require 'zlib' require 'strscan' require 'stringio' module Podoff VERSION = '1.2.3' def self.load(path, encoding) Podoff::Document.load(path, encoding) end def self.parse(s, encoding), encoding) end class Document def self.load(path, encoding), 'rb:' + encoding) { |f| }, encoding ) end def self.parse(s) end attr_reader :encoding attr_reader :scanner attr_reader :version attr_reader :xref attr_reader :objs attr_reader :obj_counters attr_reader :root # attr_reader :additions def initialize(s, encoding) fail'not a PDF file') \ unless s.match(/\A%PDF-\d+\.\d+\s/) @encoding = encoding @scanner = @version = nil @xref = nil @objs = {} @obj_counters = {} @root = nil @additions = {} @version = @scanner.scan(/%PDF-\d+\.\d+/) loop do @scanner.skip_until( /(startxref\s+\d+|\d+\s+\d+\s+obj|\/Root\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+R)/) m = @scanner.matched break unless m if m[0] == 's' @xref = m.split(' ').last.to_i elsif m[0] == '/' @root = extract_ref(m) else obj = Podoff::Obj.extract(self) @objs[obj.ref] = obj @obj_counters[obj.ref] = (@obj_counters[obj.ref] || 0) + 1 end end if @root == nil @scanner.pos = 0 loop do @scanner.skip_until(/\/Root\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+R/) break unless @scanner.matched @root = extract_ref(@scanner.matched) end end end def source @scanner.string end def updated? @additions.any? end def dup o = self self.class.allocate.instance_eval do @encoding = o.encoding @scanner = @xref = o.xref @objs = o.objs.inject({}) { |h, (k, v)| h[k] = v.dup(self); h } @obj_counters = o.obj_counters.dup @root = o.root @additions = o.additions.inject({}) { |h, (k, v)| h[k] = v.dup(self); h } self end end def pages { |o| o.type == '/Page' } ps = @objs.values.find { |o| o.type == '/Pages' } fail "no /Pages, the PDF is not usable by Podoff as is, you have to do " + "`qpdf --object-streams=disable original.pdf unpacked.pdf` " + "and use unpacked.pdf instead of original.pdf" ) unless ps extract_refs(ps.attributes[:kids]).collect { |r| @objs[r] } end def page(index) if index < 0 pages[index] elsif index == 0 nil else pages[index - 1] end end def new_ref "#{ @objs.keys.inject(-1) { |i, r| [ i, r.split(' ').first.to_i ].max } + 1 } 0" end def add(obj) @objs[obj.ref] = obj @additions[obj.ref] = obj obj end def add_base_font(name) name = name[1..-1] if name[0] == '/' r = new_ref s = "#{r} obj <> endobj" add(, r, source: s)) end def add_stream(src=nil, &block) ref = new_ref src = src && [ "#{ref} obj", "<< /Length #{src.size} >>\nstream\n#{src}\nendstream", "endobj" ].join("\n") str = src ? nil : make_stream(&block) obj = add(, ref, source: src, stream: str)) str || obj end def re_add(obj_or_ref) obj = obj_or_ref.is_a?(String) ? @objs[obj_or_ref] : obj_or_ref obj = obj.replicate unless obj.replica? add(obj) end def write(path=:string, encoding=nil) encoding ||= @encoding f = case path when :string, '-' then when String then, 'wb') else path end f.set_encoding(encoding) # internal encoding: nil #f.set_encoding(encoding, encoding) f.write(source) if @additions.any? pointers = {} @additions.values.each do |o| f.write("\n") pointers[o.ref.split(' ').first.to_i] = f.pos f.write(o.to_s.force_encoding(encoding)) end f.write("\n\n") xref = f.pos write_xref(f, pointers) f.write("trailer\n") f.write("<<\n") f.write("/Prev #{self.xref}\n") f.write("/Size #{objs.size + 1}\n") f.write("/Root #{root} R\n") f.write(">>\n") f.write("startxref #{xref}\n") f.write("%%EOF\n") end f.close if path.is_a?(String) || path.is_a?(Symbol) f.is_a?(StringIO) ? f.string : nil end def rewrite(path=:string, encoding=nil) encoding ||= @encoding f = case path when :string, '-' then when String then, 'wb') else path end f.set_encoding(encoding) v = source.match(/%PDF-\d+\.