# load Zena::CodeSyntax module Zena module Parser module ZazenRules include Zena::Acts::Secure PSEUDO_ID_REGEXP = ":[0-9a-zA-Z-]+\\+*|\\([^\\)]*\\)" def start(mode) @helper = @options[:helper] # we do nothing, everything is done when 'render' is called end # rewrite store to optimize for our 'text only' parser def store(str) @blocks << str end def flush(str=@text) @blocks << str @text = @text[str.length..-1] end def scan #puts "SCAN:[#{@text}]" if @text =~ /\A([^\|!"<\n\[]*)/m flush $& if @text[0..0] == '!' scan_exclam elsif @text[0..0] == '"' scan_quote elsif @text[0..0] == '[' scan_bracket elsif @text[0..0] == '|' scan_pipe elsif @text[0..4] == ' and @@ instead of "extract" flush # implement !! scan_code elsif @text[0..0] == '<' flush '<' elsif !@in_space_pre && @text[0..2] == "\n\n " && !@translate_ids # space preserving paragraphe @in_space_pre = true store "\n\n
            eat 3
          elsif @in_space_pre && @text[0..1] == "\n\n" && !@translate_ids
            store "
" while @text[0..0] == "\n" flush "\n" end @in_space_pre = false elsif @text[0..1] == "\n\n" while @text[0..0] == "\n" flush "\n" end elsif @text[0..1] == "\n " && @in_space_pre && !@translate_ids store "\n" eat 2 elsif @text[0..1] == "\n|" flush "\n|" elsif @text[0..0] == "\n" && !@translate_ids if @in_space_pre || @text == "\n" || @text[1..1] == '*' || @text[1..1] == '#' flush "\n" else # forced line break store "\n
" eat 1 end elsif @text[0..0] == "\n" flush "\n" else # error flush end else # nothing interesting flush end end def scan_exclam #puts "EXCL:[#{@text}]" if @text =~ /\A\!\[([^\]]*)\]\!/m # create a gallery ![...]! #puts "GALLERY:[#{$&}]" eat $& if @context[:images] ids = parse_document_ids($1) if @translate_ids store "![#{ids.join(',')}]!" else store @helper.make_gallery(ids, :node=>@context[:node]) end else store @helper._('[gallery]') end elsif @text =~ /\A\!([^0-9]{0,2})\{([^\}]*)\}\!/m # list of documents !<.{...}! #puts "DOCS:[#{$&}]" eat $& style, ids = $1, $2 if @context[:images] ids = parse_document_ids(ids) if @translate_ids store "!#{style}{#{ids.join(',')}}!" else store @helper.list_nodes(ids, :style=>style, :node=>@context[:node]) end else store @helper._('[documents]') end elsif @text =~ /\A\!([^0-9]{0,2})(#{PSEUDO_ID_REGEXP})(_([^\/\!]+)|)(\/([^\!]*)|)\!(:([^\s]+)|)/m # image !<.:art++_pv/blah blah!:12 #puts "SHORCUT IMAGE:#{$~.to_a.inspect}" eat $& style, id, other_opts, mode, title_opts, title, link = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8 if node = find_node_by_pseudo(id) if link && link =~ /^(#{PSEUDO_ID_REGEXP})(.*)$/ rest = $2 if link_node = find_node_by_pseudo($1) link = link_node.pseudo_id(@context[:node], @translate_ids || :zip).to_s + rest end end if @translate_ids if node.kind_of?(Document) # replace shortcut store "!#{style}#{node.pseudo_id(@context[:node], @translate_ids || :zip)}#{other_opts}#{title_opts}!#{link ? ':' + link : ''}" else store $& end else if node.kind_of?(Document) store @helper.make_image(:style=>style, :id=>node[:zip].to_s, :node=>node, :mode=>mode, :title=>title, :link=>link, :images=>@context[:images]) else store "[#{node.fullpath} is not a document]" end end elsif @translate_ids store $& else store "[#{id} not found]" end elsif @text =~ /\A\!([^0-9]{0,2})([0-9]+)(_([^\/\!]+)|)(\/([^\!]*)|)\!(:([^\s]+)|)/m # image !<.12_pv/blah blah!:12 #puts "IMAGE:[#{$&}]" eat $& style, id, other_opts, mode, title_opts, title, link = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8 if link && link =~ /^(#{PSEUDO_ID_REGEXP})(.