require 'digest/sha1' require 'tzinfo' require 'authlogic/crypto_providers/bcrypt' =begin rdoc There are two special users in each site : [anon] Anonymous user. Used to set defaults for newly created users. [su] This user has full access to all the content in zena. He/she can read/write/destroy about anything. Even private content can be read/edited/removed by su. This user should only be used for emergency purpose. This is why an ugly warning is shown on all pages when logged in as su. If you want to give administrative rights to a user, simply put him/her into the _admin_ group. Users have access rights defined by the groups they belong to. They also have a 'status' indicating the kind of things they can/cannot do : +:user+:: (60): can read/write/publish +:commentator+:: (40): can write comments +:moderated+:: (30): can write moderated comments +:reader+:: (20): can only read +:deleted+:: ( 0): cannot login TODO: when a user is 'destroyed', pass everything he owns to another user or just mark the user as 'deleted'... =end class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authentic do |c| #c.transition_from_crypto_providers = Zena::InitialCryptoProvider #c.crypto_provider = Authlogic::CryptoProviders::BCrypt c.crypto_provider = Zena::CryptoProvider::Initial c.validate_email_field = false c.validate_login_field = false c.require_password_confirmation = false c.validate_password_field = false end include RubyLess::SafeClass safe_attribute :login, :name, :first_name, :email, :time_zone, :created_at, :updated_at safe_method :initials => String, :fullname => String, :status => Number, :status_name => String safe_context :contact => 'Contact' attr_accessible :login, :lang, :first_name, :name, :email, :time_zone, :status, :group_ids, :site_ids, :crypted_password, :password attr_accessor :visited_node_ids attr_accessor :ip belongs_to :site belongs_to :contact, :dependent => :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :groups has_many :nodes has_many :versions before_validation :user_before_validation validate :valid_groups validate :valid_user validates_uniqueness_of :login, :scope => :site_id before_destroy :dont_destroy_protected_users validates_presence_of :site_id before_create :create_contact Status = { :su => 80, :admin => 60, # can create other users, manage site, etc :user => 50, # can write articles + publish (depends on access rights) :commentator => 40, # can write comments :moderated => 30, # can write comments (moderated) :reader => 20, # can read :deleted => 0, }.freeze Num_to_status = Hash[*{|k,v| [v,k]}.flatten].freeze class << self def find_allowed_user_by_login(login) first(:conditions=>["login = ? and status > 0", login]) end # Creates a new user without setting the defaults (used to create the first users of the site). Use # new instead. alias new_no_defaults new # Creates a new user with the defaults set from the anonymous user. def new(attrs={}) new_attrs = attrs.dup anon = # Set new user defaults based on the anonymous user. [:lang, :time_zone, :status].each do |sym| new_attrs[sym] = anon.send(sym) if attrs[sym].blank? && attrs[sym.to_s].blank? end super(new_attrs) end end def contact_with_secure @contact ||= secure(Contact) { contact_without_secure } end alias_method_chain :contact, :secure # Each time a node is found using secure (Zena::Acts::Secure or Zena::Acts::SecureNode), this method is # called to set the visitor in the found object. This is also used to keep track of the opened nodes # when rendering a page for the cache so we can know when to expire the cache. def visit(obj, opts={}) if obj.kind_of? Node obj.visitor = self #explicit visit # keep track of the nodes connected to this visit to build the 'expire_with' list visited_node_ids << obj[:id] end end def visited_node_ids @visited_node_ids ||= [] end def fullname (first_name ? (first_name + " ") : '') + name.to_s end def initials fullname.split(" ").map {|w| w[0..0].capitalize}.join("") end def email self[:email] || "" end def status_name Num_to_status[status].to_s end # Return true if the user is in the admin group or if the user is the super user. def is_admin? is_su? || status.to_i >= User::Status[:admin] end # Return true if the user is the anonymous user for the current visited site def is_anon? # tested in site_test user_site.anon_id == self[:id] && (!new_record? || self[:login].nil?) # (when creating a new site, anon_id == nil) end # Return true if the user is the super user for the current visited site def is_su? # tested in site_test user_site.su_id == self[:id] end # Return true if the user's status is high enough to start editing nodes. def user? status >= User::Status[:user] end # Return true if the user's status is high enough to write comments. def commentator? status >= User::Status[:moderated] end # Return true if the user's comments should be moderated. def moderated? status < User::Status[:commentator] end # Return true if the user's status is high enough to read. This is basically the same as # not deleted?. # TODO: test def reader? status >= User::Status[:reader] end # Return true if the user is deleted and should not be allowed to login. # TODO: test def deleted? status == User::Status[:deleted] end # Returns a list of the group ids separated by commas for the user (this is used mainly in SQL clauses). def group_ids @group_ids ||= if is_admin?