# frozen_string_literal: true require "optparse" module BundleUpdateInteractive class CLI class Options class << self def parse(argv=ARGV) options = new remain = build_parser(options).parse!(argv.dup) raise Error, "update-interactive does not accept arguments. See --help for available options." if remain.any? options.freeze end def summary build_parser(new).summarize.join.gsub(/^\s+-.*? /, pastel.yellow('\0')) end def help # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize <<~HELP Provides an easy way to update gems to their latest versions. #{pastel.bold.underline('USAGE')} #{pastel.green('bundle update-interactive')} #{pastel.yellow('[options]')} #{pastel.green('bundle ui')} #{pastel.yellow('[options]')} #{pastel.bold.underline('OPTIONS')} #{summary} #{pastel.bold.underline('DESCRIPTION')} Displays the list of gems that would be updated by `bundle update`, allowing you to navigate them by keyboard and pick which ones to update. A changelog URL, when available, is displayed alongside each update. Gems with known security vulnerabilities are also highlighted. Your Gemfile.lock will be updated conservatively based on the gems you select. Transitive dependencies are not affected. More information: #{pastel.blue('https://github.com/mattbrictson/bundle_update_interactive')} #{pastel.bold.underline('EXAMPLES')} Show all gems that can be updated. #{pastel.green('bundle update-interactive')} The "ui" command alias can also be used. #{pastel.green('bundle ui')} Show updates for development and test gems only, leaving production gems untouched. #{pastel.green('bundle update-interactive')} #{pastel.yellow('-D')} Allow the latest gem versions, ignoring Gemfile pins. May modify the Gemfile. #{pastel.green('bundle update-interactive')} #{pastel.yellow('--latest')} HELP end private def pastel BundleUpdateInteractive.pastel end def build_parser(options) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength OptionParser.new do |parser| # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength parser.summary_indent = " " parser.summary_width = 24 parser.on("--commit", "Create a git commit for each selected gem update") do options.commit = true end parser.on("--latest", "Modify the Gemfile to allow the latest gem versions") do options.latest = true end parser.on( "--exclusively=GROUP", "Update gems exclusively belonging to the specified Gemfile GROUP(s)" ) do |value| options.exclusively = value.split(",").map(&:strip).reject(&:empty?).map(&:to_sym) end parser.on("-D", "Shorthand for --exclusively=development,test") do options.exclusively = %i[development test] end parser.on("-v", "--version", "Display version") do require "bundler" puts "bundle_update_interactive/#{VERSION} bundler/#{Bundler::VERSION} #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}" exit end parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do puts help exit end end end end attr_accessor :exclusively attr_writer :commit, :latest def initialize @exclusively = [] @commit = false @latest = false end def commit? @commit end def latest? @latest end end end end