class ComfortableMexicanSofa::FormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder helpers = field_helpers - %w(hidden_field fields_for) + %w(select) helpers.each do |name| class_eval %Q^ def #{name}(field, *args) options = args.extract_options! args << options return super if options.delete(:disable_builder) default_field('#{name}', field, options){ super } end ^ end def default_field(type, field, options = {}, &block) errors = if object.errors[field].present? "
" end if desc = options.delete(:desc) desc = "
" end %(
#{label_for(field, options)}
#{desc} #{errors}
).html_safe end def simple_field(label = nil, content = nil, options = {}, &block) content ||= @template.capture(&block) if block_given? %(
).html_safe end def label_for(field, options) label = options.delete(:label) || field.to_s.titleize.capitalize_all "".html_safe end def submit(value, options = {}, &block) return super if options.delete(:disable_builder) extra_content = @template.capture(&block) if block_given? simple_field(nil, "#{super(value, options)} #{extra_content}", :class => 'submit_element') end # -- Tag Field Fields ----------------------------------------------------- def default_tag_field(tag, options = {}) label = options[:label] || tag.label.to_s.titleize css_class = options[:css_class] || field_css_class = case tag when CmsTag::PageRichText then 'rich_text' when CmsTag::PageText, CmsTag::FieldText then 'code' end options[:content_field_method] ||= :text_field_tag field = options[:field] || @template.send(options[:content_field_method], 'cms_page[cms_blocks_attributes][][content]', tag.content, :id => nil, :class => field_css_class) %(
#{field} #{@template.hidden_field_tag('cms_page[cms_blocks_attributes][][label]', tag.label, :id => nil)} #{@template.hidden_field_tag('cms_page[cms_blocks_attributes][][id]', tag.record_id, :id => nil) if tag.record_id}
).html_safe end def field_date_time(tag) default_tag_field(tag, :content_field_method => :datetime_field_tag) end def field_integer(tag) default_tag_field(tag, :content_field_method => :number_field_tag) end def field_string(tag) default_tag_field(tag) end def field_text(tag) default_tag_field(tag, :content_field_method => :text_area_tag) end def page_date_time(tag) default_tag_field(tag, :content_field_method => :datetime_field_tag) end def page_integer(tag) default_tag_field(tag, :content_field_method => :number_field_tag) end def page_string(tag) default_tag_field(tag) end def page_text(tag) default_tag_field(tag, :content_field_method => :text_area_tag) end def page_rich_text(tag) default_tag_field(tag, :content_field_method => :text_area_tag) end # Capturing all calls of cms_tag_* type. For those we'll try to render # a form element. Everything else can trigger MethodNotFound error. def method_missing(method_name, *args) if m = method_name.to_s.match(/^cms_tag_(\w+)$/) send(m[1], *args) if respond_to?(m[1]) else super end end end