# =================================================================================================== # _ __ _ _ # | |/ /__ _| | |_ _ _ _ _ __ _ # | ' . # # @ignore # =================================================================================================== require 'kaltura_client_base.rb' module Kaltura class KalturaAppearInListType PARTNER_ONLY = 1 CATEGORY_MEMBERS_ONLY = 3 end class KalturaAssetParamsDeletePolicy KEEP = 0 DELETE = 1 end class KalturaAssetParamsOrigin CONVERT = 0 INGEST = 1 CONVERT_WHEN_MISSING = 2 end class KalturaAssetStatus ERROR = -1 QUEUED = 0 READY = 2 DELETED = 3 IMPORTING = 7 EXPORTING = 9 end class KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes APP = 0 RUNTIME = 1 HTTP = 2 CURL = 3 KALTURA_API = 4 KALTURA_CLIENT = 5 end class KalturaBatchJobStatus PENDING = 0 QUEUED = 1 PROCESSING = 2 PROCESSED = 3 MOVEFILE = 4 FINISHED = 5 FAILED = 6 ABORTED = 7 ALMOST_DONE = 8 RETRY = 9 FATAL = 10 DONT_PROCESS = 11 FINISHED_PARTIALLY = 12 end class KalturaBitRateMode CBR = 1 VBR = 2 end class KalturaCategoryEntryStatus PENDING = 1 ACTIVE = 2 DELETED = 3 REJECTED = 4 end class KalturaCategoryStatus UPDATING = 1 ACTIVE = 2 DELETED = 3 PURGED = 4 end class KalturaCategoryUserPermissionLevel MANAGER = 0 MODERATOR = 1 CONTRIBUTOR = 2 MEMBER = 3 NONE = 4 end class KalturaCategoryUserStatus ACTIVE = 1 PENDING = 2 NOT_ACTIVE = 3 DELETED = 4 end class KalturaCommercialUseType NON_COMMERCIAL_USE = 0 COMMERCIAL_USE = 1 end class KalturaContributionPolicyType ALL = 1 MEMBERS_WITH_CONTRIBUTION_PERMISSION = 2 end class KalturaControlPanelCommandStatus PENDING = 1 HANDLED = 2 DONE = 3 FAILED = 4 end class KalturaControlPanelCommandTargetType DATA_CENTER = 1 SCHEDULER = 2 JOB_TYPE = 3 JOB = 4 BATCH = 5 end class KalturaControlPanelCommandType KILL = 4 end class KalturaCountryRestrictionType RESTRICT_COUNTRY_LIST = 0 ALLOW_COUNTRY_LIST = 1 end class KalturaDVRStatus DISABLED = 0 ENABLED = 1 end class KalturaDirectoryRestrictionType DONT_DISPLAY = 0 DISPLAY_WITH_LINK = 1 end class KalturaEditorType SIMPLE = 1 ADVANCED = 2 end class KalturaEmailIngestionProfileStatus INACTIVE = 0 ACTIVE = 1 end class KalturaEntryModerationStatus PENDING_MODERATION = 1 APPROVED = 2 REJECTED = 3 FLAGGED_FOR_REVIEW = 5 AUTO_APPROVED = 6 end class KalturaFeatureStatusType LOCK_CATEGORY = 1 CATEGORY = 2 CATEGORY_ENTRY = 3 ENTRY = 4 CATEGORY_USER = 5 USER = 6 end class KalturaFlavorAssetStatus ERROR = -1 QUEUED = 0 CONVERTING = 1 READY = 2 DELETED = 3 NOT_APPLICABLE = 4 TEMP = 5 WAIT_FOR_CONVERT = 6 IMPORTING = 7 VALIDATING = 8 EXPORTING = 9 end class KalturaFlavorReadyBehaviorType NO_IMPACT = 0 INHERIT_FLAVOR_PARAMS = 0 REQUIRED = 1 OPTIONAL = 2 end class KalturaGender UNKNOWN = 0 MALE = 1 FEMALE = 2 end class KalturaInheritanceType INHERIT = 1 MANUAL = 2 end class KalturaIpAddressRestrictionType RESTRICT_LIST = 0 ALLOW_LIST = 1 end class KalturaLicenseType UNKNOWN = -1 NONE = 0 COPYRIGHTED = 1 PUBLIC_DOMAIN = 2 CREATIVECOMMONS_ATTRIBUTION = 3 CREATIVECOMMONS_ATTRIBUTION_SHARE_ALIKE = 4 CREATIVECOMMONS_ATTRIBUTION_NO_DERIVATIVES = 5 CREATIVECOMMONS_ATTRIBUTION_NON_COMMERCIAL = 6 CREATIVECOMMONS_ATTRIBUTION_NON_COMMERCIAL_SHARE_ALIKE = 7 CREATIVECOMMONS_ATTRIBUTION_NON_COMMERCIAL_NO_DERIVATIVES = 8 GFDL = 9 GPL = 10 AFFERO_GPL = 11 LGPL = 12 BSD = 13 APACHE = 14 MOZILLA = 15 end class KalturaLimitFlavorsRestrictionType RESTRICT_LIST = 0 ALLOW_LIST = 1 end class KalturaMailJobStatus PENDING = 1 SENT = 2 ERROR = 3 QUEUED = 4 end class KalturaMediaServerIndex PRIMARY = 0 SECONDARY = 1 end class KalturaMediaType VIDEO = 1 IMAGE = 2 AUDIO = 5 LIVE_STREAM_FLASH = 201 LIVE_STREAM_WINDOWS_MEDIA = 202 LIVE_STREAM_REAL_MEDIA = 203 LIVE_STREAM_QUICKTIME = 204 end class KalturaModerationFlagType SEXUAL_CONTENT = 1 VIOLENT_REPULSIVE = 2 HARMFUL_DANGEROUS = 3 SPAM_COMMERCIALS = 4 COPYRIGHT = 5 TERMS_OF_USE_VIOLATION = 6 end class KalturaMrssExtensionMode APPEND = 1 REPLACE = 2 end class KalturaNotificationObjectType ENTRY = 1 KSHOW = 2 USER = 3 BATCH_JOB = 4 end class KalturaNotificationStatus PENDING = 1 SENT = 2 ERROR = 3 SHOULD_RESEND = 4 ERROR_RESENDING = 5 SENT_SYNCH = 6 QUEUED = 7 end class KalturaNotificationType ENTRY_ADD = 1 ENTR_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS = 2 ENTRY_DELETE = 3 ENTRY_BLOCK = 4 ENTRY_UPDATE = 5 ENTRY_UPDATE_THUMBNAIL = 6 ENTRY_UPDATE_MODERATION = 7 USER_ADD = 21 USER_BANNED = 26 end class KalturaNullableBoolean NULL_VALUE = -1 FALSE_VALUE = 0 TRUE_VALUE = 1 end class KalturaPartnerGroupType PUBLISHER = 1 VAR_GROUP = 2 GROUP = 3 TEMPLATE = 4 end class KalturaPartnerStatus ACTIVE = 1 BLOCKED = 2 FULL_BLOCK = 3 end class KalturaPartnerType KMC = 1 WIKI = 100 WORDPRESS = 101 DRUPAL = 102 DEKIWIKI = 103 MOODLE = 104 COMMUNITY_EDITION = 105 JOOMLA = 106 BLACKBOARD = 107 SAKAI = 108 ADMIN_CONSOLE = 109 end class KalturaPermissionStatus ACTIVE = 1 BLOCKED = 2 DELETED = 3 end class KalturaPermissionType NORMAL = 1 SPECIAL_FEATURE = 2 PLUGIN = 3 PARTNER_GROUP = 4 end class KalturaPlaylistType STATIC_LIST = 3 DYNAMIC = 10 EXTERNAL = 101 end class KalturaPrivacyType ALL = 1 AUTHENTICATED_USERS = 2 MEMBERS_ONLY = 3 end class KalturaRecordStatus DISABLED = 0 ENABLED = 1 end class KalturaReportType TOP_CONTENT = 1 CONTENT_DROPOFF = 2 CONTENT_INTERACTIONS = 3 MAP_OVERLAY = 4 TOP_CONTRIBUTORS = 5 TOP_SYNDICATION = 6 CONTENT_CONTRIBUTIONS = 7 USER_ENGAGEMENT = 11 SPEFICIC_USER_ENGAGEMENT = 12 USER_TOP_CONTENT = 13 USER_CONTENT_DROPOFF = 14 USER_CONTENT_INTERACTIONS = 15 APPLICATIONS = 16 USER_USAGE = 17 SPECIFIC_USER_USAGE = 18 VAR_USAGE = 19 TOP_CREATORS = 20 PLATFORMS = 21 OPERATION_SYSTEM = 22 BROWSERS = 23 PARTNER_USAGE = 201 end class KalturaResponseType RESPONSE_TYPE_JSON = 1 RESPONSE_TYPE_XML = 2 RESPONSE_TYPE_PHP = 3 RESPONSE_TYPE_PHP_ARRAY = 4 RESPONSE_TYPE_HTML = 7 RESPONSE_TYPE_MRSS = 8 RESPONSE_TYPE_JSONP = 9 end class KalturaSearchOperatorType SEARCH_AND = 1 SEARCH_OR = 2 end class KalturaSearchProviderType FLICKR = 3 YOUTUBE = 4 MYSPACE = 7 PHOTOBUCKET = 8 JAMENDO = 9 CCMIXTER = 10 NYPL = 11 CURRENT = 12 MEDIA_COMMONS = 13 KALTURA = 20 KALTURA_USER_CLIPS = 21 ARCHIVE_ORG = 22 KALTURA_PARTNER = 23 METACAFE = 24 SEARCH_PROXY = 28 PARTNER_SPECIFIC = 100 end class KalturaSessionType USER = 0 ADMIN = 2 end class KalturaSiteRestrictionType RESTRICT_SITE_LIST = 0 ALLOW_SITE_LIST = 1 end class KalturaStatsEventType WIDGET_LOADED = 1 MEDIA_LOADED = 2 PLAY = 3 PLAY_REACHED_25 = 4 PLAY_REACHED_50 = 5 PLAY_REACHED_75 = 6 PLAY_REACHED_100 = 7 OPEN_EDIT = 8 OPEN_VIRAL = 9 OPEN_DOWNLOAD = 10 OPEN_REPORT = 11 BUFFER_START = 12 BUFFER_END = 13 OPEN_FULL_SCREEN = 14 CLOSE_FULL_SCREEN = 15 REPLAY = 16 SEEK = 17 OPEN_UPLOAD = 18 SAVE_PUBLISH = 19 CLOSE_EDITOR = 20 PRE_BUMPER_PLAYED = 21 POST_BUMPER_PLAYED = 22 BUMPER_CLICKED = 23 PREROLL_STARTED = 24 MIDROLL_STARTED = 25 POSTROLL_STARTED = 26 OVERLAY_STARTED = 27 PREROLL_CLICKED = 28 MIDROLL_CLICKED = 29 POSTROLL_CLICKED = 30 OVERLAY_CLICKED = 31 PREROLL_25 = 32 PREROLL_50 = 33 PREROLL_75 = 34 MIDROLL_25 = 35 MIDROLL_50 = 36 MIDROLL_75 = 37 POSTROLL_25 = 38 POSTROLL_50 = 39 POSTROLL_75 = 40 end class KalturaStatsFeatureType NONE = 0 RELATED = 1 end class KalturaStatsKmcEventType CONTENT_PAGE_VIEW = 1001 CONTENT_ADD_PLAYLIST = 1010 CONTENT_EDIT_PLAYLIST = 1011 CONTENT_DELETE_PLAYLIST = 1012 CONTENT_EDIT_ENTRY = 1013 CONTENT_CHANGE_THUMBNAIL = 1014 CONTENT_ADD_TAGS = 1015 CONTENT_REMOVE_TAGS = 1016 CONTENT_ADD_ADMIN_TAGS = 1017 CONTENT_REMOVE_ADMIN_TAGS = 1018 CONTENT_DOWNLOAD = 1019 CONTENT_APPROVE_MODERATION = 1020 CONTENT_REJECT_MODERATION = 1021 CONTENT_BULK_UPLOAD = 1022 CONTENT_ADMIN_KCW_UPLOAD = 1023 ACCOUNT_CHANGE_PARTNER_INFO = 1030 ACCOUNT_CHANGE_LOGIN_INFO = 1031 ACCOUNT_CONTACT_US_USAGE = 1032 ACCOUNT_UPDATE_SERVER_SETTINGS = 1033 ACCOUNT_ACCOUNT_OVERVIEW = 1034 ACCOUNT_ACCESS_CONTROL = 1035 ACCOUNT_TRANSCODING_SETTINGS = 1036 ACCOUNT_ACCOUNT_UPGRADE = 1037 ACCOUNT_SAVE_SERVER_SETTINGS = 1038 ACCOUNT_ACCESS_CONTROL_DELETE = 1039 ACCOUNT_SAVE_TRANSCODING_SETTINGS = 1040 LOGIN = 1041 DASHBOARD_IMPORT_CONTENT = 1042 DASHBOARD_UPDATE_CONTENT = 1043 DASHBOARD_ACCOUNT_CONTACT_US = 1044 DASHBOARD_VIEW_REPORTS = 1045 DASHBOARD_EMBED_PLAYER = 1046 DASHBOARD_EMBED_PLAYLIST = 1047 DASHBOARD_CUSTOMIZE_PLAYERS = 1048 APP_STUDIO_NEW_PLAYER_SINGLE_VIDEO = 1050 APP_STUDIO_NEW_PLAYER_PLAYLIST = 1051 APP_STUDIO_NEW_PLAYER_MULTI_TAB_PLAYLIST = 1052 APP_STUDIO_EDIT_PLAYER_SINGLE_VIDEO = 1053 APP_STUDIO_EDIT_PLAYER_PLAYLIST = 1054 APP_STUDIO_EDIT_PLAYER_MULTI_TAB_PLAYLIST = 1055 APP_STUDIO_DUPLICATE_PLAYER = 1056 CONTENT_CONTENT_GO_TO_PAGE = 1057 CONTENT_DELETE_ITEM = 1058 CONTENT_DELETE_MIX = 1059 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_BANDWIDTH_USAGE_TAB = 1070 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_CONTENT_REPORTS_TAB = 1071 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_USERS_AND_COMMUNITY_REPORTS_TAB = 1072 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_TOP_CONTRIBUTORS = 1073 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_MAP_OVERLAYS = 1074 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_TOP_SYNDICATIONS = 1075 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_TOP_CONTENT = 1076 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_CONTENT_DROPOFF = 1077 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_CONTENT_INTERACTIONS = 1078 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_CONTENT_CONTRIBUTIONS = 1079 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_VIDEO_DRILL_DOWN = 1080 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_CONTENT_DRILL_DOWN_INTERACTION = 1081 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_CONTENT_CONTRIBUTIONS_DRILLDOWN = 1082 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_VIDEO_DRILL_DOWN_DROPOFF = 1083 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_MAP_OVERLAYS_DRILLDOWN = 1084 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_TOP_SYNDICATIONS_DRILL_DOWN = 1085 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_BANDWIDTH_USAGE_VIEW_MONTHLY = 1086 REPORTS_AND_ANALYTICS_BANDWIDTH_USAGE_VIEW_YEARLY = 1087 CONTENT_ENTRY_DRILLDOWN = 1088 CONTENT_OPEN_PREVIEW_AND_EMBED = 1089 end class KalturaStorageProfileDeliveryStatus ACTIVE = 1 BLOCKED = 2 end class KalturaStorageProfileReadyBehavior NO_IMPACT = 0 REQUIRED = 1 end class KalturaStorageProfileStatus DISABLED = 1 AUTOMATIC = 2 MANUAL = 3 end class KalturaSyndicationFeedStatus DELETED = -1 ACTIVE = 1 end class KalturaSyndicationFeedType GOOGLE_VIDEO = 1 YAHOO = 2 ITUNES = 3 TUBE_MOGUL = 4 KALTURA = 5 KALTURA_XSLT = 6 end class KalturaThumbAssetStatus ERROR = -1 QUEUED = 0 CAPTURING = 1 READY = 2 DELETED = 3 IMPORTING = 7 EXPORTING = 9 end class KalturaThumbCropType RESIZE = 1 RESIZE_WITH_PADDING = 2 CROP = 3 CROP_FROM_TOP = 4 RESIZE_WITH_FORCE = 5 end class KalturaUiConfCreationMode WIZARD = 2 ADVANCED = 3 end class KalturaUiConfObjType PLAYER = 1 CONTRIBUTION_WIZARD = 2 SIMPLE_EDITOR = 3 ADVANCED_EDITOR = 4 PLAYLIST = 5 APP_STUDIO = 6 KRECORD = 7 PLAYER_V3 = 8 KMC_ACCOUNT = 9 KMC_ANALYTICS = 10 KMC_CONTENT = 11 KMC_DASHBOARD = 12 KMC_LOGIN = 13 PLAYER_SL = 14 CLIENTSIDE_ENCODER = 15 KMC_GENERAL = 16 KMC_ROLES_AND_PERMISSIONS = 17 CLIPPER = 18 KSR = 19 KUPLOAD = 20 end class KalturaUpdateMethodType MANUAL = 0 AUTOMATIC = 1 end class KalturaUploadErrorCode NO_ERROR = 0 GENERAL_ERROR = 1 PARTIAL_UPLOAD = 2 end class KalturaUploadTokenStatus PENDING = 0 PARTIAL_UPLOAD = 1 FULL_UPLOAD = 2 CLOSED = 3 TIMED_OUT = 4 DELETED = 5 end class KalturaUserAgentRestrictionType RESTRICT_LIST = 0 ALLOW_LIST = 1 end class KalturaUserJoinPolicyType AUTO_JOIN = 1 REQUEST_TO_JOIN = 2 NOT_ALLOWED = 3 end class KalturaUserRoleStatus ACTIVE = 1 BLOCKED = 2 DELETED = 3 end class KalturaUserStatus BLOCKED = 0 ACTIVE = 1 DELETED = 2 end class KalturaWidgetSecurityType NONE = 1 TIMEHASH = 2 end class KalturaAccessControlOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" end class KalturaAccessControlProfileOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaAdminUserOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ID_ASC = "+id" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ID_DESC = "-id" end class KalturaAkamaiUniversalStreamType HD_IPHONE_IPAD_LIVE = "HD iPhone/iPad Live" UNIVERSAL_STREAMING_LIVE = "Universal Streaming Live" end class KalturaAmazonS3StorageProfileFilesPermissionLevel ACL_AUTHENTICATED_READ = "authenticated-read" ACL_PRIVATE = "private" ACL_PUBLIC_READ = "public-read" ACL_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE = "public-read-write" end class KalturaAmazonS3StorageProfileOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaApiActionPermissionItemOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ID_ASC = "+id" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ID_DESC = "-id" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaApiParameterPermissionItemAction USAGE = "all" INSERT = "insert" READ = "read" UPDATE = "update" end class KalturaApiParameterPermissionItemOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ID_ASC = "+id" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ID_DESC = "-id" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaAssetOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DELETED_AT_ASC = "+deletedAt" SIZE_ASC = "+size" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DELETED_AT_DESC = "-deletedAt" SIZE_DESC = "-size" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaAssetParamsOrderBy end class KalturaAssetParamsOutputOrderBy end class KalturaAssetType ATTACHMENT = "attachment.Attachment" CAPTION = "caption.Caption" DOCUMENT = "document.Document" IMAGE = "document.Image" PDF = "document.PDF" SWF = "document.SWF" WIDEVINE_FLAVOR = "widevine.WidevineFlavor" FLAVOR = "1" THUMBNAIL = "2" LIVE = "3" end class KalturaAudioCodec NONE = "" AAC = "aac" AACHE = "aache" AC3 = "ac3" AMRNB = "amrnb" COPY = "copy" MP3 = "mp3" MPEG2 = "mpeg2" PCM = "pcm" VORBIS = "vorbis" WMA = "wma" WMAPRO = "wmapro" end class KalturaBaseEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" NAME_ASC = "+name" PLAYLIST_ID_ASC = "+playlistId" TYPE_ASC = "+type" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" NAME_DESC = "-name" PLAYLIST_ID_DESC = "-playlistId" TYPE_DESC = "-type" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaBatchJobOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ESTIMATED_EFFORT_ASC = "+estimatedEffort" EXECUTION_ATTEMPTS_ASC = "+executionAttempts" FINISH_TIME_ASC = "+finishTime" LOCK_VERSION_ASC = "+lockVersion" PRIORITY_ASC = "+priority" QUEUE_TIME_ASC = "+queueTime" STATUS_ASC = "+status" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ESTIMATED_EFFORT_DESC = "-estimatedEffort" EXECUTION_ATTEMPTS_DESC = "-executionAttempts" FINISH_TIME_DESC = "-finishTime" LOCK_VERSION_DESC = "-lockVersion" PRIORITY_DESC = "-priority" QUEUE_TIME_DESC = "-queueTime" STATUS_DESC = "-status" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaBatchJobType PARSE_CAPTION_ASSET = "captionSearch.parseCaptionAsset" DISTRIBUTION_DELETE = "contentDistribution.DistributionDelete" DISTRIBUTION_DISABLE = "contentDistribution.DistributionDisable" DISTRIBUTION_ENABLE = "contentDistribution.DistributionEnable" DISTRIBUTION_FETCH_REPORT = "contentDistribution.DistributionFetchReport" DISTRIBUTION_SUBMIT = "contentDistribution.DistributionSubmit" DISTRIBUTION_SYNC = "contentDistribution.DistributionSync" DISTRIBUTION_UPDATE = "contentDistribution.DistributionUpdate" CONVERT = "0" DROP_FOLDER_CONTENT_PROCESSOR = "dropFolder.DropFolderContentProcessor" DROP_FOLDER_WATCHER = "dropFolder.DropFolderWatcher" EVENT_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER = "eventNotification.EventNotificationHandler" INDEX_TAGS = "tagSearch.IndexTagsByPrivacyContext" TAG_RESOLVE = "tagSearch.TagResolve" VIRUS_SCAN = "virusScan.VirusScan" WIDEVINE_REPOSITORY_SYNC = "widevine.WidevineRepositorySync" IMPORT = "1" DELETE = "2" FLATTEN = "3" BULKUPLOAD = "4" DVDCREATOR = "5" DOWNLOAD = "6" OOCONVERT = "7" CONVERT_PROFILE = "10" POSTCONVERT = "11" EXTRACT_MEDIA = "14" MAIL = "15" NOTIFICATION = "16" CLEANUP = "17" SCHEDULER_HELPER = "18" BULKDOWNLOAD = "19" DB_CLEANUP = "20" PROVISION_PROVIDE = "21" CONVERT_COLLECTION = "22" STORAGE_EXPORT = "23" PROVISION_DELETE = "24" STORAGE_DELETE = "25" EMAIL_INGESTION = "26" METADATA_IMPORT = "27" METADATA_TRANSFORM = "28" FILESYNC_IMPORT = "29" CAPTURE_THUMB = "30" DELETE_FILE = "31" INDEX = "32" MOVE_CATEGORY_ENTRIES = "33" COPY = "34" CONCAT = "35" CONVERT_LIVE_SEGMENT = "36" COPY_PARTNER = "37" VALIDATE_LIVE_MEDIA_SERVERS = "38" end class KalturaBulkUploadAction ADD = "1" UPDATE = "2" DELETE = "3" REPLACE = "4" TRANSFORM_XSLT = "5" ADD_OR_UPDATE = "6" end class KalturaBulkUploadObjectType ENTRY = "1" CATEGORY = "2" USER = "3" CATEGORY_USER = "4" CATEGORY_ENTRY = "5" end class KalturaBulkUploadOrderBy end class KalturaBulkUploadResultObjectType ENTRY = "1" CATEGORY = "2" USER = "3" CATEGORY_USER = "4" CATEGORY_ENTRY = "5" end class KalturaBulkUploadResultStatus ERROR = "1" OK = "2" IN_PROGRESS = "3" end class KalturaBulkUploadType CSV = "bulkUploadCsv.CSV" FILTER = "bulkUploadFilter.FILTER" XML = "bulkUploadXml.XML" DROP_FOLDER_XML = "dropFolderXmlBulkUpload.DROP_FOLDER_XML" end class KalturaCategoryEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" end class KalturaCategoryIdentifierField FULL_NAME = "fullName" ID = "id" REFERENCE_ID = "referenceId" end class KalturaCategoryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DEPTH_ASC = "+depth" DIRECT_ENTRIES_COUNT_ASC = "+directEntriesCount" DIRECT_SUB_CATEGORIES_COUNT_ASC = "+directSubCategoriesCount" ENTRIES_COUNT_ASC = "+entriesCount" FULL_NAME_ASC = "+fullName" MEMBERS_COUNT_ASC = "+membersCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DEPTH_DESC = "-depth" DIRECT_ENTRIES_COUNT_DESC = "-directEntriesCount" DIRECT_SUB_CATEGORIES_COUNT_DESC = "-directSubCategoriesCount" ENTRIES_COUNT_DESC = "-entriesCount" FULL_NAME_DESC = "-fullName" MEMBERS_COUNT_DESC = "-membersCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaCategoryUserOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaConditionType ABC_WATERMARK = "abcScreenersWatermarkAccessControl.abcWatermark" EVENT_NOTIFICATION_FIELD = "eventNotification.BooleanField" EVENT_NOTIFICATION_OBJECT_CHANGED = "eventNotification.ObjectChanged" METADATA_FIELD_CHANGED = "metadata.FieldChanged" METADATA_FIELD_COMPARE = "metadata.FieldCompare" METADATA_FIELD_MATCH = "metadata.FieldMatch" AUTHENTICATED = "1" COUNTRY = "2" IP_ADDRESS = "3" SITE = "4" USER_AGENT = "5" FIELD_MATCH = "6" FIELD_COMPARE = "7" ASSET_PROPERTIES_COMPARE = "8" end class KalturaContainerFormat _3GP = "3gp" APPLEHTTP = "applehttp" AVI = "avi" BMP = "bmp" COPY = "copy" FLV = "flv" ISMV = "ismv" JPG = "jpg" MKV = "mkv" MOV = "mov" MP3 = "mp3" MP4 = "mp4" MPEG = "mpeg" MPEGTS = "mpegts" OGG = "ogg" OGV = "ogv" PDF = "pdf" PNG = "png" SWF = "swf" WAV = "wav" WEBM = "webm" WMA = "wma" WMV = "wmv" WVM = "wvm" end class KalturaContextType PLAY = "1" DOWNLOAD = "2" THUMBNAIL = "3" METADATA = "4" EXPORT = "5" end class KalturaControlPanelCommandOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsOrderBy end class KalturaConversionProfileOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" end class KalturaConversionProfileStatus DISABLED = "1" ENABLED = "2" DELETED = "3" end class KalturaConversionProfileType MEDIA = "1" LIVE_STREAM = "2" end class KalturaDataEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaDurationType LONG = "long" MEDIUM = "medium" NOT_AVAILABLE = "notavailable" SHORT = "short" end class KalturaDynamicEnum end class KalturaEntryIdentifierField ID = "id" REFERENCE_ID = "referenceId" end class KalturaEntryReplacementStatus NONE = "0" APPROVED_BUT_NOT_READY = "1" READY_BUT_NOT_APPROVED = "2" NOT_READY_AND_NOT_APPROVED = "3" end class KalturaEntryStatus ERROR_IMPORTING = "-2" ERROR_CONVERTING = "-1" SCAN_FAILURE = "virusScan.ScanFailure" IMPORT = "0" INFECTED = "virusScan.Infected" PRECONVERT = "1" READY = "2" DELETED = "3" PENDING = "4" MODERATE = "5" BLOCKED = "6" NO_CONTENT = "7" end class KalturaEntryType AUTOMATIC = "-1" EXTERNAL_MEDIA = "externalMedia.externalMedia" MEDIA_CLIP = "1" MIX = "2" PLAYLIST = "5" DATA = "6" LIVE_STREAM = "7" LIVE_CHANNEL = "8" DOCUMENT = "10" end class KalturaFileAssetObjectType UI_CONF = "2" end class KalturaFileAssetOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaFileAssetStatus PENDING = "0" UPLOADING = "1" READY = "2" DELETED = "3" ERROR = "4" end class KalturaFileSyncObjectType DISTRIBUTION_PROFILE = "contentDistribution.DistributionProfile" ENTRY_DISTRIBUTION = "contentDistribution.EntryDistribution" GENERIC_DISTRIBUTION_ACTION = "contentDistribution.GenericDistributionAction" EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE = "emailNotification.EmailNotificationTemplate" HTTP_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE = "httpNotification.HttpNotificationTemplate" ENTRY = "1" UICONF = "2" BATCHJOB = "3" ASSET = "4" FLAVOR_ASSET = "4" METADATA = "5" METADATA_PROFILE = "6" SYNDICATION_FEED = "7" CONVERSION_PROFILE = "8" FILE_ASSET = "9" end class KalturaFlavorAssetOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DELETED_AT_ASC = "+deletedAt" SIZE_ASC = "+size" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DELETED_AT_DESC = "-deletedAt" SIZE_DESC = "-size" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaFlavorParamsOrderBy end class KalturaFlavorParamsOutputOrderBy end class KalturaGenericSyndicationFeedOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" NAME_ASC = "+name" PLAYLIST_ID_ASC = "+playlistId" TYPE_ASC = "+type" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" NAME_DESC = "-name" PLAYLIST_ID_DESC = "-playlistId" TYPE_DESC = "-type" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaGenericXsltSyndicationFeedOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" NAME_ASC = "+name" PLAYLIST_ID_ASC = "+playlistId" TYPE_ASC = "+type" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" NAME_DESC = "-name" PLAYLIST_ID_DESC = "-playlistId" TYPE_DESC = "-type" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaGeoCoderType KALTURA = "1" end class KalturaGoogleSyndicationFeedAdultValues NO = "No" YES = "Yes" end class KalturaGoogleVideoSyndicationFeedOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" NAME_ASC = "+name" PLAYLIST_ID_ASC = "+playlistId" TYPE_ASC = "+type" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" NAME_DESC = "-name" PLAYLIST_ID_DESC = "-playlistId" TYPE_DESC = "-type" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaITunesSyndicationFeedAdultValues CLEAN = "clean" NO = "no" YES = "yes" end class KalturaITunesSyndicationFeedCategories ARTS = "Arts" ARTS_DESIGN = "Arts/Design" ARTS_FASHION_BEAUTY = "Arts/Fashion & Beauty" ARTS_FOOD = "Arts/Food" ARTS_LITERATURE = "Arts/Literature" ARTS_PERFORMING_ARTS = "Arts/Performing Arts" ARTS_VISUAL_ARTS = "Arts/Visual Arts" BUSINESS = "Business" BUSINESS_BUSINESS_NEWS = "Business/Business News" BUSINESS_CAREERS = "Business/Careers" BUSINESS_INVESTING = "Business/Investing" BUSINESS_MANAGEMENT_MARKETING = "Business/Management & Marketing" BUSINESS_SHOPPING = "Business/Shopping" COMEDY = "Comedy" EDUCATION = "Education" EDUCATION_TECHNOLOGY = "Education/Education Technology" EDUCATION_HIGHER_EDUCATION = "Education/Higher Education" EDUCATION_K_12 = "Education/K-12" EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_COURSES = "Education/Language Courses" EDUCATION_TRAINING = "Education/Training" GAMES_HOBBIES = "Games & Hobbies" GAMES_HOBBIES_AUTOMOTIVE = "Games & Hobbies/Automotive" GAMES_HOBBIES_AVIATION = "Games & Hobbies/Aviation" GAMES_HOBBIES_HOBBIES = "Games & Hobbies/Hobbies" GAMES_HOBBIES_OTHER_GAMES = "Games & Hobbies/Other Games" GAMES_HOBBIES_VIDEO_GAMES = "Games & Hobbies/Video Games" GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS = "Government & Organizations" GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS_LOCAL = "Government & Organizations/Local" GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS_NATIONAL = "Government & Organizations/National" GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS_NON_PROFIT = "Government & Organizations/Non-Profit" GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS_REGIONAL = "Government & Organizations/Regional" HEALTH = "Health" HEALTH_ALTERNATIVE_HEALTH = "Health/Alternative Health" HEALTH_FITNESS_NUTRITION = "Health/Fitness & Nutrition" HEALTH_SELF_HELP = "Health/Self-Help" HEALTH_SEXUALITY = "Health/Sexuality" KIDS_FAMILY = "Kids & Family" MUSIC = "Music" NEWS_POLITICS = "News & Politics" RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY = "Religion & Spirituality" RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_BUDDHISM = "Religion & Spirituality/Buddhism" RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_CHRISTIANITY = "Religion & Spirituality/Christianity" RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_HINDUISM = "Religion & Spirituality/Hinduism" RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_ISLAM = "Religion & Spirituality/Islam" RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_JUDAISM = "Religion & Spirituality/Judaism" RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_OTHER = "Religion & Spirituality/Other" RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_SPIRITUALITY = "Religion & Spirituality/Spirituality" SCIENCE_MEDICINE = "Science & Medicine" SCIENCE_MEDICINE_MEDICINE = "Science & Medicine/Medicine" SCIENCE_MEDICINE_NATURAL_SCIENCES = "Science & Medicine/Natural Sciences" SCIENCE_MEDICINE_SOCIAL_SCIENCES = "Science & Medicine/Social Sciences" SOCIETY_CULTURE = "Society & Culture" SOCIETY_CULTURE_HISTORY = "Society & Culture/History" SOCIETY_CULTURE_PERSONAL_JOURNALS = "Society & Culture/Personal Journals" SOCIETY_CULTURE_PHILOSOPHY = "Society & Culture/Philosophy" SOCIETY_CULTURE_PLACES_TRAVEL = "Society & Culture/Places & Travel" SPORTS_RECREATION = "Sports & Recreation" SPORTS_RECREATION_AMATEUR = "Sports & Recreation/Amateur" SPORTS_RECREATION_COLLEGE_HIGH_SCHOOL = "Sports & Recreation/College & High School" SPORTS_RECREATION_OUTDOOR = "Sports & Recreation/Outdoor" SPORTS_RECREATION_PROFESSIONAL = "Sports & Recreation/Professional" TV_FILM = "TV & Film" TECHNOLOGY = "Technology" TECHNOLOGY_GADGETS = "Technology/Gadgets" TECHNOLOGY_PODCASTING = "Technology/Podcasting" TECHNOLOGY_SOFTWARE_HOW_TO = "Technology/Software How-To" TECHNOLOGY_TECH_NEWS = "Technology/Tech News" end class KalturaITunesSyndicationFeedOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" NAME_ASC = "+name" PLAYLIST_ID_ASC = "+playlistId" TYPE_ASC = "+type" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" NAME_DESC = "-name" PLAYLIST_ID_DESC = "-playlistId" TYPE_DESC = "-type" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaLanguage AB = "Abkhazian" AA = "Afar" AF = "Afrikaans" SQ = "Albanian" AM = "Amharic" AR = "Arabic" HY = "Armenian" AS_ = "Assamese" AY = "Aymara" AZ = "Azerbaijani" BA = "Bashkir" EU = "Basque" BN = "Bengali (Bangla)" DZ = "Bhutani" BH = "Bihari" BI = "Bislama" BR = "Breton" BG = "Bulgarian" MY = "Burmese" BE = "Byelorussian (Belarusian)" KM = "Cambodian" CA = "Catalan" ZH = "Chinese" CO = "Corsican" HR = "Croatian" CS = "Czech" DA = "Danish" NL = "Dutch" EN = "English" EO = "Esperanto" ET = "Estonian" FO = "Faeroese" FA = "Farsi" FJ = "Fiji" FI = "Finnish" FR = "French" FY = "Frisian" GV = "Gaelic (Manx)" GD = "Gaelic (Scottish)" GL = "Galician" KA = "Georgian" DE = "German" EL = "Greek" KL = "Greenlandic" GN = "Guarani" GU = "Gujarati" HA = "Hausa" IW = "Hebrew" HE = "Hebrew" HI = "Hindi" HU = "Hungarian" IS = "Icelandic" IN = "Indonesian" ID = "Indonesian" IA = "Interlingua" IE = "Interlingue" IU = "Inuktitut" IK = "Inupiak" GA = "Irish" IT = "Italian" JA = "Japanese" JV = "Javanese" KN = "Kannada" KS = "Kashmiri" KK = "Kazakh" RW = "Kinyarwanda (Ruanda)" KY = "Kirghiz" RN = "Kirundi (Rundi)" KO = "Korean" KU = "Kurdish" LO = "Laothian" LA = "Latin" LV = "Latvian (Lettish)" LI = "Limburgish ( Limburger)" LN = "Lingala" LT = "Lithuanian" MK = "Macedonian" MG = "Malagasy" MS = "Malay" ML = "Malayalam" MT = "Maltese" MI = "Maori" MR = "Marathi" MO = "Moldavian" MN = "Mongolian" NA = "Nauru" NE = "Nepali" NO = "Norwegian" OC = "Occitan" OR_ = "Oriya" OM = "Oromo (Afan, Galla)" PS = "Pashto (Pushto)" PL = "Polish" PT = "Portuguese" PA = "Punjabi" QU = "Quechua" RM = "Rhaeto-Romance" RO = "Romanian" RU = "Russian" SM = "Samoan" SG = "Sangro" SA = "Sanskrit" SR = "Serbian" SH = "Serbo-Croatian" ST = "Sesotho" TN = "Setswana" SN = "Shona" SD = "Sindhi" SI = "Sinhalese" SS = "Siswati" SK = "Slovak" SL = "Slovenian" SO = "Somali" ES = "Spanish" SU = "Sundanese" SW = "Swahili (Kiswahili)" SV = "Swedish" TL = "Tagalog" TG = "Tajik" TA = "Tamil" TT = "Tatar" TE = "Telugu" TH = "Thai" BO = "Tibetan" TI = "Tigrinya" TO = "Tonga" TS = "Tsonga" TR = "Turkish" TK = "Turkmen" TW = "Twi" UG = "Uighur" UK = "Ukrainian" UR = "Urdu" UZ = "Uzbek" VI = "Vietnamese" VO = "Volapuk" CY = "Welsh" WO = "Wolof" XH = "Xhosa" YI = "Yiddish" JI = "Yiddish" YO = "Yoruba" ZU = "Zulu" end class KalturaLanguageCode AA = "aa" AB = "ab" AF = "af" AM = "am" AR = "ar" AS_ = "as" AY = "ay" AZ = "az" BA = "ba" BE = "be" BG = "bg" BH = "bh" BI = "bi" BN = "bn" BO = "bo" BR = "br" CA = "ca" CO = "co" CS = "cs" CY = "cy" DA = "da" DE = "de" DZ = "dz" EL = "el" EN = "en" EO = "eo" ES = "es" ET = "et" EU = "eu" FA = "fa" FI = "fi" FJ = "fj" FO = "fo" FR = "fr" FY = "fy" GA = "ga" GD = "gd" GL = "gl" GN = "gn" GU = "gu" GV = "gv" HA = "ha" HE = "he" HI = "hi" HR = "hr" HU = "hu" HY = "hy" IA = "ia" ID = "id" IE = "ie" IK = "ik" IN = "in" IS = "is" IT = "it" IU = "iu" IW = "iw" JA = "ja" JI = "ji" JV = "jv" KA = "ka" KK = "kk" KL = "kl" KM = "km" KN = "kn" KO = "ko" KS = "ks" KU = "ku" KY = "ky" LA = "la" LI = "li" LN = "ln" LO = "lo" LT = "lt" LV = "lv" MG = "mg" MI = "mi" MK = "mk" ML = "ml" MN = "mn" MO = "mo" MR = "mr" MS = "ms" MT = "mt" MY = "my" NA = "na" NE = "ne" NL = "nl" NO = "no" OC = "oc" OM = "om" OR_ = "or" PA = "pa" PL = "pl" PS = "ps" PT = "pt" QU = "qu" RM = "rm" RN = "rn" RO = "ro" RU = "ru" RW = "rw" SA = "sa" SD = "sd" SG = "sg" SH = "sh" SI = "si" SK = "sk" SL = "sl" SM = "sm" SN = "sn" SO = "so" SQ = "sq" SR = "sr" SS = "ss" ST = "st" SU = "su" SV = "sv" SW = "sw" TA = "ta" TE = "te" TG = "tg" TH = "th" TI = "ti" TK = "tk" TL = "tl" TN = "tn" TO = "to" TR = "tr" TS = "ts" TT = "tt" TW = "tw" UG = "ug" UK = "uk" UR = "ur" UZ = "uz" VI = "vi" VO = "vo" WO = "wo" XH = "xh" YI = "yi" YO = "yo" ZH = "zh" ZU = "zu" end class KalturaLiveAssetOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DELETED_AT_ASC = "+deletedAt" SIZE_ASC = "+size" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DELETED_AT_DESC = "-deletedAt" SIZE_DESC = "-size" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaLiveChannelOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DURATION_ASC = "+duration" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_ASC = "+lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_ASC = "+mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" PLAYS_ASC = "+plays" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" VIEWS_ASC = "+views" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DURATION_DESC = "-duration" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_DESC = "-lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_DESC = "-mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" PLAYS_DESC = "-plays" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" VIEWS_DESC = "-views" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaLiveChannelSegmentOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" START_TIME_ASC = "+startTime" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" START_TIME_DESC = "-startTime" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaLiveChannelSegmentStatus ACTIVE = "2" DELETED = "3" end class KalturaLiveChannelSegmentTriggerType CHANNEL_RELATIVE = "1" ABSOLUTE_TIME = "2" SEGMENT_START_RELATIVE = "3" SEGMENT_END_RELATIVE = "4" end class KalturaLiveChannelSegmentType VIDEO_AND_AUDIO = "1" end class KalturaLiveEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DURATION_ASC = "+duration" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_ASC = "+lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_ASC = "+mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" PLAYS_ASC = "+plays" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" VIEWS_ASC = "+views" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DURATION_DESC = "-duration" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_DESC = "-lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_DESC = "-mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" PLAYS_DESC = "-plays" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" VIEWS_DESC = "-views" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaLiveParamsOrderBy end class KalturaLiveStreamAdminEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DURATION_ASC = "+duration" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_ASC = "+lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_ASC = "+mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" PLAYS_ASC = "+plays" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" VIEWS_ASC = "+views" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DURATION_DESC = "-duration" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_DESC = "-lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_DESC = "-mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" PLAYS_DESC = "-plays" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" VIEWS_DESC = "-views" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaLiveStreamEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DURATION_ASC = "+duration" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_ASC = "+lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_ASC = "+mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" PLAYS_ASC = "+plays" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" VIEWS_ASC = "+views" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DURATION_DESC = "-duration" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_DESC = "-lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_DESC = "-mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" PLAYS_DESC = "-plays" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" VIEWS_DESC = "-views" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaMailType MAIL_TYPE_KALTURA_NEWSLETTER = "10" MAIL_TYPE_ADDED_TO_FAVORITES = "11" MAIL_TYPE_ADDED_TO_CLIP_FAVORITES = "12" MAIL_TYPE_NEW_COMMENT_IN_PROFILE = "13" MAIL_TYPE_CLIP_ADDED_YOUR_KALTURA = "20" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_ADDED = "21" MAIL_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED = "22" MAIL_TYPE_ADDED_KALTURA_TO_YOUR_FAVORITES = "23" MAIL_TYPE_NEW_COMMENT_IN_KALTURA = "24" MAIL_TYPE_CLIP_ADDED = "30" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_CREATED = "31" MAIL_TYPE_ADDED_KALTURA_TO_HIS_FAVORITES = "32" MAIL_TYPE_NEW_COMMENT_IN_KALTURA_YOU_CONTRIBUTED = "33" MAIL_TYPE_CLIP_CONTRIBUTED = "40" MAIL_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED_SUBSCRIBED = "41" MAIL_TYPE_ADDED_KALTURA_TO_HIS_FAVORITES_SUBSCRIBED = "42" MAIL_TYPE_NEW_COMMENT_IN_KALTURA_YOU_SUBSCRIBED = "43" MAIL_TYPE_REGISTER_CONFIRM = "50" MAIL_TYPE_PASSWORD_RESET = "51" MAIL_TYPE_LOGIN_MAIL_RESET = "52" MAIL_TYPE_REGISTER_CONFIRM_VIDEO_SERVICE = "54" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_READY = "60" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_IS_READY = "62" MAIL_TYPE_BULK_DOWNLOAD_READY = "63" MAIL_TYPE_BULKUPLOAD_FINISHED = "64" MAIL_TYPE_BULKUPLOAD_FAILED = "65" MAIL_TYPE_BULKUPLOAD_ABORTED = "66" MAIL_TYPE_NOTIFY_ERR = "70" MAIL_TYPE_ACCOUNT_UPGRADE_CONFIRM = "80" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_SERVICE_NOTICE = "81" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_SERVICE_NOTICE_LIMIT_REACHED = "82" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_SERVICE_NOTICE_ACCOUNT_LOCKED = "83" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_SERVICE_NOTICE_ACCOUNT_DELETED = "84" MAIL_TYPE_VIDEO_SERVICE_NOTICE_UPGRADE_OFFER = "85" MAIL_TYPE_ACCOUNT_REACTIVE_CONFIRM = "86" MAIL_TYPE_SYSTEM_USER_RESET_PASSWORD = "110" MAIL_TYPE_SYSTEM_USER_RESET_PASSWORD_SUCCESS = "111" MAIL_TYPE_SYSTEM_USER_NEW_PASSWORD = "112" MAIL_TYPE_SYSTEM_USER_CREDENTIALS_SAVED = "113" end class KalturaMediaEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DURATION_ASC = "+duration" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_ASC = "+lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_ASC = "+mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" PLAYS_ASC = "+plays" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" VIEWS_ASC = "+views" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DURATION_DESC = "-duration" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_DESC = "-lastPlayedAt" MEDIA_TYPE_DESC = "-mediaType" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" PLAYS_DESC = "-plays" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" VIEWS_DESC = "-views" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaMediaFlavorParamsOrderBy end class KalturaMediaFlavorParamsOutputOrderBy end class KalturaMediaInfoOrderBy end class KalturaMediaParserType MEDIAINFO = "0" REMOTE_MEDIAINFO = "remoteMediaInfo.RemoteMediaInfo" FFMPEG = "1" end class KalturaMediaServerOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaMixEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DURATION_ASC = "+duration" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_ASC = "+lastPlayedAt" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" PLAYS_ASC = "+plays" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" VIEWS_ASC = "+views" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DURATION_DESC = "-duration" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_DESC = "-lastPlayedAt" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" PLAYS_DESC = "-plays" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" VIEWS_DESC = "-views" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaModerationFlagStatus PENDING = "1" MODERATED = "2" end class KalturaModerationObjectType ENTRY = "2" USER = "3" end class KalturaPartnerOrderBy ADMIN_EMAIL_ASC = "+adminEmail" ADMIN_NAME_ASC = "+adminName" CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ID_ASC = "+id" NAME_ASC = "+name" STATUS_ASC = "+status" WEBSITE_ASC = "+website" ADMIN_EMAIL_DESC = "-adminEmail" ADMIN_NAME_DESC = "-adminName" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ID_DESC = "-id" NAME_DESC = "-name" STATUS_DESC = "-status" WEBSITE_DESC = "-website" end class KalturaPermissionItemOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ID_ASC = "+id" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ID_DESC = "-id" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaPermissionItemType API_ACTION_ITEM = "kApiActionPermissionItem" API_PARAMETER_ITEM = "kApiParameterPermissionItem" end class KalturaPermissionOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ID_ASC = "+id" NAME_ASC = "+name" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ID_DESC = "-id" NAME_DESC = "-name" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaPlayableEntryOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DURATION_ASC = "+duration" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_ASC = "+lastPlayedAt" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" PLAYS_ASC = "+plays" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" VIEWS_ASC = "+views" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DURATION_DESC = "-duration" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" LAST_PLAYED_AT_DESC = "-lastPlayedAt" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" PLAYS_DESC = "-plays" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" VIEWS_DESC = "-views" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaPlaybackProtocol APPLE_HTTP = "applehttp" AUTO = "auto" AKAMAI_HD = "hdnetwork" AKAMAI_HDS = "hdnetworkmanifest" HDS = "hds" HLS = "hls" HTTP = "http" MPEG_DASH = "mpegdash" RTMP = "rtmp" RTSP = "rtsp" SILVER_LIGHT = "sl" end class KalturaPlaylistOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" END_DATE_ASC = "+endDate" MODERATION_COUNT_ASC = "+moderationCount" NAME_ASC = "+name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_ASC = "+partnerSortValue" RANK_ASC = "+rank" RECENT_ASC = "+recent" START_DATE_ASC = "+startDate" TOTAL_RANK_ASC = "+totalRank" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" WEIGHT_ASC = "+weight" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" END_DATE_DESC = "-endDate" MODERATION_COUNT_DESC = "-moderationCount" NAME_DESC = "-name" PARTNER_SORT_VALUE_DESC = "-partnerSortValue" RANK_DESC = "-rank" RECENT_DESC = "-recent" START_DATE_DESC = "-startDate" TOTAL_RANK_DESC = "-totalRank" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" WEIGHT_DESC = "-weight" end class KalturaReportInterval DAYS = "days" MONTHS = "months" end class KalturaReportOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" end class KalturaRuleActionType BLOCK = "1" PREVIEW = "2" LIMIT_FLAVORS = "3" ADD_TO_STORAGE = "4" end class KalturaSchemaType BULK_UPLOAD_RESULT_XML = "bulkUploadXml.bulkUploadResultXML" BULK_UPLOAD_XML = "bulkUploadXml.bulkUploadXML" INGEST_API = "cuePoint.ingestAPI" SERVE_API = "cuePoint.serveAPI" DROP_FOLDER_XML = "dropFolderXmlBulkUpload.dropFolderXml" SYNDICATION = "syndication" end class KalturaSearchConditionComparison EQUAL = "1" GREATER_THAN = "2" GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL = "3" LESS_THAN = "4" LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL = "5" end class KalturaSourceType LIMELIGHT_LIVE = "limeLight.LIVE_STREAM" VELOCIX_LIVE = "velocix.VELOCIX_LIVE" FILE = "1" WEBCAM = "2" URL = "5" SEARCH_PROVIDER = "6" AKAMAI_LIVE = "29" MANUAL_LIVE_STREAM = "30" AKAMAI_UNIVERSAL_LIVE = "31" LIVE_STREAM = "32" LIVE_CHANNEL = "33" RECORDED_LIVE = "34" CLIP = "35" end class KalturaStorageProfileOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaStorageProfileProtocol KONTIKI = "kontiki.KONTIKI" KALTURA_DC = "0" FTP = "1" SCP = "2" SFTP = "3" S3 = "6" LOCAL = "7" end class KalturaSyndicationFeedEntriesOrderBy CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" RECENT = "recent" end class KalturaTaggedObjectType ENTRY = "1" CATEGORY = "2" end class KalturaThumbAssetOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" DELETED_AT_ASC = "+deletedAt" SIZE_ASC = "+size" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" DELETED_AT_DESC = "-deletedAt" SIZE_DESC = "-size" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaThumbParamsOrderBy end class KalturaThumbParamsOutputOrderBy end class KalturaTubeMogulSyndicationFeedCategories ANIMALS_AND_PETS = "Animals & Pets" ARTS_AND_ANIMATION = "Arts & Animation" AUTOS = "Autos" COMEDY = "Comedy" COMMERCIALS_PROMOTIONAL = "Commercials/Promotional" ENTERTAINMENT = "Entertainment" FAMILY_AND_KIDS = "Family & Kids" HOW_TO_INSTRUCTIONAL_DIY = "How To/Instructional/DIY" MUSIC = "Music" NEWS_AND_BLOGS = "News & Blogs" SCIENCE_AND_TECHNOLOGY = "Science & Technology" SPORTS = "Sports" TRAVEL_AND_PLACES = "Travel & Places" VIDEO_GAMES = "Video Games" VLOGS_PEOPLE = "Vlogs & People" end class KalturaTubeMogulSyndicationFeedOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" NAME_ASC = "+name" PLAYLIST_ID_ASC = "+playlistId" TYPE_ASC = "+type" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" NAME_DESC = "-name" PLAYLIST_ID_DESC = "-playlistId" TYPE_DESC = "-type" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaUiConfOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaUploadTokenOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" end class KalturaUserLoginDataOrderBy end class KalturaUserOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ID_ASC = "+id" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ID_DESC = "-id" end class KalturaUserRoleOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" ID_ASC = "+id" NAME_ASC = "+name" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" ID_DESC = "-id" NAME_DESC = "-name" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaVideoCodec NONE = "" APCH = "apch" APCN = "apcn" APCO = "apco" APCS = "apcs" COPY = "copy" DNXHD = "dnxhd" DV = "dv" FLV = "flv" H263 = "h263" H264 = "h264" H264B = "h264b" H264H = "h264h" H264M = "h264m" MPEG2 = "mpeg2" MPEG4 = "mpeg4" THEORA = "theora" VP6 = "vp6" VP8 = "vp8" WMV2 = "wmv2" WMV3 = "wmv3" WVC1A = "wvc1a" end class KalturaWidgetOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" end class KalturaYahooSyndicationFeedAdultValues ADULT = "adult" NON_ADULT = "nonadult" end class KalturaYahooSyndicationFeedCategories ACTION = "Action" ANIMALS = "Animals" ART_AND_ANIMATION = "Art & Animation" COMMERCIALS = "Commercials" ENTERTAINMENT_AND_TV = "Entertainment & TV" FAMILY = "Family" FOOD = "Food" FUNNY_VIDEOS = "Funny Videos" GAMES = "Games" HEALTH_AND_BEAUTY = "Health & Beauty" HOW_TO = "How-To" MOVIES_AND_SHORTS = "Movies & Shorts" MUSIC = "Music" NEWS_AND_POLITICS = "News & Politics" PEOPLE_AND_VLOGS = "People & Vlogs" PRODUCTS_AND_TECH = "Products & Tech." SCIENCE_AND_ENVIRONMENT = "Science & Environment" SPORTS = "Sports" TRANSPORTATION = "Transportation" TRAVEL = "Travel" end class KalturaYahooSyndicationFeedOrderBy CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt" NAME_ASC = "+name" PLAYLIST_ID_ASC = "+playlistId" TYPE_ASC = "+type" UPDATED_AT_ASC = "+updatedAt" CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt" NAME_DESC = "-name" PLAYLIST_ID_DESC = "-playlistId" TYPE_DESC = "-type" UPDATED_AT_DESC = "-updatedAt" end class KalturaBaseRestriction < KalturaObjectBase end class KalturaAccessControl < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the Access Control Profile # attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id # The name of the Access Control Profile # attr_accessor :name # System name of the Access Control Profile # attr_accessor :system_name # The description of the Access Control Profile # attr_accessor :description # Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # True if this Conversion Profile is the default # attr_accessor :is_default # Array of Access Control Restrictions # attr_accessor :restrictions # Indicates that the access control profile is new and should be handled using KalturaAccessControlProfile object and accessControlProfile service # attr_accessor :contains_unsuported_restrictions def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def is_default=(val) @is_default = val.to_i end def contains_unsuported_restrictions=(val) @contains_unsuported_restrictions = to_b(val) end end class KalturaContextTypeHolder < KalturaObjectBase # The type of the condition context # attr_accessor :type end class KalturaAccessControlContextTypeHolder < KalturaContextTypeHolder end class KalturaAccessControlListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaRuleAction < KalturaObjectBase # The type of the action # attr_accessor :type end class KalturaCondition < KalturaObjectBase # The type of the access control condition # attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :not def not=(val) @not = to_b(val) end end class KalturaRule < KalturaObjectBase # Message to be thrown to the player in case the rule is fulfilled # attr_accessor :message # Actions to be performed by the player in case the rule is fulfilled # attr_accessor :actions # Conditions to validate the rule # attr_accessor :conditions # Indicates what contexts should be tested by this rule # attr_accessor :contexts # Indicates that this rule is enough and no need to continue checking the rest of the rules # attr_accessor :stop_processing def stop_processing=(val) @stop_processing = to_b(val) end end class KalturaAccessControlProfile < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the Access Control Profile # attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id # The name of the Access Control Profile # attr_accessor :name # System name of the Access Control Profile # attr_accessor :system_name # The description of the Access Control Profile # attr_accessor :description # Creation time as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # Update time as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at # True if this access control profile is the partner default # attr_accessor :is_default # Array of access control rules # attr_accessor :rules def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def is_default=(val) @is_default = val.to_i end end class KalturaAccessControlProfileListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end # A key value pair representation to return an array of key-value pairs (associative array) # class KalturaKeyValue < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :key attr_accessor :value end class KalturaAccessControlScope < KalturaObjectBase # URL to be used to test domain conditions. # attr_accessor :referrer # IP to be used to test geographic location conditions. # attr_accessor :ip # Kaltura session to be used to test session and user conditions. # attr_accessor :ks # Browser or client application to be used to test agent conditions. # attr_accessor :user_agent # Unix timestamp (In seconds) to be used to test entry scheduling, keep null to use now. # attr_accessor :time # Indicates what contexts should be tested. No contexts means any context. # attr_accessor :contexts # Array of hashes to pass to the access control profile scope # attr_accessor :hashes def time=(val) @time = val.to_i end end class KalturaAsset < KalturaObjectBase # The ID of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :id # The entry ID of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :entry_id attr_accessor :partner_id # The version of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :version # The size (in KBytes) of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :size # Tags used to identify the Flavor Asset in various scenarios # attr_accessor :tags # The file extension # attr_accessor :file_ext attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :updated_at attr_accessor :deleted_at # System description, error message, warnings and failure cause. # attr_accessor :description # Partner private data # attr_accessor :partner_data # Partner friendly description # attr_accessor :partner_description # Comma separated list of source flavor params ids # attr_accessor :actual_source_asset_params_ids def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def version=(val) @version = val.to_i end def size=(val) @size = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def deleted_at=(val) @deleted_at = val.to_i end end # A string representation to return an array of strings # class KalturaString < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :value end class KalturaAssetParams < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id # The name of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :name # System name of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :system_name # The description of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :description # Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # True if those Flavor Params are part of system defaults # attr_accessor :is_system_default # The Flavor Params tags are used to identify the flavor for different usage (e.g. web, hd, mobile) # attr_accessor :tags # Array of partner permisison names that required for using this asset params # attr_accessor :required_permissions # Id of remote storage profile that used to get the source, zero indicates Kaltura data center # attr_accessor :source_remote_storage_profile_id # Comma seperated ids of remote storage profiles that the flavor distributed to, the distribution done by the conversion engine # attr_accessor :remote_storage_profile_ids # Media parser type to be used for post-conversion validation # attr_accessor :media_parser_type # Comma seperated ids of source flavor params this flavor is created from # attr_accessor :source_asset_params_ids def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def is_system_default=(val) @is_system_default = val.to_i end def source_remote_storage_profile_id=(val) @source_remote_storage_profile_id = val.to_i end def remote_storage_profile_ids=(val) @remote_storage_profile_ids = val.to_i end end # Used to ingest entry object, as single resource or list of resources accompanied by asset params ids. # class KalturaResource < KalturaObjectBase end # Is a unified way to add content to Kaltura whether it's an uploaded file, webcam recording, imported URL or existing file sync. # class KalturaContentResource < KalturaResource end class KalturaAssetParamsResourceContainer < KalturaResource # The content resource to associate with asset params # attr_accessor :resource # The asset params to associate with the reaource # attr_accessor :asset_params_id def asset_params_id=(val) @asset_params_id = val.to_i end end # Base class to all operation attributes types # class KalturaOperationAttributes < KalturaObjectBase end class KalturaBaseEntry < KalturaObjectBase # Auto generated 10 characters alphanumeric string # attr_accessor :id # Entry name (Min 1 chars) # attr_accessor :name # Entry description # attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :partner_id # The ID of the user who is the owner of this entry # attr_accessor :user_id # The ID of the user who created this entry # attr_accessor :creator_id # Entry tags # attr_accessor :tags # Entry admin tags can be updated only by administrators # attr_accessor :admin_tags # Categories with no entitlement that this entry belongs to. # attr_accessor :categories # Categories Ids of categories with no entitlement that this entry belongs to # attr_accessor :categories_ids attr_accessor :status # Entry moderation status # attr_accessor :moderation_status # Number of moderation requests waiting for this entry # attr_accessor :moderation_count # The type of the entry, this is auto filled by the derived entry object # attr_accessor :type # Entry creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # Entry update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at # The calculated average rank. rank = totalRank / votes # attr_accessor :rank # The sum of all rank values submitted to the baseEntry.anonymousRank action # attr_accessor :total_rank # A count of all requests made to the baseEntry.anonymousRank action # attr_accessor :votes attr_accessor :group_id # Can be used to store various partner related data as a string # attr_accessor :partner_data # Download URL for the entry # attr_accessor :download_url # Indexed search text for full text search # attr_accessor :search_text # License type used for this entry # attr_accessor :license_type # Version of the entry data # attr_accessor :version # Thumbnail URL # attr_accessor :thumbnail_url # The Access Control ID assigned to this entry (null when not set, send -1 to remove) # attr_accessor :access_control_id # Entry scheduling start date (null when not set, send -1 to remove) # attr_accessor :start_date # Entry scheduling end date (null when not set, send -1 to remove) # attr_accessor :end_date # Entry external reference id # attr_accessor :reference_id # ID of temporary entry that will replace this entry when it's approved and ready for replacement # attr_accessor :replacing_entry_id # ID of the entry that will be replaced when the replacement approved and this entry is ready # attr_accessor :replaced_entry_id # Status of the replacement readiness and approval # attr_accessor :replacement_status # Can be used to store various partner related data as a numeric value # attr_accessor :partner_sort_value # Override the default ingestion profile # attr_accessor :conversion_profile_id # IF not empty, points to an entry ID the should replace this current entry's id. # attr_accessor :redirect_entry_id # ID of source root entry, used for clipped, skipped and cropped entries that created from another entry # attr_accessor :root_entry_id # clipping, skipping and cropping attributes that used to create this entry # attr_accessor :operation_attributes # list of user ids that are entitled to edit the entry (no server enforcement) The difference between entitledUsersEdit and entitledUsersPublish is applicative only # attr_accessor :entitled_users_edit # list of user ids that are entitled to publish the entry (no server enforcement) The difference between entitledUsersEdit and entitledUsersPublish is applicative only # attr_accessor :entitled_users_publish def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def moderation_status=(val) @moderation_status = val.to_i end def moderation_count=(val) @moderation_count = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def rank=(val) @rank = val.to_f end def total_rank=(val) @total_rank = val.to_i end def votes=(val) @votes = val.to_i end def group_id=(val) @group_id = val.to_i end def license_type=(val) @license_type = val.to_i end def version=(val) @version = val.to_i end def access_control_id=(val) @access_control_id = val.to_i end def start_date=(val) @start_date = val.to_i end def end_date=(val) @end_date = val.to_i end def partner_sort_value=(val) @partner_sort_value = val.to_i end def conversion_profile_id=(val) @conversion_profile_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaBaseEntryListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaBaseSyndicationFeed < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :feed_url attr_accessor :partner_id # link a playlist that will set what content the feed will include # if empty, all content will be included in feed # attr_accessor :playlist_id # feed name # attr_accessor :name # feed status # attr_accessor :status # feed type # attr_accessor :type # Base URL for each video, on the partners site # This is required by all syndication types. # attr_accessor :landing_page # Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # allow_embed tells google OR yahoo weather to allow embedding the video on google OR yahoo video results # or just to provide a link to the landing page. # it is applied on the video-player_loc property in the XML (google) # and addes media-player tag (yahoo) # attr_accessor :allow_embed # Select a uiconf ID as player skin to include in the kwidget url # attr_accessor :player_uiconf_id attr_accessor :flavor_param_id attr_accessor :transcode_existing_content attr_accessor :add_to_default_conversion_profile attr_accessor :categories attr_accessor :storage_id attr_accessor :entries_order_by # Should enforce entitlement on feed entries # attr_accessor :enforce_entitlement # Set privacy context for search entries that assiged to private and public categories within a category privacy context. # attr_accessor :privacy_context # Update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def type=(val) @type = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def allow_embed=(val) @allow_embed = to_b(val) end def player_uiconf_id=(val) @player_uiconf_id = val.to_i end def flavor_param_id=(val) @flavor_param_id = val.to_i end def transcode_existing_content=(val) @transcode_existing_content = to_b(val) end def add_to_default_conversion_profile=(val) @add_to_default_conversion_profile = to_b(val) end def storage_id=(val) @storage_id = val.to_i end def enforce_entitlement=(val) @enforce_entitlement = to_b(val) end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end end class KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaBulkUploadPluginData < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :field attr_accessor :value end class KalturaBulkUploadResult < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the result # attr_accessor :id # The id of the parent job # attr_accessor :bulk_upload_job_id # The index of the line in the CSV # attr_accessor :line_index attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :action attr_accessor :object_id attr_accessor :object_status attr_accessor :bulk_upload_result_object_type # The data as recieved in the csv # attr_accessor :row_data attr_accessor :partner_data attr_accessor :object_error_description attr_accessor :plugins_data attr_accessor :error_description attr_accessor :error_code attr_accessor :error_type def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def bulk_upload_job_id=(val) @bulk_upload_job_id = val.to_i end def line_index=(val) @line_index = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def object_status=(val) @object_status = val.to_i end def error_type=(val) @error_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaBulkUpload < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :uploaded_by attr_accessor :uploaded_by_user_id attr_accessor :uploaded_on attr_accessor :num_of_entries attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :log_file_url attr_accessor :csv_file_url attr_accessor :bulk_file_url attr_accessor :bulk_upload_type attr_accessor :results attr_accessor :error attr_accessor :error_type attr_accessor :error_number attr_accessor :file_name attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :num_of_objects attr_accessor :bulk_upload_object_type def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def uploaded_on=(val) @uploaded_on = val.to_i end def num_of_entries=(val) @num_of_entries = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def error_type=(val) @error_type = val.to_i end def error_number=(val) @error_number = val.to_i end def num_of_objects=(val) @num_of_objects = val.to_i end end class KalturaBulkUploadListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end # This class represents object-specific data passed to the # bulk upload job. # class KalturaBulkUploadObjectData < KalturaObjectBase end class KalturaCEError < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :browser attr_accessor :server_ip attr_accessor :server_os attr_accessor :php_version attr_accessor :ce_admin_email attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :data def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategory < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the Category # attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :parent_id attr_accessor :depth attr_accessor :partner_id # The name of the Category. # The following characters are not allowed: '<', '>', ',' # attr_accessor :name # The full name of the Category # attr_accessor :full_name # The full ids of the Category # attr_accessor :full_ids # Number of entries in this Category (including child categories) # attr_accessor :entries_count # Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # Update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at # Category description # attr_accessor :description # Category tags # attr_accessor :tags # If category will be returned for list action. # attr_accessor :appear_in_list # defines the privacy of the entries that assigned to this category # attr_accessor :privacy # If Category members are inherited from parent category or set manualy. # attr_accessor :inheritance_type # Who can ask to join this category # attr_accessor :user_join_policy # Default permissionLevel for new users # attr_accessor :default_permission_level # Category Owner (User id) # attr_accessor :owner # Number of entries that belong to this category directly # attr_accessor :direct_entries_count # Category external id, controlled and managed by the partner. # attr_accessor :reference_id # who can assign entries to this category # attr_accessor :contribution_policy # Number of active members for this category # attr_accessor :members_count # Number of pending members for this category # attr_accessor :pending_members_count # Set privacy context for search entries that assiged to private and public categories. the entries will be private if the search context is set with those categories. # attr_accessor :privacy_context # comma separated parents that defines a privacyContext for search # attr_accessor :privacy_contexts # Status # attr_accessor :status # The category id that this category inherit its members and members permission (for contribution and join) # attr_accessor :inherited_parent_id # Can be used to store various partner related data as a numeric value # attr_accessor :partner_sort_value # Can be used to store various partner related data as a string # attr_accessor :partner_data # Enable client side applications to define how to sort the category child categories # attr_accessor :default_order_by # Number of direct children categories # attr_accessor :direct_sub_categories_count # Moderation to add entries to this category by users that are not of permission level Manager or Moderator. # attr_accessor :moderation # Nunber of pending moderation entries # attr_accessor :pending_entries_count def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def parent_id=(val) @parent_id = val.to_i end def depth=(val) @depth = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def entries_count=(val) @entries_count = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def appear_in_list=(val) @appear_in_list = val.to_i end def privacy=(val) @privacy = val.to_i end def inheritance_type=(val) @inheritance_type = val.to_i end def user_join_policy=(val) @user_join_policy = val.to_i end def default_permission_level=(val) @default_permission_level = val.to_i end def direct_entries_count=(val) @direct_entries_count = val.to_i end def contribution_policy=(val) @contribution_policy = val.to_i end def members_count=(val) @members_count = val.to_i end def pending_members_count=(val) @pending_members_count = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def inherited_parent_id=(val) @inherited_parent_id = val.to_i end def partner_sort_value=(val) @partner_sort_value = val.to_i end def direct_sub_categories_count=(val) @direct_sub_categories_count = val.to_i end def moderation=(val) @moderation = val.to_i end def pending_entries_count=(val) @pending_entries_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryEntry < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :category_id # entry id # attr_accessor :entry_id # Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # The full ids of the Category # attr_accessor :category_full_ids # CategroyEntry status # attr_accessor :status def category_id=(val) @category_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryEntryListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryUser < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :category_id # User id # attr_accessor :user_id # Partner id # attr_accessor :partner_id # Permission level # attr_accessor :permission_level # Status # attr_accessor :status # CategoryUser creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # CategoryUser update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at # Update method can be either manual or automatic to distinguish between manual operations (for example in KMC) on automatic - using bulk upload # attr_accessor :update_method # The full ids of the Category # attr_accessor :category_full_ids # Set of category-related permissions for the current category user. # attr_accessor :permission_names def category_id=(val) @category_id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def permission_level=(val) @permission_level = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def update_method=(val) @update_method = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryUserListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end # Client notification object to hold the notification url and the data when sending client side notifications # class KalturaClientNotification < KalturaObjectBase # The URL where the notification should be sent to # attr_accessor :url # The serialized notification data to send # attr_accessor :data end class KalturaContext < KalturaObjectBase end class KalturaContextDataResult < KalturaObjectBase # Array of messages as received from the rules that invalidated # attr_accessor :messages # Array of actions as received from the rules that invalidated # attr_accessor :actions end class KalturaConversionAttribute < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the flavor params, set to null for source flavor # attr_accessor :flavor_params_id # Attribute name # attr_accessor :name # Attribute value # attr_accessor :value def flavor_params_id=(val) @flavor_params_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaCropDimensions < KalturaObjectBase # Crop left point # attr_accessor :left # Crop top point # attr_accessor :top # Crop width # attr_accessor :width # Crop height # attr_accessor :height def left=(val) @left = val.to_i end def top=(val) @top = val.to_i end def width=(val) @width = val.to_i end def height=(val) @height = val.to_i end end class KalturaConversionProfile < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the Conversion Profile # attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :type # The name of the Conversion Profile # attr_accessor :name # System name of the Conversion Profile # attr_accessor :system_name # Comma separated tags # attr_accessor :tags # The description of the Conversion Profile # attr_accessor :description # ID of the default entry to be used for template data # attr_accessor :default_entry_id # Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # List of included flavor ids (comma separated) # attr_accessor :flavor_params_ids # Indicates that this conversion profile is system default # attr_accessor :is_default # Indicates that this conversion profile is partner default # attr_accessor :is_partner_default # Cropping dimensions # attr_accessor :crop_dimensions # Clipping start position (in miliseconds) # attr_accessor :clip_start # Clipping duration (in miliseconds) # attr_accessor :clip_duration # XSL to transform ingestion MRSS XML # attr_accessor :xsl_transformation # ID of default storage profile to be used for linked net-storage file syncs # attr_accessor :storage_profile_id # Media parser type to be used for extract media # attr_accessor :media_parser_type def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def is_default=(val) @is_default = val.to_i end def is_partner_default=(val) @is_partner_default = to_b(val) end def clip_start=(val) @clip_start = val.to_i end def clip_duration=(val) @clip_duration = val.to_i end def storage_profile_id=(val) @storage_profile_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaConversionProfileAssetParams < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the conversion profile # attr_accessor :conversion_profile_id # The id of the asset params # attr_accessor :asset_params_id # The ingestion origin of the asset params # attr_accessor :ready_behavior # The ingestion origin of the asset params # attr_accessor :origin # Asset params system name # attr_accessor :system_name # Starts conversion even if the decision layer reduced the configuration to comply with the source # attr_accessor :force_none_complied # Specifies how to treat the flavor after conversion is finished # attr_accessor :delete_policy def conversion_profile_id=(val) @conversion_profile_id = val.to_i end def asset_params_id=(val) @asset_params_id = val.to_i end def ready_behavior=(val) @ready_behavior = val.to_i end def origin=(val) @origin = val.to_i end def force_none_complied=(val) @force_none_complied = val.to_i end def delete_policy=(val) @delete_policy = val.to_i end end class KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaConversionProfileListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaConvertCollectionFlavorData < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id attr_accessor :flavor_params_output_id attr_accessor :ready_behavior attr_accessor :video_bitrate attr_accessor :audio_bitrate attr_accessor :dest_file_sync_local_path attr_accessor :dest_file_sync_remote_url def flavor_params_output_id=(val) @flavor_params_output_id = val.to_i end def ready_behavior=(val) @ready_behavior = val.to_i end def video_bitrate=(val) @video_bitrate = val.to_i end def audio_bitrate=(val) @audio_bitrate = val.to_i end end class KalturaDataEntry < KalturaBaseEntry # The data of the entry # attr_accessor :data_content # indicator whether to return the object for get action with the dataContent field. # attr_accessor :retrieve_data_content_by_get def retrieve_data_content_by_get=(val) @retrieve_data_content_by_get = to_b(val) end end class KalturaDataListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaEmailIngestionProfile < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :email_address attr_accessor :mailbox_id attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :conversion_profile2id attr_accessor :moderation_status attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :default_category attr_accessor :default_user_id attr_accessor :default_tags attr_accessor :default_admin_tags attr_accessor :max_attachment_size_kbytes attr_accessor :max_attachments_per_mail def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def conversion_profile2id=(val) @conversion_profile2id = val.to_i end def moderation_status=(val) @moderation_status = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def max_attachment_size_kbytes=(val) @max_attachment_size_kbytes = val.to_i end def max_attachments_per_mail=(val) @max_attachments_per_mail = val.to_i end end # A representation to return an array of values # class KalturaValue < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :description end # A string representation to return an array of strings # class KalturaStringValue < KalturaValue attr_accessor :value end # Configuration for extended item in the Kaltura MRSS feeds # class KalturaObjectIdentifier < KalturaObjectBase # Comma separated string of enum values denoting which features of the item need to be included in the MRSS # attr_accessor :extended_features end class KalturaExtendingItemMrssParameter < KalturaObjectBase # XPath for the extending item # attr_accessor :xpath # Object identifier # attr_accessor :identifier # Mode of extension - append to MRSS or replace the xpath content. # attr_accessor :extension_mode def extension_mode=(val) @extension_mode = val.to_i end end class KalturaPlayableEntry < KalturaBaseEntry # Number of plays # attr_accessor :plays # Number of views # attr_accessor :views # The last time the entry was played # attr_accessor :last_played_at # The width in pixels # attr_accessor :width # The height in pixels # attr_accessor :height # The duration in seconds # attr_accessor :duration # The duration in miliseconds # attr_accessor :ms_duration # The duration type (short for 0-4 mins, medium for 4-20 mins, long for 20+ mins) # attr_accessor :duration_type def plays=(val) @plays = val.to_i end def views=(val) @views = val.to_i end def last_played_at=(val) @last_played_at = val.to_i end def width=(val) @width = val.to_i end def height=(val) @height = val.to_i end def duration=(val) @duration = val.to_i end def ms_duration=(val) @ms_duration = val.to_i end end class KalturaMediaEntry < KalturaPlayableEntry # The media type of the entry # attr_accessor :media_type # Override the default conversion quality # attr_accessor :conversion_quality # The source type of the entry # attr_accessor :source_type # The search provider type used to import this entry # attr_accessor :search_provider_type # The ID of the media in the importing site # attr_accessor :search_provider_id # The user name used for credits # attr_accessor :credit_user_name # The URL for credits # attr_accessor :credit_url # The media date extracted from EXIF data (For images) as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :media_date # The URL used for playback. This is not the download URL. # attr_accessor :data_url # Comma separated flavor params ids that exists for this media entry # attr_accessor :flavor_params_ids def media_type=(val) @media_type = val.to_i end def search_provider_type=(val) @search_provider_type = val.to_i end def media_date=(val) @media_date = val.to_i end end class KalturaFeatureStatus < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :value def type=(val) @type = val.to_i end def value=(val) @value = val.to_i end end class KalturaFeatureStatusListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaFileAsset < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :file_asset_object_type attr_accessor :object_id attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :system_name attr_accessor :file_ext attr_accessor :version attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :updated_at attr_accessor :status def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def version=(val) @version = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end end class KalturaFileAssetListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaSearchItem < KalturaObjectBase end class KalturaFilter < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :order_by attr_accessor :advanced_search end # The KalturaFilterPager object enables paging management to be applied upon service list actions. # class KalturaFilterPager < KalturaObjectBase # The number of objects to retrieve. (Default is 30, maximum page size is 500). # attr_accessor :page_size # The page number for which {pageSize} of objects should be retrieved (Default is 1). # attr_accessor :page_index def page_size=(val) @page_size = val.to_i end def page_index=(val) @page_index = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlavorAsset < KalturaAsset # The Flavor Params used to create this Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :flavor_params_id # The width of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :width # The height of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :height # The overall bitrate (in KBits) of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :bitrate # The frame rate (in FPS) of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :frame_rate # True if this Flavor Asset is the original source # attr_accessor :is_original # True if this Flavor Asset is playable in KDP # attr_accessor :is_web # The container format # attr_accessor :container_format # The video codec # attr_accessor :video_codec_id # The status of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :status def flavor_params_id=(val) @flavor_params_id = val.to_i end def width=(val) @width = val.to_i end def height=(val) @height = val.to_i end def bitrate=(val) @bitrate = val.to_i end def frame_rate=(val) @frame_rate = val.to_f end def is_original=(val) @is_original = to_b(val) end def is_web=(val) @is_web = to_b(val) end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlavorAssetListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlavorParams < KalturaAssetParams # The video codec of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :video_codec # The video bitrate (in KBits) of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :video_bitrate # The audio codec of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :audio_codec # The audio bitrate (in KBits) of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :audio_bitrate # The number of audio channels for "downmixing" # attr_accessor :audio_channels # The audio sample rate of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :audio_sample_rate # The desired width of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :width # The desired height of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :height # The frame rate of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :frame_rate # The gop size of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :gop_size # The list of conversion engines (comma separated) # attr_accessor :conversion_engines # The list of conversion engines extra params (separated with "|") # attr_accessor :conversion_engines_extra_params attr_accessor :two_pass attr_accessor :deinterlice attr_accessor :rotate attr_accessor :operators attr_accessor :engine_version # The container format of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :format attr_accessor :aspect_ratio_processing_mode attr_accessor :force_frame_to_multiplication16 attr_accessor :is_gop_in_sec attr_accessor :is_avoid_video_shrink_framesize_to_source attr_accessor :is_avoid_video_shrink_bitrate_to_source attr_accessor :is_video_frame_rate_for_low_br_apple_hls attr_accessor :anamorphic_pixels attr_accessor :is_avoid_forced_key_frames attr_accessor :max_frame_rate attr_accessor :video_constant_bitrate attr_accessor :video_bitrate_tolerance attr_accessor :clip_offset attr_accessor :clip_duration def video_bitrate=(val) @video_bitrate = val.to_i end def audio_bitrate=(val) @audio_bitrate = val.to_i end def audio_channels=(val) @audio_channels = val.to_i end def audio_sample_rate=(val) @audio_sample_rate = val.to_i end def width=(val) @width = val.to_i end def height=(val) @height = val.to_i end def frame_rate=(val) @frame_rate = val.to_i end def gop_size=(val) @gop_size = val.to_i end def two_pass=(val) @two_pass = to_b(val) end def deinterlice=(val) @deinterlice = val.to_i end def rotate=(val) @rotate = val.to_i end def engine_version=(val) @engine_version = val.to_i end def aspect_ratio_processing_mode=(val) @aspect_ratio_processing_mode = val.to_i end def force_frame_to_multiplication16=(val) @force_frame_to_multiplication16 = val.to_i end def is_gop_in_sec=(val) @is_gop_in_sec = val.to_i end def is_avoid_video_shrink_framesize_to_source=(val) @is_avoid_video_shrink_framesize_to_source = val.to_i end def is_avoid_video_shrink_bitrate_to_source=(val) @is_avoid_video_shrink_bitrate_to_source = val.to_i end def is_video_frame_rate_for_low_br_apple_hls=(val) @is_video_frame_rate_for_low_br_apple_hls = val.to_i end def anamorphic_pixels=(val) @anamorphic_pixels = val.to_f end def is_avoid_forced_key_frames=(val) @is_avoid_forced_key_frames = val.to_i end def max_frame_rate=(val) @max_frame_rate = val.to_i end def video_constant_bitrate=(val) @video_constant_bitrate = val.to_i end def video_bitrate_tolerance=(val) @video_bitrate_tolerance = val.to_i end def clip_offset=(val) @clip_offset = val.to_i end def clip_duration=(val) @clip_duration = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlavorAssetWithParams < KalturaObjectBase # The Flavor Asset (Can be null when there are params without asset) # attr_accessor :flavor_asset # The Flavor Params # attr_accessor :flavor_params # The entry id # attr_accessor :entry_id end class KalturaFlavorParamsListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlavorParamsOutput < KalturaFlavorParams attr_accessor :flavor_params_id attr_accessor :command_lines_str attr_accessor :flavor_params_version attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id attr_accessor :flavor_asset_version attr_accessor :ready_behavior def flavor_params_id=(val) @flavor_params_id = val.to_i end def ready_behavior=(val) @ready_behavior = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlavorParamsOutputListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaObject < KalturaObjectBase end class KalturaJobData < KalturaObjectBase end # A representation of a live stream configuration # class KalturaLiveStreamConfiguration < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :protocol attr_accessor :url attr_accessor :publish_url end class KalturaLiveEntry < KalturaMediaEntry # The message to be presented when the stream is offline # attr_accessor :offline_message # Recording Status Enabled/Disabled # attr_accessor :record_status # DVR Status Enabled/Disabled # attr_accessor :dvr_status # Window of time which the DVR allows for backwards scrubbing (in minutes) # attr_accessor :dvr_window # Array of key value protocol->live stream url objects # attr_accessor :live_stream_configurations # Recorded entry id # attr_accessor :recorded_entry_id def record_status=(val) @record_status = val.to_i end def dvr_status=(val) @dvr_status = val.to_i end def dvr_window=(val) @dvr_window = val.to_i end end class KalturaLiveChannel < KalturaLiveEntry # Playlist id to be played # attr_accessor :playlist_id # Indicates that the segments should be repeated for ever # attr_accessor :repeat def repeat=(val) @repeat = val.to_i end end class KalturaLiveChannelListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaLiveChannelSegment < KalturaObjectBase # Unique identifier # attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id # Segment creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # Segment update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at # Segment name # attr_accessor :name # Segment description # attr_accessor :description # Segment tags # attr_accessor :tags # Segment could be associated with the main stream, as additional stream or as overlay # attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :status # Live channel id # attr_accessor :channel_id # Entry id to be played # attr_accessor :entry_id # Segment start time trigger type # attr_accessor :trigger_type # Live channel segment that the trigger relates to # attr_accessor :trigger_segment_id # Segment play start time, in mili-seconds, according to trigger type # attr_accessor :start_time # Segment play duration time, in mili-seconds # attr_accessor :duration def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def start_time=(val) @start_time = val.to_f end def duration=(val) @duration = val.to_f end end class KalturaLiveChannelSegmentListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaLiveStreamBitrate < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :bitrate attr_accessor :width attr_accessor :height attr_accessor :tags def bitrate=(val) @bitrate = val.to_i end def width=(val) @width = val.to_i end def height=(val) @height = val.to_i end end class KalturaLiveStreamEntry < KalturaLiveEntry # The stream id as provided by the provider # attr_accessor :stream_remote_id # The backup stream id as provided by the provider # attr_accessor :stream_remote_backup_id # Array of supported bitrates # attr_accessor :bitrates attr_accessor :primary_broadcasting_url attr_accessor :secondary_broadcasting_url attr_accessor :stream_name # The stream url # attr_accessor :stream_url # HLS URL - URL for live stream playback on mobile device # attr_accessor :hls_stream_url # URL Manager to handle the live stream URL (for instance, add token) # attr_accessor :url_manager # The broadcast primary ip # attr_accessor :encoding_ip1 # The broadcast secondary ip # attr_accessor :encoding_ip2 # The broadcast password # attr_accessor :stream_password # The broadcast username # attr_accessor :stream_username end class KalturaLiveStreamListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaBaseEntryBaseFilter < KalturaFilter # This filter should be in use for retrieving only a specific entry (identified by its entryId). # attr_accessor :id_equal # This filter should be in use for retrieving few specific entries (string should include comma separated list of entryId strings). # attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :id_not_in # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It should include only one string to search for in entry names (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :name_like # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry names, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that contain at least one input string (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :name_multi_like_or # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry names, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that contain all input strings (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :name_multi_like_and # This filter should be in use for retrieving entries with a specific name. # attr_accessor :name_equal # This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were uploaded by/assigned to users of a specific Kaltura Partner (identified by Partner ID). # attr_accessor :partner_id_equal # This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries within Kaltura network which were uploaded by/assigned to users of few Kaltura Partners (string should include comma separated list of PartnerIDs) # attr_accessor :partner_id_in # This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries, uploaded by/assigned to a specific user (identified by user Id). # attr_accessor :user_id_equal attr_accessor :creator_id_equal # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It should include only one string to search for in entry tags (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :tags_like # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry tags, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that contain at least one input string (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry tags, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that contain all input strings (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It should include only one string to search for in entry tags set by an ADMIN user (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :admin_tags_like # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry tags, set by an ADMIN user, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that contain at least one input string (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :admin_tags_multi_like_or # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry tags, set by an ADMIN user, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that contain all input strings (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string). # attr_accessor :admin_tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :categories_match_and # All entries within these categories or their child categories. # attr_accessor :categories_match_or attr_accessor :categories_not_contains attr_accessor :categories_ids_match_and # All entries of the categories, excluding their child categories. # To include entries of the child categories, use categoryAncestorIdIn, or categoriesMatchOr. # attr_accessor :categories_ids_match_or attr_accessor :categories_ids_not_contains attr_accessor :categories_ids_empty # This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, at a specific { attr_accessor :status_equal # This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, not at a specific { attr_accessor :status_not_equal # This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, at few specific { attr_accessor :status_in # This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, not at few specific { attr_accessor :status_not_in attr_accessor :moderation_status_equal attr_accessor :moderation_status_not_equal attr_accessor :moderation_status_in attr_accessor :moderation_status_not_in attr_accessor :type_equal # This filter should be in use for retrieving entries of few { attr_accessor :type_in # This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were created at Kaltura system after a specific time/date (standard timestamp format). # attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal # This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were created at Kaltura system before a specific time/date (standard timestamp format). # attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :total_rank_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :total_rank_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :group_id_equal # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while search match the input string within all of the following metadata attributes: name, description, tags, adminTags. # attr_accessor :search_text_match_and # This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while search match the input string within at least one of the following metadata attributes: name, description, tags, adminTags. # attr_accessor :search_text_match_or attr_accessor :access_control_id_equal attr_accessor :access_control_id_in attr_accessor :start_date_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :start_date_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :start_date_greater_than_or_equal_or_null attr_accessor :start_date_less_than_or_equal_or_null attr_accessor :end_date_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :end_date_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :end_date_greater_than_or_equal_or_null attr_accessor :end_date_less_than_or_equal_or_null attr_accessor :reference_id_equal attr_accessor :reference_id_in attr_accessor :replacing_entry_id_equal attr_accessor :replacing_entry_id_in attr_accessor :replaced_entry_id_equal attr_accessor :replaced_entry_id_in attr_accessor :replacement_status_equal attr_accessor :replacement_status_in attr_accessor :partner_sort_value_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :partner_sort_value_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :redirect_entry_id_equal attr_accessor :root_entry_id_equal attr_accessor :root_entry_id_in attr_accessor :tags_name_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_admin_tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_admin_tags_name_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_name_multi_like_and attr_accessor :tags_admin_tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :tags_admin_tags_name_multi_like_and def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def categories_ids_empty=(val) @categories_ids_empty = val.to_i end def moderation_status_equal=(val) @moderation_status_equal = val.to_i end def moderation_status_not_equal=(val) @moderation_status_not_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def total_rank_less_than_or_equal=(val) @total_rank_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def total_rank_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @total_rank_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def group_id_equal=(val) @group_id_equal = val.to_i end def access_control_id_equal=(val) @access_control_id_equal = val.to_i end def start_date_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @start_date_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def start_date_less_than_or_equal=(val) @start_date_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def start_date_greater_than_or_equal_or_null=(val) @start_date_greater_than_or_equal_or_null = val.to_i end def start_date_less_than_or_equal_or_null=(val) @start_date_less_than_or_equal_or_null = val.to_i end def end_date_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @end_date_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def end_date_less_than_or_equal=(val) @end_date_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def end_date_greater_than_or_equal_or_null=(val) @end_date_greater_than_or_equal_or_null = val.to_i end def end_date_less_than_or_equal_or_null=(val) @end_date_less_than_or_equal_or_null = val.to_i end def partner_sort_value_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @partner_sort_value_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def partner_sort_value_less_than_or_equal=(val) @partner_sort_value_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaBaseEntryFilter < KalturaBaseEntryBaseFilter attr_accessor :free_text attr_accessor :is_root attr_accessor :categories_full_name_in # All entries within this categoy or in child categories # attr_accessor :category_ancestor_id_in # The id of the original entry # attr_accessor :redirect_from_entry_id def is_root=(val) @is_root = val.to_i end end class KalturaPlayableEntryBaseFilter < KalturaBaseEntryFilter attr_accessor :last_played_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :last_played_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :duration_less_than attr_accessor :duration_greater_than attr_accessor :duration_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :duration_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :duration_type_match_or def last_played_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @last_played_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def last_played_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @last_played_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def duration_less_than=(val) @duration_less_than = val.to_i end def duration_greater_than=(val) @duration_greater_than = val.to_i end def duration_less_than_or_equal=(val) @duration_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def duration_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @duration_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaPlayableEntryFilter < KalturaPlayableEntryBaseFilter end class KalturaMediaEntryBaseFilter < KalturaPlayableEntryFilter attr_accessor :media_type_equal attr_accessor :media_type_in attr_accessor :media_date_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :media_date_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :flavor_params_ids_match_or attr_accessor :flavor_params_ids_match_and def media_type_equal=(val) @media_type_equal = val.to_i end def media_date_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @media_date_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def media_date_less_than_or_equal=(val) @media_date_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaMediaEntryFilter < KalturaMediaEntryBaseFilter end class KalturaMediaEntryFilterForPlaylist < KalturaMediaEntryFilter attr_accessor :limit def limit=(val) @limit = val.to_i end end class KalturaMediaInfo < KalturaObjectBase # The id of the media info # attr_accessor :id # The id of the related flavor asset # attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id # The file size # attr_accessor :file_size # The container format # attr_accessor :container_format # The container id # attr_accessor :container_id # The container profile # attr_accessor :container_profile # The container duration # attr_accessor :container_duration # The container bit rate # attr_accessor :container_bit_rate # The video format # attr_accessor :video_format # The video codec id # attr_accessor :video_codec_id # The video duration # attr_accessor :video_duration # The video bit rate # attr_accessor :video_bit_rate # The video bit rate mode # attr_accessor :video_bit_rate_mode # The video width # attr_accessor :video_width # The video height # attr_accessor :video_height # The video frame rate # attr_accessor :video_frame_rate # The video display aspect ratio (dar) # attr_accessor :video_dar attr_accessor :video_rotation # The audio format # attr_accessor :audio_format # The audio codec id # attr_accessor :audio_codec_id # The audio duration # attr_accessor :audio_duration # The audio bit rate # attr_accessor :audio_bit_rate # The audio bit rate mode # attr_accessor :audio_bit_rate_mode # The number of audio channels # attr_accessor :audio_channels # The audio sampling rate # attr_accessor :audio_sampling_rate # The audio resolution # attr_accessor :audio_resolution # The writing library # attr_accessor :writing_lib # The data as returned by the mediainfo command line # attr_accessor :raw_data attr_accessor :multi_stream_info attr_accessor :scan_type attr_accessor :multi_stream def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def file_size=(val) @file_size = val.to_i end def container_duration=(val) @container_duration = val.to_i end def container_bit_rate=(val) @container_bit_rate = val.to_i end def video_duration=(val) @video_duration = val.to_i end def video_bit_rate=(val) @video_bit_rate = val.to_i end def video_bit_rate_mode=(val) @video_bit_rate_mode = val.to_i end def video_width=(val) @video_width = val.to_i end def video_height=(val) @video_height = val.to_i end def video_frame_rate=(val) @video_frame_rate = val.to_f end def video_dar=(val) @video_dar = val.to_f end def video_rotation=(val) @video_rotation = val.to_i end def audio_duration=(val) @audio_duration = val.to_i end def audio_bit_rate=(val) @audio_bit_rate = val.to_i end def audio_bit_rate_mode=(val) @audio_bit_rate_mode = val.to_i end def audio_channels=(val) @audio_channels = val.to_i end def audio_sampling_rate=(val) @audio_sampling_rate = val.to_i end def audio_resolution=(val) @audio_resolution = val.to_i end def scan_type=(val) @scan_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaMediaInfoListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaMediaListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaMediaServer < KalturaObjectBase # Unique identifier # attr_accessor :id # Server data center id # attr_accessor :dc # Server host name # attr_accessor :hostname # Server first registration date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # Server last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def dc=(val) @dc = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end end class KalturaMediaServerStatus < KalturaObjectBase end class KalturaMixEntry < KalturaPlayableEntry # Indicates whether the user has submited a real thumbnail to the mix (Not the one that was generated automaticaly) # attr_accessor :has_real_thumbnail # The editor type used to edit the metadata # attr_accessor :editor_type # The xml data of the mix # attr_accessor :data_content def has_real_thumbnail=(val) @has_real_thumbnail = to_b(val) end def editor_type=(val) @editor_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaMixListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaModerationFlag < KalturaObjectBase # Moderation flag id # attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id # The user id that added the moderation flag # attr_accessor :user_id # The type of the moderation flag (entry or user) # attr_accessor :moderation_object_type # If moderation flag is set for entry, this is the flagged entry id # attr_accessor :flagged_entry_id # If moderation flag is set for user, this is the flagged user id # attr_accessor :flagged_user_id # The moderation flag status # attr_accessor :status # The comment that was added to the flag # attr_accessor :comments attr_accessor :flag_type attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :updated_at def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def flag_type=(val) @flag_type = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end end class KalturaModerationFlagListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaPlayerDeliveryType < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :label attr_accessor :flashvars attr_accessor :min_version end class KalturaPlayerEmbedCodeType < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :label attr_accessor :entry_only attr_accessor :min_version def entry_only=(val) @entry_only = to_b(val) end end class KalturaPartner < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :website attr_accessor :notification_url attr_accessor :appear_in_search attr_accessor :created_at # deprecated - lastName and firstName replaces this field # attr_accessor :admin_name attr_accessor :admin_email attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :commercial_use attr_accessor :landing_page attr_accessor :user_landing_page attr_accessor :content_categories attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :phone attr_accessor :describe_yourself attr_accessor :adult_content attr_accessor :def_conversion_profile_type attr_accessor :notify attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :allow_quick_edit attr_accessor :merge_entry_lists attr_accessor :notifications_config attr_accessor :max_upload_size attr_accessor :partner_package attr_accessor :secret attr_accessor :admin_secret attr_accessor :cms_password attr_accessor :allow_multi_notification attr_accessor :admin_login_users_quota attr_accessor :admin_user_id # firstName and lastName replace the old (deprecated) adminName # attr_accessor :first_name # lastName and firstName replace the old (deprecated) adminName # attr_accessor :last_name # country code (2char) - this field is optional # attr_accessor :country # state code (2char) - this field is optional # attr_accessor :state attr_accessor :additional_params attr_accessor :publishers_quota attr_accessor :partner_group_type attr_accessor :default_entitlement_enforcement attr_accessor :default_delivery_type attr_accessor :default_embed_code_type attr_accessor :delivery_types attr_accessor :embed_code_types attr_accessor :template_partner_id attr_accessor :ignore_seo_links attr_accessor :host attr_accessor :cdn_host attr_accessor :rtmp_url attr_accessor :is_first_login attr_accessor :logout_url attr_accessor :partner_parent_id def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def appear_in_search=(val) @appear_in_search = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def commercial_use=(val) @commercial_use = val.to_i end def type=(val) @type = val.to_i end def adult_content=(val) @adult_content = to_b(val) end def notify=(val) @notify = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def allow_quick_edit=(val) @allow_quick_edit = val.to_i end def merge_entry_lists=(val) @merge_entry_lists = val.to_i end def max_upload_size=(val) @max_upload_size = val.to_i end def partner_package=(val) @partner_package = val.to_i end def allow_multi_notification=(val) @allow_multi_notification = val.to_i end def admin_login_users_quota=(val) @admin_login_users_quota = val.to_i end def publishers_quota=(val) @publishers_quota = val.to_i end def partner_group_type=(val) @partner_group_type = val.to_i end def default_entitlement_enforcement=(val) @default_entitlement_enforcement = to_b(val) end def template_partner_id=(val) @template_partner_id = val.to_i end def ignore_seo_links=(val) @ignore_seo_links = to_b(val) end def is_first_login=(val) @is_first_login = to_b(val) end def partner_parent_id=(val) @partner_parent_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaPartnerListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaPartnerStatistics < KalturaObjectBase # Package total allowed bandwidth and storage # attr_accessor :package_bandwidth_and_storage # Partner total hosting in GB on the disk # attr_accessor :hosting # Partner total bandwidth in GB # attr_accessor :bandwidth # total usage in GB - including bandwidth and storage # attr_accessor :usage # Percent of usage out of partner's package. if usage is 5GB and package is 10GB, this value will be 50 # attr_accessor :usage_percent # date when partner reached the limit of his package (timestamp) # attr_accessor :reached_limit_date def package_bandwidth_and_storage=(val) @package_bandwidth_and_storage = val.to_i end def hosting=(val) @hosting = val.to_f end def bandwidth=(val) @bandwidth = val.to_f end def usage=(val) @usage = val.to_i end def usage_percent=(val) @usage_percent = val.to_f end def reached_limit_date=(val) @reached_limit_date = val.to_i end end class KalturaPartnerUsage < KalturaObjectBase # Partner total hosting in GB on the disk # attr_accessor :hosting_gb # percent of usage out of partner's package. if usageGB is 5 and package is 10GB, this value will be 50 # attr_accessor :percent # package total BW - actually this is usage, which represents BW+storage # attr_accessor :package_bw # total usage in GB - including bandwidth and storage # attr_accessor :usage_gb # date when partner reached the limit of his package (timestamp) # attr_accessor :reached_limit_date # a semi-colon separated list of comma-separated key-values to represent a usage graph. # keys could be 1-12 for a year view (1,1.2;2,1.1;3,0.9;...;12,1.4;) # keys could be 1-[28,29,30,31] depending on the requested month, for a daily view in a given month (1,0.4;2,0.2;...;31,0.1;) # attr_accessor :usage_graph def hosting_gb=(val) @hosting_gb = val.to_f end def percent=(val) @percent = val.to_f end def package_bw=(val) @package_bw = val.to_i end def usage_gb=(val) @usage_gb = val.to_f end def reached_limit_date=(val) @reached_limit_date = val.to_i end end class KalturaPermission < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :friendly_name attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :depends_on_permission_names attr_accessor :tags attr_accessor :permission_items_ids attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :updated_at attr_accessor :partner_group def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def type=(val) @type = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end end class KalturaPermissionItem < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :tags attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :updated_at def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end end class KalturaPermissionItemListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaPermissionListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaPlaylist < KalturaBaseEntry # Content of the playlist - # XML if the playlistType is dynamic # text if the playlistType is static # url if the playlistType is mRss # attr_accessor :playlist_content attr_accessor :filters # Maximum count of results to be returned in playlist execution # attr_accessor :total_results # Type of playlist # attr_accessor :playlist_type # Number of plays # attr_accessor :plays # Number of views # attr_accessor :views # The duration in seconds # attr_accessor :duration # The url for this playlist # attr_accessor :execute_url def total_results=(val) @total_results = val.to_i end def playlist_type=(val) @playlist_type = val.to_i end def plays=(val) @plays = val.to_i end def views=(val) @views = val.to_i end def duration=(val) @duration = val.to_i end end class KalturaPlaylistListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaRemotePath < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :storage_profile_id attr_accessor :uri def storage_profile_id=(val) @storage_profile_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaRemotePathListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end # Used to ingest media that is available on remote server and accessible using the supplied URL, media file will be downloaded using import job in order to make the asset ready. # class KalturaUrlResource < KalturaContentResource # Remote URL, FTP, HTTP or HTTPS # attr_accessor :url end # Used to ingest media that is available on remote server and accessible using the supplied URL, the media file won't be downloaded but a file sync object of URL type will point to the media URL. # class KalturaRemoteStorageResource < KalturaUrlResource # ID of storage profile to be associated with the created file sync, used for file serving URL composing. # attr_accessor :storage_profile_id def storage_profile_id=(val) @storage_profile_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaReportBaseTotal < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :data end class KalturaReportGraph < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :data end class KalturaReportInputBaseFilter < KalturaObjectBase # Start date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :from_date # End date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :to_date # Start day as string (YYYYMMDD) # attr_accessor :from_day # End date as string (YYYYMMDD) # attr_accessor :to_day def from_date=(val) @from_date = val.to_i end def to_date=(val) @to_date = val.to_i end end class KalturaReportResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :columns attr_accessor :results end class KalturaReportTable < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :header attr_accessor :data attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaReportTotal < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :header attr_accessor :data end class KalturaSearch < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :key_words attr_accessor :search_source attr_accessor :media_type # Use this field to pass dynamic data for searching # For example - if you set this field to "mymovies_$partner_id" # The $partner_id will be automatically replcaed with your real partner Id # attr_accessor :extra_data attr_accessor :auth_data def search_source=(val) @search_source = val.to_i end def media_type=(val) @media_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaSearchAuthData < KalturaObjectBase # The authentication data that further should be used for search # attr_accessor :auth_data # Login URL when user need to sign-in and authorize the search # attr_accessor :login_url # Information when there was an error # attr_accessor :message end class KalturaSearchResult < KalturaSearch attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :title attr_accessor :thumb_url attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :tags attr_accessor :url attr_accessor :source_link attr_accessor :credit attr_accessor :license_type attr_accessor :flash_playback_type attr_accessor :file_ext def license_type=(val) @license_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaSearchResultResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :need_media_info def need_media_info=(val) @need_media_info = to_b(val) end end class KalturaSessionInfo < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :ks attr_accessor :session_type attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :user_id attr_accessor :expiry attr_accessor :privileges def session_type=(val) @session_type = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def expiry=(val) @expiry = val.to_i end end class KalturaSourceFileSyncDescriptor < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :file_sync_local_path # The translated path as used by the scheduler # attr_accessor :actual_file_sync_local_path attr_accessor :file_sync_remote_url attr_accessor :asset_id attr_accessor :asset_params_id def asset_params_id=(val) @asset_params_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaStartWidgetSessionResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :ks attr_accessor :user_id def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end end # Will hold data from the Kaltura UI components to be passed on to the reports and analytics system # class KalturaStatsEvent < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :client_ver attr_accessor :event_type # the client's timestamp of this event # attr_accessor :event_timestamp # a unique string generated by the client that will represent the client-side session: the primary component will pass it on to other components that sprout from it # attr_accessor :session_id attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :entry_id # the UV cookie - creates in the operational system and should be passed on ofr every event # attr_accessor :unique_viewer attr_accessor :widget_id attr_accessor :uiconf_id # the partner's user id # attr_accessor :user_id # the timestamp along the video when the event happend # attr_accessor :current_point # the duration of the video in milliseconds - will make it much faster than quering the db for each entry # attr_accessor :duration # will be retrieved from the request of the user # attr_accessor :user_ip # the time in milliseconds the event took # attr_accessor :process_duration # the id of the GUI control - will be used in the future to better understand what the user clicked # attr_accessor :control_id # true if the user ever used seek in this session # attr_accessor :seek # timestamp of the new point on the timeline of the video after the user seeks # attr_accessor :new_point # the referrer of the client # attr_accessor :referrer # will indicate if the event is thrown for the first video in the session # attr_accessor :is_first_in_session # kaltura application name # attr_accessor :application_id attr_accessor :context_id attr_accessor :feature_type def event_type=(val) @event_type = val.to_i end def event_timestamp=(val) @event_timestamp = val.to_f end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def uiconf_id=(val) @uiconf_id = val.to_i end def current_point=(val) @current_point = val.to_i end def duration=(val) @duration = val.to_i end def process_duration=(val) @process_duration = val.to_i end def seek=(val) @seek = to_b(val) end def new_point=(val) @new_point = val.to_i end def is_first_in_session=(val) @is_first_in_session = to_b(val) end def context_id=(val) @context_id = val.to_i end def feature_type=(val) @feature_type = val.to_i end end # Will hold data from the Kaltura UI components to be passed on to the reports and analytics system # class KalturaStatsKmcEvent < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :client_ver attr_accessor :kmc_event_action_path attr_accessor :kmc_event_type # the client's timestamp of this event # attr_accessor :event_timestamp # a unique string generated by the client that will represent the client-side session: