# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2016 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. #++ require 'fiber' require 'hexapdf/error' require 'hexapdf/utils/bit_stream' module HexaPDF module Filter # Implements the predictor for the LZWDecode and FlateDecode filters. # # Although a predictor isn't a full PDF filter, it is implemented as one in HexaPDF terms to # allow easy chaining of the predictor. # # See: PDF1.7 s7.4.4.3, s7.4.4.4, https://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tiff/TIFF6.pdf # (p64f), http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG-Filters.html # #-- Implemenation notes: # # The TIFF encoding and decoding methods are the same, except for the innermost loop. The way # it is implemented is probably not the best but it avoids duplicate code. # # The situation is similar with PNG encoding and decoding. #++ module Predictor PREDICTOR_PNG_NONE = 0 #:nodoc: PREDICTOR_PNG_SUB = 1 #:nodoc: PREDICTOR_PNG_UP = 2 #:nodoc: PREDICTOR_PNG_AVERAGE = 3 #:nodoc: PREDICTOR_PNG_PAETH = 4 #:nodoc: PREDICTOR_PNG_OPTIMUM = 5 #:nodoc: # See HexaPDF::Filter def self.decoder(source, options) execute(:decoder, source, options) end # See HexaPDF::Filter def self.encoder(source, options) execute(:encoder, source, options) end def self.execute(type, source, options) # :nodoc: return source if !options[:Predictor] || options[:Predictor] == 1 colors = options[:Colors] || 1 bits_per_component = options[:BitsPerComponent] || 8 columns = options[:Columns] || 1 if options[:Predictor] == 2 tiff_execute(type, source, colors, bits_per_component, columns) elsif options[:Predictor] >= 10 png_execute(type, source, options[:Predictor], colors, bits_per_component, columns) else raise HexaPDF::InvalidPDFObjectError, "Predictor key is invalid: #{options[:Predictor]}" end end def self.tiff_execute(type, source, colors, bits_per_component, columns) # :nodoc: Fiber.new do bytes_per_row = (columns * bits_per_component * colors + 7) / 8 mask = (1 << bits_per_component) - 1 data = ''.b writer = HexaPDF::Utils::BitStreamWriter.new pos = 0 decode_row = lambda do |result, reader| last_components = [0] * colors (columns * colors).times do |i| i %= colors tmp = (reader.read(bits_per_component) + last_components[i]) & mask result << writer.write(tmp, bits_per_component) last_components[i] = tmp end result << writer.finalize end encode_row = lambda do |result, reader| last_components = [0] * colors (columns * colors).times do |i| i %= colors tmp = reader.read(bits_per_component) result << writer.write((tmp - last_components[i]) & mask, bits_per_component) last_components[i] = tmp end result << writer.finalize end row_action = (type == :decoder ? decode_row : encode_row) while source.alive? && (new_data = source.resume) data.slice!(0...pos) data << new_data result = ''.b pos = 0 while pos + bytes_per_row <= data.length reader = HexaPDF::Utils::BitStreamReader.new(data[pos, bytes_per_row]) row_action.call(result, reader) pos += bytes_per_row end Fiber.yield(result) unless result.empty? end unless pos == data.length raise FilterError, "Data is missing for TIFF predictor" end end end def self.png_execute(type, source, predictor, colors, bits_per_component, columns) # :nodoc: Fiber.new do bytes_per_pixel = (bits_per_component * colors + 7) / 8 bytes_per_row = (columns * bits_per_component * colors + 7) / 8 bytes_per_row += 1 if type == :decoder # Only on encoding: Arbitrarily choose a predictor if we should choose the optimum predictor = predictor == 15 ? PREDICTOR_PNG_PAETH : predictor - 10 data = ''.b last_line = "\0".b * (bytes_per_row + 1) pos = 0 decode_row = lambda do |result| line = data[pos, bytes_per_row] case line.getbyte(0) when PREDICTOR_PNG_NONE # nothing to do when PREDICTOR_PNG_SUB (bytes_per_pixel + 1).upto(bytes_per_row - 1) do |i| line.setbyte(i, line.getbyte(i) + line.getbyte(i - bytes_per_pixel)) end when PREDICTOR_PNG_UP 1.upto(bytes_per_row - 1) do |i| line.setbyte(i, line.getbyte(i) + last_line.getbyte(i)) end when PREDICTOR_PNG_AVERAGE 1.upto(bytes_per_row - 1) do |i| a = i <= bytes_per_pixel ? 0 : line.getbyte(i - bytes_per_pixel) line.setbyte(i, line.getbyte(i) + ((a + last_line.getbyte(i)) >> 1)) end when PREDICTOR_PNG_PAETH 1.upto(bytes_per_row - 1) do |i| a = i <= bytes_per_pixel ? 0 : line.getbyte(i - bytes_per_pixel) b = last_line.getbyte(i) c = i <= bytes_per_pixel ? 0 : last_line.getbyte(i - bytes_per_pixel) point = a + b - c pa = (point - a).abs pb = (point - b).abs pc = (point - c).abs point = ((pa <= pb && pa <= pc) ? a : (pb <= pc ? b : c)) line.setbyte(i, line.getbyte(i) + point) end end result << line[1..-1] last_line = line end encode_row = lambda do |result| line = predictor.chr.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) << data[pos, bytes_per_row] next_last_line = line.dup case predictor when PREDICTOR_PNG_NONE # nothing to do when PREDICTOR_PNG_SUB bytes_per_row.downto(bytes_per_pixel + 1) do |i| line.setbyte(i, line.getbyte(i) - line.getbyte(i - bytes_per_pixel)) end when PREDICTOR_PNG_UP bytes_per_row.downto(1) do |i| line.setbyte(i, line.getbyte(i) - last_line.getbyte(i)) end when PREDICTOR_PNG_AVERAGE bytes_per_row.downto(1) do |i| a = i <= bytes_per_pixel ? 0 : line.getbyte(i - bytes_per_pixel) line.setbyte(i, line.getbyte(i) - ((a + last_line.getbyte(i)) >> 1)) end when PREDICTOR_PNG_PAETH bytes_per_row.downto(1) do |i| a = i <= bytes_per_pixel ? 0 : line.getbyte(i - bytes_per_pixel) b = last_line.getbyte(i) c = i <= bytes_per_pixel ? 0 : last_line.getbyte(i - bytes_per_pixel) point = a + b - c pa = (point - a).abs pb = (point - b).abs pc = (point - c).abs point = ((pa <= pb && pa <= pc) ? a : (pb <= pc ? b : c)) line.setbyte(i, line.getbyte(i) - point) end end result << line last_line = next_last_line end row_action = (type == :decoder ? decode_row : encode_row) while source.alive? && (new_data = source.resume) data.slice!(0...pos) data << new_data result = ''.b pos = 0 while pos + bytes_per_row <= data.length row_action.call(result) pos += bytes_per_row end Fiber.yield(result) unless result.empty? end unless pos == data.length raise FilterError, "Data is missing for PNG predictor" end end end end end end