module TwoBucket type Bucket = One | Two type Result = { Moves: int; GoalBucket: Bucket; OtherBucket: int } let measure bucketOneCapacity bucketTwoCapacity goal startBucket = let emptyFirst (_, bucketTwo) = (0, bucketTwo) let fillFirst (_, bucketTwo) = (bucketOneCapacity, bucketTwo) let pourFirst (bucketOne, bucketTwo) = if bucketOne + bucketTwo <= bucketTwoCapacity then (0, bucketOne + bucketTwo) else (bucketOne + bucketTwo - bucketTwoCapacity, bucketTwoCapacity) let emptySecond (bucketOne, _) = (bucketOne, 0) let fillSecond (bucketOne, _) = (bucketOne, bucketTwoCapacity) let pourSecond (bucketOne, bucketTwo) = if bucketOne + bucketTwo <= bucketOneCapacity then (bucketOne + bucketTwo, 0) else (bucketOneCapacity, bucketOne + bucketTwo - bucketOneCapacity) let applyMoves states = [emptyFirst; fillFirst; pourFirst; emptySecond; fillSecond; pourSecond] |> Seq.collect (fun applyMove -> (fun state -> applyMove state) states) |> set let solved moves (currentBucketOne, currentBucketTwo) = if currentBucketOne = goal then Some { Moves = moves; GoalBucket = One; OtherBucket = currentBucketTwo } elif currentBucketTwo = goal then Some { Moves = moves; GoalBucket = Two; OtherBucket = currentBucketOne } else None let rec solve moves visited states = match Seq.tryPick (solved moves) states with | Some result -> result | None -> let newStates = Set.difference (applyMoves states) visited let newVisited = Set.union visited newStates solve (moves + 1) newVisited newStates let startMoves = 1 let startVisited = set [(bucketOneCapacity, 0); (0, bucketTwoCapacity)] let startState = match startBucket with | One -> set [(bucketOneCapacity, 0)] | Two -> set [(0, bucketTwoCapacity)] solve startMoves startVisited startState