#!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative '../config/environment' # Setup classes which are Apache Avro schema compatible, can be anything which # be converted to a hash via +#to_h+ (eg. OpenStruct, RecursiveOpenStruct, # Class, Struct, etc) PaymentEvent = Struct.new(:event, :payment, keyword_init: true) Payment = Struct.new(:gid, :currency, :net_amount_sum, :items, :state, :created_at, :updated_at, keyword_init: true) PaymentItem = Struct.new(:gid, :net_amount, :tax_rate, :created_at, :updated_at, keyword_init: true) # Setup the real data instances which we serialize with Apache Avro and push to # Apache Kafka item_1_id = SecureRandom.uuid item_1 = PaymentItem.new(gid: "gid://playground-app/PaymentItem/#{item_1_id}", net_amount: 499, tax_rate: 19, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: nil) item_2_id = SecureRandom.uuid item_2 = PaymentItem.new(gid: "gid://playground-app/PaymentItem/#{item_2_id}", net_amount: 1, tax_rate: 19, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: nil) payment_id = SecureRandom.uuid payment = Payment.new(gid: "gid://playground-app/Payment/#{payment_id}", currency: :eur, net_amount_sum: 500, state: :authorized, items: [item_1, item_2], created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current) event = PaymentEvent.new(event: :payment_authorized, payment: payment) event_hash = Rimless.avro_sanitize(event) pp event_hash Rimless.message(data: event_hash, topic: :payments, schema: :payment_v1_event)