# Cookbook Name:: mu-jenkins # Recipe:: default # # Copyright 2015, eGlobalTech, Inc # # All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute # include_recipe 'mu-tools::disable-requiretty' include_recipe 'chef-vault' directory "/opt/java_jce" do mode 0755 end admin_vault = chef_vault_item(node['jenkins_admin_vault']['vault'], node['jenkins_admin_vault']['item']) directory "Mu Jenkins home #{node['jenkins']['master']['home']}" do path node['jenkins']['master']['home'] owner "jenkins" recursive true notifies :restart, 'service[jenkins]', :immediately end package %w{git bzip2} #remote_file "#{node['jenkins']['master']['home']}/plugins/mailer.jpi" do # source "http://updates.jenkins-ci.org/latest/mailer.hpi" # owner "jenkins" #end ruby_block 'wait for jenkins' do block do sleep 30 end action :nothing end # If security was enabled in a previous chef run then set the private key in the run_state # now as required by the Jenkins cookbook if node['application_attributes']['jenkins_auth_set'] ruby_block 'set jenkins private key' do block do Chef::Log.info("Setting the previously enabled jenkins private key") node.run_state[:jenkins_private_key] = admin_vault['private_key'].strip end end end restart_jenkins = false directory "mu-jenkins fix #{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]} perms" do path Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] mode 0755 end cacheparent = File.expand_path("..", Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]) directory "mu-jenkins fix #{cacheparent} perms" do path cacheparent mode 0755 end # Download ALPN Jar file and fix to JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS # open_jdk_version = `java -version 2>&1` open_jdk_version = shell_out('java -version 2>&1').stdout.str if open_jdk_version.include?("openjdk version \"1.8") and node['platform_family'] == 'rhel' remote_file 'download_anlp_jar' do source node['jenkins']['alpn']['download_link'] path "/home/jenkins/alpn-boot-#{node['jenkins']['alpn']['version']}.jar" owner "jenkins" notifies :restart, "service[jenkins]",:delayed end service "jenkins" do action :nothing end end node['jenkins_plugins'].each { |plugin| # if !::File.exists?("#{node['jenkins']['master']['home']}/plugins/#{plugin}.jpi") # restart_jenkins = true # end # XXX this runs as the 'jenkins' user, yet download the files as 0600/root jenkins_plugin plugin # do # notifies :restart, 'service[jenkins]', :delayed #not_if { ::File.exists?("#{node['jenkins']['master']['home']}/plugins/#{plugin}.jpi") } # end } if !node['application_attributes']['jenkins_auth_set'] jenkins_command 'safe-restart' jenkins_private_key_credentials admin_vault['username'] do id '1671945-9fa7-4d24-ac87-51ea3b2aef4c' description admin_vault['username'] private_key admin_vault['private_key'].strip end end # The Jenkins service user that this cookbook uses MUST exist in our directory mu_master_user admin_vault['username'] do realname admin_vault['username'] # email $MU_CFG['jenkins']['admin_email'] || $MU_CFG['admin_email'] email "mu-developers@googlegroups.com" end # Add the admin user only if it has not been added already then notify the resource # to configure the permissions for the admin user. Note that we check for existence of jenkins_auth_set, # not value jenkins_user admin_vault['username'] do full_name admin_vault['username'] email "mu-developers@googlegroups.com" public_keys [admin_vault['public_key'].strip] #not_if { node['application_attributes'].attribute?