require "digest/sha2" class CredentialLockedOut < StandardError; end class CredentialDisabled < StandardError; end class Credential < ActiveRecord::Base validates_confirmation_of :password, :if => :perform_password_validation? validates_presence_of :password_hash, :if => :login_enabled, :message => "can't be blank if login is enabled" validates_uniqueness_of :email_address attr_reader :password def password=(val) @password = val self.password_hash = self.class.salt_and_hash(password) unless self.password.blank? end belongs_to :user, :polymorphic => true def self.salt_and_hash(password) begin @salt = Rails.configuration.authentication_salt rescue @salt = t(:salt_is_missing) logger.error @salt # cheeky? end unless @salt Digest::SHA256.hexdigest( "%s%s" % [password, @salt] ) end def self.find_using_auth(email, password, find_at = credential = Credential.find(:first, :conditions => ['email_address = ?', email]) (credential and credential.accept_password?(password, find_at)) ? credential : nil end def self.find_by_email(email_address) Credential.find :first, :conditions => ['email_address = ?', email_address] end def self.humanize_duration_from_seconds(seconds) # I did it this way so we can test easier until_citation = [ (seconds/3600).floor, ((seconds % 3600)/60).floor, (seconds % 60) ] {0 => 'hour', 1 => 'minute', 2 => 'second'}.each_pair do |i, unit| until_citation[i] = '%d %s' % [ until_citation[i], ((until_citation[i] > 1) ? unit.pluralize : unit) ] if until_citation[i] and until_citation[i] > 0 end until_citation.reject!{|i| i.nil? or i == 0 } until_citation.join ' ' end def locked_out?(find_at) account_lockout_threshold > 0 and failed_login_at and (failed_login_count % account_lockout_threshold) == 0 and locked_until(find_at) > 0 end def locked_until(find_at) # NOTE: There's a multiplier effect here. So, if the lockout_threshold is 3, and there's been 12 unsuccessful logins # we're not going to let them in for another 4*lockout_duration seconds # How long we've been locked out for been_locked_out_for = (find_at - failed_login_at).seconds lockout_multiplier = (failed_login_count / account_lockout_threshold).floor account_lockout_duration * lockout_multiplier - been_locked_out_for end def accept_password?(password, find_at) password_security_transaction!( password_hash == self.class.salt_and_hash(password), find_at ) { self.reset_password_token = nil } end def generate_reset_token! raise_on_disabled char_pool = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a token ={char_pool[rand(char_pool.size-1)]}.join self.reset_password_token = token reset_failed_login_fields save! token end def reset_password_by_token!(supplied_token, newpassword, find_at = password_security_transaction!(supplied_token == reset_password_token, find_at) do self.password = newpassword self.reset_password_token = nil end end def default_post_login_url_to # NOTE: This should be different for non-admins when we get around to it ... { :controller => 'admin/activities', :action => 'index' } end def is_request_permitted?(controller, action) # NOTE: Highly rudimentary, but until we want to do the public side and proper ACLs, this will work. user_type == 'Employee' end def self.guest_permitted?(controller,action) # These are controller/actions that don't require auth to access. Probably these acl type questions should go into their own models eventually controller == 'authentication' end private def password_security_transaction!(success, find_at) # This is used by accept_password? and reset_password_by_token! # Essentialy if conditional is true - then we reset our lockout counters and execute the block, if conditional is false we # increment failure counters. Regardless, we return the conditional status. These methods looked so similar I thought I'd DRY # them out a bit raise_on_disabled unless locked_out?(find_at) if success yield if block_given? reset_failed_login_fields else bad_login(find_at) end save! if changed? return true if success end raise_on_locked_out(find_at) return false end def raise_on_disabled raise CredentialDisabled, "Your account is currently disabled from logging in." if !login_enabled end def raise_on_locked_out(find_at) raise CredentialLockedOut, ( 'Your account has been locked out due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. '+ "Please wait another #{self.class.humanize_duration_from_seconds(locked_until(find_at))} before trying again." ) if locked_out?(find_at) end def reset_failed_login_fields self.failed_login_count = 0 self.failed_login_at = nil end def bad_login(find_at) self.failed_login_count += 1 self.failed_login_at = find_at end def perform_password_validation? self.new_record? ? true : !self.password.blank? end # NOTE We do this to keep from pulling this information four times from the databaase during an authentication request def account_lockout_threshold grab_settings unless @lockout_threshold @lockout_threshold end def account_lockout_duration grab_settings unless @lockout_duration @lockout_duration end def grab_settings ( @lockout_threshold, @lockout_duration ) = Setting.grab :account_lockout_threshold, :account_lockout_duration @lockout_duration = @lockout_duration.to_i @lockout_threshold = @lockout_threshold.to_i end end