the primary component will pass it on to other components that sprout from it # attr_accessor :session_id attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :entry_id attr_accessor :widget_id attr_accessor :uiconf_id # the partner's user id # attr_accessor :user_id # will be retrieved from the request of the user # attr_accessor :user_ip def kmc_event_type=(val) @kmc_event_type = val.to_i end def event_timestamp=(val) @event_timestamp = val.to_f end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def uiconf_id=(val) @uiconf_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaStorageProfile < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :updated_at attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :system_name attr_accessor :desciption attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :protocol attr_accessor :storage_url attr_accessor :storage_base_dir attr_accessor :storage_username attr_accessor :storage_password attr_accessor :storage_ftp_passive_mode attr_accessor :delivery_http_base_url attr_accessor :delivery_https_base_url attr_accessor :delivery_rmp_base_url attr_accessor :delivery_iis_base_url attr_accessor :min_file_size attr_accessor :max_file_size attr_accessor :flavor_params_ids attr_accessor :max_concurrent_connections attr_accessor :path_manager_class attr_accessor :path_manager_params attr_accessor :url_manager_class attr_accessor :url_manager_params # No need to create enum for temp field # attr_accessor :trigger # Delivery Priority # attr_accessor :delivery_priority attr_accessor :delivery_status attr_accessor :rtmp_prefix attr_accessor :ready_behavior # Flag sugnifying that the storage exported content should be deleted when soure entry is deleted # attr_accessor :allow_auto_delete # Indicates to the local file transfer manager to create a link to the file instead of copying it # attr_accessor :create_file_link # Holds storage profile export rules # attr_accessor :rules def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def storage_ftp_passive_mode=(val) @storage_ftp_passive_mode = to_b(val) end def min_file_size=(val) @min_file_size = val.to_i end def max_file_size=(val) @max_file_size = val.to_i end def max_concurrent_connections=(val) @max_concurrent_connections = val.to_i end def trigger=(val) @trigger = val.to_i end def delivery_priority=(val) @delivery_priority = val.to_i end def delivery_status=(val) @delivery_status = val.to_i end def ready_behavior=(val) @ready_behavior = val.to_i end def allow_auto_delete=(val) @allow_auto_delete = val.to_i end def create_file_link=(val) @create_file_link = to_b(val) end end class KalturaStorageProfileListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaSyndicationFeedEntryCount < KalturaObjectBase # the total count of entries that should appear in the feed without flavor filtering # attr_accessor :total_entry_count # count of entries that will appear in the feed (including all relevant filters) # attr_accessor :actual_entry_count # count of entries that requires transcoding in order to be included in feed # attr_accessor :require_transcoding_count def total_entry_count=(val) @total_entry_count = val.to_i end def actual_entry_count=(val) @actual_entry_count = val.to_i end def require_transcoding_count=(val) @require_transcoding_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaThumbAsset < KalturaAsset # The Flavor Params used to create this Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :thumb_params_id # The width of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :width # The height of the Flavor Asset # attr_accessor :height # The status of the asset # attr_accessor :status def thumb_params_id=(val) @thumb_params_id = val.to_i end def width=(val) @width = val.to_i end def height=(val) @height = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end end class KalturaThumbAssetListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaThumbParams < KalturaAssetParams attr_accessor :crop_type attr_accessor :quality attr_accessor :crop_x attr_accessor :crop_y attr_accessor :crop_width attr_accessor :crop_height attr_accessor :video_offset attr_accessor :width attr_accessor :height attr_accessor :scale_width attr_accessor :scale_height # Hexadecimal value # attr_accessor :background_color # Id of the flavor params or the thumbnail params to be used as source for the thumbnail creation # attr_accessor :source_params_id # The container format of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :format # The image density (dpi) for example: 72 or 96 # attr_accessor :density # Strip profiles and comments # attr_accessor :strip_profiles def crop_type=(val) @crop_type = val.to_i end def quality=(val) @quality = val.to_i end def crop_x=(val) @crop_x = val.to_i end def crop_y=(val) @crop_y = val.to_i end def crop_width=(val) @crop_width = val.to_i end def crop_height=(val) @crop_height = val.to_i end def video_offset=(val) @video_offset = val.to_f end def width=(val) @width = val.to_i end def height=(val) @height = val.to_i end def scale_width=(val) @scale_width = val.to_f end def scale_height=(val) @scale_height = val.to_f end def source_params_id=(val) @source_params_id = val.to_i end def density=(val) @density = val.to_i end def strip_profiles=(val) @strip_profiles = to_b(val) end end class KalturaThumbParamsListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaThumbParamsOutput < KalturaThumbParams attr_accessor :thumb_params_id attr_accessor :thumb_params_version attr_accessor :thumb_asset_id attr_accessor :thumb_asset_version attr_accessor :rotate def thumb_params_id=(val) @thumb_params_id = val.to_i end def rotate=(val) @rotate = val.to_i end end class KalturaThumbParamsOutputListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaThumbnailServeOptions < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :download def download=(val) @download = to_b(val) end end class KalturaUiConf < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id # Name of the uiConf, this is not a primary key # attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :obj_type attr_accessor :obj_type_as_string attr_accessor :width attr_accessor :height attr_accessor :html_params attr_accessor :swf_url attr_accessor :conf_file_path attr_accessor :conf_file attr_accessor :conf_file_features attr_accessor :config attr_accessor :conf_vars attr_accessor :use_cdn attr_accessor :tags attr_accessor :swf_url_version # Entry creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # Entry creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at attr_accessor :creation_mode attr_accessor :html5url # UiConf version # attr_accessor :version attr_accessor :partner_tags def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def obj_type=(val) @obj_type = val.to_i end def width=(val) @width = val.to_i end def height=(val) @height = val.to_i end def use_cdn=(val) @use_cdn = to_b(val) end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def creation_mode=(val) @creation_mode = val.to_i end end class KalturaUiConfListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end # Info about uiconf type # class KalturaUiConfTypeInfo < KalturaObjectBase # UiConf Type # attr_accessor :type # Available versions # attr_accessor :versions # The direcotry this type is saved at # attr_accessor :directory # Filename for this UiConf type # attr_accessor :filename def type=(val) @type = val.to_i end end class KalturaUploadResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :upload_token_id attr_accessor :file_size attr_accessor :error_code attr_accessor :error_description def file_size=(val) @file_size = val.to_i end def error_code=(val) @error_code = val.to_i end end class KalturaUploadToken < KalturaObjectBase # Upload token unique ID # attr_accessor :id # Partner ID of the upload token # attr_accessor :partner_id # User id for the upload token # attr_accessor :user_id # Status of the upload token # attr_accessor :status # Name of the file for the upload token, can be empty when the upload token is created and will be updated internally after the file is uploaded # attr_accessor :file_name # File size in bytes, can be empty when the upload token is created and will be updated internally after the file is uploaded # attr_accessor :file_size # Uploaded file size in bytes, can be used to identify how many bytes were uploaded before resuming # attr_accessor :uploaded_file_size # Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # Last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def file_size=(val) @file_size = val.to_f end def uploaded_file_size=(val) @uploaded_file_size = val.to_f end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end end class KalturaUploadTokenListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaUser < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :screen_name attr_accessor :full_name attr_accessor :email attr_accessor :date_of_birth attr_accessor :country attr_accessor :state attr_accessor :city attr_accessor :zip attr_accessor :thumbnail_url attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :tags # Admin tags can be updated only by using an admin session # attr_accessor :admin_tags attr_accessor :gender attr_accessor :status # Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :created_at # Last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds) # attr_accessor :updated_at # Can be used to store various partner related data as a string # attr_accessor :partner_data attr_accessor :indexed_partner_data_int attr_accessor :indexed_partner_data_string attr_accessor :storage_size attr_accessor :password attr_accessor :first_name attr_accessor :last_name attr_accessor :is_admin attr_accessor :language attr_accessor :last_login_time attr_accessor :status_updated_at attr_accessor :deleted_at attr_accessor :login_enabled attr_accessor :role_ids attr_accessor :role_names attr_accessor :is_account_owner attr_accessor :allowed_partner_ids attr_accessor :allowed_partner_packages def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def date_of_birth=(val) @date_of_birth = val.to_i end def gender=(val) @gender = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def indexed_partner_data_int=(val) @indexed_partner_data_int = val.to_i end def storage_size=(val) @storage_size = val.to_i end def is_admin=(val) @is_admin = to_b(val) end def last_login_time=(val) @last_login_time = val.to_i end def status_updated_at=(val) @status_updated_at = val.to_i end def deleted_at=(val) @deleted_at = val.to_i end def login_enabled=(val) @login_enabled = to_b(val) end def is_account_owner=(val) @is_account_owner = to_b(val) end end class KalturaUserListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaUserRole < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :system_name attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :permission_names attr_accessor :tags attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :updated_at def id=(val) @id = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end end class KalturaUserRoleListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaWidget < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :source_widget_id attr_accessor :root_widget_id attr_accessor :partner_id attr_accessor :entry_id attr_accessor :ui_conf_id attr_accessor :security_type attr_accessor :security_policy attr_accessor :created_at attr_accessor :updated_at # Can be used to store various partner related data as a string # attr_accessor :partner_data attr_accessor :widget_ht_ml # Should enforce entitlement on feed entries # attr_accessor :enforce_entitlement # Set privacy context for search entries that assiged to private and public categories within a category privacy context. # attr_accessor :privacy_context # Addes the HTML5 script line to the widget's embed code # attr_accessor :add_embed_html5support def partner_id=(val) @partner_id = val.to_i end def ui_conf_id=(val) @ui_conf_id = val.to_i end def security_type=(val) @security_type = val.to_i end def security_policy=(val) @security_policy = val.to_i end def created_at=(val) @created_at = val.to_i end def updated_at=(val) @updated_at = val.to_i end def enforce_entitlement=(val) @enforce_entitlement = to_b(val) end def add_embed_html5support=(val) @add_embed_html5support = to_b(val) end end class KalturaWidgetListResponse < KalturaObjectBase attr_accessor :objects attr_accessor :total_count def total_count=(val) @total_count = val.to_i end end class KalturaAccessControlBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :system_name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaAccessControlBlockAction < KalturaRuleAction end class KalturaAccessControlLimitFlavorsAction < KalturaRuleAction # Comma separated list of flavor ids # attr_accessor :flavor_params_ids attr_accessor :is_blocked_list def is_blocked_list=(val) @is_blocked_list = to_b(val) end end class KalturaAccessControlPreviewAction < KalturaRuleAction attr_accessor :limit def limit=(val) @limit = val.to_i end end class KalturaAccessControlProfileBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :system_name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaAdminUser < KalturaUser end class KalturaAmazonS3StorageProfile < KalturaStorageProfile attr_accessor :files_permission_in_s3 end class KalturaApiActionPermissionItem < KalturaPermissionItem attr_accessor :service attr_accessor :action end class KalturaApiParameterPermissionItem < KalturaPermissionItem attr_accessor :object attr_accessor :parameter attr_accessor :action end class KalturaAssetBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :entry_id_equal attr_accessor :entry_id_in attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_in attr_accessor :size_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :size_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :tags_like attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :deleted_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :deleted_at_less_than_or_equal def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def size_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @size_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def size_less_than_or_equal=(val) @size_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def deleted_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @deleted_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def deleted_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @deleted_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaAssetParamsBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :system_name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_in attr_accessor :is_system_default_equal attr_accessor :tags_equal def is_system_default_equal=(val) @is_system_default_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaAssetParamsOutput < KalturaAssetParams attr_accessor :asset_params_id attr_accessor :asset_params_version attr_accessor :asset_id attr_accessor :asset_version attr_accessor :ready_behavior # The container format of the Flavor Params # attr_accessor :format def asset_params_id=(val) @asset_params_id = val.to_i end def ready_behavior=(val) @ready_behavior = val.to_i end end class KalturaAssetPropertiesCompareCondition < KalturaCondition # Array of key/value objects that holds the property and the value to find and compare on an asset object # attr_accessor :properties end class KalturaAssetsParamsResourceContainers < KalturaResource # Array of resources associated with asset params ids # attr_accessor :resources end class KalturaAuthenticatedCondition < KalturaCondition # The privelege needed to remove the restriction # attr_accessor :privileges end class KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedBaseFilter < KalturaFilter end class KalturaBatchJobBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_in attr_accessor :partner_id_not_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :execution_attempts_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :execution_attempts_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :lock_version_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :lock_version_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :entry_id_equal attr_accessor :job_type_equal attr_accessor :job_type_in attr_accessor :job_type_not_in attr_accessor :job_sub_type_equal attr_accessor :job_sub_type_in attr_accessor :job_sub_type_not_in attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :status_not_in attr_accessor :priority_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :priority_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :priority_equal attr_accessor :priority_in attr_accessor :priority_not_in attr_accessor :batch_version_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :batch_version_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :batch_version_equal attr_accessor :queue_time_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :queue_time_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :finish_time_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :finish_time_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :err_type_equal attr_accessor :err_type_in attr_accessor :err_type_not_in attr_accessor :err_number_equal attr_accessor :err_number_in attr_accessor :err_number_not_in attr_accessor :estimated_effort_less_than attr_accessor :estimated_effort_greater_than attr_accessor :urgency_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :urgency_greater_than_or_equal def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def id_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @id_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def execution_attempts_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @execution_attempts_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def execution_attempts_less_than_or_equal=(val) @execution_attempts_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def lock_version_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @lock_version_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def lock_version_less_than_or_equal=(val) @lock_version_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def job_sub_type_equal=(val) @job_sub_type_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end def priority_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @priority_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def priority_less_than_or_equal=(val) @priority_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def priority_equal=(val) @priority_equal = val.to_i end def batch_version_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @batch_version_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def batch_version_less_than_or_equal=(val) @batch_version_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def batch_version_equal=(val) @batch_version_equal = val.to_i end def queue_time_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @queue_time_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def queue_time_less_than_or_equal=(val) @queue_time_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def finish_time_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @finish_time_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def finish_time_less_than_or_equal=(val) @finish_time_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def err_type_equal=(val) @err_type_equal = val.to_i end def err_number_equal=(val) @err_number_equal = val.to_i end def estimated_effort_less_than=(val) @estimated_effort_less_than = val.to_i end def estimated_effort_greater_than=(val) @estimated_effort_greater_than = val.to_i end def urgency_less_than_or_equal=(val) @urgency_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def urgency_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @urgency_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end # A boolean representation to return an array of booleans # class KalturaBooleanValue < KalturaValue attr_accessor :value def value=(val) @value = to_b(val) end end class KalturaBulkDownloadJobData < KalturaJobData # Comma separated list of entry ids # attr_accessor :entry_ids # Flavor params id to use for conversion # attr_accessor :flavor_params_id # The id of the requesting user # attr_accessor :puser_id def flavor_params_id=(val) @flavor_params_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaBulkUploadBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :uploaded_on_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :uploaded_on_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :uploaded_on_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :bulk_upload_object_type_equal attr_accessor :bulk_upload_object_type_in def uploaded_on_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @uploaded_on_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def uploaded_on_less_than_or_equal=(val) @uploaded_on_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def uploaded_on_equal=(val) @uploaded_on_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end end # This class represents object-specific data passed to the # bulk upload job. # class KalturaBulkUploadCategoryData < KalturaBulkUploadObjectData end # This class represents object-specific data passed to the # bulk upload job. # class KalturaBulkUploadCategoryEntryData < KalturaBulkUploadObjectData end # This class represents object-specific data passed to the # bulk upload job. # class KalturaBulkUploadCategoryUserData < KalturaBulkUploadObjectData end # This class represents object-specific data passed to the # bulk upload job. # class KalturaBulkUploadEntryData < KalturaBulkUploadObjectData # Selected profile id for all bulk entries # attr_accessor :conversion_profile_id def conversion_profile_id=(val) @conversion_profile_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaBulkUploadJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :user_id # The screen name of the user # attr_accessor :uploaded_by # Selected profile id for all bulk entries # attr_accessor :conversion_profile_id # Created by the API # attr_accessor :results_file_local_path # Created by the API # attr_accessor :results_file_url # Number of created entries # attr_accessor :num_of_entries # Number of created objects # attr_accessor :num_of_objects # The bulk upload file path # attr_accessor :file_path # Type of object for bulk upload # attr_accessor :bulk_upload_object_type # Friendly name of the file, used to be recognized later in the logs. # attr_accessor :file_name # Data pertaining to the objects being uploaded # attr_accessor :object_data # Type of bulk upload # attr_accessor :type # Recipients of the email for bulk upload success/failure # attr_accessor :email_recipients # Number of objects that finished on error status # attr_accessor :num_of_error_objects def conversion_profile_id=(val) @conversion_profile_id = val.to_i end def num_of_entries=(val) @num_of_entries = val.to_i end def num_of_objects=(val) @num_of_objects = val.to_i end def num_of_error_objects=(val) @num_of_error_objects = val.to_i end end class KalturaBulkUploadResultCategory < KalturaBulkUploadResult attr_accessor :relative_path attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :reference_id attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :tags attr_accessor :appear_in_list attr_accessor :privacy attr_accessor :inheritance_type attr_accessor :user_join_policy attr_accessor :default_permission_level attr_accessor :owner attr_accessor :contribution_policy attr_accessor :partner_sort_value attr_accessor :moderation def appear_in_list=(val) @appear_in_list = val.to_i end def privacy=(val) @privacy = val.to_i end def inheritance_type=(val) @inheritance_type = val.to_i end def user_join_policy=(val) @user_join_policy = val.to_i end def default_permission_level=(val) @default_permission_level = val.to_i end def contribution_policy=(val) @contribution_policy = val.to_i end def partner_sort_value=(val) @partner_sort_value = val.to_i end def moderation=(val) @moderation = to_b(val) end end class KalturaBulkUploadResultCategoryEntry < KalturaBulkUploadResult attr_accessor :category_id attr_accessor :entry_id def category_id=(val) @category_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaBulkUploadResultCategoryUser < KalturaBulkUploadResult attr_accessor :category_id attr_accessor :category_reference_id attr_accessor :user_id attr_accessor :permission_level attr_accessor :update_method attr_accessor :required_object_status def category_id=(val) @category_id = val.to_i end def permission_level=(val) @permission_level = val.to_i end def update_method=(val) @update_method = val.to_i end def required_object_status=(val) @required_object_status = val.to_i end end class KalturaBulkUploadResultEntry < KalturaBulkUploadResult attr_accessor :entry_id attr_accessor :title attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :tags attr_accessor :url attr_accessor :content_type attr_accessor :conversion_profile_id attr_accessor :access_control_profile_id attr_accessor :category attr_accessor :schedule_start_date attr_accessor :schedule_end_date attr_accessor :entry_status attr_accessor :thumbnail_url attr_accessor :thumbnail_saved attr_accessor :ssh_private_key attr_accessor :ssh_public_key attr_accessor :ssh_key_passphrase attr_accessor :creator_id attr_accessor :entitled_users_edit attr_accessor :entitled_users_publish attr_accessor :owner_id def conversion_profile_id=(val) @conversion_profile_id = val.to_i end def access_control_profile_id=(val) @access_control_profile_id = val.to_i end def schedule_start_date=(val) @schedule_start_date = val.to_i end def schedule_end_date=(val) @schedule_end_date = val.to_i end def entry_status=(val) @entry_status = val.to_i end def thumbnail_saved=(val) @thumbnail_saved = to_b(val) end end class KalturaBulkUploadResultUser < KalturaBulkUploadResult attr_accessor :user_id attr_accessor :screen_name attr_accessor :email attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :tags attr_accessor :date_of_birth attr_accessor :country attr_accessor :state attr_accessor :city attr_accessor :zip attr_accessor :gender attr_accessor :first_name attr_accessor :last_name def date_of_birth=(val) @date_of_birth = val.to_i end def gender=(val) @gender = val.to_i end end # This class represents object-specific data passed to the # bulk upload job. # class KalturaBulkUploadUserData < KalturaBulkUploadObjectData end class KalturaCaptureThumbJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :src_file_sync_local_path # The translated path as used by the scheduler # attr_accessor :actual_src_file_sync_local_path attr_accessor :src_file_sync_remote_url attr_accessor :thumb_params_output_id attr_accessor :thumb_asset_id attr_accessor :src_asset_id attr_accessor :src_asset_type attr_accessor :thumb_path def thumb_params_output_id=(val) @thumb_params_output_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :parent_id_equal attr_accessor :parent_id_in attr_accessor :depth_equal attr_accessor :full_name_equal attr_accessor :full_name_starts_with attr_accessor :full_name_in attr_accessor :full_ids_equal attr_accessor :full_ids_starts_with attr_accessor :full_ids_match_or attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :tags_like attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :appear_in_list_equal attr_accessor :privacy_equal attr_accessor :privacy_in attr_accessor :inheritance_type_equal attr_accessor :inheritance_type_in attr_accessor :reference_id_equal attr_accessor :reference_id_empty attr_accessor :contribution_policy_equal attr_accessor :members_count_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :members_count_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :pending_members_count_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :pending_members_count_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :privacy_context_equal attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :inherited_parent_id_equal attr_accessor :inherited_parent_id_in attr_accessor :partner_sort_value_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :partner_sort_value_less_than_or_equal def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def parent_id_equal=(val) @parent_id_equal = val.to_i end def depth_equal=(val) @depth_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def appear_in_list_equal=(val) @appear_in_list_equal = val.to_i end def privacy_equal=(val) @privacy_equal = val.to_i end def inheritance_type_equal=(val) @inheritance_type_equal = val.to_i end def reference_id_empty=(val) @reference_id_empty = val.to_i end def contribution_policy_equal=(val) @contribution_policy_equal = val.to_i end def members_count_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @members_count_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def members_count_less_than_or_equal=(val) @members_count_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def pending_members_count_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @pending_members_count_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def pending_members_count_less_than_or_equal=(val) @pending_members_count_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end def inherited_parent_id_equal=(val) @inherited_parent_id_equal = val.to_i end def partner_sort_value_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @partner_sort_value_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def partner_sort_value_less_than_or_equal=(val) @partner_sort_value_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryEntryAdvancedFilter < KalturaSearchItem attr_accessor :categories_match_or attr_accessor :category_entry_status_in end class KalturaCategoryEntryBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :category_id_equal attr_accessor :category_id_in attr_accessor :entry_id_equal attr_accessor :entry_id_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :category_full_ids_starts_with attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in def category_id_equal=(val) @category_id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryIdentifier < KalturaObjectIdentifier # Identifier of the object # attr_accessor :identifier end class KalturaCategoryUserAdvancedFilter < KalturaSearchItem attr_accessor :member_id_eq attr_accessor :member_id_in attr_accessor :member_permissions_match_or attr_accessor :member_permissions_match_and end class KalturaCategoryUserBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :category_id_equal attr_accessor :category_id_in attr_accessor :user_id_equal attr_accessor :user_id_in attr_accessor :permission_level_equal attr_accessor :permission_level_in attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :update_method_equal attr_accessor :update_method_in attr_accessor :category_full_ids_starts_with attr_accessor :category_full_ids_equal attr_accessor :permission_names_match_and attr_accessor :permission_names_match_or attr_accessor :permission_names_not_contains def category_id_equal=(val) @category_id_equal = val.to_i end def permission_level_equal=(val) @permission_level_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def update_method_equal=(val) @update_method_equal = val.to_i end end # Clip operation attributes # class KalturaClipAttributes < KalturaOperationAttributes # Offset in milliseconds # attr_accessor :offset # Duration in milliseconds # attr_accessor :duration def offset=(val) @offset = val.to_i end def duration=(val) @duration = val.to_i end end # An int representation to return an array of ints # class KalturaIntegerValue < KalturaValue attr_accessor :value def value=(val) @value = val.to_i end end class KalturaCompareCondition < KalturaCondition # Value to evaluate against the field and operator # attr_accessor :value # Comparing operator # attr_accessor :comparison end class KalturaDataCenterContentResource < KalturaContentResource end # Concat operation attributes # class KalturaConcatAttributes < KalturaOperationAttributes # The resource to be concatenated # attr_accessor :resource end class KalturaConcatJobData < KalturaJobData # Source files to be concatenated # attr_accessor :src_files # Output file # attr_accessor :dest_file_path # Flavor asset to be ingested with the output # attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id # Clipping offset in seconds # attr_accessor :offset # Clipping duration in seconds # attr_accessor :duration def offset=(val) @offset = val.to_f end def duration=(val) @duration = val.to_f end end class KalturaControlPanelCommandBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_by_id_equal attr_accessor :type_equal attr_accessor :type_in attr_accessor :target_type_equal attr_accessor :target_type_in attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_by_id_equal=(val) @created_by_id_equal = val.to_i end def type_equal=(val) @type_equal = val.to_i end def target_type_equal=(val) @target_type_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaConvartableJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :src_file_sync_local_path # The translated path as used by the scheduler # attr_accessor :actual_src_file_sync_local_path attr_accessor :src_file_sync_remote_url attr_accessor :src_file_syncs attr_accessor :engine_version attr_accessor :flavor_params_output_id attr_accessor :flavor_params_output attr_accessor :media_info_id attr_accessor :current_operation_set attr_accessor :current_operation_index attr_accessor :plugin_data def engine_version=(val) @engine_version = val.to_i end def flavor_params_output_id=(val) @flavor_params_output_id = val.to_i end def media_info_id=(val) @media_info_id = val.to_i end def current_operation_set=(val) @current_operation_set = val.to_i end def current_operation_index=(val) @current_operation_index = val.to_i end end class KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :conversion_profile_id_equal attr_accessor :conversion_profile_id_in attr_accessor :asset_params_id_equal attr_accessor :asset_params_id_in attr_accessor :ready_behavior_equal attr_accessor :ready_behavior_in attr_accessor :origin_equal attr_accessor :origin_in attr_accessor :system_name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_in def conversion_profile_id_equal=(val) @conversion_profile_id_equal = val.to_i end def asset_params_id_equal=(val) @asset_params_id_equal = val.to_i end def ready_behavior_equal=(val) @ready_behavior_equal = val.to_i end def origin_equal=(val) @origin_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaConversionProfileBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :type_equal attr_accessor :type_in attr_accessor :name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_in attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :default_entry_id_equal attr_accessor :default_entry_id_in def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaConvertLiveSegmentJobData < KalturaJobData # Live stream entry id # attr_accessor :entry_id # Primary or secondary media server # attr_accessor :media_server_index # The index of the file within the entry # attr_accessor :file_index # The recorded live media # attr_accessor :src_file_path # The output file # attr_accessor :dest_file_path # Duration of the live entry including all recorded segments including the current # attr_accessor :end_time def media_server_index=(val) @media_server_index = val.to_i end def file_index=(val) @file_index = val.to_i end def end_time=(val) @end_time = val.to_f end end class KalturaConvertProfileJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :input_file_sync_local_path # The height of last created thumbnail, will be used to comapare if this thumbnail is the best we can have # attr_accessor :thumb_height # The bit rate of last created thumbnail, will be used to comapare if this thumbnail is the best we can have # attr_accessor :thumb_bitrate def thumb_height=(val) @thumb_height = val.to_i end def thumb_bitrate=(val) @thumb_bitrate = val.to_i end end class KalturaCopyPartnerJobData < KalturaJobData # Id of the partner to copy from # attr_accessor :from_partner_id # Id of the partner to copy to # attr_accessor :to_partner_id def from_partner_id=(val) @from_partner_id = val.to_i end def to_partner_id=(val) @to_partner_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaCountryRestriction < KalturaBaseRestriction # Country restriction type (Allow or deny) # attr_accessor :country_restriction_type # Comma separated list of country codes to allow to deny # attr_accessor :country_list def country_restriction_type=(val) @country_restriction_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaDeleteFileJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :local_file_sync_path end class KalturaDeleteJobData < KalturaJobData # The filter should return the list of objects that need to be deleted. # attr_accessor :filter end class KalturaDirectoryRestriction < KalturaBaseRestriction # Kaltura directory restriction type # attr_accessor :directory_restriction_type def directory_restriction_type=(val) @directory_restriction_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaCategoryUserFilter < KalturaCategoryUserBaseFilter # Return the list of categoryUser that are not inherited from parent category - only the direct categoryUsers. # attr_accessor :category_direct_members # Free text search on user id or screen name # attr_accessor :free_text def category_direct_members=(val) @category_direct_members = to_b(val) end end class KalturaUserBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :screen_name_like attr_accessor :screen_name_starts_with attr_accessor :email_like attr_accessor :email_starts_with attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :first_name_starts_with attr_accessor :last_name_starts_with attr_accessor :is_admin_equal def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def is_admin_equal=(val) @is_admin_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaUserFilter < KalturaUserBaseFilter attr_accessor :id_or_screen_name_starts_with attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :login_enabled_equal attr_accessor :role_id_equal attr_accessor :role_ids_equal attr_accessor :role_ids_in attr_accessor :first_name_or_last_name_starts_with # Permission names filter expression # attr_accessor :permission_names_multi_like_or # Permission names filter expression # attr_accessor :permission_names_multi_like_and def login_enabled_equal=(val) @login_enabled_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaEntryContext < KalturaContext # The entry ID in the context of which the playlist should be built # attr_accessor :entry_id # Is this a redirected entry followup? # attr_accessor :follow_entry_redirect def follow_entry_redirect=(val) @follow_entry_redirect = val.to_i end end # Object which contains contextual entry-related data. # class KalturaEntryContextDataParams < KalturaAccessControlScope # Id of the current flavor. # attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id # The tags of the flavors that should be used for playback. # attr_accessor :flavor_tags # Playback streamer type: RTMP, HTTP, appleHttps, rtsp, sl. # attr_accessor :streamer_type # Protocol of the specific media object. # attr_accessor :media_protocol end class KalturaEntryContextDataResult < KalturaContextDataResult attr_accessor :is_site_restricted attr_accessor :is_country_restricted attr_accessor :is_session_restricted attr_accessor :is_ip_address_restricted attr_accessor :is_user_agent_restricted attr_accessor :preview_length attr_accessor :is_scheduled_now attr_accessor :is_admin # http/rtmp/hdnetwork # attr_accessor :streamer_type # http/https, rtmp/rtmpe # attr_accessor :media_protocol attr_accessor :storage_profiles_xml # Array of messages as received from the access control rules that invalidated # attr_accessor :access_control_messages # Array of actions as received from the access control rules that invalidated # attr_accessor :access_control_actions # Array of allowed flavor assets according to access control limitations and requested tags # attr_accessor :flavor_assets def is_site_restricted=(val) @is_site_restricted = to_b(val) end def is_country_restricted=(val) @is_country_restricted = to_b(val) end def is_session_restricted=(val) @is_session_restricted = to_b(val) end def is_ip_address_restricted=(val) @is_ip_address_restricted = to_b(val) end def is_user_agent_restricted=(val) @is_user_agent_restricted = to_b(val) end def preview_length=(val) @preview_length = val.to_i end def is_scheduled_now=(val) @is_scheduled_now = to_b(val) end def is_admin=(val) @is_admin = to_b(val) end end class KalturaEntryIdentifier < KalturaObjectIdentifier # Identifier of the object # attr_accessor :identifier end # A boolean representation to return evaluated dynamic value # class KalturaBooleanField < KalturaBooleanValue end class KalturaFileAssetBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :file_asset_object_type_equal attr_accessor :object_id_equal attr_accessor :object_id_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlattenJobData < KalturaJobData end class KalturaGenericSyndicationFeed < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeed # feed description # attr_accessor :feed_description # feed landing page (i.e publisher website) # attr_accessor :feed_landing_page end class KalturaGoogleVideoSyndicationFeed < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeed attr_accessor :adult_content end class KalturaITunesSyndicationFeed < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeed # feed description # attr_accessor :feed_description # feed language # attr_accessor :language # feed landing page (i.e publisher website) # attr_accessor :feed_landing_page # author/publisher name # attr_accessor :owner_name # publisher email # attr_accessor :owner_email # podcast thumbnail # attr_accessor :feed_image_url attr_accessor :category attr_accessor :adult_content attr_accessor :feed_author # true in case you want to enfore the palylist order on the # attr_accessor :enforce_order def enforce_order=(val) @enforce_order = val.to_i end end class KalturaImportJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :src_file_url attr_accessor :dest_file_local_path attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id attr_accessor :file_size def file_size=(val) @file_size = val.to_i end end class KalturaIndexAdvancedFilter < KalturaSearchItem attr_accessor :index_id_greater_than def index_id_greater_than=(val) @index_id_greater_than = val.to_i end end class KalturaIndexJobData < KalturaJobData # The filter should return the list of objects that need to be reindexed. # attr_accessor :filter # Indicates the last id that reindexed, used when the batch crached, to re-run from the last crash point. # attr_accessor :last_index_id # Indicates that the object columns and attributes values should be recalculated before reindexed. # attr_accessor :should_update def last_index_id=(val) @last_index_id = val.to_i end def should_update=(val) @should_update = to_b(val) end end class KalturaIpAddressRestriction < KalturaBaseRestriction # Ip address restriction type (Allow or deny) # attr_accessor :ip_address_restriction_type # Comma separated list of ip address to allow to deny # attr_accessor :ip_address_list def ip_address_restriction_type=(val) @ip_address_restriction_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaLimitFlavorsRestriction < KalturaBaseRestriction # Limit flavors restriction type (Allow or deny) # attr_accessor :limit_flavors_restriction_type # Comma separated list of flavor params ids to allow to deny # attr_accessor :flavor_params_ids def limit_flavors_restriction_type=(val) @limit_flavors_restriction_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaLiveChannelSegmentBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :channel_id_equal attr_accessor :channel_id_in attr_accessor :start_time_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :start_time_less_than_or_equal def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def start_time_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @start_time_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_f end def start_time_less_than_or_equal=(val) @start_time_less_than_or_equal = val.to_f end end class KalturaMailJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :mail_type attr_accessor :mail_priority attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :recipient_name attr_accessor :recipient_email # kuserId # attr_accessor :recipient_id attr_accessor :from_name attr_accessor :from_email attr_accessor :body_params attr_accessor :subject_params attr_accessor :template_path attr_accessor :language attr_accessor :campaign_id attr_accessor :min_send_date attr_accessor :is_html def mail_priority=(val) @mail_priority = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def recipient_id=(val) @recipient_id = val.to_i end def campaign_id=(val) @campaign_id = val.to_i end def min_send_date=(val) @min_send_date = val.to_i end def is_html=(val) @is_html = to_b(val) end end class KalturaMatchCondition < KalturaCondition attr_accessor :values end class KalturaMediaInfoBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id_equal end class KalturaMediaServerBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaMoveCategoryEntriesJobData < KalturaJobData # Source category id # attr_accessor :src_category_id # Destination category id # attr_accessor :dest_category_id # Saves the last category id that its entries moved completely # In case of crash the batch will restart from that point # attr_accessor :last_moved_category_id # Saves the last page index of the child categories filter pager # In case of crash the batch will restart from that point # attr_accessor :last_moved_category_page_index # Saves the last page index of the category entries filter pager # In case of crash the batch will restart from that point # attr_accessor :last_moved_category_entry_page_index # All entries from all child categories will be moved as well # attr_accessor :move_from_children # Entries won't be deleted from the source entry # attr_accessor :copy_only # Destination categories fallback ids # attr_accessor :dest_category_full_ids def src_category_id=(val) @src_category_id = val.to_i end def dest_category_id=(val) @dest_category_id = val.to_i end def last_moved_category_id=(val) @last_moved_category_id = val.to_i end def last_moved_category_page_index=(val) @last_moved_category_page_index = val.to_i end def last_moved_category_entry_page_index=(val) @last_moved_category_entry_page_index = val.to_i end def move_from_children=(val) @move_from_children = to_b(val) end def copy_only=(val) @copy_only = to_b(val) end end class KalturaNotificationJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :user_id attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :type_as_string attr_accessor :object_id attr_accessor :status attr_accessor :data attr_accessor :number_of_attempts attr_accessor :notification_result attr_accessor :obj_type def type=(val) @type = val.to_i end def status=(val) @status = val.to_i end def number_of_attempts=(val) @number_of_attempts = val.to_i end def obj_type=(val) @obj_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaPartnerBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :id_not_in attr_accessor :name_like attr_accessor :name_multi_like_or attr_accessor :name_multi_like_and attr_accessor :name_equal attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :partner_package_equal attr_accessor :partner_package_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :partner_package_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :partner_group_type_equal attr_accessor :partner_name_description_website_admin_name_admin_email_like def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end def partner_package_equal=(val) @partner_package_equal = val.to_i end def partner_package_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @partner_package_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def partner_package_less_than_or_equal=(val) @partner_package_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def partner_group_type_equal=(val) @partner_group_type_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaPermissionBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :type_equal attr_accessor :type_in attr_accessor :name_equal attr_accessor :name_in attr_accessor :friendly_name_like attr_accessor :description_like attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_in attr_accessor :depends_on_permission_names_multi_like_or attr_accessor :depends_on_permission_names_multi_like_and attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def type_equal=(val) @type_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaPermissionItemBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :type_equal attr_accessor :type_in attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_in attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaProvisionJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :stream_id attr_accessor :backup_stream_id attr_accessor :rtmp attr_accessor :encoder_ip attr_accessor :backup_encoder_ip attr_accessor :encoder_password attr_accessor :encoder_username attr_accessor :end_date attr_accessor :return_val attr_accessor :media_type attr_accessor :primary_broadcasting_url attr_accessor :secondary_broadcasting_url attr_accessor :stream_name def end_date=(val) @end_date = val.to_i end def media_type=(val) @media_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaReportBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_in attr_accessor :system_name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_in def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaReportInputFilter < KalturaReportInputBaseFilter # Search keywords to filter objects # attr_accessor :keywords # Search keywords in onjects tags # attr_accessor :search_in_tags # Search keywords in onjects admin tags # attr_accessor :search_in_admin_tags # Search onjects in specified categories # attr_accessor :categories # Time zone offset in minutes # attr_accessor :time_zone_offset # Aggregated results according to interval # attr_accessor :interval def search_in_tags=(val) @search_in_tags = to_b(val) end def search_in_admin_tags=(val) @search_in_admin_tags = to_b(val) end def time_zone_offset=(val) @time_zone_offset = val.to_i end end class KalturaSearchCondition < KalturaSearchItem attr_accessor :field attr_accessor :value end class KalturaSearchOperator < KalturaSearchItem attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :items def type=(val) @type = val.to_i end end class KalturaSessionRestriction < KalturaBaseRestriction end class KalturaSiteRestriction < KalturaBaseRestriction # The site restriction type (allow or deny) # attr_accessor :site_restriction_type # Comma separated list of sites (domains) to allow or deny # attr_accessor :site_list def site_restriction_type=(val) @site_restriction_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaStorageAddAction < KalturaRuleAction end class KalturaStorageJobData < KalturaJobData attr_accessor :server_url attr_accessor :server_username attr_accessor :server_password attr_accessor :ftp_passive_mode attr_accessor :src_file_sync_local_path attr_accessor :src_file_sync_id attr_accessor :dest_file_sync_stored_path def ftp_passive_mode=(val) @ftp_passive_mode = to_b(val) end end class KalturaStorageProfileBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_in attr_accessor :system_name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_in attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :protocol_equal attr_accessor :protocol_in def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaTubeMogulSyndicationFeed < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeed attr_accessor :category end class KalturaUiConfBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :name_like attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_in attr_accessor :obj_type_equal attr_accessor :obj_type_in attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :creation_mode_equal attr_accessor :creation_mode_in attr_accessor :version_equal attr_accessor :version_multi_like_or attr_accessor :version_multi_like_and attr_accessor :partner_tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :partner_tags_multi_like_and def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def obj_type_equal=(val) @obj_type_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def creation_mode_equal=(val) @creation_mode_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaUploadTokenBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :user_id_equal attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :file_name_equal attr_accessor :file_size_equal def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end def file_size_equal=(val) @file_size_equal = val.to_f end end class KalturaUserAgentRestriction < KalturaBaseRestriction # User agent restriction type (Allow or deny) # attr_accessor :user_agent_restriction_type # A comma seperated list of user agent regular expressions # attr_accessor :user_agent_regex_list def user_agent_restriction_type=(val) @user_agent_restriction_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaUserLoginDataBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :login_email_equal end class KalturaUserRoleBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :name_equal attr_accessor :name_in attr_accessor :system_name_equal attr_accessor :system_name_in attr_accessor :description_like attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_in attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_or attr_accessor :tags_multi_like_and attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal def id_equal=(val) @id_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaWidgetBaseFilter < KalturaFilter attr_accessor :id_equal attr_accessor :id_in attr_accessor :source_widget_id_equal attr_accessor :root_widget_id_equal attr_accessor :partner_id_equal attr_accessor :entry_id_equal attr_accessor :ui_conf_id_equal attr_accessor :created_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :created_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_greater_than_or_equal attr_accessor :updated_at_less_than_or_equal attr_accessor :partner_data_like def partner_id_equal=(val) @partner_id_equal = val.to_i end def ui_conf_id_equal=(val) @ui_conf_id_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def created_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @created_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_greater_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_greater_than_or_equal = val.to_i end def updated_at_less_than_or_equal=(val) @updated_at_less_than_or_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaYahooSyndicationFeed < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeed attr_accessor :category attr_accessor :adult_content # feed description # attr_accessor :feed_description # feed landing page (i.e publisher website) # attr_accessor :feed_landing_page end class KalturaAccessControlFilter < KalturaAccessControlBaseFilter end class KalturaAccessControlProfileFilter < KalturaAccessControlProfileBaseFilter end class KalturaAkamaiProvisionJobData < KalturaProvisionJobData attr_accessor :wsdl_username attr_accessor :wsdl_password attr_accessor :cpcode attr_accessor :email_id attr_accessor :primary_contact attr_accessor :secondary_contact end class KalturaAkamaiUniversalProvisionJobData < KalturaProvisionJobData attr_accessor :stream_id attr_accessor :system_user_name attr_accessor :system_password attr_accessor :domain_name attr_accessor :dvr_enabled attr_accessor :dvr_window attr_accessor :primary_contact attr_accessor :secondary_contact attr_accessor :stream_type attr_accessor :notification_email def stream_id=(val) @stream_id = val.to_i end def dvr_enabled=(val) @dvr_enabled = val.to_i end def dvr_window=(val) @dvr_window = val.to_i end end class KalturaAssetFilter < KalturaAssetBaseFilter end class KalturaAssetParamsFilter < KalturaAssetParamsBaseFilter end # Used to ingest media that is already ingested to Kaltura system as a different flavor asset in the past, the new created flavor asset will be ready immediately using a file sync of link type that will point to the existing file sync of the existing flavor asset. # class KalturaAssetResource < KalturaContentResource # ID of the source asset # attr_accessor :asset_id end class KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedFilter < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedBaseFilter end class KalturaBatchJobFilter < KalturaBatchJobBaseFilter end class KalturaBulkUploadFilter < KalturaBulkUploadBaseFilter end class KalturaCategoryEntryFilter < KalturaCategoryEntryBaseFilter end class KalturaCategoryFilter < KalturaCategoryBaseFilter attr_accessor :free_text attr_accessor :members_in attr_accessor :name_or_reference_id_starts_with attr_accessor :manager_equal attr_accessor :member_equal attr_accessor :full_name_starts_with_in # not includes the category itself (only sub categories) # attr_accessor :ancestor_id_in attr_accessor :id_or_inherited_parent_id_in end class KalturaControlPanelCommandFilter < KalturaControlPanelCommandBaseFilter end class KalturaConversionProfileFilter < KalturaConversionProfileBaseFilter end class KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsFilter < KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsBaseFilter attr_accessor :conversion_profile_id_filter attr_accessor :asset_params_id_filter end class KalturaConvertCollectionJobData < KalturaConvartableJobData attr_accessor :dest_dir_local_path attr_accessor :dest_dir_remote_url attr_accessor :dest_file_name attr_accessor :input_xml_local_path attr_accessor :input_xml_remote_url attr_accessor :command_lines_str attr_accessor :flavors end class KalturaConvertJobData < KalturaConvartableJobData attr_accessor :dest_file_sync_local_path attr_accessor :dest_file_sync_remote_url attr_accessor :log_file_sync_local_path attr_accessor :log_file_sync_remote_url attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id attr_accessor :remote_media_id attr_accessor :custom_data end class KalturaCountryCondition < KalturaMatchCondition # The ip geo coder engine to be used # attr_accessor :geo_coder_type end class KalturaEndUserReportInputFilter < KalturaReportInputFilter attr_accessor :application attr_accessor :user_ids attr_accessor :playback_context end # Used to ingest media that is already ingested to Kaltura system as a different entry in the past, the new created flavor asset will be ready immediately using a file sync of link type that will point to the existing file sync of the existing entry. # class KalturaEntryResource < KalturaContentResource # ID of the source entry # attr_accessor :entry_id # ID of the source flavor params, set to null to use the source flavor # attr_accessor :flavor_params_id def flavor_params_id=(val) @flavor_params_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaExtractMediaJobData < KalturaConvartableJobData attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id end # An int representation to return evaluated dynamic value # class KalturaIntegerField < KalturaIntegerValue end class KalturaFieldCompareCondition < KalturaCompareCondition # Field to evaluate # attr_accessor :field end # A string representation to return evaluated dynamic value # class KalturaStringField < KalturaStringValue end class KalturaFieldMatchCondition < KalturaMatchCondition # Field to evaluate # attr_accessor :field end # Used to ingest media that is already ingested to Kaltura system as a different file in the past, the new created flavor asset will be ready immediately using a file sync of link type that will point to the existing file sync. # class KalturaFileSyncResource < KalturaContentResource # The object type of the file sync object # attr_accessor :file_sync_object_type # The object sub-type of the file sync object # attr_accessor :object_sub_type # The object id of the file sync object # attr_accessor :object_id # The version of the file sync object # attr_accessor :version def file_sync_object_type=(val) @file_sync_object_type = val.to_i end def object_sub_type=(val) @object_sub_type = val.to_i end end class KalturaGenericXsltSyndicationFeed < KalturaGenericSyndicationFeed attr_accessor :xslt attr_accessor :item_xpaths_to_extend end class KalturaIpAddressCondition < KalturaMatchCondition end class KalturaLiveAsset < KalturaFlavorAsset end class KalturaLiveChannelSegmentFilter < KalturaLiveChannelSegmentBaseFilter end class KalturaLiveParams < KalturaFlavorParams end class KalturaMediaFlavorParams < KalturaFlavorParams end class KalturaMediaInfoFilter < KalturaMediaInfoBaseFilter end class KalturaMediaServerFilter < KalturaMediaServerBaseFilter end # A resource that perform operation (transcoding, clipping, cropping) before the flavor is ready. # class KalturaOperationResource < KalturaContentResource # Only KalturaEntryResource and KalturaAssetResource are supported # attr_accessor :resource attr_accessor :operation_attributes # ID of alternative asset params to be used instead of the system default flavor params # attr_accessor :asset_params_id def asset_params_id=(val) @asset_params_id = val.to_i end end class KalturaPartnerFilter < KalturaPartnerBaseFilter end class KalturaPermissionFilter < KalturaPermissionBaseFilter end class KalturaPermissionItemFilter < KalturaPermissionItemBaseFilter end class KalturaPostConvertJobData < KalturaConvartableJobData attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id # Indicates if a thumbnail should be created # attr_accessor :create_thumb # The path of the created thumbnail # attr_accessor :thumb_path # The position of the thumbnail in the media file # attr_accessor :thumb_offset # The height of the movie, will be used to comapare if this thumbnail is the best we can have # attr_accessor :thumb_height # The bit rate of the movie, will be used to comapare if this thumbnail is the best we can have # attr_accessor :thumb_bitrate attr_accessor :custom_data def create_thumb=(val) @create_thumb = to_b(val) end def thumb_offset=(val) @thumb_offset = val.to_i end def thumb_height=(val) @thumb_height = val.to_i end def thumb_bitrate=(val) @thumb_bitrate = val.to_i end end class KalturaPreviewRestriction < KalturaSessionRestriction # The preview restriction length # attr_accessor :preview_length def preview_length=(val) @preview_length = val.to_i end end class KalturaRegexCondition < KalturaMatchCondition end # Used to ingest media that is available on remote server and accessible using the supplied URL, the media file won't be downloaded but a file sync object of URL type will point to the media URL. # class KalturaRemoteStorageResources < KalturaContentResource # Array of remote stoage resources # attr_accessor :resources end class KalturaReportFilter < KalturaReportBaseFilter end class KalturaSearchComparableCondition < KalturaSearchCondition attr_accessor :comparison end class KalturaSiteCondition < KalturaMatchCondition end class KalturaSshImportJobData < KalturaImportJobData attr_accessor :private_key attr_accessor :public_key attr_accessor :pass_phrase end class KalturaStorageDeleteJobData < KalturaStorageJobData end class KalturaStorageExportJobData < KalturaStorageJobData attr_accessor :force attr_accessor :create_link def force=(val) @force = to_b(val) end def create_link=(val) @create_link = to_b(val) end end class KalturaStorageProfileFilter < KalturaStorageProfileBaseFilter end # Used to ingest string content. # class KalturaStringResource < KalturaContentResource # Textual content # attr_accessor :content end class KalturaUiConfFilter < KalturaUiConfBaseFilter end class KalturaUploadTokenFilter < KalturaUploadTokenBaseFilter end class KalturaUserLoginDataFilter < KalturaUserLoginDataBaseFilter end class KalturaUserRoleFilter < KalturaUserRoleBaseFilter end class KalturaWidgetFilter < KalturaWidgetBaseFilter end class KalturaAdminUserBaseFilter < KalturaUserFilter end class KalturaAmazonS3StorageExportJobData < KalturaStorageExportJobData attr_accessor :files_permission_in_s3 end class KalturaAmazonS3StorageProfileBaseFilter < KalturaStorageProfileFilter end class KalturaApiActionPermissionItemBaseFilter < KalturaPermissionItemFilter end class KalturaApiParameterPermissionItemBaseFilter < KalturaPermissionItemFilter end class KalturaAssetParamsOutputBaseFilter < KalturaAssetParamsFilter end class KalturaBatchJobFilterExt < KalturaBatchJobFilter attr_accessor :job_type_and_sub_type_in end # Represents the current request country context as calculated based on the IP address # class KalturaCountryContextField < KalturaStringField # The ip geo coder engine to be used # attr_accessor :geo_coder_type end class KalturaDataEntryBaseFilter < KalturaBaseEntryFilter end # Evaluates PHP statement, depends on the execution context # class KalturaEvalBooleanField < KalturaBooleanField # PHP code # attr_accessor :code end # Evaluates PHP statement, depends on the execution context # class KalturaEvalStringField < KalturaStringField # PHP code # attr_accessor :code end class KalturaFlavorAssetBaseFilter < KalturaAssetFilter attr_accessor :flavor_params_id_equal attr_accessor :flavor_params_id_in attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :status_not_in def flavor_params_id_equal=(val) @flavor_params_id_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlavorParamsBaseFilter < KalturaAssetParamsFilter attr_accessor :format_equal end class KalturaGenericSyndicationFeedBaseFilter < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedFilter end class KalturaGoogleVideoSyndicationFeedBaseFilter < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedFilter end class KalturaITunesSyndicationFeedBaseFilter < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedFilter end # Represents the current request IP address context # class KalturaIpAddressContextField < KalturaStringField end class KalturaMediaFlavorParamsOutput < KalturaFlavorParamsOutput end # Evaluates object ID according to given context # class KalturaObjectIdField < KalturaStringField end class KalturaPlaylistBaseFilter < KalturaBaseEntryFilter end # Used to ingest media file that is already accessible on the shared disc. # class KalturaServerFileResource < KalturaDataCenterContentResource # Full path to the local file # attr_accessor :local_file_path end # Used to ingest media that is available on remote SSH server and accessible using the supplied URL, media file will be downloaded using import job in order to make the asset ready. # class KalturaSshUrlResource < KalturaUrlResource # SSH private key # attr_accessor :private_key # SSH public key # attr_accessor :public_key # Passphrase for SSH keys # attr_accessor :key_passphrase end class KalturaThumbAssetBaseFilter < KalturaAssetFilter attr_accessor :thumb_params_id_equal attr_accessor :thumb_params_id_in attr_accessor :status_equal attr_accessor :status_in attr_accessor :status_not_in def thumb_params_id_equal=(val) @thumb_params_id_equal = val.to_i end def status_equal=(val) @status_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaThumbParamsBaseFilter < KalturaAssetParamsFilter attr_accessor :format_equal end # Represents the current time context on Kaltura servers # class KalturaTimeContextField < KalturaIntegerField # Time offset in seconds since current time # attr_accessor :offset def offset=(val) @offset = val.to_i end end class KalturaTubeMogulSyndicationFeedBaseFilter < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedFilter end # Used to ingest media that uploaded to the system and represented by token that returned from upload.upload action or uploadToken.add action. # class KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource < KalturaDataCenterContentResource # Token that returned from upload.upload action or uploadToken.add action. # attr_accessor :token end class KalturaUserAgentCondition < KalturaRegexCondition end # Represents the current request user agent context # class KalturaUserAgentContextField < KalturaStringField end # Represents the current session user e-mail address context # class KalturaUserEmailContextField < KalturaStringField end # Used to ingest media that streamed to the system and represented by token that returned from media server such as FMS or red5. # class KalturaWebcamTokenResource < KalturaDataCenterContentResource # Token that returned from media server such as FMS or red5. # attr_accessor :token end class KalturaYahooSyndicationFeedBaseFilter < KalturaBaseSyndicationFeedFilter end class KalturaAdminUserFilter < KalturaAdminUserBaseFilter end class KalturaAmazonS3StorageProfileFilter < KalturaAmazonS3StorageProfileBaseFilter end class KalturaApiActionPermissionItemFilter < KalturaApiActionPermissionItemBaseFilter end class KalturaApiParameterPermissionItemFilter < KalturaApiParameterPermissionItemBaseFilter end class KalturaAssetParamsOutputFilter < KalturaAssetParamsOutputBaseFilter end class KalturaDataEntryFilter < KalturaDataEntryBaseFilter end class KalturaFlavorAssetFilter < KalturaFlavorAssetBaseFilter end class KalturaFlavorParamsFilter < KalturaFlavorParamsBaseFilter end class KalturaGenericSyndicationFeedFilter < KalturaGenericSyndicationFeedBaseFilter end class KalturaGoogleVideoSyndicationFeedFilter < KalturaGoogleVideoSyndicationFeedBaseFilter end class KalturaITunesSyndicationFeedFilter < KalturaITunesSyndicationFeedBaseFilter end class KalturaPlaylistFilter < KalturaPlaylistBaseFilter end class KalturaThumbAssetFilter < KalturaThumbAssetBaseFilter end class KalturaThumbParamsFilter < KalturaThumbParamsBaseFilter end class KalturaTubeMogulSyndicationFeedFilter < KalturaTubeMogulSyndicationFeedBaseFilter end class KalturaYahooSyndicationFeedFilter < KalturaYahooSyndicationFeedBaseFilter end class KalturaFlavorParamsOutputBaseFilter < KalturaFlavorParamsFilter attr_accessor :flavor_params_id_equal attr_accessor :flavor_params_version_equal attr_accessor :flavor_asset_id_equal attr_accessor :flavor_asset_version_equal def flavor_params_id_equal=(val) @flavor_params_id_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaGenericXsltSyndicationFeedBaseFilter < KalturaGenericSyndicationFeedFilter end class KalturaLiveAssetBaseFilter < KalturaFlavorAssetFilter end class KalturaLiveParamsBaseFilter < KalturaFlavorParamsFilter end class KalturaLiveStreamAdminEntry < KalturaLiveStreamEntry end class KalturaMediaFlavorParamsBaseFilter < KalturaFlavorParamsFilter end class KalturaMixEntryBaseFilter < KalturaPlayableEntryFilter end class KalturaThumbParamsOutputBaseFilter < KalturaThumbParamsFilter attr_accessor :thumb_params_id_equal attr_accessor :thumb_params_version_equal attr_accessor :thumb_asset_id_equal attr_accessor :thumb_asset_version_equal def thumb_params_id_equal=(val) @thumb_params_id_equal = val.to_i end end class KalturaFlavorParamsOutputFilter < KalturaFlavorParamsOutputBaseFilter end class KalturaGenericXsltSyndicationFeedFilter < KalturaGenericXsltSyndicationFeedBaseFilter end class KalturaLiveAssetFilter < KalturaLiveAssetBaseFilter end class KalturaLiveParamsFilter < KalturaLiveParamsBaseFilter end class KalturaMediaFlavorParamsFilter < KalturaMediaFlavorParamsBaseFilter end class KalturaMixEntryFilter < KalturaMixEntryBaseFilter end class KalturaThumbParamsOutputFilter < KalturaThumbParamsOutputBaseFilter end class KalturaLiveEntryBaseFilter < KalturaMediaEntryFilter end class KalturaMediaFlavorParamsOutputBaseFilter < KalturaFlavorParamsOutputFilter end class KalturaLiveEntryFilter < KalturaLiveEntryBaseFilter attr_accessor :is_live def is_live=(val) @is_live = val.to_i end end class KalturaMediaFlavorParamsOutputFilter < KalturaMediaFlavorParamsOutputBaseFilter end class KalturaLiveChannelBaseFilter < KalturaLiveEntryFilter end class KalturaLiveStreamEntryBaseFilter < KalturaLiveEntryFilter end class KalturaLiveChannelFilter < KalturaLiveChannelBaseFilter end class KalturaLiveStreamEntryFilter < KalturaLiveStreamEntryBaseFilter end class KalturaLiveStreamAdminEntryBaseFilter < KalturaLiveStreamEntryFilter end class KalturaLiveStreamAdminEntryFilter < KalturaLiveStreamAdminEntryBaseFilter end # Manage access control profiles # class KalturaAccessControlProfileService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new access control profile # def add(access_control_profile) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'accessControlProfile', access_control_profile); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrolprofile', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get access control profile by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrolprofile', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update access control profile by id # def update(id, access_control_profile) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'accessControlProfile', access_control_profile); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrolprofile', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete access control profile by id # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrolprofile', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List access control profiles by filter and pager # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrolprofile', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Add & Manage Access Controls # class KalturaAccessControlService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new Access Control Profile # def add(access_control) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'accessControl', access_control); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrol', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Access Control Profile by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrol', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update Access Control Profile by id # def update(id, access_control) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'accessControl', access_control); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrol', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete Access Control Profile by id # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrol', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List Access Control Profiles by filter and pager # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('accesscontrol', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Manage details for the administrative user # class KalturaAdminUserService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Update admin user password and email # def update_password(email, password, new_email='', new_password='') kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'email', email); client.add_param(kparams, 'password', password); # Optional, provide only when you want to update the email client.add_param(kparams, 'newEmail', new_email); client.add_param(kparams, 'newPassword', new_password); client.queue_service_action_call('adminuser', 'updatePassword', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Reset admin user password and send it to the users email address # def reset_password(email) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'email', email); client.queue_service_action_call('adminuser', 'resetPassword', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get an admin session using admin email and password (Used for login to the KMC application) # def login(email, password, partner_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'email', email); client.add_param(kparams, 'password', password); client.add_param(kparams, 'partnerId', partner_id); client.queue_service_action_call('adminuser', 'login', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Set initial users password # def set_initial_password(hash_key, new_password) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'hashKey', hash_key); # new password to set client.add_param(kparams, 'newPassword', new_password); client.queue_service_action_call('adminuser', 'setInitialPassword', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Base Entry Service # class KalturaBaseEntryService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Generic add entry, should be used when the uploaded entry type is not known. # def add(entry, type=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entry', entry); client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Attach content resource to entry in status NO_MEDIA # def add_content(entry_id, resource) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'resource', resource); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'addContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Generic add entry using an uploaded file, should be used when the uploaded entry type is not known. # def add_from_uploaded_file(entry, upload_token_id, type=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entry', entry); client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadTokenId', upload_token_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'addFromUploadedFile', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get base entry by ID. # def get(entry_id, version=-1) kparams = {} # Entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Desired version of the data client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get remote storage existing paths for the asset. # def get_remote_paths(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'getRemotePaths', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update base entry. Only the properties that were set will be updated. # def update(entry_id, base_entry) kparams = {} # Entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Base entry metadata to update client.add_param(kparams, 'baseEntry', base_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update the content resource associated with the entry. # def update_content(entry_id, resource, conversion_profile_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Resource to be used to replace entry content client.add_param(kparams, 'resource', resource); # The conversion profile id to be used on the entry client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'updateContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get an array of KalturaBaseEntry objects by a comma-separated list of ids. # def get_by_ids(entry_ids) kparams = {} # Comma separated string of entry ids client.add_param(kparams, 'entryIds', entry_ids); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'getByIds', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete an entry. # def delete(entry_id) kparams = {} # Entry id to delete client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List base entries by filter with paging support. