# frozen_string_literal: true require 'etc' require 'logging' require 'pathname' require 'bolt/project' require 'bolt/logger' require 'bolt/util' require 'bolt/config/options' module Bolt class UnknownTransportError < Bolt::Error def initialize(transport, uri = nil) msg = uri.nil? ? "Unknown transport #{transport}" : "Unknown transport #{transport} found for #{uri}" super(msg, 'bolt/unknown-transport') end end class Config include Bolt::Config::Options attr_reader :config_files, :logs, :data, :transports, :project, :modified_concurrency, :deprecations BOLT_CONFIG_NAME = 'bolt.yaml' BOLT_DEFAULTS_NAME = 'bolt-defaults.yaml' # The default concurrency value that is used when the ulimit is not low (i.e. < 700) DEFAULT_DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY = 100 def self.default new(Bolt::Project.default_project, {}) end def self.from_project(project, overrides = {}) logs = [] conf = if project.project_file == project.config_file project.data else c = Bolt::Util.read_optional_yaml_hash(project.config_file, 'config') logs << { debug: "Loaded configuration from #{project.config_file}" } if File.exist?(project.config_file) c end data = load_defaults(project).push( filepath: project.config_file, data: conf, logs: logs, deprecations: [] ) new(project, data, overrides) end def self.from_file(configfile, overrides = {}) project = Bolt::Project.create_project(Pathname.new(configfile).expand_path.dirname) logs = [] conf = if project.project_file == project.config_file project.data else c = Bolt::Util.read_yaml_hash(configfile, 'config') logs << { debug: "Loaded configuration from #{configfile}" } c end data = load_defaults(project).push( filepath: configfile, data: conf, logs: logs, deprecations: [] ) new(project, data, overrides) end def self.system_path # Lazy-load expensive gem code require 'win32/dir' if Bolt::Util.windows? if Bolt::Util.windows? Pathname.new(File.join(Dir::COMMON_APPDATA, 'PuppetLabs', 'bolt', 'etc')) else Pathname.new(File.join('/etc', 'puppetlabs', 'bolt')) end end def self.user_path Pathname.new(File.expand_path(File.join('~', '.puppetlabs', 'etc', 'bolt'))) rescue StandardError nil end # Loads a 'bolt-defaults.yaml' file, which contains default configuration that applies to all # projects. This file does not allow project-specific configuration such as 'hiera-config' and # 'inventoryfile', and nests all default inventory configuration under an 'inventory-config' key. def self.load_bolt_defaults_yaml(dir) filepath = dir + BOLT_DEFAULTS_NAME data = Bolt::Util.read_yaml_hash(filepath, 'config') logs = [{ debug: "Loaded configuration from #{filepath}" }] # Warn if 'bolt.yaml' detected in same directory. if File.exist?(bolt_yaml = dir + BOLT_CONFIG_NAME) logs.push( warn: "Detected multiple configuration files: ['#{bolt_yaml}', '#{filepath}']. '#{bolt_yaml}' "\ "will be ignored." ) end # Remove project-specific config such as hiera-config, etc. project_config = data.slice(*(BOLT_PROJECT_OPTIONS - BOLT_DEFAULTS_OPTIONS)) if project_config.any? data.reject! { |key, _| project_config.include?(key) } logs.push( warn: "Unsupported project configuration detected in '#{filepath}': #{project_config.keys}. "\ "Project configuration should be set in 'bolt-project.yaml'." ) end # Remove top-level transport config such as transport, ssh, etc. transport_config = data.slice(*INVENTORY_OPTIONS.keys) if transport_config.any? data.reject! { |key, _| transport_config.include?(key) } logs.push( warn: "Unsupported inventory configuration detected in '#{filepath}': #{transport_config.keys}. "\ "Transport configuration should be set under the 'inventory-config' option or "\ "in 'inventory.yaml'." ) end # Move data under inventory-config to top-level so it can be easily merged with # config from other sources. Error early if inventory-config is not a hash or # has a plugin reference. if data.key?('inventory-config') unless data['inventory-config'].is_a?(Hash) raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Option 'inventory-config' must be of type Hash, received #{data['inventory-config']} "\ "#{data['inventory-config']} (file: #{filepath})" end if data['inventory-config'].key?('_plugin') raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Found unsupported key '_plugin' for option 'inventory-config'; supported keys are "\ "'#{INVENTORY_OPTIONS.keys.join("', '")}' (file: #{filepath})" end data = data.merge(data.delete('inventory-config')) end { filepath: filepath, data: data, logs: logs, deprecations: [] } end # Loads a 'bolt.yaml' file, the legacy configuration file. There's no special munging needed # here since Bolt::Config will just ignore any invalid keys. def self.load_bolt_yaml(dir) filepath = dir + BOLT_CONFIG_NAME data = Bolt::Util.read_yaml_hash(filepath, 'config') logs = [{ debug: "Loaded configuration from #{filepath}" }] deprecations = [{ type: 'Using bolt.yaml for system configuration', msg: "Configuration file #{filepath} is deprecated and will be removed in a future version "\ "of Bolt. Use '#{dir + BOLT_DEFAULTS_NAME}' instead." }] { filepath: filepath, data: data, logs: logs, deprecations: deprecations } end def self.load_defaults(project) confs = [] # Load system-level config. Prefer a 'bolt-defaults.yaml' file, but fall back to the # legacy 'bolt.yaml' file. If the project-level config file is also the system-level # config file, don't load it a second time. if File.exist?