#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH << File.join(__dir__, '..', 'lib') require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'tape' options = OpenStruct.new opt_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: tape [options]" opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Be loud") {|v| options.verbose = v} opts.on("-i", "--inventory [INVENTORY_FILE]", String, "Do actions with the given inventory file") do |i| options.inventory_file = i end opts.on('-n', "--name [NAME]", String, "The name of the machine to operate on") do |n| options.name = n end opts.on('-p', "--port [PORT]", Integer, "The port that the machine is listening on for SSH connections") do |p| options.port = p end opts.on('-bBOOK', "--book=PLAYBOOK", String, "A custom playbook to run") do |p| options.book = p end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do STDERR.puts opts exit 0 end opts.on("-l", "--limit [PATTERN]", String, "Limits ansible runs to hosts matching PATTERN") do |p| options.host_pattern = p end opts.on("-t", "--tags [TAGS]", String, "only run plays and tasks tagged with these values") do |t| options.tags = t end opts.separator '' opts.separator "MODULES" TapeBoxer.registered_modules.values.each do |exec_module| opts.separator " #{exec_module.name.to_s.upcase}" exec_module.klass.actions.values.each do |action| opts.separator " #{action.name}: #{action.description}" end end end opt_parser.parse!(ARGV) fail_without = ->(&block){ val = block.call if val return val else STDERR.puts(opt_parser.help) exit 1 end } module_name = fail_without.call{ ARGV.shift }.to_sym action_name = fail_without.call{ ARGV.shift }.to_sym exec_module = fail_without.call{TapeBoxer.registered_modules[module_name]} begin exec_module.klass.new(options).execute_action(action_name) rescue TapeBoxer::InvalidAction, TapeBoxer::ActionError, TapeBoxer::UnspecifiedOption => e STDERR.puts(e.message) exit 2 end