require 'mcfly' module Mcfly::Model def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def clear_lookup_cache! @LOOKUP_CACHE.clear if @LOOKUP_CACHE end # FIXME IDEA: we just make :cache an argument to delorean_fn. # That way, we don't need the cached_ flavors. It'll make all # this code a lot simpler. We should also just add the :private # mechanism here. # Implements a VERY HACKY class-based (per process) caching # mechanism for database lookup results. Issues include: cached # values are ActiveRecord objects. Query results can be very # large lists which we count as one item in the cache. Caching # mechanism will result in large processes. def cached_delorean_fn(name, options = {}, &block) @LOOKUP_CACHE ||= {} delorean_fn(name, options) do |ts, *args| cache_key = [name, ts] +{ |a| a.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) ? : a } unless Mcfly.is_infinity(ts) next @LOOKUP_CACHE[cache_key] if cache_key && @LOOKUP_CACHE.has_key?(cache_key) res =, *args) if cache_key # Cache has >1000 items, clear out the oldest 200. FIXME: # hard-coded, should be configurable. Cache # size/invalidation should be per lookup and not class. # We're invalidating cache items simply based on age and # not usage. This is faster but not as fair. if @LOOKUP_CACHE.count > 1000 @LOOKUP_CACHE.keys[0..200].each{|k| @LOOKUP_CACHE.delete(k)} end @LOOKUP_CACHE[cache_key] = res # Since we're caching this object and don't want anyone # changing it. FIXME: ideally should freeze this object # recursively. res.freeze unless res.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) end res end end def hash_if_necessary(q, private) !private && q.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) ? make_openstruct(q) : q end def base_mcfly_lookup(meth, name, options = {}, &block) priv = options[:private] send(meth, name, options) do |ts, *args| raise "time cannot be nil" if ts.nil? ts = Mcfly.normalize_infinity(ts) q = self.where("#{table_name}.obsoleted_dt >= ? AND " + "#{table_name}.created_dt < ?", ts, ts).scoping do, *args) end fa = get_final_attrs q =*fa) if fa.present? && q.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) q = q.first if q.respond_to?(:first) && options[:mode] == :first hash_if_necessary(q, priv) end end def cached_mcfly_lookup(name, options = {}, &block) base_mcfly_lookup(:cached_delorean_fn, name, options, &block) end def mcfly_lookup(name, options = {}, &block) base_mcfly_lookup(:delorean_fn, name, options, &block) end def gen_mcfly_lookup(name, attrs, options={}) raise "bad options #{options.keys}" unless (options.keys - [:mode, :cache, :private]).empty? mode = options.fetch(:mode, :first) # if mode is nil, don't cache -- i.e. don't cache AR queries cache = mode && options[:cache] # the older mode=:all is not supported (it's bogus) raise "bad mode #{mode}" unless [nil, :first].member?(mode) assoc = qstr = {|k, v| k = "#{k}_id" if assoc.member?(k) v ? "(#{k} = ? OR #{k} IS NULL)" : "(#{k} = ?)" }.join(" AND ") if Hash === attrs order = {|k, v| v} { |k| k = "#{k}_id" if assoc.member?(k) "#{k} NULLS LAST" }.join(", ") attrs = attrs.keys else raise "bad attrs" unless Array === attrs end fn = cache ? :cached_delorean_fn : :delorean_fn base_mcfly_lookup(fn, name, options + {sig: attrs.length+1, mode: mode}) do |t, *attr_list| attr_list_ids = {|x, i| assoc.member?(attrs[i]) ? (attr_list[i] && attr_list[i].id) : attr_list[i] } q = self.where(qstr, *attr_list_ids) q = q.order(order) if order q end end ###################################################################### # Generates categorization lookups, e.g. given class GFee: # gen_mcfly_lookup_cat :lookup_q, # [:security_instrument, # 'Gemini::SecurityInstrumentCategorization', # :g_fee_category], # { # entity: true, # security_instrument: true, # coupon: true, # }, # nil # rel_attr = :security_instrument # cat_assoc_klass = Gemini::SecurityInstrumentCategorization # cat_attr = :g_fee_category # name = :lookup_q # pc_name = :pc_lookup_q # pc_attrs = {entity: true, security_instrument: true, coupon: true} def gen_mcfly_lookup_cat(name, catrel, attrs, options={}) rel_attr, cat_assoc_name, cat_attr = catrel raise "#{rel_attr} should be mapped in attrs" if attrs[rel_attr].nil? cat_assoc_klass = cat_assoc_name.constantize cat_attr_id = "#{cat_attr}_id" # replace rel_attr with cat_attr in attrs pc_attrs = attrs.each_with_object({}) {|(k, v), h| h[k == rel_attr ? cat_attr_id : k] = v } pc_name = "pc_#{name}".to_sym gen_mcfly_lookup(pc_name, pc_attrs, options + {private: true}) lpi = attrs.keys.index rel_attr raise "should not include #{cat_attr}" if attrs.member?(cat_attr) raise "need #{rel_attr} argument" unless lpi # cache if mode is not nil fn = options.fetch(:mode, :first) ? :cached_delorean_fn : :delorean_fn priv = options[:private] send(fn, name, sig: attrs.length+1) do |ts, *args| # Example: rel is a Gemini::SecurityInstrument instance. rel = args[lpi] raise "#{rel_attr} can't be nil" unless rel args[lpi] = cat_assoc_klass. mcfly_pt(ts). select(cat_attr_id). find_by(rel_attr => rel). send(cat_attr_id) q = self.send(pc_name, ts, *args) hash_if_necessary(q, priv) end end end end