*)$/ rest = $2 if link_node = find_node_by_pseudo($1) link = link_node[:zip].to_s + rest end end if @translate_ids if @translate_ids != :zip node = find_node_by_pseudo(id) id = node.pseudo_id(@context[:node], @translate_ids) if node end store "!#{style}#{id}#{other_opts}#{title_opts}!#{link ? ':' + link : ''}" else store @helper.make_image(:style=>style, :id=>id, :mode=>mode, :title=>title, :link=>link, :images=>@context[:images]) end else #puts "EAT:[#{$&}]" # eat marker and continue scan flush @text[0..0] end end def scan_quote if @text =~ /\A"([^"]*)":([0-9]+(_[a-z]+|)(\.[a-z]+|)(#[a-z_\/\[\]]*|))/m #puts "LINK:[#{$&}]" if @translate_ids == :zip flush $& elsif @translate_ids eat $& title, id = $1, $2 node = find_node_by_pseudo(id) id = node.pseudo_id(@context[:node], @translate_ids) if node store "\"#{title}\":#{id}" else eat $& # link inside the cms "":34 title, id = $1, $2 if id =~ /(.*?)#(.*)/ id, sharp = $1, $2 sharp = 'true' if sharp == '' end store @helper.make_link(:title=>title,:id=>id,:sharp=>sharp) end elsif @text =~ /\A"([^"]*)":(#{PSEUDO_ID_REGEXP})((_[a-z]+|)(\.[a-z]+|)(#[a-z_\/\[\]]*|))/m #puts "SHORTCUT_LINK:[#{$&}]" eat $& title, pseudo_id, mode_format, mode, format, dash = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 if node = find_node_by_pseudo(pseudo_id) if @translate_ids id = "#{node.pseudo_id(@context[:node], @translate_ids)}#{mode_format}" # replace shortcut store "\"#{title}\":#{id}" else id = "#{node.zip}#{mode_format}" if format == '.data' title = "#{node.fullpath}#{mode}.#{node.c_ext}#{dash}" else title = "#{node.fullpath}#{mode_format}" end if id =~ /(.*?)#(.*)/ id, sharp = $1, $2 sharp = 'true' if sharp == '' end store @helper.make_link(:title=>title,:id=>id,:sharp=>sharp,:node=>node) end elsif @translate_ids store $& else pseudo_id = pseudo_id[1..-1] if pseudo_id[0..0] == ':' store "[#{pseudo_id} not found]" end else #puts "NOT A ZAZEN LINK" flush @text[0..0] end end def scan_bracket # puts "BRACKET:[#{@text}]" if @text =~ /\A\[(\w+)\](.*?)\[\/\1\]/m if @translate_ids flush $& else eat $& # [math]....[/math] (we do not use to avoid confusion with mathml) store @helper.make_asset(:asset_tag => $1, :content => $2, :node => @context[:node], :preview => @context[:preview], :output => @context[:output]) end else # nothing interesting flush '[' end end def scan_wiki #puts "WIKI:[#{@text}]" if @text =~ /\A([^\?])*/m flush $& scan_wiki_link else # nothing interesting flush end end def scan_wiki_link if @text =~ /\A\?(\w[^\?]*?\w)\?([^\w:]|:([^\s<]+))/m #puts "WIKI:[#{$&}]" eat $& title = $1 url = $3 # wiki reference ?zafu? or ?zafu?:http://... if url if url =~ /[^\w0-9]$/ # keep trailing punctuation store @helper.make_wiki_link(:title=>title, :url=>url[0..-2], :node=>@context[:node]) + $& else store @helper.make_wiki_link(:title=>title, :url=>url, :node=>@context[:node]) end else store @helper.make_wiki_link(:title=>title, :node=>@context[:node]) + $2 end else # false alert flush @text[0..0] end end def scan_pipe #puts "PIPE:[#{@text}]" if @text =~ /\A\|([<=>]\.|)([0-9]+\.|)([a-zA-Z_]+)(\/([^\|]*)|)\|/m # table |<.34.shopping_list/blah blah| # table |shopping_list| #puts "TABLE:#{$~.to_a.inspect}" eat $& style, id, attribute, title_opts, title = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 id = id[0..