#!/usr/bin/env ruby lib_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..')) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir) $LOAD_PATH << lib_dir end $root_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..')) #require some goodies require 'ruby-nessus' require 'fileutils' require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'lib/output' require 'lib/input' #Versioning and .. those things $verstring = "Version 0.0.2 - 20th of August, 2012 - Created by Christian \"xntrik\" Frichot.\n\n" $verstring += "Copyright 2012 Christian Frichot\n\n" $verstring += "Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n" $verstring += "you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n" $verstring += "You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n" $verstring += "\thttp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n" $verstring += "Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n" $verstring += "distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n" $verstring += "WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n" $verstring += "See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n" $verstring += "limitations under the License.\n" class OptsConsole def self.parse(args) options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: prenus [INPUT]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Specific Options:" opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Display this screen') do puts opts exit end opts.on('-c', '--config FILE', 'Load a YAML formatted config file') do |config| options[:configfile] = config end # input option # opts.on('-i', '--input FILE', "Or pass in a search option, such as '*.nessus' <- needs single quotes") do |input| # options[:input] = input # end # output dir opts.on('-o', '--ouput DIR/FILE', "Defaults to '.'") do |output| #options[:outputdir] = output options[:output] = output end # output type opts.on('-t', '--type TYPE', "Select: xls, html, glow, circos or host. Defaults to html") do |type| case type when "html" options[:type] = "html" when "xls" options[:type] = "xls" when "glow" options[:type] = "glow" when "circos" options[:type] = "circos" when "host" options[:type] = "host" else options[:type] = "html" end end # level - how deep to go on some of the inputs opts.on('-s', '--severity LEVEL', "Defaults to 3 for High -> Critical. For large datasets 4 is saner") do |sev| case sev.to_i when 0 options[:severity] = 0 when 1 options[:severity] = 1 when 2 options[:severity] = 2 when 3 options[:severity] = 3 when 4 options[:severity] = 4 else options[:severity] = 3 end end #filter - this is used for some of the outputs - to filter the output ... using MAGIC opts.on('-f','--filter FILTER', "Only show these Nessus IDs. For multiple separate with commas 12345,23232,21212") do |filter| options[:filter] = filter.to_s.split(",") end # print debug stuff? opts.on('-d', '--debug', "Displays stats and other debugging") do |debug| options[:debug] = true end #yawn opts.on('-v', '--version', "Shows the version") do |version| options[:version] = true end end begin opts.parse!(args) if ARGV.count == 0 and options[:version].nil? puts puts "** Please specify input files" puts puts opts exit end if options[:version] print $verstring exit end if options[:debug] and options[:output].nil? print "** can't debug whilst printing out to stdout\n" print "** try without the -d option, or by specifying an output file with -o\n" exit end if options[:type] == "html" and options[:output].nil? print "** need a folder name when generating html\n" print "** try with the -o option\n" exit end #options[:outputdir] = "." if options[:outputdir].nil? #Default output dir options[:type] = "html" if options[:type].nil? #Default output type options[:severity] = 3 if options[:severity].nil? #Default severity level options[:input] = ARGV # remaining command line options are files rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption puts "Invalid option, try -h for usage" exit end options end end options = OptsConsole.parse(ARGV) options[:override] = YAML.load_file(options[:configfile])['prenus']['input']['override'] unless options[:configfile].nil? options[:skip] = YAML.load_file(options[:configfile])['prenus']['input']['skip'] unless options[:configfile].nil? # Process the input file(s) into two hashes hosts, events = Prenus::Input::Nessusin.import_nessus_files(options) # Create an output object - depending on options - and run it case options[:type] when "html" Prenus::Output::Htmlout.new(events,hosts,options).run when "xls" Prenus::Output::Xlsout.new(events,hosts,options).run when "glow" Prenus::Output::Afterglowout.new(events,hosts,options).run when "circos" Prenus::Output::Circosout.new(events,hosts,options).run when "host" Prenus::Output::Hostinfoout.new(events,hosts,options).run end # some debuggy / extra info stuff if options[:debug] require 'pp' pp events pp hosts pp options puts "__STATS___" puts "Number of hosts: " + hosts.count.to_s puts "Number of vulns: " + events.count.to_s end