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # Pager client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List base entries by filter according to reference id # def list_by_reference_id(ref_id, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Entry Reference ID client.add_param(kparams, 'refId', ref_id); # Pager client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'listByReferenceId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Count base entries by filter. # def count(filter=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'count', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Upload a file to Kaltura, that can be used to create an entry. # def upload(file_data) kparams = {} # The file data client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'upload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update entry thumbnail using a raw jpeg file. # def update_thumbnail_jpeg(entry_id, file_data) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Jpeg file data client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'updateThumbnailJpeg', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update entry thumbnail using url. # def update_thumbnail_from_url(entry_id, url) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # file url client.add_param(kparams, 'url', url); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'updateThumbnailFromUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update entry thumbnail from a different entry by a specified time offset (in seconds). # def update_thumbnail_from_source_entry(entry_id, source_entry_id, time_offset) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceEntryId', source_entry_id); # Time offset (in seconds) client.add_param(kparams, 'timeOffset', time_offset); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'updateThumbnailFromSourceEntry', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Flag inappropriate entry for moderation. # def flag(moderation_flag) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'moderationFlag', moderation_flag); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'flag', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Reject the entry and mark the pending flags (if any) as moderated (this will make the entry non-playable). # def reject(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'reject', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Approve the entry and mark the pending flags (if any) as moderated (this will make the entry playable). # def approve(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'approve', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List all pending flags for the entry. # def list_flags(entry_id, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'listFlags', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Anonymously rank an entry, no validation is done on duplicate rankings. # def anonymous_rank(entry_id, rank) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'rank', rank); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'anonymousRank', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # This action delivers entry-related data, based on the user's context: access control, restriction, playback format and storage information. # def get_context_data(entry_id, context_data_params) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'contextDataParams', context_data_params); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'getContextData', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def export(entry_id, storage_profile_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'storageProfileId', storage_profile_id); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'export', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Index an entry by id. # def index(id, should_update=true) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'shouldUpdate', should_update); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'index', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Clone an entry with optional attributes to apply to the clone # def clone(entry_id) kparams = {} # Id of entry to clone client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('baseentry', 'clone', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Bulk upload service is used to upload & manage bulk uploads using CSV files. # This service manages only entry bulk uploads. # class KalturaBulkUploadService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new bulk upload batch job # Conversion profile id can be specified in the API or in the CSV file, the one in the CSV file will be stronger. # If no conversion profile was specified, partner's default will be used # def add(conversion_profile_id, csv_file_data, bulk_upload_type=KalturaNotImplemented, uploaded_by=KalturaNotImplemented, file_name=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Convertion profile id to use for converting the current bulk (-1 to use partner's default) client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); # bulk upload file client.add_param(kparams, 'csvFileData', csv_file_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadType', bulk_upload_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadedBy', uploaded_by); # Friendly name of the file, used to be recognized later in the logs. client.add_param(kparams, 'fileName', file_name); client.queue_service_action_call('bulkupload', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get bulk upload batch job by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('bulkupload', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List bulk upload batch jobs # def list(pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('bulkupload', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # serve action returan the original file. # def serve(id) kparams = {} # job id client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('bulkupload', 'serve', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end # serveLog action returan the original file. # def serve_log(id) kparams = {} # job id client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('bulkupload', 'serveLog', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end # Aborts the bulk upload and all its child jobs # def abort(id) kparams = {} # job id client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('bulkupload', 'abort', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Add & Manage CategoryEntry - assign entry to category # class KalturaCategoryEntryService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new CategoryEntry # def add(category_entry) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryEntry', category_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryentry', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete CategoryEntry # def delete(entry_id, category_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryentry', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List all categoryEntry # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryentry', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Index CategoryEntry by Id # def index(entry_id, category_id, should_update=true) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'shouldUpdate', should_update); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryentry', 'index', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # activate CategoryEntry when it is pending moderation # def activate(entry_id, category_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryentry', 'activate', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # activate CategoryEntry when it is pending moderation # def reject(entry_id, category_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryentry', 'reject', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Add & Manage Categories # class KalturaCategoryService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new Category # def add(category) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'category', category); client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Category by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update Category # def update(id, category) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'category', category); client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete a Category # def delete(id, move_entries_to_parent_category=1) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'moveEntriesToParentCategory', move_entries_to_parent_category); client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List all categories # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Index Category by id # def index(id, should_update=true) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'shouldUpdate', should_update); client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'index', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Move categories that belong to the same parent category to a target categroy - enabled only for ks with disable entitlement # def move(category_ids, target_category_parent_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryIds', category_ids); client.add_param(kparams, 'targetCategoryParentId', target_category_parent_id); client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'move', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Unlock categories # def unlock_categories() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'unlockCategories', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def add_from_bulk_upload(file_data, bulk_upload_data=KalturaNotImplemented, bulk_upload_category_data=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadData', bulk_upload_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadCategoryData', bulk_upload_category_data); client.queue_service_action_call('category', 'addFromBulkUpload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Add & Manage CategoryUser - membership of a user in a category # class KalturaCategoryUserService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new CategoryUser # def add(category_user) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryUser', category_user); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get CategoryUser by id # def get(category_id, user_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update CategoryUser by id # def update(category_id, user_id, category_user, override=false) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryUser', category_user); # - to override manual changes client.add_param(kparams, 'override', override); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete a CategoryUser # def delete(category_id, user_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # activate CategoryUser # def activate(category_id, user_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'activate', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # reject CategoryUser # def deactivate(category_id, user_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'deactivate', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List all categories # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Copy all memeber from parent category # def copy_from_category(category_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'copyFromCategory', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Index CategoryUser by userid and category id # def index(user_id, category_id, should_update=true) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'categoryId', category_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'shouldUpdate', should_update); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'index', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def add_from_bulk_upload(file_data, bulk_upload_data=KalturaNotImplemented, bulk_upload_category_user_data=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadData', bulk_upload_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadCategoryUserData', bulk_upload_category_user_data); client.queue_service_action_call('categoryuser', 'addFromBulkUpload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Manage the connection between Conversion Profiles and Asset Params # class KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Lists asset parmas of conversion profile by ID # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofileassetparams', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update asset parmas of conversion profile by ID # def update(conversion_profile_id, asset_params_id, conversion_profile_asset_params) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'assetParamsId', asset_params_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileAssetParams', conversion_profile_asset_params); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofileassetparams', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Add & Manage Conversion Profiles # class KalturaConversionProfileService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Set Conversion Profile to be the partner default # def set_as_default(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofile', 'setAsDefault', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get the partner's default conversion profile # def get_default(type=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofile', 'getDefault', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Add new Conversion Profile # def add(conversion_profile) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfile', conversion_profile); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofile', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Conversion Profile by ID # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofile', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update Conversion Profile by ID # def update(id, conversion_profile) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfile', conversion_profile); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofile', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete Conversion Profile by ID # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofile', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List Conversion Profiles by filter with paging support # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('conversionprofile', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Data service lets you manage data content (textual content) # class KalturaDataService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds a new data entry # def add(data_entry) kparams = {} # Data entry client.add_param(kparams, 'dataEntry', data_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('data', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get data entry by ID. # def get(entry_id, version=-1) kparams = {} # Data entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Desired version of the data client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.queue_service_action_call('data', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update data entry. Only the properties that were set will be updated. # def update(entry_id, document_entry) kparams = {} # Data entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Data entry metadata to update client.add_param(kparams, 'documentEntry', document_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('data', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete a data entry. # def delete(entry_id) kparams = {} # Data entry id to delete client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('data', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List data entries by filter with paging support. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Document entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # Pager client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('data', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # serve action returan the file from dataContent field. # def serve(entry_id, version=-1, force_proxy=false) kparams = {} # Data entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Desired version of the data client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); # force to get the content without redirect client.add_param(kparams, 'forceProxy', force_proxy); client.queue_service_action_call('data', 'serve', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end end # Document service # class KalturaDocumentService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new document entry after the specific document file was uploaded and the upload token id exists # def add_from_uploaded_file(document_entry, upload_token_id) kparams = {} # Document entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'documentEntry', document_entry); # Upload token id client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadTokenId', upload_token_id); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'addFromUploadedFile', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Copy entry into new entry # def add_from_entry(source_entry_id, document_entry=KalturaNotImplemented, source_flavor_params_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Document entry id to copy from client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceEntryId', source_entry_id); # Document entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'documentEntry', document_entry); # The flavor to be used as the new entry source, source flavor will be used if not specified client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceFlavorParamsId', source_flavor_params_id); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'addFromEntry', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Copy flavor asset into new entry # def add_from_flavor_asset(source_flavor_asset_id, document_entry=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Flavor asset id to be used as the new entry source client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceFlavorAssetId', source_flavor_asset_id); # Document entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'documentEntry', document_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'addFromFlavorAsset', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Convert entry # def convert(entry_id, conversion_profile_id=KalturaNotImplemented, dynamic_conversion_attributes=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Document entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); dynamicConversionAttributes.each do |obj| client.add_param(kparams, 'dynamicConversionAttributes', obj); end client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'convert', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get document entry by ID. # def get(entry_id, version=-1) kparams = {} # Document entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Desired version of the data client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update document entry. Only the properties that were set will be updated. # def update(entry_id, document_entry) kparams = {} # Document entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Document entry metadata to update client.add_param(kparams, 'documentEntry', document_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete a document entry. # def delete(entry_id) kparams = {} # Document entry id to delete client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List document entries by filter with paging support. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Document entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # Pager client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Upload a document file to Kaltura, then the file can be used to create a document entry. # def upload(file_data) kparams = {} # The file data client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'upload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # This will queue a batch job for converting the document file to swf # Returns the URL where the new swf will be available # def convert_ppt_to_swf(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'convertPptToSwf', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Serves the file content # def serve(entry_id, flavor_asset_id=KalturaNotImplemented, force_proxy=false) kparams = {} # Document entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Flavor asset id client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorAssetId', flavor_asset_id); # force to get the content without redirect client.add_param(kparams, 'forceProxy', force_proxy); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'serve', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end # Serves the file content # def serve_by_flavor_params_id(entry_id, flavor_params_id=KalturaNotImplemented, force_proxy=false) kparams = {} # Document entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Flavor params id client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorParamsId', flavor_params_id); # force to get the content without redirect client.add_param(kparams, 'forceProxy', force_proxy); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'serveByFlavorParamsId', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end # Replace content associated with the given document entry. # def update_content(entry_id, resource, conversion_profile_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # document entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Resource to be used to replace entry doc content client.add_param(kparams, 'resource', resource); # The conversion profile id to be used on the entry client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'updateContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Approves document replacement # def approve_replace(entry_id) kparams = {} # document entry id to replace client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'approveReplace', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Cancels document replacement # def cancel_replace(entry_id) kparams = {} # Document entry id to cancel client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('document', 'cancelReplace', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # EmailIngestionProfile service lets you manage email ingestion profile records # class KalturaEmailIngestionProfileService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # EmailIngestionProfile Add action allows you to add a EmailIngestionProfile to Kaltura DB # def add(email_ip) kparams = {} # Mandatory input parameter of type KalturaEmailIngestionProfile client.add_param(kparams, 'EmailIP', email_ip); client.queue_service_action_call('emailingestionprofile', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve a EmailIngestionProfile by email address # def get_by_email_address(email_address) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'emailAddress', email_address); client.queue_service_action_call('emailingestionprofile', 'getByEmailAddress', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve a EmailIngestionProfile by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('emailingestionprofile', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update an existing EmailIngestionProfile # def update(id, email_ip) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'EmailIP', email_ip); client.queue_service_action_call('emailingestionprofile', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete an existing EmailIngestionProfile # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('emailingestionprofile', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # add KalturaMediaEntry from email ingestion # def add_media_entry(media_entry, upload_token_id, email_prof_id, from_address, email_msg_id) kparams = {} # Media entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntry', media_entry); # Upload token id client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadTokenId', upload_token_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'emailProfId', email_prof_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'fromAddress', from_address); client.add_param(kparams, 'emailMsgId', email_msg_id); client.queue_service_action_call('emailingestionprofile', 'addMediaEntry', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Manage file assets # class KalturaFileAssetService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new file asset # def add(file_asset) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'fileAsset', file_asset); client.queue_service_action_call('fileasset', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get file asset by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('fileasset', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update file asset by id # def update(id, file_asset) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'fileAsset', file_asset); client.queue_service_action_call('fileasset', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete file asset by id # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('fileasset', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Serve file asset by id # def serve(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('fileasset', 'serve', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end # Set content of file asset # def set_content(id, content_resource) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'contentResource', content_resource); client.queue_service_action_call('fileasset', 'setContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List file assets by filter and pager # def list(filter, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('fileasset', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Retrieve information and invoke actions on Flavor Asset # class KalturaFlavorAssetService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add flavor asset # def add(entry_id, flavor_asset) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorAsset', flavor_asset); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update flavor asset # def update(id, flavor_asset) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorAsset', flavor_asset); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update content of flavor asset # def set_content(id, content_resource) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'contentResource', content_resource); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'setContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Flavor Asset by ID # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Flavor Assets for Entry # def get_by_entry_id(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'getByEntryId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List Flavor Assets by filter and pager # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get web playable Flavor Assets for Entry # def get_web_playable_by_entry_id(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'getWebPlayableByEntryId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Add and convert new Flavor Asset for Entry with specific Flavor Params # def convert(entry_id, flavor_params_id, priority=0) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorParamsId', flavor_params_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'priority', priority); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'convert', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Reconvert Flavor Asset by ID # def reconvert(id) kparams = {} # Flavor Asset ID client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'reconvert', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete Flavor Asset by ID # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get download URL for the asset # def get_url(id, storage_id=KalturaNotImplemented, force_proxy=false) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'storageId', storage_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'forceProxy', force_proxy); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'getUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get remote storage existing paths for the asset # def get_remote_paths(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'getRemotePaths', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get download URL for the Flavor Asset # def get_download_url(id, use_cdn=false) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'useCdn', use_cdn); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'getDownloadUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Flavor Asset with the relevant Flavor Params (Flavor Params can exist without Flavor Asset & vice versa) # def get_flavor_assets_with_params(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'getFlavorAssetsWithParams', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # manually export an asset # def export(asset_id, storage_profile_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'assetId', asset_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'storageProfileId', storage_profile_id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'export', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Set a given flavor as the original flavor # def set_as_source(asset_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'assetId', asset_id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorasset', 'setAsSource', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Flavor Params Output service # class KalturaFlavorParamsOutputService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Get flavor params output object by ID # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorparamsoutput', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List flavor params output objects by filter and pager # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorparamsoutput', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Add & Manage Flavor Params # class KalturaFlavorParamsService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new Flavor Params # def add(flavor_params) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorParams', flavor_params); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorparams', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Flavor Params by ID # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorparams', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update Flavor Params by ID # def update(id, flavor_params) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorParams', flavor_params); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorparams', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete Flavor Params by ID # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorparams', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List Flavor Params by filter with paging support (By default - all system default params will be listed too) # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorparams', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Flavor Params by Conversion Profile ID # def get_by_conversion_profile_id(conversion_profile_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); client.queue_service_action_call('flavorparams', 'getByConversionProfileId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Manage live channel segments # class KalturaLiveChannelSegmentService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new live channel segment # def add(live_channel_segment) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'liveChannelSegment', live_channel_segment); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannelsegment', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get live channel segment by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannelsegment', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update live channel segment by id # def update(id, live_channel_segment) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'liveChannelSegment', live_channel_segment); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannelsegment', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete live channel segment by id # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannelsegment', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List live channel segments by filter and pager # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannelsegment', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Live Channel service lets you manage live channels # class KalturaLiveChannelService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds new live channel. # def add(live_channel) kparams = {} # Live channel metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'liveChannel', live_channel); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get live channel by ID. # def get(id) kparams = {} # Live channel id client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update live channel. Only the properties that were set will be updated. # def update(id, live_channel) kparams = {} # Live channel id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); # Live channel metadata to update client.add_param(kparams, 'liveChannel', live_channel); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete a live channel. # def delete(id) kparams = {} # Live channel id to delete client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List live channels by filter with paging support. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # live channel filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # Pager client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delivering the status of a live channel (on-air/offline) # def is_live(id) kparams = {} # ID of the live channel client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'isLive', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Append recorded video to live entry # def append_recording(entry_id, media_server_index, resource, duration) kparams = {} # Live entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaServerIndex', media_server_index); client.add_param(kparams, 'resource', resource); client.add_param(kparams, 'duration', duration); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'appendRecording', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Register media server to live entry # def register_media_server(entry_id, hostname, media_server_index) kparams = {} # Live entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Media server host name client.add_param(kparams, 'hostname', hostname); # Media server index primary / secondary client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaServerIndex', media_server_index); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'registerMediaServer', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Unregister media server from live entry # def unregister_media_server(entry_id, hostname, media_server_index) kparams = {} # Live entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Media server host name client.add_param(kparams, 'hostname', hostname); # Media server index primary / secondary client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaServerIndex', media_server_index); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'unregisterMediaServer', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Validates all registered media servers # def validate_registered_media_servers(entry_id) kparams = {} # Live entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('livechannel', 'validateRegisteredMediaServers', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Live Stream service lets you manage live stream entries # class KalturaLiveStreamService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds new live stream entry. # The entry will be queued for provision. # def add(live_stream_entry, source_type=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Live stream entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'liveStreamEntry', live_stream_entry); # Live stream source type client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceType', source_type); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get live stream entry by ID. # def get(entry_id, version=-1) kparams = {} # Live stream entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Desired version of the data client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Authenticate live-stream entry against stream token and partner limitations # def authenticate(entry_id, token) kparams = {} # Live stream entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Live stream broadcasting token client.add_param(kparams, 'token', token); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'authenticate', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update live stream entry. Only the properties that were set will be updated. # def update(entry_id, live_stream_entry) kparams = {} # Live stream entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Live stream entry metadata to update client.add_param(kparams, 'liveStreamEntry', live_stream_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete a live stream entry. # def delete(entry_id) kparams = {} # Live stream entry id to delete client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List live stream entries by filter with paging support. