#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'thor' require 'bio' require 'set' class FastaUtility < Thor include Thor::Actions Struct.new("Stats", :sum, :l50, :n50, :max, :mean, :median, :min, :count) no_tasks do def stats(lengths) lengths = lengths.sort{|a, b| b <=> a} stats = Struct::Stats.new temp_sum = 0 stats[:sum] = lengths.inject(:+) stats[:l50] = lengths.find{|length| (temp_sum += length) > stats[:sum]/2.0} stats[:n50] = lengths.count{|length| length >= stats[:l50]} stats[:max] = lengths.max stats[:mean] = stats[:sum].to_f/lengths.length stats[:median] = (lengths.length % 2 == 0) ? (lengths[lengths.length/2-1] + lengths[lengths.length/2])/2.0 : lengths[lengths.length/2] stats[:min] = lengths.min stats[:count] = lengths.count return stats end def format(stats) output = [] buffer_length = stats.members.map{|key| key.length}.max stats.each_pair do |key, value| numtype = value.is_a?(Float) ? "f" : "d" output << " %-#{buffer_length}s: %#{numtype}" % [key.to_s.capitalize, value] end output.join("\n") end end desc "filecheck", "Checks to see if a given file exists. Used internally, don't worry about it too much", :hide => true def filecheck(filename) say "The file '#{filename}' doesn't seem to exist!", :red unless File.exists?(filename) end desc "lengths", "Print a set of summary statistics for the given fasta file, including L50, N50, sum and count." method_options [:cutoff, '-c'] => 0 def lengths(filename) invoke :filecheck lengths = Bio::FlatFile.open(filename).map{|entry| (entry.seq[-1,1] == "*") ? entry.length - 1 : entry.length} say "All entries", :green puts format(stats(lengths)) if options.cutoff > 0 say "Entries with length >= #{options.cutoff}", :green puts format(stats(lengths.find_all{|l| l >= options.cutoff})) end end desc "filter FILENAME [options]", "Impose a filter or set of filters on entries in a fasta file." long_desc "Impose a filter or set of filters on entries in a fasta file where each sequence in the file has to pass all of the filters to be printed." method_option :length_cutoff, :aliases => '-l', :type => :numeric, :default => 0, :desc => 'Only entries with length >= cutoff will be returned.' method_option :inverse_match, :aliases => '-v', :type => :boolean, :desc => "Return the inverse of the match after all the other filters have been applied." method_option :defline_grep, :aliases => '-d', :type => :string, :default => '', :desc => "A regular expression, used to search the entry's definition line." method_option :definitions_file, :aliases => '-f', :type => :string, :default => '', :desc => "A file with definitions to match, one per line." def filter(filename) invoke :filecheck invoke :filecheck, [options.definitions_file] requested_definitions = File.open(options.definitions_file).map{|definition| definition.strip} unless options.definitions_file == '' Bio::FlatFile.open(filename).each do |entry| passed = true passed &&= (entry.length >= options.length_cutoff) passed &&= (entry.definition.match(Regexp.new(options.defline_grep))) passed &&= (requested_definitions.include? entry.definition) unless options.definitions_file == '' passed = !passed if options.inverse_match puts entry if passed end end desc "clean FILENAME [options]", "Clean up a fasta file" method_option :wrap_width, :aliases => '-w', :type => :numeric, :desc => 'Wrap the fasta to N columns' def clean(filename) invoke :filecheck Bio::FlatFile.open(filename).each do |entry| puts entry.to_biosequence.output(:fasta, :header => entry.definition, :width => options.wrap_width) end end desc "sort FILENAME [options]", "Sorts a fasta file according to criteria" def sort(filename) invoke :filecheck Bio::FlatFile.open(filename).to_a.sort{|a,b| b.length <=> a.length}.each do |entry| puts entry end end desc "composition FILENAME [options]", "Outputs data on the sequence composition" def composition(filename) invoke :filecheck composition_hash = Hash[Bio::FlatFile.open(filename).map{|entry| [entry.definition, entry.seq.composition]}] all_chars = composition_hash.values.map{|h| h.keys}.inject(:+).uniq.sort puts "definition\t#{all_chars.join("\t")}" composition_hash.each do |definition, composition| composition.default = 0 print definition, "\t" puts all_chars.map{|char| composition[char]}.join("\t") end end end FastaUtility.start