== 0.6.0 == - Features - Add --ionice and --nice N options to set IO (idle) and CPU Priority. > kde-build --ionice --nice 19 build .... - When updating the source show the newly applied commits if -v is specified. They will allways end up in the rebase logfile. - Make it possible to specify all modules at once. kde-build fetch :all - New command 'recipe edit' - Opens the recipe override file in a editor. - --global will open the recipe itself. - --browser will open a file browser instead. - New command 'module cleanup' - Can remove the src and build dir of a module. Handle with care. - The enabled/disabled state of features has been moved to the database. - On the first start the current state will be migrated to the database. AFTER that remove all 'feature enable|disable' lines from the override file. - command 'feature enable FEATURE' enables a feature. - command 'feature disable FEATURE' disables a feature. - The enabled/disabled state of modules has been moved to the database. - On the first start the current state will be migrated to the database. AFTER that remove all 'modules enable|disable' lines from the override file. - command 'module enable MODULE' enables a module. - command 'module disable MODULE' disables a module and has options to remove src and bld directory in one step. - The 'recipe fetch incoming' command now works against a branch that has the build-tool version encoded. This makes it possible to make a recipe that is compatible to more than one version. - The configuration values have been moved into the command line. A migration will be done automatically on first run. - 'configuration list' Will show the configuration values. - 'configuration edit' will edit them. - Enhancements - Most of the --help texts have been improved dramatically. - Unit testing was reenabled again. - Command: lsmod - Sort output alphabetically by default - With --broken only shows modules that failed. - With --no-sort shows modules in order of declaration / build order. - With --all shows disabled modules too. - With --disabled shows only disabled modules. - Command lsfeat - Looks much more similar to the module list output. - Shows only active features by default. - With --all shows all features. - The long description statement now accepts multiline string with """....""". - Command: gc - Cleanup the logfiles more thoroughly. - Disabled modules are accepted when given explicit on the command line if they are associated with a active feature. This makes it possible to build disabled modules. - Bugfixes - Change current directory to $HOME on start. The current working directory could be removed while the command runs. == 0.5.7 == - Features - None - Enhancements - Check for git, svn and git-svn executables before doing anything. - Guard against relative pathnames. - Better error message in case of a ambiguous module name. - Bugfixes - "git files " npo longer throws scary backtrace. - git supports serverless declaration for push url too. git "server" "path/to" git "full/url" == 0.5.6 == Failed release. == 0.5.5 == Failed release. == 0.5.4 == - Features - Support --resume-from for all module based commands (configure) - Show a progressbar when checking for obstacles at the beginning. That can take quite some time. - If a repository contains a file named .commit-template add it to the git configuration. - Enhancements - Check the recipe directory for validity before installing the recipe. - Only consider a directory a valid recipe if it has a recipe file. - Support --resume-from for all module based commands (configure) - Support --resume-from for all module based commands (configure) - Show core dumps too if make fails. - If a exception happens when checking if modules are ready stop the command. - Bugfixes - If an svn repository had no repository an error occured while trying to build the error message. - Fix reconfigure --from-scratch - AutoConf: Fix options without values - sqlite3-ruby was renamed to sqlite3 only. - Add grit as dependency - Bugfix: Use correct Error class - Fix a exception of recipe info . - Do not claim to Fetch if we do Clone. - Remove a wrong info() line - Bugfix: history -> Use same logic as build. == 0.5.3 - Feature - Errors during a make call are both printed to the logfile and stdout even without verbose mode. Currently lines with "error:" and "ld:" are considered as errors. Report more. If the progressbar was active it is stopped. - Git: Check for a dirty index if asked for rebase. No automatic stashing (Yet?). Build-tool will bail out with an error message if you have uncommited changes. This step will be done before asking for the ssh key. - Enhancements - Do not print the classname for BuildTool Error classes. Only the message. - First fetch and rebase, then clean out the build-dir. If the fetch rebase fails you still have your old build to sort out the problems. - Improve the error message if --resume-from is given an invalid/ambiguous module name. - Bugfix - Fix ssh key handling. Now build-tool will stop if ssh-add fails. - Fix the progressbar for build-system not giving progress information(like qmake) == 0.5.2 - Bugfix - Be less verbose about adding ssh-key to the agent. One time is enough. - If a environment variable is empty in the recipe remove it from the environment instead of setting it to "". - Bring back the archive build-system. It was temporarily unavailable since 0.5.0 == 0.5.1 - Bugfix - Add missing files. == 0.5.0 - Enhancements - Support url and pushUrl for git modules. == 0.4.4 - Enhancements - More ways to specify a module on the command line. - foo matches any module foo disregarding namespaces as long as only one matching module is found. ( kdelibs -> KDE/kdelibs ) - foo/ matches any module that has foo/ as a namespace part. ( kdebase/ -> kdebase/(runtime, workspace, apps ) - Implement kdesrc-builds --resume-from feature. Skips all modules before the module specified is found. - kde-build build --resume-from kdebase/runtime KDE/ - kde-build build --resume-from runtime KDE/ - Build System Qt: Print a message when running bin/synqt after each rebase. - Build System Autotools: Try