-2] if id != '' if @translate_ids if @translate_ids != :zip node = find_node_by_pseudo(id) id = node.pseudo_id(@context[:node], @translate_ids) if node end store "|#{style}#{id == '' ? '' : "#{id}."}#{attribute}#{title}|" else node = id == '' ? @context[:node] : find_node_by_pseudo(id) store @helper.make_table(:style=>style, :node=>node, :attribute=>attribute, :title=>title) end elsif @text =~ /\A\|([<=>]\.|)(#{PSEUDO_ID_REGEXP})\.([a-zA-Z_]+)(\/([^\|]*)|)\|/m # table |<.:art++.shopping_list/blah blah| # table |shopping_list| #puts "TABLE SHORTCUT:#{$~.to_a.inspect}" eat $& text = $& style, id, attribute, title_opts, title = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 if node = find_node_by_pseudo(id) if @translate_ids # replace shortcut store "|#{style}#{node.pseudo_id(@context[:node], @translate_ids || :zip)}.#{attribute}#{title}|" else # write table store @helper.make_table(:style=>style, :node=>node, :attribute=>attribute, :title=>title) end elsif @translate_ids # node not found, ignore store text else # node not found store "[#{id} not found]" end else #puts "EAT:[#{$&}]" # eat marker and continue scan flush @text[0..0] end end def extract_code(fulltext) @escaped_code = [] block_counter = -1 fulltext.gsub!( /]*)>(.*?)<\/code>/m ) do if @translate_ids @escaped_code << $& block_counter += 1 "\\ZAZENBLOCKCODE#{block_counter}ZAZENBLOCKCODE\\" else params, text = $1, $2 divparams = [] if params =~ /\A(.*)lang\s*=\s*("|')([^"']+)\2(.*)\Z/m pre, lang, post = $1.strip, $3, $4.strip divparams << pre if pre && pre != "" divparams << post if post && post != "" else divparams << params.strip if params != '' lang = '' end #divparams << "class='code'" unless params =~ /class\s*=/ divparams.unshift('') if divparams != [] @escaped_code << [lang, text] block_counter += 1 "\\ZAZENBLOCKCODE#{block_counter}ZAZENBLOCKCODE\\" end end @escaped_at = [] block_counter = -1 fulltext.gsub!( /(\A|[^\w])@(.*?)@(\Z|[^\w])/m ) do @escaped_at << $2 block_counter += 1 "#{$1}\\ZAZENBLOCKAT#{block_counter}ZAZENBLOCKAT\\#{$3}" end end def render_code(text) text.gsub!( /\\ZAZENBLOCKCODE(\d+)ZAZENBLOCKCODE\\/ ) do if @translate_ids @escaped_code[$1.to_i] else lang, code = *(@escaped_code[$1.to_i]) if lang != '' code_tag = "" else code_tag = '' end if Syntax::SYNTAX[lang] != Syntax::Default && @context[:pretty_code] convertor = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax(lang) "#{code_tag}#{convertor.convert( code, false )}" else RedCloth.new("#{code_tag}#{code}").to_html end #code_tag + code.gsub(/\n( *)/m) { "
\n" + (' ' * $1.length) } + '' end end text.gsub!( /\\ZAZENBLOCKAT(\d+)ZAZENBLOCKAT\\/ ) do code = @escaped_at[$1.to_i] if @translate_ids '@'+code+'@' else if code =~ /^(\w+)\|/ && Syntax::SYNTAX[$1] lang = $1 if @context[:pretty_code] convertor = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax(lang) res = convertor.convert( code[(lang.length+1)..-1], false ) else res = code[(lang.length+1)..-1] end res = "#{res}" else res = RedCloth.new("#{code}").to_html end res end end end def find_node_by_pseudo(id, base_node = @context[:node]) secure(Node) { Node.find_node_by_pseudo(id, base_node) } end def parse_document_ids(str) meth = @translate_ids || :zip str.split(',').map do |id| if id.strip =~ /\A(\d+|#{PSEUDO_ID_REGEXP})/ if node = find_node_by_pseudo($1) # replace shortcut node.pseudo_id(@context[:node], meth) else id # keep end else id end end.compact end end # ZazenRules end # Parser end # Zena