# platformOS Check ✅ - A linter for platformOS

PlatformOS Check is a tool that helps you follow platformOS recommendations & best practices by analyzing the Liquid inside your app.


## Supported Checks

PlatformOS Check currently checks for the following:

✅ Liquid syntax errors
✅ JSON syntax errors
✅ Missing partials and graphqls
✅ Unused `{% assign ... %}`
✅ Unused partials
✅ Template length
✅ Deprecated tags
✅ Unknown tags
✅ Unknown filters
✅ Missing or extra spaces inside `{% ... %}` and `{{ ... }}`
✅ Using several `{% ... %}` instead of `{% liquid ... %}`
✅ Undefined objects
✅ Deprecated filters
✅ Missing `platformos-check-enable` comment
✅ Invalid arguments provided to `{% graphql %}` tags

As well as checks that prevent easy to spot performance problems:

✅ Use of [parser-blocking](/docs/checks/parser_blocking_javascript.md) JavaScript
✅ [Use of non-platformOS domains for assets](/docs/checks/remote_asset.md)
✅ [Missing width and height attributes on `img` tags](/docs/checks/img_width_and_height.md)
✅ [Too much JavaScript](/docs/checks/asset_size_javascript.md)
✅ [Too much CSS](/docs/checks/asset_size_css.md)

For detailed descriptions and configuration options, [take a look at the complete list.](/docs/checks/)

With more to come! Suggestions welcome ([create an issue](https://github.com/Platform-OS/platformos-lsp/issues)).

## Installation

- download and install the extension [more]
- next steps
  -> [using-local-ruby]
  -> [docker]

### Using locally installed ruby

#### Requirements

- Ruby 3.2+

### Install ruby and platform-check gem

1. Download the latest version of Ruby - https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/
2. Install platformos-check gem

`gem install platformos-check`

You can verify the installation was successful by invoking `platformos-check --version`. If you chose this method, use `platformos-check-language-server` as a path to your language server instead of `/Users/<username/platformos-check-language-server`

### Using Docker

#### PlatformOS Check Language Server

- Create an executable `platformos-check-language-server` file and place it within a directory listed in your $PATH variable.


mkdir $LOG_DIR 2>/dev/null

exec docker run -i \
  -v $DIR:$DIR \
  -w $DIR \
This script will automatically download the latest Docker image and initiate a language server. Visual Studio Code (VSC) manages this process automatically. However, you can run the script for verification if needed.

#### Troubleshooting

- In the event of `onlySingleFileChecks: true` not functioning as expected, please examine your Visual Studio Code (VSC) workspace. Ensure that the workspace contains only a single project.

#### PlatformOS Check

PlatformOS Check can be used also as a standalone function. Prepare the following executable script:


mkdir $LOG_DIR 2>/dev/null

exec docker run -i \
  -v $DIR:$DIR \
  -w $DIR \
To verify installation run `platformos-check --help`.

Usage example for CI/CD:
platformos-check --fail-level error

## Configuration

Add a `.platformos-check.yml` file at the root of your app.

See [config/default.yml](config/default.yml) for available options & defaults.

## Disable checks with comments

Use Liquid comments to disable and re-enable all checks for a section of your file:

{% # platformos-check-disable %}
{% assign x = 1 %}
{% # platformos-check-enable %}

Disable a specific check by including it in the comment:

{% # platformos-check-disable UnusedAssign %}
{% assign x = 1 %}
{% # platformos-check-enable UnusedAssign %}

Disable multiple checks by including them as a comma-separated list:

{% # platformos-check-disable UnusedAssign,SpaceInsideBraces %}
{%assign x = 1%}
{% # platformos-check-enable UnusedAssign,SpaceInsideBraces %}

Disable checks for the _entire document_ by placing the comment on the first line:

{% # platformos-check-disable SpaceInsideBraces %}
{%assign x = 1%}

## Exit Code and `--fail-level`

Use the `--fail-level` (default: `error`) flag to configure the exit code of platformos-check. Useful in CI scenarios.


# Make CI fail on styles warnings, suggestions, and errors
platformos-check --fail-level style path_to_app

# Make CI fail on suggestions, and errors
platformos-check --fail-level suggestion path_to_app

# Make CI fail on errors
platformos-check path_to_app

There are three fail levels:

- `error`
- `suggestion`
- `style`

Exit code meanings:

- 0: Success!
- 1: Your code doesn't pass the checks
- 2: There's a bug in platformos-check

If you would like to change the severity of a check, you can do so with the `severity` attribute. Example:

  enabled: true
  severity: error

## Language Server Configurations

- `platformosCheck.checkOnOpen` (default: `true`) makes it so theme check runs on file open.
- `platformosCheck.checkOnChange` (default: `true`) makes it so theme check runs on file change.
- `platformosCheck.checkOnSave` (default: `true`) makes it so theme check runs on file save.
- `platformosCheck.onlySingleFileChecks` (default: `false`) makes it so we only check the opened files and disable "whole application" checks (e.g. UnusedPartial, TranslationKeyExists)

⚠️ **Note:** Quickfixes only work on a freshly checked file. If any of those configurations are turned off, you will need to rerun platformos-check in order to apply quickfixes.

In VS Code, these can be set directly in your `settings.json`.

## Contributing

For guidance on contributing, refer to this [doc](/CONTRIBUTING.md)