(system_path + BOLT_DEFAULTS_NAME) confs << load_bolt_defaults_yaml(system_path) elsif File.exist?(system_path + BOLT_CONFIG_NAME) && (system_path + BOLT_CONFIG_NAME) != project.config_file confs << load_bolt_yaml(system_path) end # Load user-level config if there is a homedir. Prefer a 'bolt-defaults.yaml' file, but # fall back to the legacy 'bolt.yaml' file. if user_path if File.exist?(user_path + BOLT_DEFAULTS_NAME) confs << load_bolt_defaults_yaml(user_path) elsif File.exist?(user_path + BOLT_CONFIG_NAME) confs << load_bolt_yaml(user_path) end end confs end def initialize(project, config_data, overrides = {}) unless config_data.is_a?(Array) config_data = [{ filepath: project.config_file, data: config_data, logs: [], deprecations: [] }] end @logger = Bolt::Logger.logger(self) @project = project @logs = @project.logs.dup @deprecations = @project.deprecations.dup @transports = {} @config_files = [] default_data = { 'apply_settings' => {}, 'color' => true, 'compile-concurrency' => Etc.nprocessors, 'concurrency' => default_concurrency, 'format' => 'human', 'log' => { 'console' => {} }, 'plugin_hooks' => {}, 'plugins' => {}, 'puppetdb' => {}, 'puppetfile' => {}, 'save-rerun' => true, 'transport' => 'ssh' } if project.path.directory? default_data['log']['bolt-debug.log'] = { 'level' => 'debug', 'append' => false } end loaded_data = config_data.each_with_object([]) do |data, acc| @logs.concat(data[:logs]) if data[:logs].any? @deprecations.concat(data[:deprecations]) if data[:deprecations].any? if data[:data].any? @config_files.push(data[:filepath]) acc.push(data[:data]) end end override_data = normalize_overrides(overrides) # If we need to lower concurrency and concurrency is not configured ld_concurrency = loaded_data.map(&:keys).flatten.include?('concurrency') @modified_concurrency = default_concurrency != DEFAULT_DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY && !ld_concurrency && !override_data.key?('concurrency') @data = merge_config_layers(default_data, *loaded_data, override_data) TRANSPORT_CONFIG.each do |transport, config| @transports[transport] = config.new(@data.delete(transport), @project.path) end finalize_data validate end # Transforms CLI options into a config hash that can be merged with # default and loaded config. def normalize_overrides(options) opts = options.transform_keys(&:to_s) # Pull out config options. We need to add 'transport' as it's not part of the # OPTIONS hash but is a valid option that can be set with the --transport CLI option overrides = opts.slice(*OPTIONS.keys, 'transport') # Pull out transport config options TRANSPORT_CONFIG.each do |transport, config| overrides[transport] = opts.slice(*config.options) end # Set console log to debug if in debug mode if options[:debug] overrides['log'] = { 'console' => { 'level' => :debug } } end if options[:puppetfile_path] @puppetfile = options[:puppetfile_path] end overrides['trace'] = opts['trace'] if opts.key?('trace') overrides end # Merge configuration from all sources into a single hash. Precedence from lowest to highest: # defaults, system-wide, user-level, project-level, CLI overrides def merge_config_layers(*config_data) config_data.inject({}) do |acc, config| acc.merge(config) do |key, val1, val2| case key # Plugin config is shallow merged for each plugin when 'plugins' val1.merge(val2) { |_, v1, v2| v1.merge(v2) } # Transports are deep merged when *TRANSPORT_CONFIG.keys Bolt::Util.deep_merge(val1, val2) # Hash values are shallow merged when 'puppetdb', 'plugin_hooks', 'apply_settings', 'log' val1.merge(val2) # All other values are overwritten else val2 end end end end def deep_clone Bolt::Util.deep_clone(self) end private def finalize_data if @data['log'].is_a?(Hash) @data['log'] = update_logs(@data['log']) end # Expand paths relative to the project. Any settings that came from the # CLI will already be absolute, so the expand will be skipped. if @data.key?('modulepath') moduledirs = if data['modulepath'].is_a?(String) data['modulepath'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) else data['modulepath'] end @data['modulepath'] = moduledirs.map do |moduledir| File.expand_path(moduledir, @project.path) end end %w[hiera-config inventoryfile trusted-external-command].each do |opt| @data[opt] = File.expand_path(@data[opt], @project.path) if @data.key?(opt) end # Filter hashes to only include valid options @data['apply_settings'] = @data['apply_settings'].slice(*OPTIONS['apply_settings'][:properties].keys) @data['puppetfile'] = @data['puppetfile'].slice(*OPTIONS['puppetfile'][:properties].keys) end private def normalize_log(target) return target if target == 'console' target = target[5..