<h3 id="<%= dom_id(element) %>-h3-show-advanced-options">Advanced Options<br/>
<a style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; " href="#" onclick="$("#<%= dom_id(element) %>-pnl-advanced").show();$("#<%= dom_id(element) %>-h3-show-advanced-options").hide();return false;">Show Advanced Options</a></h3>

<div id="<%= dom_id(element) %>-pnl-advanced" style="display: none;">
	<h3>Advanced Options<br/>
		<a style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; " href="#" onclick="$("#<%= dom_id(element) %>-pnl-advanced").hide();$("#<%= dom_id(element) %>-h3-show-advanced-options").show();return false;">Hide Advanced Options</a></h3>

  <div class="future_affect">
    <%= label_tag "Future questions/pages will be shown based on the answer to this question: " %>
    <%= radio_button_tag :future_affect, "yes" %>
    <%= label_tag :future_affect_yes, "Yes" %>
    <%= radio_button_tag :future_affect, "no" %>
    <%= label_tag :future_affect_no, "No" %>
    <% if @element.conditional.present? %>
      <script>$(function() { $("#<%= dom_id(element) %>-pnl-advanced input[name=future_affect][value=yes]").click(); });</script>
    <% end %>
    <div class="future_answer" style="display:none">
      What answer should show the element or page? <%= f.text_field "conditional_answer" %>
      Enter multiple answers separated by semi-colon to match using an OR condition.  Ex: "Option A; Option B" will match either "Option A" or "Option B" answers
    <div class="future_target" style="display:none">
      <label>Should it show the next element or a page further down the application?</label>
      <%= f.radio_button :conditional_type, "Fe::Element" %>
      <%= f.label :conditional_type_feelement, "Next Element" %>
      <%= f.radio_button :conditional_type, "Fe::Page" %>
      <%= f.label :conditional_type_fepage, "Page" %>
      <%= f.radio_button :conditional_type, "", style: "display:none" %>
      <script>$(function() { $("#<%= dom_id(element) %>-pnl-advanced .future_target input[checked]").click(); });</script>
    <div class="future_page" style="<%= "display:none" unless @element.conditional.is_a?(Fe::Page) %>">
      <label>Which page? </label>
      <%= f.collection_select :conditional_id, @page.question_sheet.pages, :id, :label, include_blank: true %>

	<p><label for="css_class" class="desc">Css Class</label>
		<%= f.text_field :css_class %></p>

	<p><label for="element_object" class="desc">Object Name</label>
		<%= f.text_field :object_name %></p>

	<p><label for="element_object" class="desc">Attribute Name</label>
		<%= f.text_field :attribute_name %></p>

	<p><label for="element_object" class="desc">Max Length</label>
		<%= f.text_field :max_length %></p>