & ["puppetdb", "console"]).empty? ? "monolithic" : "split" # Set the node_roles hosts_by_component.reduce(pe_conf) do |conf,entry| component, hosts = entry if !hosts.empty? conf["node_roles"]["pe_role::#{architecture}::#{component}"] = hosts end conf end #Set the PE managed postgres roles/answers if the_host_with_role('pe_postgres', raise_error=false) pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::profile::database"] = the_host_with_role('pe_postgres', raise_error=false).hostname if options[:pe_postgresql_options][:security] if options[:pe_postgresql_options][:security] == 'cert' postgres_cert_answers(pe_conf, "2.0") elsif options[:pe_postgresql_options][:security] == 'password' postgres_password_answers(pe_conf, "2.0") end end end # Collect a uniq array of all host platforms modified to pe_repo class format platforms = do |h| platform = h['platform'] if platform =~ /^windows.*/ platform = platform =~ /64/ ? 'windows_x86_64' : 'windows_i386' end platform.gsub(/-/, '_').gsub(/\./,'') end.uniq pe_conf["agent_platforms"] = platforms pe_conf["meep_schema_version"] = "2.0" pe_conf end # @param host_role_aliases [Array] list of strings to search for in # each host's role array # @return [Array] of hostnames from @hosts that include at least # one of the passed aliases def all_hostnames_with_component(host_role_aliases) found_hosts = do |h| !(Array(h['roles']) & host_role_aliases).empty? end { |h| h.hostname } end # Find a single host with the role provided. Raise an error if more than # one host is found to have the provided role. # # @param [String] role The host returned will have this role in its role list # @param [String] raise_error defaults to true if you want this method to return # an error if there are no hosts, or if there are too many hosts # @return [Host] The single host with the desired role in its roles list # @raise [ArgumentError] Raised if more than one host has the given role # defined, or if no host has the role defined. def the_host_with_role(role, raise_error=true) found_hosts = do |h| Array(h['roles']).include?(role.to_s) end if (found_hosts.length == 0 or found_hosts.length > 1) && (raise_error) raise ArgumentError, "There should be one host with #{role} defined, found #{found_hosts.length} matching hosts (#{found_hosts})" end found_hosts.first end def postgres_cert_answers(pe_conf, meep_schema_version) case meep_schema_version when '1.0','2.0' pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::database_ssl"] = true pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::database_cert_auth"] = true pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::puppetdb::start_timeout"] = 300 end pe_conf end def postgres_password_answers(pe_conf, meep_schema_version) case meep_schema_version when '1.0','2.0' pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::database_ssl"] = false pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::database_cert_auth"] = false pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::puppetdb::start_timeout"] = 300 pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::activity_database_password"] = "PASSWORD" pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::classifier_database_password"] = "PASSWORD" pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::orchestrator_database_password"] = "PASSWORD" pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::puppetdb_database_password"] = "PASSWORD" pe_conf["puppet_enterprise::rbac_database_password"] = "PASSWORD" end pe_conf end end end