<style type="text/css"> #recaptcha_area, #recaptcha_table {width: auto !important;} #recaptcha_image {width: 175px !important;} #recaptcha_image img{width:100% !important;padding: 0px;} fieldset.captcha{width:157px !important;} #recaptcha_image {width:157px !important;} #recaptcha_container {margin: 0px;padding: 0px;width: 157px !important;} input#recaptcha_response_field{padding:0px;} </style> <div class="l-wrapper"> <div class="l-sidebar inflate-bass h-space-ptm"> <div class="sidebar-aside"><a class="m-btn btn-red" href="/agents">Back to Agents</a></div> <div class="sidebar-body"> <% if !@agent.hide && (@agent.lo_code == '46' || @agent.lo_code == 'SPACES') %> <h3><%= @agent.first_name %> <%= @agent.last_name %></h3> <% else %> <p class='note error'>No Advantage Realty agent with that agent code exists.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <% end %> </div> </div> <!-- .l-sidebar --> </div> <!-- .l-wrapper --> <% if !@agent.hide && (@agent.lo_code == '46' || @agent.lo_code == 'SPACES') %> <div class="l-wrapper"> <div class="body-section"> <div class="l-sidebar inflate-bass sidebar-border h-space-pbm"> <div class="sidebar-aside"> <figure class="h-space-mvm"><img src="<%= @agent.image_url(:large) %>?<%= DateTime.now.strftime('%F') %>" width="150" class="h-border" /></figure> <% if @agent.contact_info.nil? || @agent.contact_info.strip.length == 0 %> <% if @agent.office_phone.strip.length > 0 %><p><small><strong>Work Phone: </strong></small> <a href="tel:<%= @agent.office_phone %>"><%= @agent.office_phone %></a></p><% end %> <% if @agent.car_phone.strip.length > 0 %><p><small><strong>Cell Phone: </strong></small> <a href="tel:<%= @agent.car_phone %>"><%= @agent.car_phone %></a></p><% end %> <% if @agent.home_phone.strip.length > 0 %><p><small><strong>Home Phone: </strong> </small><a href="tel:<%= @agent.home_phone %>"><%= @agent.home_phone %></a></p><% end %> <% if @agent.member_email.strip.length > 0 %><p><small><strong>Email: </strong> </small><a href="mailto:<%= @agent.member_email %>"><%= @agent.member_email %></a></p><% end %> <% else %> <%= raw @agent.contact_info %> <% end %> <hr /> <h4><i class="m-icon-contact"></i> Contact Agent</h4> <form action="/contact/create" method="post" class="m-form h-space-pbm"> <input type='hidden' name='la_code' value="<%= @agent.la_code %>" /> <input type='text' placeholder="Full Name" name='contact_name' id="contact_name" maxlength="150" /> <input type='text' placeholder="Email" name='contact_address' id="contact_address" maxlength="150" /> <textarea name="contact_message" id="contact_message" placeholder="Message" cols="50" rows="4" class="contact_message"></textarea> <%= recaptcha_tags :noscript => false %> <input class="m-btn btn-right btn-red h-space-mts" type="submit" value="submit"> </form> </div> <!-- .sidebar-aside --> <div class="sidebar-body"> <article><%= raw @agent.bio %></article> <hr /> <% @property_groups.select{ |pg| !pg[:properties].empty? }.each do |pg| %> <h4><%= pg[:title] %></h4> <ul class="m-list-border"> <% pg[:properties].each do |l| %> <li class="l-media inflate-bass center-on-mobile"> <figure class="media-aside"> <a href="/<%= pg[:url_prefix] %>/<%= l.mls %>/details"><img src='<%= l.images && l.images.count > 0 ? l.images[0].image_url(:thumb) : "" %>'class="h-border" width="150" /></a> </figure> <div class="media-body h-pos"> <p class="pos-top-right h-type-highlight"><strong>MLS#<%=l.mls%></strong></p> <% if l.street_num != '0' && l.street_name != "" %> <h5> <% if l.unit_num != "" %> Unit <%= l.unit_num %>, <% end %> <%=l.street_num%> <%=l.street_name.titleize %> </h5> <% end %> <p><small><%=l.city.titleize %>, <%=l.state%> <%=l.zip%></small></p> <div class="l-grid grid-row inflate-tenor"> <div class="grid-unit-1of4"> <% if pg[:type] == 'RES' || pg[:type] == 'COM' %> <a class="m-btn btn-red" href="/<%= pg[:url_prefix] %>/<%= l.mls %>/details">See More</a> <% else %> <p> </p> <% end %> </div> <% if pg[:type] == 'RES' %> <div class="grid-unit-1of4">Beds<br /><%= l.bedrooms %></div> <div class="grid-unit-1of4">Baths<br /> <%= l.baths_full %> full <% if l.baths_half != "" && l.baths_half != "0" %> & <%= l.baths_half %> half<% end %> </div> <% end %> <div class="grid-unit-1of4">Price<br /> <% if l.current_price.nil? || l.current_price == '0' || l.current_price == 0 %> Available Upon Inquiry<% else %><%= h number_to_currency(l.current_price, :precision => 0) %> <% end %> </div> </div> <!-- .l-grid --> </div> <!-- .media-body --> </li> <% end %> </ul> <% end %> </div> <!-- .sidebar-body --> </div> <!-- .l-sidebar --> <hr /> <footer class="section-foot"><%= raw Caboose::Setting.value_for('footer_text') %></footer> </div> <!-- .body-section --> </div> <!-- .l-wrapper --> <% end %> <div class="body-sink"></div> <% unless flash[:notice].blank? %> <script type="text/javascript"> alert('<%= flash[:notice] %>'); </script> <% end %>