Feature: Manage posts as a logged in user In order to demonstrate the features of the Bobby Gem and verify that Cucumber works as a user I wants to be able to add new posts Background: Logged in Given I am a new, authenticated user Scenario: Register new post Given I am on the new post page When I fill in "Title" with "title 1" And I fill in "Body" with "body 1" And I press "Create" Then I should see "title 1" And I should see "body 1" Scenario: Delete post Given the following posts: |title|body| |title 1|body 1| |title 2|body 2| |title 3|body 3| |title 4|body 4| When I delete the 3rd post Then I should see the following posts: |Title|Body| |title 1|body 1| |title 2|body 2| |title 4|body 4|