autoconf to bootstrap. May fail. - Build System Package: Be more verbose about what we do. - CMD: build - If a module is not checked out ignore it when --update is not given on the command line. - Bugfix - The command "environment set [env] did set a wrong shell var to the name of the environment set. Use the documented BUILD_TOOL_ENV instead. == 0.4.3 - Ruby 1.9 Compatibility. == 0.4.2 - Enhancements - Usability: When working on many modules show (current number/total number) of modules for information. - SSH Key Handling: Make it possible to associate a key with a server. - SSH Key Handling: Print a message when adding/removing keys from ssh-agent. - Bugfixes - Some typo fixes. - Improved documentation. - Fixed gem dependencies. == 0.4.1 - Enhancements - Colorize the output of the history command. - When fetching from remote specify the --prune option. - Improve some error messages. - Bugfix - Some ruby 1.9 compatibility fixes. No idea if it really works with 1.99. - Do not register remotes as repository declarations. == 0.4.0 - Feature - Show a ansi terminal code based progressbar when compiling or installing in non verbose mode. That feature is courtesy of the ansi rubygem from (http://github.com/rubyworks/ansi). The lib has some shortcomings. - Colorize output. Powered by the ansi module too. The lib has a shortcoming here. It does not check if the terminal supports colors. You will get some escape codes then. I will send a patch upstream. - Enhancements - Rework the way build-systems are handled. This makes it possible to solve the cmake issue with rpath handling by properly creating an inheritance between build-systems. It makes it possible to alter or overwrite build-system options too. == 0.3.3 - Feature - The history command now supports the -n --number [COUNT] option. Use it to specify how many entries you want to see. - Bugfixes - Fix the gc command. Sqlite really starts to enforce foreign key constraints. - Support arbitrary build options for autoconf - Do not reassociate a module / environment with a different feature when just changing it. The initial associtation is correct. == 0.3.2 - Main Features - none - Bugfixes - Fix the database initialization. SQLite3 seems to start enforcing foreign keys. And ours had a typo. - Fix the "vcs git remote "whatever" end end" stuff. Handle it exactly like a repository. This fixes the qt/qt modules initialization from the kdeqt recipe. It tried to clone a pure server url because the path part was not possible to specify for remotes. - Fix a bug with the sequel logging stuff that only happened if sequel reported an error. - Imporve the warning that say "The following command sometimes fails ..." on git clone. - If a module is specified for a command and inactive issue a warning. Same for specified groups with only inactive modules. == 0.3.1 - Main Features - BuildSystem: QMake support - Bugfixes - Fix the gc command - Fix the installation comment on gem update/install == 0.3 - Main Features * Split the recipes from the gem * New command: recipe add * New command: recipe incoming * Qt: Call bin/synqt after each rebase - Features * VCS Autoconf: support autogen.sh and bootstrap * VCS SVN: sparse checkout support * VCS: Mercurial support - Bugfixes * Initialize the log directory on demand == 0.2 - Features * Implement include directive. * Implement feature directive. * Group modules into features. * Enable/Disable features. * Implement "gc" command. * execute "git gc" for all git repositories. * Implement build-system "None". * Implement vcs "archive". - Download an archive. - Unpack it. * Add a database - Keep record of executed commands and results - Command "history" to query the commands. - no argument -> show last 50 commands - number -> show detailed info about that command - +number -> show detailed info about number last command +0 = last +1 = next to last ... - -> show the last 3 commands affecting the module. - Fixes * Sort command listing on "help". * Fixed autoconf support. * Many changes to the kde recipe. == 0.1.4 2009-12-10 * konversation moved to git == 0.1.3 2009-11-28 * Add some links to the homepage with documentation * kdevelop/kdevplatform moved to extragear for the kde recipe == 0.1.2 2009-11-28 * Add support for Shared-desktop-ontologies. * Switch the qt tracking branch to master. * Build phonon from kdesupport for now. It is currently needed because of some recent pulseaudio related changes which makes it a requirement event for those of us which do not need pulseaudio. * Add attica because it is needed for knewstuff3. == 0.1.1 2009-11-19 * No changes == 0.1.0 2009-11-19 * Major rewrite * Substitute the yaml format for a tailormade file format with handmade lexer and parser * This release is a major backstep in case of functionality but it is usable for everyday use. == 0.0.3 2009-07-07 * New commands: * ctags - Create tags file for module(s) * compile - Just compile the module(s) * configure - Just configure the module(s) * install - install the module(s) * fetch - Only fetch remote changes. Do not update only if vcs supports it. * rebase - Rebase the checkout against already fetched remote changes. This command will not fetch. * info - Print out some usefule information about a module. * Example Config File * Set PKG_CONFIG_PATH * Fix lensfun receipt * Fix some packages and orders * General Bugfixing * Fix subversion repository initialization. * Improve the documentation strings == 0.0.2 2009-06-14 * Improved example configuration file * Checkout the 4.5 version by default. Not trunk. * Some bugfixes * Make sure the build directory exists, THEN call bootstrap. * Show the options for subcommands in the help texts * Improvement * Add option "remote-branch" for git-svn. Default to master * Break out of the program on SIGBREAK. Not only out of the currently * build module. == 0.0.1 2009-06-04 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release (test) * The only currently supported command is build. It's possible to compile a complete kde session using it with nearly no manual intervention. If your system has the deveopment requirements met for kde.