= rbkb * http://www.github.com/emonti/rbkb == DESCRIPTION: Ruby BlackBag (rbkb) A miscellaneous collection of command-line tools and ruby library helpers related to pen-testing and reversing. === Rationale Disclaimer: Most of what's in the black bag came from a desire to do less typing. But there might be a few clever things that were added by accident. rbkb is inspired by Matasano BlackBag (a set of similar tools written in C). See: * http://www.matasano.com/log/1048/blackbag-091-new-link-and-minor-fixes/ * http://www.matasano.com/log/552/code-release-blackbag-09-binary-protocol-reversing-unix-thingies/ Things go into the black bag as they are stolen (as a compliment!) or dreamed up, usually for simplifying some repetetive task or a desire for a new tool. Along the way, some of tools in the blackbag spirit make their way into 'rbkb' that may or may not make it to 'bkb' right away (if ever). Similarly some of the things in 'bkb' have not yet made it to 'rbkb' (and may not). == SYNOPSIS: === Command Line Tools The tools almost all support '-h', but I'll admit this only goes so far. See usage.txt for usage and a bit of extra info on the various tools. When I get some spare time, I'll try and do up some examples of using all the tools. === Monkey Patches Most of rbkb is implemented as a bunch of monkeypatches to Array, String, Numeric and other base classes. If this suits your fancy (some people despise monkeypatches, this is not their fancy) then you can 'require "rbkb"' from your irb sessions and own scripts. This will let you do things like the following (just some samples, see rdoc for more). My dirty secret: I use IRB for like... everything Do stuff with strings: ## sexify with hexify foo = "helu foo" #=> "helu foo" foo.hexify #=> "68656c7520666f6f" ## a little easier to read foo.hexify(:delim => ' ') #=> "68 65 6c 75 20 66 6f 6f" # and back _.unhexify #=> "helu foo" ## break out your hexdump -C styles foodump = "helu foo".hexdump(:out => StringIO.new) #=> "00000000 68 65 6c 75 20 66 6f 6f |helu foo|\n00000008\n" puts foodump # 00000000 68 65 6c 75 20 66 6f 6f |helu foo| # 00000008 # => nil foo.hexdump(:out => $stdout) # 00000000 68 65 6c 75 20 66 6f 6f |helu foo| # 00000008 # => nil ## reverse a hexdump foodump.dehexdump #=> "helu foo" ## 'strings' like /usr/bin/strings dat = File.read("/bin/ls") pp dat.strings # [[4132, 4143, :ascii, "__PAGEZERO\000"], # [4188, 4195, :ascii, "__TEXT\000"], # ... # [72427, 72470, :ascii, "*Apple Code Signing Certification Authority"], # [72645, 72652, :ascii, "X[N~EQ "]] ## look for stuff in binaries dat.bgrep("__PAGEZERO") #=> [[4132, 4142, "__PAGEZERO"], [40996, 41006, "__PAGEZERO"]] dat.bgrep(0xCAFEBABE.to_bytes) #=> [[0, 4, "\312\376\272\276"]] Do stuff with numbers: ## Do you have an irrational distaste for pack/unpack? I do. 0xff.to_bytes #=> "\000\000\000\377" be = 0xff.to_bytes(:big) #=> "\000\000\000\377" le = 0xff.to_bytes(:little) #=> "\377\000\000\000" le16 = 0xff.to_bytes(:little,2) #=> "\377\000" ## Strings can go the other way too [be, le, le16].map {|n| n.dat_to_num(:big) } # default #=> [255, 4278190080, 65280] [be, le, le16].map {|n| n.dat_to_num(:little) } #=> [4278190080, 255, 255] ## Calculate padding for a given alignment 10.pad(16) #=> 6 16.pad(16) #=> 0 30.pad(16) #=> 2 32.pad(16) #=> 0 Web 2."oh no you di'int!": xss="" Miscellaneous stuff: # rediculous laziness! 0x41.printable? #=> true 0x01.printable? #=> false # Make random gobbledygook and insults "helu foo".randomize #=> "ouofleh " "helu foo".randomize #=> "foul hoe" Pretend (badly) to be smart: # Cletus say's he's "sneaky" cletus = "my secrets are safe".xor("sneaky") #=> "\036\027E\022\016\032\001\v\021\022K\030\001\vE\022\n\037\026" # Only not really so sneaky cletus.xor "my secrets" #=> "sneakysnea&a!x qxzb" cletus.xor "my secrets are" #=> "sneakysneakysn(k*ls" cletus.xor "sneaky" #=> "my secrets are safe" # Now make Cletus feel worse. With... MATH! # (ala entropy scores) "A".entropy #=> 0.0 "AB".entropy #=> 1.0 "BC".entropy #=> 1.0 (0..255).map {|x| x.chr}.join.entropy #=> 8.0 # "You see, Cletus, you might have done this..." sdat = "my secrets are very secret "*60 require 'openssl' c = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new("aes-256-cbc") c.encrypt c.key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("sneaky") c.iv = c.random_iv # "So, Cletus, when you say 'sneaky'... this is exactly how 'sneaky' you are" c.update(sdat).entropy #=> 7.64800383393901 sdat.xor("sneaky").entropy #=> 3.77687372599433 sdat.entropy #=> 3.07487577558377 I do recommend the rdoc if you're interested in more of these little helpers. I'll to keep the comments useful and up to date. == REQUIREMENTS: * eventmachine >= 0.12.0 == INSTALL: === Gem Installation rbkb is available as a gem from github: gem sources -a http://gems.github.com #(you only have to do this once) gem install emonti-rbkb ==== Gem Install Note Installing the gem as root may be risky depending on your rubygems configuration so I don't really recommend using 'sudo gem install'. Worst case scenario I know of is I blew away my OSX-shipped '/usr/bin/crc32' this way. It was written in perl, so I considered this providence and didn't look back. But you may feel differently about 'rubygems' clobbering a file in /usr/bin. When installing as a regular user, however, rubygems may stick rbkb's executable bin/* files somewhere unexpected. To find out where these are and either add them to your PATH or copy/symlink them somewhere else like /usr/local/bin/ do this: gem contents emonti-rbkb === Manual installation: ... or ... you can also install manually without rubygems. You can access the rbkb project at github. You'll want git installed: git clone git://github.com/emonti/rbkb.git cd rbkb cp -r wxirb/lib/* /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/site_ruby/1.8 # or another ruby libdir cp bin/* ~/bin # or wherever else in your PATH Run this to generate docs with rdoc the same way the gem would have: rdoc --main README.rdoc README.rdoc usage.txt lib == LICENSE: (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Monti, Matasano Security Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.