// Copyright (c) 2021, Peter Ohler, All rights reserved. #include "cache.h" #include "oj.h" #include "parser.h" // The Usual delegate builds Ruby objects during parsing. It makes use of // three stacks. The first is the value stack. This is where parsed values are // placed. With the value stack the bulk creation and setting can be used // which is significantly faster than setting Array (15x) or Hash (3x) // elements one at a time. // // The second stack is the collection stack. Each element on the collection // stack marks the start of a Hash, Array, or Object. // // The third stack is the key stack which is used for Hash and Object // members. The key stack elements store the keys that could be used for // either a Hash or Object. Since the decision on whether the parent is a Hash // or Object can not be made until the end of the JSON object the keys remain // as strings until just before setting the Hash or Object members. // // The approach taken with the usual delegate is to configure the delegate for // the parser up front so that the various options are not checked during // parsing and thus avoiding conditionals as much as reasonably possible in // the more time sensitive parsing. Configuration is simply setting the // function pointers to point to the function to be used for the selected // option. #define DEBUG 0 // Used to mark the start of each Hash, Array, or Object. The members point at // positions of the start in the value stack and if not an Array into the key // stack. typedef struct _col { long vi; // value stack index long ki; // key stack index if an hash else -1 for an array } * Col; typedef union _key { struct { int16_t len; char buf[22]; }; struct { int16_t xlen; // should be the same as len char * key; }; } * Key; #define MISS_AUTO 'A' #define MISS_RAISE 'R' #define MISS_IGNORE 'I' typedef struct _delegate { VALUE *vhead; VALUE *vtail; VALUE *vend; Col chead; Col ctail; Col cend; Key khead; Key ktail; Key kend; VALUE (*get_key)(ojParser p, Key kp); struct _cache *key_cache; // same as str_cache or sym_cache struct _cache *str_cache; struct _cache *sym_cache; struct _cache *class_cache; struct _cache *attr_cache; VALUE array_class; VALUE hash_class; char * create_id; uint8_t create_id_len; uint8_t cache_str; uint8_t miss_class; bool cache_keys; bool ignore_json_create; } * Delegate; static ID to_f_id = 0; static ID ltlt_id = 0; static ID hset_id = 0; static char *str_dup(const char *s, size_t len) { char *d = ALLOC_N(char, len + 1); memcpy(d, s, len); d[len] = '\0'; return d; } static VALUE form_str(const char *str, size_t len) { return rb_str_freeze(rb_utf8_str_new(str, len)); } static VALUE form_sym(const char *str, size_t len) { // return ID2SYM(rb_intern3(str, len, oj_utf8_encoding)); return rb_str_intern(rb_utf8_str_new(str, len)); } static VALUE form_attr(const char *str, size_t len) { char buf[256]; if (sizeof(buf) - 2 <= len) { char *b = ALLOC_N(char, len + 2); ID id; *b = '@'; memcpy(b + 1, str, len); b[len + 1] = '\0'; id = rb_intern3(buf, len + 1, oj_utf8_encoding); xfree(b); return id; } *buf = '@'; memcpy(buf + 1, str, len); buf[len + 1] = '\0'; return (VALUE)rb_intern3(buf, len + 1, oj_utf8_encoding); } static VALUE resolve_classname(VALUE mod, const char *classname, bool auto_define) { VALUE clas; ID ci = rb_intern(classname); if (rb_const_defined_at(mod, ci)) { clas = rb_const_get_at(mod, ci); } else if (auto_define) { clas = rb_define_class_under(mod, classname, oj_bag_class); } else { clas = Qundef; } return clas; } static VALUE resolve_classpath(const char *name, size_t len, bool auto_define) { char class_name[1024]; VALUE clas; char * end = class_name + sizeof(class_name) - 1; char * s; const char *n = name; clas = rb_cObject; for (s = class_name; 0 < len; n++, len--) { if (':' == *n) { *s = '\0'; n++; len--; if (':' != *n) { return Qundef; } if (Qundef == (clas = resolve_classname(clas, class_name, auto_define))) { return Qundef; } s = class_name; } else if (end <= s) { return Qundef; } else { *s++ = *n; } } *s = '\0'; return resolve_classname(clas, class_name, auto_define); } static VALUE form_class(const char *str, size_t len) { return resolve_classpath(str, len, false); } static VALUE form_class_auto(const char *str, size_t len) { return resolve_classpath(str, len, true); } static void assure_cstack(Delegate d) { if (d->cend <= d->ctail + 1) { size_t cap = d->cend - d->chead; long pos = d->ctail - d->chead; cap *= 2; REALLOC_N(d->chead, struct _col, cap); d->ctail = d->chead + pos; d->cend = d->chead + cap; } } static void push(ojParser p, VALUE v) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (d->vend <= d->vtail) { size_t cap = d->vend - d->vhead; long pos = d->vtail - d->vhead; cap *= 2; REALLOC_N(d->vhead, VALUE, cap); d->vtail = d->vhead + pos; d->vend = d->vhead + cap; } *d->vtail = v; d->vtail++; } static VALUE cache_key(ojParser p, Key kp) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if ((size_t)kp->len < sizeof(kp->buf) - 1) { return cache_intern(d->key_cache, kp->buf, kp->len); } return cache_intern(d->key_cache, kp->key, kp->len); } static VALUE str_key(ojParser p, Key kp) { if ((size_t)kp->len < sizeof(kp->buf) - 1) { return rb_str_freeze(rb_utf8_str_new(kp->buf, kp->len)); } return rb_str_freeze(rb_utf8_str_new(kp->key, kp->len)); } static VALUE sym_key(ojParser p, Key kp) { if ((size_t)kp->len < sizeof(kp->buf) - 1) { return rb_str_freeze(rb_str_intern(rb_utf8_str_new(kp->buf, kp->len))); } return rb_str_freeze(rb_str_intern(rb_utf8_str_new(kp->key, kp->len))); } static ID get_attr_id(ojParser p, Key kp) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if ((size_t)kp->len < sizeof(kp->buf) - 1) { return (ID)cache_intern(d->attr_cache, kp->buf, kp->len); } return (ID)cache_intern(d->attr_cache, kp->key, kp->len); } static void push_key(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; size_t klen = buf_len(&p->key); const char *key = buf_str(&p->key); if (d->kend <= d->ktail) { size_t cap = d->kend - d->khead; long pos = d->ktail - d->khead; cap *= 2; REALLOC_N(d->khead, union _key, cap); d->ktail = d->khead + pos; d->kend = d->khead + cap; } d->ktail->len = klen; if (klen <= sizeof(d->ktail->buf) + 1) { memcpy(d->ktail->buf, key, klen); d->ktail->buf[klen] = '\0'; } else { d->ktail->key = str_dup(key, klen); } d->ktail++; } static void push2(ojParser p, VALUE v) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (d->vend <= d->vtail + 1) { size_t cap = d->vend - d->vhead; long pos = d->vtail - d->vhead; cap *= 2; REALLOC_N(d->vhead, VALUE, cap); d->vtail = d->vhead + pos; d->vend = d->vhead + cap; } *d->vtail = Qundef; // key place holder d->vtail++; *d->vtail = v; d->vtail++; } static void open_object(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; assure_cstack(d); d->ctail->vi = d->vtail - d->vhead; d->ctail->ki = d->ktail - d->khead; d->ctail++; push(p, Qundef); } static void open_object_key(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; push_key(p); assure_cstack(d); d->ctail->vi = d->vtail - d->vhead + 1; d->ctail->ki = d->ktail - d->khead; d->ctail++; push2(p, Qundef); } static void open_array(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; assure_cstack(d); d->ctail->vi = d->vtail - d->vhead; d->ctail->ki = -1; d->ctail++; push(p, Qundef); } static void open_array_key(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; push_key(p); assure_cstack(d); d->ctail->vi = d->vtail - d->vhead + 1; d->ctail->ki = -1; d->ctail++; push2(p, Qundef); } static void close_object(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; d->ctail--; Col c = d->ctail; Key kp = d->khead + c->ki; VALUE * head = d->vhead + c->vi + 1; volatile VALUE obj = rb_hash_new(); #if HAVE_RB_HASH_BULK_INSERT for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { *vp = d->get_key(p, kp); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } rb_hash_bulk_insert(d->vtail - head, head, obj); #else for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { rb_hash_aset(obj, d->get_key(p, kp), *(vp + 1)); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } #endif d->ktail = d->khead + c->ki; d->vtail = head; head--; *head = obj; } static void close_object_class(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; d->ctail--; Col c = d->ctail; Key kp = d->khead + c->ki; VALUE * head = d->vhead + c->vi + 1; volatile VALUE obj = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, d->hash_class); for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { rb_funcall(obj, hset_id, 2, d->get_key(p, kp), *(vp + 1)); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } d->ktail = d->khead + c->ki; d->vtail = head; head--; *head = obj; } static void close_object_create(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; d->ctail--; Col c = d->ctail; Key kp = d->khead + c->ki; VALUE * head = d->vhead + c->vi; volatile VALUE obj; if (Qundef == *head) { head++; if (Qnil == d->hash_class) { obj = rb_hash_new(); #if HAVE_RB_HASH_BULK_INSERT