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # live stream entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # Pager client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update live stream entry thumbnail using a raw jpeg file # def update_offline_thumbnail_jpeg(entry_id, file_data) kparams = {} # live stream entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Jpeg file data client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'updateOfflineThumbnailJpeg', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update entry thumbnail using url # def update_offline_thumbnail_from_url(entry_id, url) kparams = {} # live stream entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # file url client.add_param(kparams, 'url', url); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'updateOfflineThumbnailFromUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delivering the status of a live stream (on-air/offline) if it is possible # def is_live(id, protocol) kparams = {} # ID of the live stream client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); # protocol of the stream to test. client.add_param(kparams, 'protocol', protocol); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'isLive', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Append recorded video to live entry # def append_recording(entry_id, media_server_index, resource, duration) kparams = {} # Live entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaServerIndex', media_server_index); client.add_param(kparams, 'resource', resource); client.add_param(kparams, 'duration', duration); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'appendRecording', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Register media server to live entry # def register_media_server(entry_id, hostname, media_server_index) kparams = {} # Live entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Media server host name client.add_param(kparams, 'hostname', hostname); # Media server index primary / secondary client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaServerIndex', media_server_index); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'registerMediaServer', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Unregister media server from live entry # def unregister_media_server(entry_id, hostname, media_server_index) kparams = {} # Live entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Media server host name client.add_param(kparams, 'hostname', hostname); # Media server index primary / secondary client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaServerIndex', media_server_index); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'unregisterMediaServer', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Validates all registered media servers # def validate_registered_media_servers(entry_id) kparams = {} # Live entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('livestream', 'validateRegisteredMediaServers', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Media Info service # class KalturaMediaInfoService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # List media info objects by filter and pager # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('mediainfo', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Manage media servers # class KalturaMediaServerService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Get media server by hostname # def get(hostname) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'hostname', hostname); client.queue_service_action_call('mediaserver', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update media server status # def report_status(hostname, media_server_status) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'hostname', hostname); client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaServerStatus', media_server_status); client.queue_service_action_call('mediaserver', 'reportStatus', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Media service lets you upload and manage media files (images / videos & audio) # class KalturaMediaService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add entry # def add(entry) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entry', entry); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Add content to media entry which is not yet associated with content (therefore is in status NO_CONTENT). # If the requirement is to replace the entry's associated content, use action updateContent. # def add_content(entry_id, resource=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'resource', resource); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'addContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Adds new media entry by importing an HTTP or FTP URL. # The entry will be queued for import and then for conversion. # def add_from_url(media_entry, url) kparams = {} # Media entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntry', media_entry); # An HTTP or FTP URL client.add_param(kparams, 'url', url); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'addFromUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Adds new media entry by importing the media file from a search provider. # This action should be used with the search service result. # def add_from_search_result(media_entry=KalturaNotImplemented, search_result=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntry', media_entry); # Result object from search service client.add_param(kparams, 'searchResult', search_result); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'addFromSearchResult', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Add new entry after the specific media file was uploaded and the upload token id exists # def add_from_uploaded_file(media_entry, upload_token_id) kparams = {} # Media entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntry', media_entry); # Upload token id client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadTokenId', upload_token_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'addFromUploadedFile', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Add new entry after the file was recored on the server and the token id exists # def add_from_recorded_webcam(media_entry, webcam_token_id) kparams = {} # Media entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntry', media_entry); # Token id for the recored webcam file client.add_param(kparams, 'webcamTokenId', webcam_token_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'addFromRecordedWebcam', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Copy entry into new entry # def add_from_entry(source_entry_id, media_entry=KalturaNotImplemented, source_flavor_params_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry id to copy from client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceEntryId', source_entry_id); # Media entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntry', media_entry); # The flavor to be used as the new entry source, source flavor will be used if not specified client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceFlavorParamsId', source_flavor_params_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'addFromEntry', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Copy flavor asset into new entry # def add_from_flavor_asset(source_flavor_asset_id, media_entry=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Flavor asset id to be used as the new entry source client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceFlavorAssetId', source_flavor_asset_id); # Media entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntry', media_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'addFromFlavorAsset', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Convert entry # def convert(entry_id, conversion_profile_id=KalturaNotImplemented, dynamic_conversion_attributes=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); dynamicConversionAttributes.each do |obj| client.add_param(kparams, 'dynamicConversionAttributes', obj); end client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'convert', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get media entry by ID. # def get(entry_id, version=-1) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Desired version of the data client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get MRSS by entry id # XML will return as an escaped string # def get_mrss(entry_id, extending_items_array=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); extendingItemsArray.each do |obj| client.add_param(kparams, 'extendingItemsArray', obj); end client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'getMrss', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update media entry. Only the properties that were set will be updated. # def update(entry_id, media_entry) kparams = {} # Media entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Media entry metadata to update client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntry', media_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Replace content associated with the media entry. # def update_content(entry_id, resource, conversion_profile_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Resource to be used to replace entry media content client.add_param(kparams, 'resource', resource); # The conversion profile id to be used on the entry client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'updateContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete a media entry. # def delete(entry_id) kparams = {} # Media entry id to delete client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Approves media replacement # def approve_replace(entry_id) kparams = {} # Media entry id to replace client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'approveReplace', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Cancels media replacement # def cancel_replace(entry_id) kparams = {} # Media entry id to cancel client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'cancelReplace', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List media entries by filter with paging support. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # Pager client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Count media entries by filter. # def count(filter=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'count', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Upload a media file to Kaltura, then the file can be used to create a media entry. # def upload(file_data) kparams = {} # The file data client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'upload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update media entry thumbnail by a specified time offset (In seconds) # If flavor params id not specified, source flavor will be used by default # def update_thumbnail(entry_id, time_offset, flavor_params_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Time offset (in seconds) client.add_param(kparams, 'timeOffset', time_offset); # The flavor params id to be used client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorParamsId', flavor_params_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'updateThumbnail', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update media entry thumbnail from a different entry by a specified time offset (In seconds) # If flavor params id not specified, source flavor will be used by default # def update_thumbnail_from_source_entry(entry_id, source_entry_id, time_offset, flavor_params_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceEntryId', source_entry_id); # Time offset (in seconds) client.add_param(kparams, 'timeOffset', time_offset); # The flavor params id to be used client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorParamsId', flavor_params_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'updateThumbnailFromSourceEntry', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update media entry thumbnail using a raw jpeg file # def update_thumbnail_jpeg(entry_id, file_data) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Jpeg file data client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'updateThumbnailJpeg', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update entry thumbnail using url # def update_thumbnail_from_url(entry_id, url) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # file url client.add_param(kparams, 'url', url); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'updateThumbnailFromUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Request a new conversion job, this can be used to convert the media entry to a different format # def request_conversion(entry_id, file_format) kparams = {} # Media entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Format to convert client.add_param(kparams, 'fileFormat', file_format); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'requestConversion', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Flag inappropriate media entry for moderation # def flag(moderation_flag) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'moderationFlag', moderation_flag); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'flag', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Reject the media entry and mark the pending flags (if any) as moderated (this will make the entry non playable) # def reject(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'reject', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Approve the media entry and mark the pending flags (if any) as moderated (this will make the entry playable) # def approve(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'approve', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List all pending flags for the media entry # def list_flags(entry_id, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'listFlags', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Anonymously rank a media entry, no validation is done on duplicate rankings # def anonymous_rank(entry_id, rank) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'rank', rank); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'anonymousRank', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Add new bulk upload batch job # Conversion profile id can be specified in the API or in the CSV file, the one in the CSV file will be stronger. # If no conversion profile was specified, partner's default will be used # def bulk_upload_add(file_data, bulk_upload_data=KalturaNotImplemented, bulk_upload_entry_data=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadData', bulk_upload_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadEntryData', bulk_upload_entry_data); client.queue_service_action_call('media', 'bulkUploadAdd', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # A Mix is an XML unique format invented by Kaltura, it allows the user to create a mix of videos and images, in and out points, transitions, text overlays, soundtrack, effects and much more... # Mixing service lets you create a new mix, manage its metadata and make basic manipulations. # class KalturaMixingService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds a new mix. # If the dataContent is null, a default timeline will be created. # def add(mix_entry) kparams = {} # Mix entry metadata client.add_param(kparams, 'mixEntry', mix_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get mix entry by id. # def get(entry_id, version=-1) kparams = {} # Mix entry id client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Desired version of the data client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update mix entry. Only the properties that were set will be updated. # def update(entry_id, mix_entry) kparams = {} # Mix entry id to update client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # Mix entry metadata to update client.add_param(kparams, 'mixEntry', mix_entry); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete a mix entry. # def delete(entry_id) kparams = {} # Mix entry id to delete client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List entries by filter with paging support. # Return parameter is an array of mix entries. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Mix entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # Pager client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Count mix entries by filter. # def count(filter=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Media entry filter client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'count', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Clones an existing mix. # def clone(entry_id) kparams = {} # Mix entry id to clone client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'clone', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Appends a media entry to a the end of the mix timeline, this will save the mix timeline as a new version. # def append_media_entry(mix_entry_id, media_entry_id) kparams = {} # Mix entry to append to its timeline client.add_param(kparams, 'mixEntryId', mix_entry_id); # Media entry to append to the timeline client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntryId', media_entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'appendMediaEntry', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get the mixes in which the media entry is included # def get_mixes_by_media_id(media_entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaEntryId', media_entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'getMixesByMediaId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get all ready media entries that exist in the given mix id # def get_ready_media_entries(mix_id, version=-1) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'mixId', mix_id); # Desired version to get the data from client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'getReadyMediaEntries', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Anonymously rank a mix entry, no validation is done on duplicate rankings # def anonymous_rank(entry_id, rank) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'rank', rank); client.queue_service_action_call('mixing', 'anonymousRank', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Notification Service # class KalturaNotificationService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Return the notifications for a specific entry id and type # def get_client_notification(entry_id, type) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type); client.queue_service_action_call('notification', 'getClientNotification', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # partner service allows you to change/manage your partner personal details and settings as well # class KalturaPartnerService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Create a new Partner object # def register(partner, cms_password='', template_partner_id=KalturaNotImplemented, silent=false) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'partner', partner); client.add_param(kparams, 'cmsPassword', cms_password); client.add_param(kparams, 'templatePartnerId', template_partner_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'silent', silent); client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'register', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update details and settings of an existing partner # def update(partner, allow_empty=false) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'partner', partner); client.add_param(kparams, 'allowEmpty', allow_empty); client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve partner object by Id # def get(id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve partner secret and admin secret # def get_secrets(partner_id, admin_email, cms_password) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'partnerId', partner_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'adminEmail', admin_email); client.add_param(kparams, 'cmsPassword', cms_password); client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'getSecrets', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve all info attributed to the partner # This action expects no parameters. It returns information for the current KS partnerId. # def get_info() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'getInfo', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get usage statistics for a partner # Calculation is done according to partner's package # Additional data returned is a graph points of streaming usage in a timeframe # The resolution can be "days" or "months" # def get_usage(year='', month=1, resolution=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'year', year); client.add_param(kparams, 'month', month); client.add_param(kparams, 'resolution', resolution); client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'getUsage', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get usage statistics for a partner # Calculation is done according to partner's package # def get_statistics() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'getStatistics', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve a list of partner objects which the current user is allowed to access. # def list_partners_for_user(partner_filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'partnerFilter', partner_filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'listPartnersForUser', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List partners by filter with paging support # Current implementation will only list the sub partners of the partner initiating the api call (using the current KS). # This action is only partially implemented to support listing sub partners of a VAR partner. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List partner's current processes' statuses # def list_feature_status() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'listFeatureStatus', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Count partner's existing sub-publishers (count includes the partner itself). # def count(filter=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.queue_service_action_call('partner', 'count', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # PermissionItem service lets you create and manage permission items # class KalturaPermissionItemService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds a new permission item object to the account. # This action is available only to Kaltura system administrators. # def add(permission_item) kparams = {} # The new permission item client.add_param(kparams, 'permissionItem', permission_item); client.queue_service_action_call('permissionitem', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieves a permission item object using its ID. # def get(permission_item_id) kparams = {} # The permission item's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'permissionItemId', permission_item_id); client.queue_service_action_call('permissionitem', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Updates an existing permission item object. # This action is available only to Kaltura system administrators. # def update(permission_item_id, permission_item) kparams = {} # The permission item's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'permissionItemId', permission_item_id); # Id The permission item's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'permissionItem', permission_item); client.queue_service_action_call('permissionitem', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Deletes an existing permission item object. # This action is available only to Kaltura system administrators. # def delete(permission_item_id) kparams = {} # The permission item's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'permissionItemId', permission_item_id); client.queue_service_action_call('permissionitem', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Lists permission item objects that are associated with an account. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # A filter used to exclude specific types of permission items client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # A limit for the number of records to display on a page client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('permissionitem', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Permission service lets you create and manage user permissions # class KalturaPermissionService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds a new permission object to the account. # def add(permission) kparams = {} # The new permission client.add_param(kparams, 'permission', permission); client.queue_service_action_call('permission', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieves a permission object using its ID. # def get(permission_name) kparams = {} # The name assigned to the permission client.add_param(kparams, 'permissionName', permission_name); client.queue_service_action_call('permission', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Updates an existing permission object. # def update(permission_name, permission) kparams = {} # The name assigned to the permission client.add_param(kparams, 'permissionName', permission_name); # Name The name assigned to the permission client.add_param(kparams, 'permission', permission); client.queue_service_action_call('permission', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Deletes an existing permission object. # def delete(permission_name) kparams = {} # The name assigned to the permission client.add_param(kparams, 'permissionName', permission_name); client.queue_service_action_call('permission', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Lists permission objects that are associated with an account. # Blocked permissions are listed unless you use a filter to exclude them. # Blocked permissions are listed unless you use a filter to exclude them. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # A filter used to exclude specific types of permissions client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # A limit for the number of records to display on a page client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('permission', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieves a list of permissions that apply to the current KS. # def get_current_permissions() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('permission', 'getCurrentPermissions', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Playlist service lets you create,manage and play your playlists # Playlists could be static (containing a fixed list of entries) or dynamic (baseed on a filter) # class KalturaPlaylistService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new playlist # Note that all entries used in a playlist will become public and may appear in KalturaNetwork # def add(playlist, update_stats=false) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'playlist', playlist); # indicates that the playlist statistics attributes should be updated synchronously now client.add_param(kparams, 'updateStats', update_stats); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve a playlist # def get(id, version=-1) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); # Desired version of the data client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update existing playlist # Note - you cannot change playlist type. updated playlist must be of the same type. # def update(id, playlist, update_stats=false) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'playlist', playlist); client.add_param(kparams, 'updateStats', update_stats); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete existing playlist # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Clone an existing playlist # def clone(id, new_playlist=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Id of the playlist to clone client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); # Parameters defined here will override the ones in the cloned playlist client.add_param(kparams, 'newPlaylist', new_playlist); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'clone', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List available playlists # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve playlist for playing purpose # def execute(id, detailed='', playlist_context=KalturaNotImplemented, filter=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'detailed', detailed); client.add_param(kparams, 'playlistContext', playlist_context); client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'execute', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve playlist for playing purpose, based on content # def execute_from_content(playlist_type, playlist_content, detailed='') kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'playlistType', playlist_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'playlistContent', playlist_content); client.add_param(kparams, 'detailed', detailed); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'executeFromContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Revrieve playlist for playing purpose, based on media entry filters # def execute_from_filters(filters, total_results, detailed='') kparams = {} filters.each do |obj| client.add_param(kparams, 'filters', obj); end client.add_param(kparams, 'totalResults', total_results); client.add_param(kparams, 'detailed', detailed); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'executeFromFilters', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve playlist statistics # def get_stats_from_content(playlist_type, playlist_content) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'playlistType', playlist_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'playlistContent', playlist_content); client.queue_service_action_call('playlist', 'getStatsFromContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # api for getting reports data by the report type and some inputFilter # class KalturaReportService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # report getGraphs action allows to get a graph data for a specific report. # def get_graphs(report_type, report_input_filter, dimension=KalturaNotImplemented, object_ids=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # client.add_param(kparams, 'reportType', report_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'reportInputFilter', report_input_filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'dimension', dimension); # - one ID or more (separated by ',') of specific objects to query client.add_param(kparams, 'objectIds', object_ids); client.queue_service_action_call('report', 'getGraphs', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # report getTotal action allows to get a graph data for a specific report. # def get_total(report_type, report_input_filter, object_ids=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # client.add_param(kparams, 'reportType', report_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'reportInputFilter', report_input_filter); # - one ID or more (separated by ',') of specific objects to query client.add_param(kparams, 'objectIds', object_ids); client.queue_service_action_call('report', 'getTotal', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # report getBaseTotal action allows to get a the total base for storage reports # def get_base_total(report_type, report_input_filter, object_ids=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # client.add_param(kparams, 'reportType', report_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'reportInputFilter', report_input_filter); # - one ID or more (separated by ',') of specific objects to query client.add_param(kparams, 'objectIds', object_ids); client.queue_service_action_call('report', 'getBaseTotal', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # report getTable action allows to get a graph data for a specific report. # def get_table(report_type, report_input_filter, pager, order=KalturaNotImplemented, object_ids=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # client.add_param(kparams, 'reportType', report_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'reportInputFilter', report_input_filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.add_param(kparams, 'order', order); # - one ID or more (separated by ',') of specific objects to query client.add_param(kparams, 'objectIds', object_ids); client.queue_service_action_call('report', 'getTable', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # will create a Csv file for the given report and return the URL to access it # def get_url_for_report_as_csv(report_title, report_text, headers, report_type, report_input_filter, dimension=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented, order=KalturaNotImplemented, object_ids=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # The title of the report to display at top of CSV client.add_param(kparams, 'reportTitle', report_title); # The text of the filter of the report client.add_param(kparams, 'reportText', report_text); # The headers of the columns - a map between the enumerations on the server side and the their display text client.add_param(kparams, 'headers', headers); # client.add_param(kparams, 'reportType', report_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'reportInputFilter', report_input_filter); # client.add_param(kparams, 'dimension', dimension); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.add_param(kparams, 'order', order); # - one ID or more (separated by ',') of specific objects to query client.add_param(kparams, 'objectIds', object_ids); client.queue_service_action_call('report', 'getUrlForReportAsCsv', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def execute(id, params=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); params.each do |obj| client.add_param(kparams, 'params', obj); end client.queue_service_action_call('report', 'execute', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def get_csv(id, params=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); params.each do |obj| client.add_param(kparams, 'params', obj); end client.queue_service_action_call('report', 'getCsv', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end # Returns report CSV file executed by string params with the following convention: param1=value1;param2=value2 # def get_csv_from_string_params(id, params=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'params', params); client.queue_service_action_call('report', 'getCsvFromStringParams', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end end # Expose the schema definitions for syndication MRSS, bulk upload XML and other schema types. # class KalturaSchemaService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Serves the requested XSD according to the type and name. # def serve(type) kparams = {} # client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type); client.queue_service_action_call('schema', 'serve', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end end # Search service allows you to search for media in various media providers # This service is being used mostly by the CW component # class KalturaSearchService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Search for media in one of the supported media providers # def search(search, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # A KalturaSearch object contains the search keywords, media provider and media type client.add_param(kparams, 'search', search); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('search', 'search', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve extra information about media found in search action # Some providers return only part of the fields needed to create entry from, use this action to get the rest of the fields. # def get_media_info(search_result) kparams = {} # KalturaSearchResult object extends KalturaSearch and has all fields required for media:add client.add_param(kparams, 'searchResult', search_result); client.queue_service_action_call('search', 'getMediaInfo', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Search for media given a specific URL # Kaltura supports a searchURL action on some of the media providers. # This action will return a KalturaSearchResult object based on a given URL (assuming the media provider is supported) # def search_url(media_type, url) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'mediaType', media_type); client.add_param(kparams, 'url', url); client.queue_service_action_call('search', 'searchUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def external_login(search_source, user_name, password) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'searchSource', search_source); client.add_param(kparams, 'userName', user_name); client.add_param(kparams, 'password', password); client.queue_service_action_call('search', 'externalLogin', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Session service # class KalturaSessionService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Start a session with Kaltura's server. # The result KS is the session key that you should pass to all services that requires a ticket. # def start(secret, user_id='', type=0, partner_id=KalturaNotImplemented, expiry=86400, privileges=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # Remember to provide the correct secret according to the sessionType you want client.add_param(kparams, 'secret', secret); client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); # Regular session or Admin session client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type); client.add_param(kparams, 'partnerId', partner_id); # KS expiry time in seconds client.add_param(kparams, 'expiry', expiry); client.add_param(kparams, 'privileges', privileges); client.queue_service_action_call('session', 'start', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # End a session with the Kaltura server, making the current KS invalid. # def end() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('session', 'end', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Start an impersonated session with Kaltura's server. # The result KS is the session key that you should pass to all services that requires a ticket. # def impersonate(secret, impersonated_partner_id, user_id='', type=0, partner_id=KalturaNotImplemented, expiry=86400, privileges=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # - should be the secret (admin or user) of the original partnerId (not impersonatedPartnerId). client.add_param(kparams, 'secret', secret); client.add_param(kparams, 'impersonatedPartnerId', impersonated_partner_id); # - impersonated userId client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type); client.add_param(kparams, 'partnerId', partner_id); # KS expiry time in seconds client.add_param(kparams, 'expiry', expiry); client.add_param(kparams, 'privileges', privileges); client.queue_service_action_call('session', 'impersonate', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Start an impersonated session with Kaltura's server. # The result KS info contains the session key that you should pass to all services that requires a