# encoding: utf-8 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe Backup::Archive do let(:archive) do Backup::Archive.new(:dummy_archive) do |a| a.add '/home/rspecuser/somefile' a.add '/home/rspecuser/logs/' a.add '/home/rspecuser/dotfiles/' a.exclude '/home/rspecuser/excludefile' a.exclude '/home/rspecuser/excludedir/' end end it 'should have no paths' do archive = Backup::Archive.new(:dummy_archive) { |a| } archive.paths.count.should == 0 end it 'should have no excludes' do archive = Backup::Archive.new(:dummy_archive) { |a| } archive.excludes.count.should == 0 end it 'should have 3 paths' do archive.paths.count.should == 3 end it 'should have 2 excludes' do archive.excludes.count.should == 2 end it do archive.name.should == :dummy_archive end describe '#paths_to_package' do it 'should return a tar -c friendly string' do archive.send(:paths_to_package).should == "'/home/rspecuser/somefile' '/home/rspecuser/logs/' '/home/rspecuser/dotfiles/'" end end describe '#paths_to_exclude' do it 'should be empty' do archive = Backup::Archive.new(:dummy_archive) { |a| } archive.send(:paths_to_exclude).should be_nil end it 'should return a tar -c friendly string' do archive.send(:paths_to_exclude).should == "--exclude={'/home/rspecuser/excludefile','/home/rspecuser/excludedir/'}" end end describe '#perform!' do before do [:mkdir, :run, :utility].each { |method| archive.stubs(method) } Backup::Logger.stubs(:message) end context 'when both paths were added and paths that should be excluded were added' do it 'should render both the syntax for the paths that be included as well as excluded' do archive.expects(:mkdir).with(File.join(Backup::TMP_PATH, Backup::TRIGGER, 'archive')) archive.expects(:run).with("tar -c -f '#{File.join(Backup::TMP_PATH, Backup::TRIGGER, 'archive', "#{:dummy_archive}.tar")}' --exclude={'/home/rspecuser/excludefile','/home/rspecuser/excludedir/'} '/home/rspecuser/somefile' '/home/rspecuser/logs/' '/home/rspecuser/dotfiles/' 2> /dev/null") archive.expects(:utility).with(:tar).returns(:tar) archive.perform! end end context 'when there are paths to add, and no exclude patterns were defined' do it 'should only render syntax for the defined paths' do archive = Backup::Archive.new(:dummy_archive) do |a| a.add '/path/to/archive' end archive.stubs(:utility).returns(:tar) archive.expects(:run).with("tar -c -f '#{File.join(Backup::TMP_PATH, Backup::TRIGGER, 'archive', "#{:dummy_archive}.tar")}' '/path/to/archive' 2> /dev/null") archive.perform! end end it 'should log the status' do Backup::Logger.expects(:message).with("Backup::Archive started packaging and archiving \"/home/rspecuser/somefile\", \"/home/rspecuser/logs/\", \"/home/rspecuser/dotfiles/\".") archive.perform! end end end