= effective_form_with(model: [:admin, order], engine: true) do |f| -# User - klass = (f.object.user || current_user).class - ajax_url = (@select2_users_ajax_path || effective_resources.users_admin_select2_ajax_index_path) unless Rails.env.test? = f.hidden_field :user_type, value: klass.name = f.select :user_id, klass.all, ajax_url: ajax_url -# Organization - if EffectiveOrders.organization_enabled? - klass = (f.object.organization || EffectiveOrders.Organization.new).class - ajax_url = (@select2_organizations_ajax_path || effective_resources.organizations_admin_select2_ajax_index_path) unless Rails.env.test? = f.hidden_field :organization_type, value: klass.name = f.select :organization_id, klass.all, ajax_url: ajax_url = f.email_cc_field :cc, hint: "Cc the above on any emailed receipts or payment requests." - if f.object.new_record? = f.check_box :send_payment_request_to_buyer, label: 'Yes, send a payment request email to the buyer and any cc.', value: (f.object.send_payment_request_to_buyer.nil? ? EffectiveOrders.send_payment_request_to_buyer : f.object.send_payment_request_to_buyer?) %hr %h2 Order Items = f.has_many :order_items, remove: true do |fc| = render 'order_item_fields', f: fc %hr .row .col-md-6.effective-order-note-to-buyer %h2 Note to Buyer = f.text_area :note_to_buyer, disabled: f.object.purchased?, label: false, hint: (f.object.purchased? ? 'This message was displayed to the buyer during checkout and appears on the receipt.' : 'This message will be displayed to the buyer during checkout and will appear on the receipt.') .col-md-6.effective-order-internal-note %h2 Internal Note = f.text_area :note_internal, label: false, hint: 'For internal admin use only. This note will never be displayed to the buyer.' = render partial: '/admin/orders/order_actions', locals: { order: @order, form: f, f: f }