ticket. # Type, expiry and privileges won't be changed if they're not set # def impersonate_by_ks(session, type=KalturaNotImplemented, expiry=KalturaNotImplemented, privileges=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # The old KS of the impersonated partner client.add_param(kparams, 'session', session); # Type of the new KS client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type); # Expiry time in seconds of the new KS client.add_param(kparams, 'expiry', expiry); # Privileges of the new KS client.add_param(kparams, 'privileges', privileges); client.queue_service_action_call('session', 'impersonateByKs', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Parse session key and return its info # def get(session=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # The KS to be parsed, keep it empty to use current session. client.add_param(kparams, 'session', session); client.queue_service_action_call('session', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Start a session for Kaltura's flash widgets # def start_widget_session(widget_id, expiry=86400) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'widgetId', widget_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'expiry', expiry); client.queue_service_action_call('session', 'startWidgetSession', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Stats Service # class KalturaStatsService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Will write to the event log a single line representing the event # client version - will help interprete the line structure. different client versions might have slightly different data/data formats in the line # event_id - number is the row number in yuval's excel # datetime - same format as MySql's datetime - can change and should reflect the time zone # session id - can be some big random number or guid # partner id # entry id # unique viewer # widget id # ui_conf id # uid - the puser id as set by the ppartner # current point - in milliseconds # duration - milliseconds # user ip # process duration - in milliseconds # control id # seek # new point # referrer # # # KalturaStatsEvent $event # def collect(event) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'event', event); client.queue_service_action_call('stats', 'collect', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Will collect the kmcEvent sent form the KMC client # // this will actually be an empty function because all events will be sent using GET and will anyway be logged in the apache log # def kmc_collect(kmc_event) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'kmcEvent', kmc_event); client.queue_service_action_call('stats', 'kmcCollect', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def report_kce_error(kaltura_ce_error) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'kalturaCEError', kaltura_ce_error); client.queue_service_action_call('stats', 'reportKceError', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Use this action to report errors to the kaltura server. # def report_error(error_code, error_message) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'errorCode', error_code); client.add_param(kparams, 'errorMessage', error_message); client.queue_service_action_call('stats', 'reportError', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Storage Profiles service # class KalturaStorageProfileService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds a storage profile to the Kaltura DB. # def add(storage_profile) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'storageProfile', storage_profile); client.queue_service_action_call('storageprofile', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def update_status(storage_id, status) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'storageId', storage_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'status', status); client.queue_service_action_call('storageprofile', 'updateStatus', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get storage profile by id # def get(storage_profile_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'storageProfileId', storage_profile_id); client.queue_service_action_call('storageprofile', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update storage profile by id # def update(storage_profile_id, storage_profile) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'storageProfileId', storage_profile_id); # Id client.add_param(kparams, 'storageProfile', storage_profile); client.queue_service_action_call('storageprofile', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('storageprofile', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Add & Manage Syndication Feeds # class KalturaSyndicationFeedService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new Syndication Feed # def add(syndication_feed) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'syndicationFeed', syndication_feed); client.queue_service_action_call('syndicationfeed', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Syndication Feed by ID # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('syndicationfeed', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update Syndication Feed by ID # def update(id, syndication_feed) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'syndicationFeed', syndication_feed); client.queue_service_action_call('syndicationfeed', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete Syndication Feed by ID # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('syndicationfeed', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List Syndication Feeds by filter with paging support # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('syndicationfeed', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # get entry count for a syndication feed # def get_entry_count(feed_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'feedId', feed_id); client.queue_service_action_call('syndicationfeed', 'getEntryCount', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # request conversion for all entries that doesnt have the required flavor param # returns a comma-separated ids of conversion jobs # def request_conversion(feed_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'feedId', feed_id); client.queue_service_action_call('syndicationfeed', 'requestConversion', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # System service is used for internal system helpers & to retrieve system level information # class KalturaSystemService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end def ping() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('system', 'ping', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def ping_database() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('system', 'pingDatabase', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def get_time() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('system', 'getTime', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Retrieve information and invoke actions on Thumb Asset # class KalturaThumbAssetService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add thumbnail asset # def add(entry_id, thumb_asset) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbAsset', thumb_asset); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update content of thumbnail asset # def set_content(id, content_resource) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'contentResource', content_resource); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'setContent', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update thumbnail asset # def update(id, thumb_asset) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbAsset', thumb_asset); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Serves thumbnail by entry id and thumnail params id # def serve_by_entry_id(entry_id, thumb_param_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # if not set, default thumbnail will be used. client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbParamId', thumb_param_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'serveByEntryId', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end # Serves thumbnail by its id # def serve(thumb_asset_id, version=KalturaNotImplemented, thumb_params=KalturaNotImplemented, options=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbAssetId', thumb_asset_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version); client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbParams', thumb_params); client.add_param(kparams, 'options', options); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'serve', kparams); return client.get_serve_url(); end # Tags the thumbnail as DEFAULT_THUMB and removes that tag from all other thumbnail assets of the entry. # Create a new file sync link on the entry thumbnail that points to the thumbnail asset file sync. # def set_as_default(thumb_asset_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbAssetId', thumb_asset_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'setAsDefault', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def generate_by_entry_id(entry_id, dest_thumb_params_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); # indicate the id of the ThumbParams to be generate this thumbnail by client.add_param(kparams, 'destThumbParamsId', dest_thumb_params_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'generateByEntryId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def generate(entry_id, thumb_params, source_asset_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbParams', thumb_params); # id of the source asset (flavor or thumbnail) to be used as source for the thumbnail generation client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceAssetId', source_asset_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'generate', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def regenerate(thumb_asset_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbAssetId', thumb_asset_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'regenerate', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def get(thumb_asset_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbAssetId', thumb_asset_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def get_by_entry_id(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'getByEntryId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List Thumbnail Assets by filter and pager # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def add_from_url(entry_id, url) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'url', url); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'addFromUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def add_from_image(entry_id, file_data) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'addFromImage', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def delete(thumb_asset_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbAssetId', thumb_asset_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get download URL for the asset # def get_url(id, storage_id=KalturaNotImplemented, thumb_params=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'storageId', storage_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbParams', thumb_params); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'getUrl', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get remote storage existing paths for the asset # def get_remote_paths(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbasset', 'getRemotePaths', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Thumbnail Params Output service # class KalturaThumbParamsOutputService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Get thumb params output object by ID # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbparamsoutput', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List thumb params output objects by filter and pager # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbparamsoutput', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Add & Manage Thumb Params # class KalturaThumbParamsService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new Thumb Params # def add(thumb_params) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbParams', thumb_params); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbparams', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Thumb Params by ID # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbparams', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update Thumb Params by ID # def update(id, thumb_params) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'thumbParams', thumb_params); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbparams', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete Thumb Params by ID # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbparams', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List Thumb Params by filter with paging support (By default - all system default params will be listed too) # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbparams', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get Thumb Params by Conversion Profile ID # def get_by_conversion_profile_id(conversion_profile_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'conversionProfileId', conversion_profile_id); client.queue_service_action_call('thumbparams', 'getByConversionProfileId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # UiConf service lets you create and manage your UIConfs for the various flash components # This service is used by the KMC-ApplicationStudio # class KalturaUiConfService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # UIConf Add action allows you to add a UIConf to Kaltura DB # def add(ui_conf) kparams = {} # Mandatory input parameter of type KalturaUiConf client.add_param(kparams, 'uiConf', ui_conf); client.queue_service_action_call('uiconf', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update an existing UIConf # def update(id, ui_conf) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'uiConf', ui_conf); client.queue_service_action_call('uiconf', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve a UIConf by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('uiconf', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Delete an existing UIConf # def delete(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('uiconf', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Clone an existing UIConf # def clone(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('uiconf', 'clone', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # retrieve a list of available template UIConfs # def list_templates(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('uiconf', 'listTemplates', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve a list of available UIConfs # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('uiconf', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve a list of all available versions by object type # def get_available_types() kparams = {} client.queue_service_action_call('uiconf', 'getAvailableTypes', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end class KalturaUploadService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end def upload(file_data) kparams = {} # The file data client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.queue_service_action_call('upload', 'upload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def get_uploaded_file_token_by_file_name(file_name) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'fileName', file_name); client.queue_service_action_call('upload', 'getUploadedFileTokenByFileName', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end class KalturaUploadTokenService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds new upload token to upload a file # def add(upload_token=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadToken', upload_token); client.queue_service_action_call('uploadtoken', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get upload token by id # def get(upload_token_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadTokenId', upload_token_id); client.queue_service_action_call('uploadtoken', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Upload a file using the upload token id, returns an error on failure (an exception will be thrown when using one of the Kaltura clients) # def upload(upload_token_id, file_data, resume=false, final_chunk=true, resume_at=-1) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadTokenId', upload_token_id); client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'resume', resume); client.add_param(kparams, 'finalChunk', final_chunk); client.add_param(kparams, 'resumeAt', resume_at); client.queue_service_action_call('uploadtoken', 'upload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Deletes the upload token by upload token id # def delete(upload_token_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadTokenId', upload_token_id); client.queue_service_action_call('uploadtoken', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # List upload token by filter with pager support. # When using a user session the service will be restricted to users objects only. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('uploadtoken', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # UserRole service lets you create and manage user roles # class KalturaUserRoleService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds a new user role object to the account. # def add(user_role) kparams = {} # A new role client.add_param(kparams, 'userRole', user_role); client.queue_service_action_call('userrole', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieves a user role object using its ID. # def get(user_role_id) kparams = {} # The user role's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'userRoleId', user_role_id); client.queue_service_action_call('userrole', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Updates an existing user role object. # def update(user_role_id, user_role) kparams = {} # The user role's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'userRoleId', user_role_id); # Id The user role's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'userRole', user_role); client.queue_service_action_call('userrole', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Deletes an existing user role object. # def delete(user_role_id) kparams = {} # The user role's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'userRoleId', user_role_id); client.queue_service_action_call('userrole', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Lists user role objects that are associated with an account. # Blocked user roles are listed unless you use a filter to exclude them. # Deleted user roles are not listed unless you use a filter to include them. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # A filter used to exclude specific types of user roles client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # A limit for the number of records to display on a page client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('userrole', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Creates a new user role object that is a duplicate of an existing role. # def clone(user_role_id) kparams = {} # The user role's unique identifier client.add_param(kparams, 'userRoleId', user_role_id); client.queue_service_action_call('userrole', 'clone', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Manage partner users on Kaltura's side # The userId in kaltura is the unique Id in the partner's system, and the [partnerId,Id] couple are unique key in kaltura's DB # class KalturaUserService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Adds a new user to an existing account in the Kaltura database. # Input param $id is the unique identifier in the partner's system. # def add(user) kparams = {} # The new user client.add_param(kparams, 'user', user); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Updates an existing user object. # You can also use this action to update the userId. # def update(user_id, user) kparams = {} # The user's unique identifier in the partner's system client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); # Id The user's unique identifier in the partner's system client.add_param(kparams, 'user', user); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieves a user object for a specified user ID. # def get(user_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # The user's unique identifier in the partner's system client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieves a user object for a user's login ID and partner ID. # A login ID is the email address used by a user to log into the system. # def get_by_login_id(login_id) kparams = {} # The user's email address that identifies the user for login client.add_param(kparams, 'loginId', login_id); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'getByLoginId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Deletes a user from a partner account. # def delete(user_id) kparams = {} # The user's unique identifier in the partner's system client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'delete', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Lists user objects that are associated with an account. # Blocked users are listed unless you use a filter to exclude them. # Deleted users are not listed unless you use a filter to include them. # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # A filter used to exclude specific types of users client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); # A limit for the number of records to display on a page client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Notifies that a user is banned from an account. # def notify_ban(user_id) kparams = {} # The user's unique identifier in the partner's system client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'notifyBan', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Logs a user into a partner account with a partner ID, a partner user ID (puser), and a user password. # def login(partner_id, user_id, password, expiry=86400, privileges='*') kparams = {} # The identifier of the partner account client.add_param(kparams, 'partnerId', partner_id); # The user's unique identifier in the partner's system client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); # The user's password client.add_param(kparams, 'password', password); # The requested time (in seconds) before the generated KS expires (By default, a KS expires after 24 hours). client.add_param(kparams, 'expiry', expiry); # Special privileges client.add_param(kparams, 'privileges', privileges); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'login', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Logs a user into a partner account with a user login ID and a user password. # def login_by_login_id(login_id, password, partner_id=KalturaNotImplemented, expiry=86400, privileges='*') kparams = {} # The user's email address that identifies the user for login client.add_param(kparams, 'loginId', login_id); # The user's password client.add_param(kparams, 'password', password); # The identifier of the partner account client.add_param(kparams, 'partnerId', partner_id); # The requested time (in seconds) before the generated KS expires (By default, a KS expires after 24 hours). client.add_param(kparams, 'expiry', expiry); # Special privileges client.add_param(kparams, 'privileges', privileges); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'loginByLoginId', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Updates a user's login data: email, password, name. # def update_login_data(old_login_id, password, new_login_id='', new_password='', new_first_name=KalturaNotImplemented, new_last_name=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # The user's current email address that identified the user for login client.add_param(kparams, 'oldLoginId', old_login_id); # The user's current email address that identified the user for login client.add_param(kparams, 'password', password); # Optional, The user's email address that will identify the user for login client.add_param(kparams, 'newLoginId', new_login_id); # Optional, The user's new password client.add_param(kparams, 'newPassword', new_password); # Optional, The user's new first name client.add_param(kparams, 'newFirstName', new_first_name); # Optional, The user's new last name client.add_param(kparams, 'newLastName', new_last_name); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'updateLoginData', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Reset user's password and send the user an email to generate a new one. # def reset_password(email) kparams = {} # The user's email address (login email) client.add_param(kparams, 'email', email); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'resetPassword', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Set initial users password # def set_initial_password(hash_key, new_password) kparams = {} # The hash key used to identify the user (retrieved by email) client.add_param(kparams, 'hashKey', hash_key); # The new password to set for the user client.add_param(kparams, 'newPassword', new_password); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'setInitialPassword', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Enables a user to log into a partner account using an email address and a password # def enable_login(user_id, login_id, password=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # The user's unique identifier in the partner's system client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); # The user's email address that identifies the user for login client.add_param(kparams, 'loginId', login_id); # The user's password client.add_param(kparams, 'password', password); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'enableLogin', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Disables a user's ability to log into a partner account using an email address and a password. # You may use either a userId or a loginId parameter for this action. # def disable_login(user_id=KalturaNotImplemented, login_id=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} # The user's unique identifier in the partner's system client.add_param(kparams, 'userId', user_id); # The user's email address that identifies the user for login client.add_param(kparams, 'loginId', login_id); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'disableLogin', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Index an entry by id. # def index(id, should_update=true) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'shouldUpdate', should_update); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'index', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end def add_from_bulk_upload(file_data, bulk_upload_data=KalturaNotImplemented, bulk_upload_user_data=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadData', bulk_upload_data); client.add_param(kparams, 'bulkUploadUserData', bulk_upload_user_data); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'addFromBulkUpload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Action which checks whther user login # def check_login_data_exists(filter) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.queue_service_action_call('user', 'checkLoginDataExists', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # widget service for full widget management # class KalturaWidgetService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Add new widget, can be attached to entry or kshow # SourceWidget is ignored. # def add(widget) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'widget', widget); client.queue_service_action_call('widget', 'add', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Update exisiting widget # def update(id, widget) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.add_param(kparams, 'widget', widget); client.queue_service_action_call('widget', 'update', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Get widget by id # def get(id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'id', id); client.queue_service_action_call('widget', 'get', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Add widget based on existing widget. # Must provide valid sourceWidgetId # def clone(widget) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'widget', widget); client.queue_service_action_call('widget', 'clone', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end # Retrieve a list of available widget depends on the filter given # def list(filter=KalturaNotImplemented, pager=KalturaNotImplemented) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter); client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager); client.queue_service_action_call('widget', 'list', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end # Internal Service is used for actions that are used internally in Kaltura applications and might be changed in the future without any notice. # class KalturaXInternalService < KalturaServiceBase def initialize(client) super(client) end # Creates new download job for multiple entry ids (comma separated), an email will be sent when the job is done # This sevice support the following entries: # - MediaEntry # - Video will be converted using the flavor params id # - Audio will be downloaded as MP3 # - Image will be downloaded as Jpeg # - MixEntry will be flattened using the flavor params id # - Other entry types are not supported # Returns the admin email that the email message will be sent to # def x_add_bulk_download(entry_ids, flavor_params_id='') kparams = {} # Comma separated list of entry ids client.add_param(kparams, 'entryIds', entry_ids); client.add_param(kparams, 'flavorParamsId', flavor_params_id); client.queue_service_action_call('xinternal', 'xAddBulkDownload', kparams); if (client.is_multirequest) return nil; end return client.do_queue(); end end class KalturaClient < KalturaClientBase attr_reader :access_control_profile_service def access_control_profile_service if (@access_control_profile_service == nil) @access_control_profile_service = KalturaAccessControlProfileService.new(self) end return @access_control_profile_service end attr_reader :access_control_service def access_control_service if (@access_control_service == nil) @access_control_service = KalturaAccessControlService.new(self) end return @access_control_service end attr_reader :admin_user_service def admin_user_service if (@admin_user_service == nil) @admin_user_service = KalturaAdminUserService.new(self) end return @admin_user_service end attr_reader :base_entry_service def base_entry_service if (@base_entry_service == nil) @base_entry_service = KalturaBaseEntryService.new(self) end return @base_entry_service end attr_reader :bulk_upload_service def bulk_upload_service if (@bulk_upload_service == nil) @bulk_upload_service = KalturaBulkUploadService.new(self) end return @bulk_upload_service end attr_reader :category_entry_service def category_entry_service if (@category_entry_service == nil) @category_entry_service = KalturaCategoryEntryService.new(self) end return @category_entry_service end attr_reader :category_service def category_service if (@category_service == nil) @category_service = KalturaCategoryService.new(self) end return @category_service end attr_reader :category_user_service def category_user_service if (@category_user_service == nil) @category_user_service = KalturaCategoryUserService.new(self) end return @category_user_service end attr_reader :conversion_profile_asset_params_service def conversion_profile_asset_params_service if (@conversion_profile_asset_params_service == nil) @conversion_profile_asset_params_service = KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsService.new(self) end return @conversion_profile_asset_params_service end attr_reader :conversion_profile_service def conversion_profile_service if (@conversion_profile_service == nil) @conversion_profile_service = KalturaConversionProfileService.new(self) end return @conversion_profile_service end attr_reader :data_service def data_service if (@data_service == nil) @data_service = KalturaDataService.new(self) end return @data_service end attr_reader :document_service def document_service if (@document_service == nil) @document_service = KalturaDocumentService.new(self) end return @document_service end attr_reader :email_ingestion_profile_service def email_ingestion_profile_service if (@email_ingestion_profile_service == nil) @email_ingestion_profile_service = KalturaEmailIngestionProfileService.new(self) end return @email_ingestion_profile_service end attr_reader :file_asset_service def file_asset_service if (@file_asset_service == nil) @file_asset_service = KalturaFileAssetService.new(self) end return @file_asset_service end attr_reader :flavor_asset_service def flavor_asset_service if (@flavor_asset_service == nil) @flavor_asset_service = KalturaFlavorAssetService.new(self) end return @flavor_asset_service end attr_reader :flavor_params_output_service def flavor_params_output_service if (@flavor_params_output_service == nil) @flavor_params_output_service = KalturaFlavorParamsOutputService.new(self) end return @flavor_params_output_service end attr_reader :flavor_params_service def flavor_params_service if (@flavor_params_service == nil) @flavor_params_service = KalturaFlavorParamsService.new(self) end return @flavor_params_service end attr_reader :live_channel_segment_service def live_channel_segment_service if (@live_channel_segment_service == nil) @live_channel_segment_service = KalturaLiveChannelSegmentService.new(self) end return @live_channel_segment_service end attr_reader :live_channel_service def live_channel_service if (@live_channel_service == nil) @live_channel_service = KalturaLiveChannelService.new(self) end return @live_channel_service end attr_reader :live_stream_service def live_stream_service if (@live_stream_service == nil) @live_stream_service = KalturaLiveStreamService.new(self) end return @live_stream_service end attr_reader :media_info_service def media_info_service if (@media_info_service == nil) @media_info_service = KalturaMediaInfoService.new(self) end return @media_info_service end attr_reader :media_server_service def media_server_service if (@media_server_service == nil) @media_server_service = KalturaMediaServerService.new(self) end return @media_server_service end attr_reader :media_service def media_service if (@media_service == nil) @media_service = KalturaMediaService.new(self) end return @media_service end attr_reader :mixing_service def mixing_service if (@mixing_service == nil) @mixing_service = KalturaMixingService.new(self) end return @mixing_service end attr_reader :notification_service def notification_service if (@notification_service == nil) @notification_service = KalturaNotificationService.new(self) end return @notification_service end attr_reader :partner_service def partner_service if (@partner_service == nil) @partner_service = KalturaPartnerService.new(self) end return @partner_service end attr_reader :permission_item_service def permission_item_service if (@permission_item_service == nil) @permission_item_service = KalturaPermissionItemService.new(self) end return @permission_item_service end attr_reader :permission_service def permission_service if (@permission_service == nil) @permission_service = KalturaPermissionService.new(self) end return @permission_service end attr_reader :playlist_service def playlist_service if (@playlist_service == nil) @playlist_service = KalturaPlaylistService.new(self) end return @playlist_service end attr_reader :report_service def report_service if (@report_service == nil) @report_service = KalturaReportService.new(self) end return @report_service end attr_reader :schema_service def schema_service if (@schema_service == nil) @schema_service = KalturaSchemaService.new(self) end return @schema_service end attr_reader :search_service def search_service if (@search_service == nil) @search_service = KalturaSearchService.new(self) end return @search_service end attr_reader :session_service def session_service if (@session_service == nil) @session_service = KalturaSessionService.new(self) end return @session_service end attr_reader :stats_service def stats_service if (@stats_service == nil) @stats_service = KalturaStatsService.new(self) end return @stats_service end attr_reader :storage_profile_service def storage_profile_service if (@storage_profile_service == nil) @storage_profile_service = KalturaStorageProfileService.new(self) end return @storage_profile_service end attr_reader :syndication_feed_service def syndication_feed_service if (@syndication_feed_service == nil) @syndication_feed_service = KalturaSyndicationFeedService.new(self) end return @syndication_feed_service end attr_reader :system_service def system_service if (@system_service == nil) @system_service = KalturaSystemService.new(self) end return @system_service end attr_reader :thumb_asset_service def thumb_asset_service if (@thumb_asset_service == nil) @thumb_asset_service = KalturaThumbAssetService.new(self) end return @thumb_asset_service end attr_reader :thumb_params_output_service def thumb_params_output_service if (@thumb_params_output_service == nil) @thumb_params_output_service = KalturaThumbParamsOutputService.new(self) end return @thumb_params_output_service end attr_reader :thumb_params_service def thumb_params_service if (@thumb_params_service == nil) @thumb_params_service = KalturaThumbParamsService.new(self) end return @thumb_params_service end attr_reader :ui_conf_service def ui_conf_service if (@ui_conf_service == nil) @ui_conf_service = KalturaUiConfService.new(self) end return @ui_conf_service end attr_reader :upload_service def upload_service if (@upload_service == nil) @upload_service = KalturaUploadService.new(self) end return @upload_service end attr_reader :upload_token_service def upload_token_service if (@upload_token_service == nil) @upload_token_service = KalturaUploadTokenService.new(self) end return @upload_token_service end attr_reader :user_role_service def user_role_service if (@user_role_service == nil) @user_role_service = KalturaUserRoleService.new(self) end return @user_role_service end attr_reader :user_service def user_service if (@user_service == nil) @user_service = KalturaUserService.new(self) end return @user_service end attr_reader :widget_service def widget_service if (@widget_service == nil) @widget_service = KalturaWidgetService.new(self) end return @widget_service end attr_reader :x_internal_service def x_internal_service if (@x_internal_service == nil) @x_internal_service = KalturaXInternalService.new(self) end return @x_internal_service end end end