# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "handlebars/version" Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "hbs_plus" s.version = Handlebars::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Charles Lowell", "German DZ"] s.email = ["cowboyd@thefrontside.net", "germ@ndz.com.ar"] s.homepage = "http://github.com/germandz/handlebars.rb" s.summary = %q{Ruby bindings for the handlebars.js templating library, based on 'hbs' gem} s.description = %q{Uses the actual JavaScript implementation of Handlebars, but supports using Ruby objects as template contexts and Ruby procs as view functions and named helpers} s.rubyforge_project = "handlebars" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.executables = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) } s.require_paths = ["lib"] Dir.chdir("js") do s.files += `git ls-files`.split("\n").map {|f| "js/#{f}"} s.files += ['js/lib/handlebars/parser.js'] end s.add_dependency "therubyracer", "~> 0.9.4" s.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 2.0" end