-1] if target.start_with?('file:') 'file:' + File.expand_path(target, @project.path) end private def update_logs(logs) begin if logs['bolt-debug.log'] && logs['bolt-debug.log'] != 'disable' FileUtils.touch(File.expand_path('bolt-debug.log', @project.path)) end rescue StandardError logs.delete('bolt-debug.log') end logs.each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), acc| # Remove any disabled logs next if val == 'disable' name = normalize_log(key) # But otherwise it has to be a Hash unless val.is_a?(Hash) raise Bolt::ValidationError, "config of log #{name} must be a Hash, received #{val.class} #{val.inspect}" end acc[name] = val.slice('append', 'level') .transform_keys(&:to_sym) if (v = acc[name][:level]) unless v.is_a?(String) || v.is_a?(Symbol) raise Bolt::ValidationError, "level of log #{name} must be a String or Symbol, received #{v.class} #{v.inspect}" end unless Bolt::Logger.valid_level?(v) raise Bolt::ValidationError, "level of log #{name} must be one of #{Bolt::Logger.levels.join(', ')}; received #{v}" end end if (v = acc[name][:append]) && v != true && v != false raise Bolt::ValidationError, "append flag of log #{name} must be a Boolean, received #{v.class} #{v.inspect}" end end end def validate if @data['future'] msg = "Configuration option 'future' no longer exposes future behavior." @logs << { warn: msg } end keys = OPTIONS.keys - %w[plugins plugin_hooks puppetdb] keys.each do |key| next unless Bolt::Util.references?(@data[key]) valid_keys = TRANSPORT_CONFIG.keys + %w[plugins plugin_hooks puppetdb] raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Found unsupported key _plugin in config setting #{key}. Plugins are only available in "\ "#{valid_keys.join(', ')}." end unless concurrency.is_a?(Integer) && concurrency > 0 raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Concurrency must be a positive Integer, received #{concurrency.class} #{concurrency}" end unless compile_concurrency.is_a?(Integer) && compile_concurrency > 0 raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Compile concurrency must be a positive Integer, received #{compile_concurrency.class} "\ "#{compile_concurrency}" end compile_limit = 2 * Etc.nprocessors unless compile_concurrency < compile_limit raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Compilation is CPU-intensive, set concurrency less than #{compile_limit}" end unless %w[human json rainbow].include? format raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Unsupported format: '#{format}'" end Bolt::Util.validate_file('hiera-config', @data['hiera-config']) if @data['hiera-config'] Bolt::Util.validate_file('trusted-external-command', trusted_external) if trusted_external unless TRANSPORT_CONFIG.include?(transport) raise UnknownTransportError, transport end end def default_inventoryfile @project.inventory_file end def rerunfile @project.rerunfile end def hiera_config @data['hiera-config'] || @project.hiera_config end def puppetfile @puppetfile || @project.puppetfile end def modulepath @data['modulepath'] || @project.modulepath end def modulepath=(value) @data['modulepath'] = value end def concurrency @data['concurrency'] end def format @data['format'] end def format=(value) @data['format'] = value end def trace @data['trace'] end def log @data['log'] end def puppetdb @data['puppetdb'] end def color @data['color'] end def save_rerun @data['save-rerun'] end def inventoryfile @data['inventoryfile'] end def compile_concurrency @data['compile-concurrency'] end def puppetfile_config @data['puppetfile'] end def plugins @data['plugins'] end def plugin_hooks @data['plugin_hooks'] end def trusted_external @data['trusted-external-command'] end def apply_settings @data['apply_settings'] end def transport @data['transport'] end # Check if there is a case-insensitive match to the path def check_path_case(type, paths) return if paths.nil? matches = matching_paths(paths) if matches.any? msg = "WARNING: Bolt is case sensitive when specifying a #{type}. Did you mean:\n" matches.each { |path| msg += " #{path}\n" } @logger.warn msg end end def matching_paths(paths) Array(paths).map { |p| Dir.glob([p, casefold(p)]) }.flatten.uniq.reject { |p| Array(paths).include?(p) } end private def casefold(path) path.chars.map do |l| l =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ? "[#{l.upcase}#{l.downcase}]" : l end.join end # Etc::SC_OPEN_MAX is meaningless on windows, not defined in PE Jruby and not available # on some platforms. This method holds the logic to decide whether or not to even consider it. def sc_open_max_available? !Bolt::Util.windows? && defined?(Etc::SC_OPEN_MAX) && Etc.sysconf(Etc::SC_OPEN_MAX) end def default_concurrency @default_concurrency ||= if !sc_open_max_available? || Etc.sysconf(Etc::SC_OPEN_MAX) >= 300 DEFAULT_DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY else Etc.sysconf(Etc::SC_OPEN_MAX) / 7 end end end end