\d+/)[0] f.write(v) f.write("\n") pointers = {} objs.keys.sort.each do |k| pointers[k.split(' ').first.to_i] = f.pos f.write(objs[k].source.force_encoding(encoding)) f.write("\n") end xref = f.pos write_xref(f, pointers) f.write("trailer\n") f.write("<<\n") f.write("/Size #{objs.size + 1}\n") f.write("/Root #{root} R\n") f.write(">>\n") f.write("startxref #{xref}\n") f.write("%%EOF\n") f.close if path.is_a?(String) || path.is_a?(Symbol) f.is_a?(StringIO) ? f.string : nil end protected def write_xref(f, pointers) f.write("xref\n") f.write("0 1\n") f.write("0000000000 65535 f \n") pointers .keys .sort .inject([ [] ]) { |ps, k| ps << [] if ps.last != [] && k > ps.last.last + 1 ps.last << k ps } .each { |part| f.write("#{part.first} #{part.size}\n") part.each { |k| f.write(sprintf("%010d 00000 n \n", pointers[k])) } } end def make_stream(&block) s = s.instance_exec(&block) if block s end def extract_ref(s) s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').gsub(/[^0-9 ]+/, '').strip end def extract_refs(s) s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').scan(/(\d+ \d+) R/).collect(&:first) end end class Obj ATTRIBUTES = { type: 'Type', contents: 'Contents', kids: 'Kids' } def self.extract(doc) sca = doc.scanner re = sca.matched[0..-4].strip st = sca.pos - sca.matched.length i = sca.skip_until(/endobj/); return nil unless i en = sca.pos - 1, re, start_index: st, end_index: en) end attr_reader :document attr_reader :ref attr_reader :start_index, :end_index attr_reader :stream attr_reader :attributes def initialize(doc, ref, opts={}) @document = doc @ref = ref @start_index = opts[:start_index] @end_index = opts[:end_index] @attributes = nil @source = opts[:source] @stream = opts[:stream] @stream.obj = self if @stream recompute_attributes #@source.obj = self if @source.is_a?(Podoff::Stream) @document.scanner.pos = @end_index if @document.scanner && @end_index end def dup(new_doc) new_doc, ref, start_index: start_index, end_index: end_index) end #def self.create(doc, ref, source) #, ref, nil, nil, nil, source) #end def replicate, ref, source: source.dup) end def to_a [ @ref, @start_index, @end_index, @attributes ] end def source @source || (@start_index && @document.source[@start_index..@end_index]) end def replica? @source != nil end def type @attributes && @attributes[:type] end def insert_font(nick, obj_or_ref) fail"target '#{ref}' not a replica") \ unless @source nick = nick[1..-1] if nick[0] == '/' re = obj_or_ref re = re.ref if re.respond_to?(:ref) @source = @source.gsub(/\/Font\s*<]+/).strip if i && sca.pos < en h end end def concat(refs, ref) refs = refs.strip refs = refs[1..-2] if refs[0] == '[' "[#{refs} #{ref} R]" end def add_to_attribute(key, ref) fail"obj not replicated") unless @source pkey = ATTRIBUTES[key] if v = @attributes[key] v = concat(v, ref) @source = @source.gsub(/#{pkey} ([\[\]0-9 R]+)/, "#{pkey} #{v}") else i = @source.index('/Type ') @source.insert(i, "/#{pkey} [#{ref} R]\n") end recompute_attributes end end class Stream attr_accessor :obj def initialize(obj=nil) @obj = obj @font = nil @color = nil @content = end def tf(font_name, font_size) n = font_name[0] == '/' ? font_name[1..-1] : font_name @font = "/#{n} #{font_size} Tf " end alias :font :tf def rg(red, green, blue) @color = "#{red} #{green} #{blue} rg " end alias :color :rg alias :rgb :rg def bt(x, y, text) @content.write "\n" if @content.size > 0 @content.write "BT " @content.write @font if @font @content.write @color if @color @content.write "#{x} #{y} Td (#{escape(text)}) Tj" @content.write " ET" end alias :text :bt def write(text) @content.write(text) end def to_s s = @content.string f = '' if s.length > 98 f = ' /Filter /FlateDecode' s = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(s) end "#{obj.ref} obj\n" + "<>\nstream\n#{s}\nendstream\n" + "endobj" end protected def escape(s) s.gsub(/\(/, '\(').gsub(/\)/, '\)') end end end