module React module SpecHelpers `var ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils` def renderToDocument(type, options = {}) element = React.create_element(type, options) return renderElementToDocument(element) end def renderElementToDocument(element) instance = Native(`ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(#{element.to_n})`) instance.class.include(React::Component::API) return instance end def simulateEvent(event, element, params = {}) simulator = Native(`ReactTestUtils.Simulate`) simulator[event.to_s].call(`#{element.to_n}.getDOMNode()`, params) end def isElementOfType(element, type) `React.addons.TestUtils.isElementOfType(#{element.to_n}, #{type.cached_component_class})` end def build_element(type, options) component = React.create_element(type, options) element = `ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(#{component.to_n})` if `typeof React.findDOMNode === 'undefined'` `$(element.getDOMNode())` # v0.12 else `$(React.findDOMNode(element))` # v0.13 end end def expect_component_to_eventually(component_class, opts = {}, &block) # Calls block after each update of a component until it returns true. # When it does set the expectation to true. Uses the after_update # callback of the component_class, then instantiates an element of that # class The call back is only called on updates, so the call back is # manually called right after the element is created. Because React.rb # runs the callback inside the components context, we have to setup a # lambda to get back to correct context before executing run_async. # Because run_async can only be run once it is protected by clearing # element once the test passes. element = nil check_block = lambda do context = block.arity > 0 ? self : element run_async do element = nil; expect(true).to be(true) end if element and context.instance_exec(element, &block) end component_class.after_update { } element = build_element component_class, opts end end end