for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { *vp = d->get_key(p, kp); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } rb_hash_bulk_insert(d->vtail - head, head, obj); #else for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { rb_hash_aset(obj, d->get_key(p, kp), *(vp + 1)); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } #endif } else { obj = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, d->hash_class); for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { rb_funcall(obj, hset_id, 2, d->get_key(p, kp), *(vp + 1)); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } } } else { VALUE clas = *head; head++; if (!d->ignore_json_create && rb_respond_to(clas, oj_json_create_id)) { volatile VALUE arg = rb_hash_new(); #if HAVE_RB_HASH_BULK_INSERT for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { *vp = d->get_key(p, kp); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } rb_hash_bulk_insert(d->vtail - head, head, arg); #else for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { rb_hash_aset(arg, d->get_key(p, kp), *(vp + 1)); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } #endif obj = rb_funcall(clas, oj_json_create_id, 1, arg); } else { obj = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, clas); for (VALUE *vp = head; kp < d->ktail; kp++, vp += 2) { rb_ivar_set(obj, get_attr_id(p, kp), *(vp + 1)); if (sizeof(kp->buf) - 1 < (size_t)kp->len) { xfree(kp->key); } } } } d->ktail = d->khead + c->ki; d->vtail = head; head--; *head = obj; } static void close_array(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; d->ctail--; VALUE * head = d->vhead + d->ctail->vi + 1; volatile VALUE a = rb_ary_new_from_values(d->vtail - head, head); d->vtail = head; head--; *head = a; } static void close_array_class(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; d->ctail--; VALUE * head = d->vhead + d->ctail->vi + 1; volatile VALUE a = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, d->array_class); for (VALUE *vp = head; vp < d->vtail; vp++) { rb_funcall(a, ltlt_id, 1, *vp); } d->vtail = head; head--; *head = a; } static void noop(ojParser p) { } static void add_null(ojParser p) { push(p, Qnil); } static void add_null_key(ojParser p) { push_key(p); push2(p, Qnil); } static void add_true(ojParser p) { push(p, Qtrue); } static void add_true_key(ojParser p) { push_key(p); push2(p, Qtrue); } static void add_false(ojParser p) { push(p, Qfalse); } static void add_false_key(ojParser p) { push_key(p); push2(p, Qfalse); } static void add_int(ojParser p) { push(p, LONG2NUM(p->num.fixnum)); } static void add_int_key(ojParser p) { push_key(p); push2(p, LONG2NUM(p->num.fixnum)); } static void add_float(ojParser p) { push(p, rb_float_new(p->num.dub)); } static void add_float_key(ojParser p) { push_key(p); push2(p, rb_float_new(p->num.dub)); } static void add_float_as_big(ojParser p) { char buf[64]; // fails on ubuntu // snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Lg", p->num.dub); sprintf(buf, "%Lg", p->num.dub); push(p, rb_funcall(rb_cObject, oj_bigdecimal_id, 1, rb_str_new2(buf))); } static void add_float_as_big_key(ojParser p) { char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Lg", p->num.dub); push_key(p); push2(p, rb_funcall(rb_cObject, oj_bigdecimal_id, 1, rb_str_new2(buf))); } static void add_big(ojParser p) { push(p, rb_funcall(rb_cObject, oj_bigdecimal_id, 1, rb_str_new(buf_str(&p->buf), buf_len(&p->buf)))); } static void add_big_key(ojParser p) { push_key(p); push2(p, rb_funcall(rb_cObject, oj_bigdecimal_id, 1, rb_str_new(buf_str(&p->buf), buf_len(&p->buf)))); } static void add_big_as_float(ojParser p) { volatile VALUE big = rb_funcall(rb_cObject, oj_bigdecimal_id, 1, rb_str_new(buf_str(&p->buf), buf_len(&p->buf))); push(p, rb_funcall(big, to_f_id, 0)); } static void add_big_as_float_key(ojParser p) { volatile VALUE big = rb_funcall(rb_cObject, oj_bigdecimal_id, 1, rb_str_new(buf_str(&p->buf), buf_len(&p->buf))); push_key(p); push2(p, rb_funcall(big, to_f_id, 0)); } static void add_big_as_ruby(ojParser p) { push(p, rb_funcall(rb_str_new(buf_str(&p->buf), buf_len(&p->buf)), to_f_id, 0)); } static void add_big_as_ruby_key(ojParser p) { push_key(p); push2(p, rb_funcall(rb_str_new(buf_str(&p->buf), buf_len(&p->buf)), to_f_id, 0)); } static void add_str(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; volatile VALUE rstr; const char * str = buf_str(&p->buf); size_t len = buf_len(&p->buf); if (len < d->cache_str) { rstr = cache_intern(d->str_cache, str, len); } else { rstr = rb_utf8_str_new(str, len); } push(p, rstr); } static void add_str_key(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; volatile VALUE rstr; const char * str = buf_str(&p->buf); size_t len = buf_len(&p->buf); if (len < d->cache_str) { rstr = cache_intern(d->str_cache, str, len); } else { rstr = rb_utf8_str_new(str, len); } push_key(p); push2(p, rstr); } static void add_str_key_create(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; volatile VALUE rstr; const char * str = buf_str(&p->buf); size_t len = buf_len(&p->buf); const char * key = buf_str(&p->key); size_t klen = buf_len(&p->key); if (klen == (size_t)d->create_id_len && 0 == strncmp(d->create_id, key, klen)) { Col c = d->ctail - 1; VALUE clas; if (NULL != d->class_cache) { clas = cache_intern(d->class_cache, str, len); } else { clas = resolve_classpath(str, len, MISS_AUTO == d->miss_class); } if (Qundef != clas) { *(d->vhead + c->vi) = clas; return; } if (MISS_RAISE == d->miss_class) { rb_raise(rb_eLoadError, "%s is not define", str); } } if (len < d->cache_str) { rstr = cache_intern(d->str_cache, str, len); } else { rstr = rb_utf8_str_new(str, len); } push_key(p); push2(p, rstr); } static VALUE result(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (d->vhead < d->vtail) { return *d->vhead; } return Qnil; } static void start(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; d->vtail = d->vhead; d->ctail = d->chead; d->ktail = d->khead; } static void dfree(ojParser p) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; cache_free(d->str_cache); cache_free(d->attr_cache); if (NULL != d->sym_cache) { cache_free(d->sym_cache); } if (NULL != d->class_cache) { cache_free(d->class_cache); } xfree(d->vhead); xfree(d->chead); xfree(d->khead); xfree(d->create_id); xfree(p->ctx); p->ctx = NULL; } static void mark(ojParser p) { if (NULL == p->ctx) { return; } Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (NULL == d) { return; } cache_mark(d->str_cache); if (NULL != d->sym_cache) { cache_mark(d->sym_cache); } if (NULL != d->class_cache) { cache_mark(d->class_cache); } for (VALUE *vp = d->vhead; vp < d->vtail; vp++) { if (Qundef != *vp) { rb_gc_mark(*vp); } } } ///// options ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Each option is handled by a separate function and then added to an assoc // list (struct opt}. The list is then iterated over until there is a name // match. This is done primarily to keep each option separate and easier to // understand instead of placing all in one large function. struct opt { const char *name; VALUE (*func)(ojParser p, VALUE value); }; static VALUE opt_array_class(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; return d->array_class; } static VALUE opt_array_class_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (Qnil == value) { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].close_array = close_array; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].close_array = close_array; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].close_array = close_array; } else { rb_check_type(value, T_CLASS); if (!rb_method_boundp(value, ltlt_id, 1)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "An array class must implement the << method."); } p->funcs[TOP_FUN].close_array = close_array_class; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].close_array = close_array_class; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].close_array = close_array_class; } d->array_class = value; return d->array_class; } static VALUE opt_cache_keys(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; return d->cache_keys ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_cache_keys_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (Qtrue == value) { d->cache_keys = true; d->get_key = cache_key; if (NULL == d->sym_cache) { d->key_cache = d->str_cache; } else { d->key_cache = d->sym_cache; } } else { d->cache_keys = false; if (NULL == d->sym_cache) { d->get_key = str_key; } else { d->get_key = sym_key; } } return d->cache_keys ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_cache_strings(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; return INT2NUM((int)d->cache_str); } static VALUE opt_cache_strings_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; int limit = NUM2INT(value); if (CACHE_MAX_KEY < limit) { limit = CACHE_MAX_KEY; } else if (limit < 0) { limit = 0; } d->cache_str = limit; return INT2NUM((int)d->cache_str); } static VALUE