# frozen_string_literal: true require 'erb' require 'terminal-table' require_relative '../application' require_relative '../logger' # Display ConceptAI stat on screen class ConceptAIDisplayer ## # Display ConceptAI stat on screen # @param concepts_ai (Array) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def self.show(concepts_ai) stages = Application.instance.config['questions']['stages'] # Create table HEAD screen_table = Terminal::Table.new do |st| title = %w[Concept Questions Entries xFactor] %w[d b f i s t].each do |i| if stages.include? i.to_sym title << i next end title << Rainbow(i).yellow.bright end st << title st << :separator end # Create table BODY total = {} total[:q] = total[:e] = total[:c] = 0 total[:sd] = total[:sb] = total[:sf] = 0 total[:si] = total[:ss] = total[:st] = 0 concepts_ai.each do |concept_ai| next unless concept_ai.concept.process? e = concept_ai.concept.texts.size e += concept_ai.concept.images.size concept_ai.concept.tables.each { |t| e += t.fields.size * t.rows.size } sd = sb = sf = 0 si = ss = st = 0 sd = concept_ai.questions[:d].size if stages.include? :d sb = concept_ai.questions[:b].size if stages.include? :b sf = concept_ai.questions[:f].size if stages.include? :f si = concept_ai.questions[:i].size if stages.include? :i ss = concept_ai.questions[:s].size if stages.include? :s st = concept_ai.questions[:t].size if stages.include? :t t = sd + sb + sf + si + ss + st factor = 'Unkown' factor = (t.to_f / e).round(2).to_s unless e.zero? screen_table.add_row [Rainbow(concept_ai.concept.name(:screen)).green.bright, t, e, factor, sd, sb, sf, si, ss, st] total[:q] += t total[:e] += e total[:c] += 1 total[:sd] += sd total[:sb] += sb total[:sf] += sf total[:si] += si total[:ss] += ss total[:st] += st end return if total[:c].zero? # No concepts to be process? # Add row with excluded questions export_excluded_questions(screen_table, concepts_ai) # Create table TAIL screen_table.add_separator screen_table.add_row [Rainbow("#{total[:c]} concept/s").bright, Rainbow(total[:q].to_s).bright, Rainbow(total[:e].to_s).bright, Rainbow((total[:q].to_f / total[:e]).round(2)).bright, total[:sd], total[:sb], total[:sf], total[:si], total[:ss], total[:st]] export_notes Logger.verboseln "#{screen_table}\n" end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize private_class_method def self.export_excluded_questions(screen_table, concepts_ai) # Create table BODY total = {} total[:q] = total[:c] = 0 total[:sd] = total[:sb] = total[:sf] = 0 total[:si] = total[:ss] = total[:st] = 0 concepts_ai.each do |concept_ai| next unless concept_ai.concept.process? sd = concept_ai.excluded_questions[:d].size sb = concept_ai.excluded_questions[:b].size sf = concept_ai.excluded_questions[:f].size si = concept_ai.excluded_questions[:i].size ss = concept_ai.excluded_questions[:s].size st = concept_ai.excluded_questions[:t].size t = sd + sb + sf + si + ss + st total[:q] += t total[:c] += 1 total[:sd] += sd total[:sb] += sb total[:sf] += sf total[:si] += si total[:ss] += ss total[:st] += st end screen_table.add_row [Rainbow('Excluded questions').yellow.bright, total[:q], '-', '-', total[:sd], total[:sb], total[:sf], total[:si], total[:ss], total[:st]] end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize private_class_method def self.export_notes exclude_questions = Application.instance.config['questions']['exclude'].to_s renderer = ERB.new(File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'concept_ai_displayer.erb'))) Logger.verboseln renderer.result(binding) end end