('jenkins_auth_set') } end # Configure the permissions so that login is required and the admin user is an administrator # after this point the private key will be required to execute jenkins scripts (including querying # if users exist) so we notify the `set the security_enabled flag` resource to set this up. # Also note that since Jenkins 1.556 the private key cannot be used until after the admin user # has been added to the security realm uidsearch = "uid={0}" uidsearch = "sAMAccountName={0}" if $MU_CFG['ldap']['type'] == "Active Directory" membersearch = "(| (member={0}) (uniqueMember={0}) (memberUid={1}))" membersearch = "memberUid={0}" if $MU_CFG['ldap']['type'] == "389 Directory Services" bind_creds = chef_vault_item($MU_CFG['ldap']['bind_creds']['vault'], $MU_CFG['ldap']['bind_creds']['item']) jenkins_admins = ::MU::Master.listUsers.delete_if { |u, data| !data['admin'] }.keys #jenkins_regular = ::MU::Master.listUsers.delete_if { |u, data| data['admin'] or u == "jenkins" }.keys regular_user_perms = ["Item.BUILD", "Item.CREATE", "Item.DISCOVER", "Item.READ"] jenkins_script 'configure_jenkins_auth' do command <<-EOH.gsub(/^ {4}/, '') import jenkins.model.* import hudson.security.* import org.jenkinsci.plugins.* def instance = Jenkins.getInstance() def hudsonRealm = new HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm(false) String groupSearchFilter = 'memberUid={0}' SecurityRealm ldapRealm = new LDAPSecurityRealm(server='ldap://#{$MU_CFG['ldap']['dcs'].first}', rootDN = '#{$MU_CFG['ldap']['base_dn']}', userSearchBase='#{$MU_CFG['ldap']['user_ou'].sub(/,.*/, "")}', userSearch="#{uidsearch}", groupSearchBase='#{$MU_CFG['ldap']['group_ou'].sub(/,.*/, "")}', groupSearchFilter="", groupMembershipFilter = '#{membersearch}', managerDN = '#{bind_creds[$MU_CFG['ldap']['bind_creds']['username_field']]}', managerPasswordSecret = '#{bind_creds[$MU_CFG['ldap']['bind_creds']['password_field']]}', inhibitInferRootDN = false, disableMailAddressResolver = false, cache = null) instance.setSecurityRealm(ldapRealm) def strategy = new ProjectMatrixAuthorizationStrategy() strategy.add(Jenkins.ADMINISTER, "#{$MU_CFG['ldap']['admin_group_name']}") strategy.add(Jenkins.ADMINISTER, "#{admin_vault['username']}") #{jenkins_admins.map { |u| "strategy.add(Jenkins.ADMINISTER, \"#{u}\")" }.join("\n")} strategy.add(Jenkins.READ, "authenticated") #{regular_user_perms.map { |p| "strategy.add(hudson.model.#{p}, \"authenticated\")" }.join("\n")} instance.setAuthorizationStrategy(strategy) instance.save() EOH # not_if "grep managerDN #{node['jenkins']['master']['home']}/config.xml | grep #{bind_creds[$MU_CFG['ldap']['bind_creds']['username_field']]}" notifies :run, 'ruby_block[configure_jenkins_auth_set]', :immediately action :nothing unless !::File.size?("#{node['jenkins']['master']['home']}/config.xml") or !::File.read("#{node['jenkins']['master']['home']}/config.xml").match(bind_creds[$MU_CFG['ldap']['bind_creds']['username_field']]) end file "#{node['jenkins']['master']['home']}/user-list-chef-guard" do content " #{jenkins_admins.map { |u| "strategy.add(Jenkins.ADMINISTER, \"#{u}\")" }.join("\n")} #{regular_user_perms.map { |p| "strategy.add(Jenkins.#{p}, \"authenticated\")" }.join("\n")} #{bind_creds[$MU_CFG['ldap']['bind_creds']['username_field']]} " notifies :execute, "jenkins_script[configure_jenkins_auth]", :immediately end # Set the security enabled flag and set the run_state to use the configured private key ruby_block 'configure_jenkins_auth_set' do block do node.run_state[:jenkins_private_key] = admin_vault['private_key'].strip node.normal['application_attributes']['jenkins_auth_set'] = true node.save end action :nothing end # Configure users from the vault #node['jenkins_users'].each { |user| # user_vault = chef_vault_item(user[:vault], user[:vault_item]) # # # XXX This is dangerous. What if we stupidly step on the account of a # # "real" user? # ::MU::Master::LDAP.manageUser(user[:user_name], name: user[:fullname], password: user_vault[user[:user_name]+"_password"], admin: false, email: user[:email]) # jenkins_user user[:user_name] do # full_name user[:fullname] # email user[:email] # password user_vault["#{user[:user_name]}_password"] # sensitive true # end #}