opt_capacity(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; return ULONG2NUM(d->vend - d->vhead); } static VALUE opt_capacity_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; long cap = NUM2LONG(value); if (d->vend - d->vhead < cap) { long pos = d->vtail - d->vhead; REALLOC_N(d->vhead, VALUE, cap); d->vtail = d->vhead + pos; d->vend = d->vhead + cap; } if (d->kend - d->khead < cap) { long pos = d->ktail - d->khead; REALLOC_N(d->khead, union _key, cap); d->ktail = d->khead + pos; d->kend = d->khead + cap; } return ULONG2NUM(d->vend - d->vhead); } static VALUE opt_class_cache(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; return (NULL != d->class_cache) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_class_cache_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (Qtrue == value) { if (NULL == d->class_cache) { if (MISS_AUTO == d->miss_class) { d->class_cache = cache_create(0, form_class_auto, true); } else { d->class_cache = cache_create(0, form_class, false); } } } else if (NULL != d->class_cache) { cache_free(d->class_cache); d->class_cache = NULL; } return (NULL != d->class_cache) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_create_id(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (NULL == d->create_id) { return Qnil; } return rb_utf8_str_new(d->create_id, d->create_id_len); } static VALUE opt_create_id_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (Qnil == value) { d->create_id = NULL; d->create_id_len = 0; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_str = add_str_key; if (Qnil == d->hash_class) { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].close_object = close_object; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].close_object = close_object; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].close_object = close_object; } else { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].close_object = close_object_class; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].close_object = close_object_class; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].close_object = close_object_class; } } else { rb_check_type(value, T_STRING); size_t len = RSTRING_LEN(value); if (1 << sizeof(d->create_id_len) <= len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "The create_id values is limited to %d bytes.", 1 << sizeof(d->create_id_len)); } d->create_id_len = (uint8_t)len; d->create_id = str_dup(RSTRING_PTR(value), len); p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_str = add_str_key_create; p->funcs[TOP_FUN].close_object = close_object_create; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].close_object = close_object_create; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].close_object = close_object_create; } return opt_create_id(p, value); } static VALUE opt_decimal(ojParser p, VALUE value) { if (add_float_as_big == p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_float) { return ID2SYM(rb_intern("bigdecimal")); } if (add_big == p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_big) { return ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto")); } if (add_big_as_float == p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_big) { return ID2SYM(rb_intern("float")); } if (add_big_as_ruby == p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_big) { return ID2SYM(rb_intern("ruby")); } return Qnil; } static VALUE opt_decimal_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { const char * mode; volatile VALUE s; switch (rb_type(value)) { case T_STRING: mode = RSTRING_PTR(value); break; case T_SYMBOL: s = rb_sym2str(value); mode = RSTRING_PTR(s); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "the decimal options must be a Symbol or String, not %s.", rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(value))); break; } if (0 == strcmp("auto", mode)) { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_big = add_big; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].add_big = add_big; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_big = add_big_key; p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_float = add_float; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].add_float = add_float; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_float = add_float_key; return opt_decimal(p, Qnil); } if (0 == strcmp("bigdecimal", mode)) { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_big = add_big; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].add_big = add_big; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_big = add_big_key; p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_float = add_float_as_big; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].add_float = add_float_as_big; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_float = add_float_as_big_key; return opt_decimal(p, Qnil); } if (0 == strcmp("float", mode)) { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_big = add_big_as_float; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].add_big = add_big_as_float; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_big = add_big_as_float_key; p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_float = add_float; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].add_float = add_float; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_float = add_float_key; return opt_decimal(p, Qnil); } if (0 == strcmp("ruby", mode)) { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_big = add_big_as_ruby; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].add_big = add_big_as_ruby; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_big = add_big_as_ruby_key; p->funcs[TOP_FUN].add_float = add_float; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].add_float = add_float; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_float = add_float_key; return opt_decimal(p, Qnil); } rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s is not a valid option for the decimal option.", mode); return Qnil; } static VALUE opt_hash_class(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; return d->hash_class; } static VALUE opt_hash_class_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (Qnil != value) { rb_check_type(value, T_CLASS); if (!rb_method_boundp(value, hset_id, 1)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "A hash class must implement the []= method."); } } d->hash_class = value; if (NULL == d->create_id) { if (Qnil == value) { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].close_object = close_object; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].close_object = close_object; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].close_object = close_object; } else { p->funcs[TOP_FUN].close_object = close_object_class; p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN].close_object = close_object_class; p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].close_object = close_object_class; } } return d->hash_class; } static VALUE opt_ignore_json_create(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; return d->ignore_json_create ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_ignore_json_create_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; d->ignore_json_create = (Qtrue == value); return d->ignore_json_create ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_missing_class(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; switch (d->miss_class) { case MISS_AUTO: return ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto")); case MISS_RAISE: return ID2SYM(rb_intern("raise")); case MISS_IGNORE: default: return ID2SYM(rb_intern("ignore")); } } static VALUE opt_missing_class_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; const char * mode; volatile VALUE s; switch (rb_type(value)) { case T_STRING: mode = RSTRING_PTR(value); break; case T_SYMBOL: s = rb_sym2str(value); mode = RSTRING_PTR(s); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "the missing_class options must be a Symbol or String, not %s.", rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(value))); break; } if (0 == strcmp("auto", mode)) { d->miss_class = MISS_AUTO; if (NULL != d->class_cache) { cache_set_form(d->class_cache, form_class_auto); } } else if (0 == strcmp("ignore", mode)) { d->miss_class = MISS_IGNORE; if (NULL != d->class_cache) { cache_set_form(d->class_cache, form_class); } } else if (0 == strcmp("raise", mode)) { d->miss_class = MISS_RAISE; if (NULL != d->class_cache) { cache_set_form(d->class_cache, form_class); } } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s is not a valid value for the missing_class option.", mode); } return opt_missing_class(p, value); } static VALUE opt_omit_null(ojParser p, VALUE value) { return (noop == p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_null) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_omit_null_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { if (Qtrue == value) { p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_null = noop; } else { p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_null = add_null_key; } return (noop == p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN].add_null) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_symbol_keys(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; return (NULL != d->sym_cache) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE opt_symbol_keys_set(ojParser p, VALUE value) { Delegate d = (Delegate)p->ctx; if (Qtrue == value) { d->sym_cache = cache_create(0, form_sym, true); d->key_cache = d->sym_cache; if (!d->cache_keys) { d->get_key = sym_key; } } else { if (NULL != d->sym_cache) { cache_free(d->sym_cache); d->sym_cache = NULL; } if (!d->cache_keys) { d->get_key = str_key; } } return (NULL != d->sym_cache) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE option(ojParser p, const char *key, VALUE value) { struct opt opts[] = { {.name = "array_class", .func = opt_array_class}, {.name = "array_class=", .func = opt_array_class_set}, {.name = "cache_keys", .func = opt_cache_keys}, {.name = "cache_keys=", .func = opt_cache_keys_set}, {.name = "cache_strings", .func = opt_cache_strings}, {.name = "cache_strings=", .func = opt_cache_strings_set}, {.name = "capacity", .func = opt_capacity}, {.name = "capacity=", .func = opt_capacity_set}, {.name = "class_cache", .func = opt_class_cache}, {.name = "class_cache=", .func = opt_class_cache_set}, {.name = "create_id", .func = opt_create_id}, {.name = "create_id=", .func = opt_create_id_set}, {.name = "decimal", .func = opt_decimal}, {.name = "decimal=", .func = opt_decimal_set}, {.name = "hash_class", .func = opt_hash_class}, {.name = "hash_class=", .func = opt_hash_class_set}, {.name = "ignore_json_create", .func = opt_ignore_json_create}, {.name = "ignore_json_create=", .func = opt_ignore_json_create_set}, {.name = "missing_class", .func = opt_missing_class}, {.name = "missing_class=", .func = opt_missing_class_set}, {.name = "omit_null", .func = opt_omit_null}, {.name = "omit_null=", .func = opt_omit_null_set}, {.name = "symbol_keys", .func = opt_symbol_keys}, {.name = "symbol_keys=", .func = opt_symbol_keys_set}, {.name = NULL}, }; for (struct opt *op = opts; NULL != op->name; op++) { if (0 == strcmp(key, op->name)) { return op->func(p, value); } } rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s is not an option for the Usual delegate", key); return Qnil; // Never reached due to the raise but required by the compiler. } ///// the set up ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void oj_set_parser_usual(ojParser p) { Delegate d = ALLOC(struct _delegate); int cap = 4096; d->vhead = ALLOC_N(VALUE, cap); d->vend = d->vhead + cap; d->vtail = d->vhead; d->khead = ALLOC_N(union _key, cap); d->kend = d->khead + cap; d->ktail = d->khead; cap = 256; d->chead = ALLOC_N(struct _col, cap); d->cend = d->chead + cap; d->ctail = d->chead; d->get_key = cache_key; d->cache_keys = true; d->ignore_json_create = false; d->cache_str = 6; d->array_class = Qnil; d->hash_class = Qnil; d->create_id = NULL; d->create_id_len = 0; d->miss_class = MISS_IGNORE; Funcs f = &p->funcs[TOP_FUN]; f->add_null = add_null; f->add_true = add_true; f->add_false = add_false; f->add_int = add_int; f->add_float = add_float; f->add_big = add_big; f->add_str = add_str; f->open_array = open_array; f->close_array = close_array; f->open_object = open_object; f->close_object = close_object; f = &p->funcs[ARRAY_FUN]; f->add_null = add_null; f->add_true = add_true; f->add_false = add_false; f->add_int = add_int; f->add_float = add_float; f->add_big = add_big; f->add_str = add_str; f->open_array = open_array; f->close_array = close_array; f->open_object = open_object; f->close_object = close_object; f = &p->funcs[OBJECT_FUN]; f->add_null = add_null_key; f->add_true = add_true_key; f->add_false = add_false_key; f->add_int = add_int_key; f->add_float = add_float_key; f->add_big = add_big_key; f->add_str = add_str_key; f->open_array = open_array_key; f->close_array = close_array; f->open_object = open_object_key; f->close_object = close_object; d->str_cache = cache_create(0, form_str, true); d->attr_cache = cache_create(0, form_attr, false); d->sym_cache = NULL; d->class_cache = NULL; d->key_cache = d->str_cache; p->ctx = (void *)d; p->option = option; p->result = result; p->free = dfree; p->mark = mark; p->start = start; if (0 == to_f_id) { to_f_id = rb_intern("to_f"); } if (0 == ltlt_id) { ltlt_id = rb_intern("<<"); } if (0 == hset_id) { hset_id = rb_intern("[]="); } }