module Susanoo::CLI module Commands # Provide the `generate` & `destroy` commands for project wide usage. module Build extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern included do map 'b' => :build desc 'build [PLATFORM]', 'Build the application for given PLATFORM (default=android).' method_option :complete, default: false method_option :release, default: false def build(platform = 'android') debug_flag = '--debug' debug_flag = '--release' if options[:release] Susanoo::Project.debug = false Susanoo::Project.debug = true if debug_flag == '--debug' require File.join(project_root, 'config/routes') router = ROUTER.instance_variable_get('@router') build_dir = File.join(project_root, 'www') # setup build directory remove_file build_dir if File.exist? build_dir # Create the www directory if there isn't # WWW directory will be the build directory # which will contains the static files. # # NOTE: cordova only uses this directory # and we can't change it as far as I know empty_directory build_dir router.routes.each do |route| controller = route.dest if controller.respond_to? :build say_status 'build', "Controller: #{controller.__getobj__.class}" # options to pass to controller build method options = { route: route.dup, platform: platform }, options) else say_status 'warning', "#{controller.__getobj__.class.to_s}' does not have 'build' method.", :yellow end end if options[:complete] system "cordova build #{platform.to_s} #{debug_flag}" end end end end end end