{|g| g[:id]} else groups.find(:all, :order=>'name').map{ |g| g[:id] } end end # Define the groups the user belongs to. def group_ids=(list) # We have to do our own method to avoid rails loading groups which will not be secured. @defined_group_ids = list end def time_zone=(tz) self[:time_zone] = tz.blank? ? nil : tz @tz = nil end #TODO: test # return only the ids of the groups really set (not all groups for admin or the like) def group_set_ids @group_set_ids ||={|g| g[:id]} end # TODO: test def tz @tz ||= TZInfo::Timezone.get(self[:time_zone] || "UTC") rescue TZInfo::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier @tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get("UTC") end def comments_to_publish if is_su? # su can view all secure(Comment) { Comment.find(:all, :conditions => ['status = ?', Zena::Status[:prop]]) } else secure(Comment) { Comment.find(:all, :select=>'comments.*,', :from=>'comments, nodes, discussions', :conditions => ['comments.status = ? AND discussions.node_id = AND comments.discussion_id = AND nodes.dgroup_id IN (?)', Zena::Status[:prop], visitor.group_ids]) } end end # List all versions proposed for publication that the user has the right to publish. def to_publish secure(Version) { Version.find(:all, :conditions => ['status = ? AND nodes.dgroup_id IN (?)', Zena::Status[:prop], visitor.group_ids]) } end # List all versions owned that are currently being written (status= +red+) def redactions secure(Version) { Version.find(:all, :conditions => ['status = ? AND versions.user_id = ?', Zena::Status[:red],]) } end # List all versions owned that are currently being proposed (status= +prop+) def proposed secure(Version) { Version.find(:all, :conditions => ['status = ? AND versions.user_id = ?', Zena::Status[:prop],]) } end private def user_site || # site when User is new end def create_contact return unless[:root_id] # do not try to create a contact if the root node is not created yet @contact = secure!(Contact) { # owner is the user except for anonymous and super user. # TODO: not sure this is a good idea... :user_id => (self[:id] == site[:anon_id] || self[:id] == site[:su_id]) ? visitor[:id] : self[:id], :v_title => (name.blank? || first_name.blank?) ? login : fullname, :c_first_name => first_name, :c_name => (name || login ), :c_email => email, :v_status => Zena::Status[:pub] )} @contact[:parent_id] = site[:root_id] unless # What do we do with this error ? raise Zena::InvalidRecord, "Could not create contact node for user #{} in site #{site_id} (#{{|k,v| [k,v]}.join(', ')})" end unless @contact.publish_from raise Zena::InvalidRecord, "Could not publish contact node for user #{user_id} in site #{site_id} (#{{|k,v| [k,v]}.join(', ')})" end self[:contact_id] = @contact[:id] end # Set user defaults. def user_before_validation return true if current_site.being_created? self[:site_id] =[:id] if new_record? self.status = site.anon.status if status.blank? self.lang = site.anon.lang if lang.blank? elsif status.blank? self.status = site.anon.status end if login.blank? && !is_anon? self.login = name end end # Validates that anon user does not have a login, that other users have a password # and that the login is unique for the sites the user belongs to. def valid_user self[:site_id] =[:id] if !site.being_created? && !visitor.is_admin? && visitor[:id] != self[:id] errors.add('base', 'You do not have the rights to do this.') return false end errors.add('lang', 'not available') unless site.lang_list.include?(lang) if is_anon? # Anonymous user *must* have an empty login self[:login] = nil self[:crypted_password] = nil else if new_record? # Refuse to add a user in a site if already a user with same login. errors.add(:password, "can't be blank") if self[:crypted_password].nil? || self[:crypted_password] == "" else # get old password old = User.find(self[:id]) self[:crypted_password] = old[:crypted_password] if self[:crypted_password].nil? || self[:crypted_password] == "" errors.add(:login, "can't be blank") if self[:login].blank? errors.add(:status, 'You do not have the rights to do this.') if self[:id] == visitor[:id] && old.is_admin? && self.status.to_i != old.status end end if self[:time_zone] begin TZInfo::Timezone.get(self[:time_zone]) rescue errors.add(:time_zone, 'invalid') end end if @password_too_short errors.add(:password, 'too short') remove_instance_variable :@password_too_short end end # Make sure all users are in the _public_ and _site_ groups. Make sure # the user only belongs to groups in the same site. def valid_groups #:doc: g_ids = @defined_group_ids || (new_record? ? [] : group_set_ids) g_ids.reject! { |g| g.blank? } g_ids << site.public_group_id g_ids << site.site_group_id unless is_anon? g_ids.uniq! g_ids.compact! self.groups = [] g_ids.each do |id| group = Group.find(id) unless site.being_created? || group.site_id == self.site_id errors.add('group', 'not found') next end self.groups << group end end # Do not allow destruction of the site's special users. def dont_destroy_protected_users #:doc: raise Zena::AccessViolation, "su and Anonymous users cannot be destroyed !" if site.protected_user_ids.include?(id) end def old @old ||= self.class.find(self[:id]) end end