# feature tests for attaching to existing IE windows # revision: $Revision: 1.8 $ $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') if $0 == __FILE__ require 'unittests/setup' class TC_ExistingWindow< Test::Unit::TestCase include Watir def goto_page(page) $ie.goto($htmlRoot + page) end def test_ExistingWindow goto_page 'buttons1.html' ie3=nil assert_raises( NoMatchingWindowFoundException ) { ie3 = IE.attach(:title , "missing") } assert_raises( NoMatchingWindowFoundException ) { ie3 = IE.attach(:title , /missing/) } assert_raises( NoMatchingWindowFoundException ) { ie3 = IE.attach(:url , "missing") } assert_raises( NoMatchingWindowFoundException ) { ie3 = IE.attach(:url , /missing/) } ie3 = IE.attach(:title , /buttons/i ) assert_equal( "Test page for buttons" , ie3.title) ie3=nil ie3 = IE.attach(:title , "Test page for buttons" ) assert_equal( "Test page for buttons" , ie3.title) ie3=nil ie3 = IE.attach(:url, /buttons1.html/ ) assert_equal( "Test page for buttons" , ie3.title) ie3=nil #hard to test :url with explicit text end end