require 'frank/tilt_setup' require 'frank/template_helpers' require 'frank/rescue' require 'frank/upgrades' require 'frank/middleware/statik' require 'frank/middleware/refresh' module Frank VERSION = '1.0.8' extend Frank::Upgrades module Render; end class Base include Rack::Utils include Frank::Rescue include Frank::TemplateHelpers include Frank::Render def call(env)!(env) end def call!(env) @env = env @request = @response = process @response.close @response.finish end private # attempt to render with the request path, # if it cannot be found, render error page def process load_helpers @response['Content-Type'] = Rack::Mime.mime_type(File.extname(@request.path), 'text/html') @response.write render(@request.path) rescue Frank::TemplateError @response.write render_404 rescue Exception => e @response.write render_500(e) end # prints requests and errors to STDOUT def log_request(status, excp = nil) out = "\033[1m[#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}]\033[22m (#{@request.request_method}) http://#{}:#{@request.port}#{@request.fullpath} - #{status}" out << "\n\n#{excp.message}\n\n#{excp.backtrace.join("\n")} " if excp puts out end def load_helpers helpers = File.join(Frank.root, 'helpers.rb') if File.exist? helpers load helpers Frank::TemplateHelpers.class_eval("include FrankHelpers") end end end module Render TMPL_EXTS = { :html => %w[haml erb rhtml builder liquid textile md mkd markdown], :css => %w[sass less scss], :js => %w[coffee] } LAYOUT_EXTS = %w[.haml .erb .rhtml .liquid] # render request path or template path def render(path, partial = false, local_vars = nil) @current_path = path unless partial # normalize the path path.sub!(/^\/?(.*)$/, '/\1') path.sub!(/\/$/, '/index.html') path.sub!(/(\/[\w-]+)$/, '\1.html') path = to_file_path(path) if defined? @request or path.match(/\/_[^\/]+$/) # regex for kinds that don't support meta # and define the meta delimiter nometa, delimiter = /\/_|\.(scss|sass|less|coffee)$/, /^META-{3,}\s*$|^-{3,}META\s*$/ # set the layout layout = path.match(nometa) ? nil : layout_for(path) template_path = File.join(Frank.root, Frank.dynamic_folder, path) raise Frank::TemplateError, "Template not found #{template_path}" unless File.exist? template_path # read in the template # check for meta and parse it if it exists template = << "\n" ext = File.extname(path) template, meta = template.split(delimiter).reverse locals = parse_meta_and_set_locals(meta, local_vars) # use given layout if defined as a meta field layout = locals[:layout] == 'nil' ? nil : locals[:layout] if locals.has_key?(:layout) page = setup_page # let tilt determine the template handler # and return some template markup if layout.nil? tilt(page, ext, template, template_path, locals) else layout_path = File.join(Frank.root, Frank.layouts_folder, layout) # add layout_path to locals raise Frank::TemplateError, "Layout not found #{layout_path}" unless File.exist? layout_path page_content = tilt(page, ext, template, template_path, locals) tilt(page, File.extname(layout), nil, layout_path, locals) do page_content end end end # converts a request path to a template path def to_file_path(path) file_name = File.basename(path, File.extname(path)) file_ext = File.extname(path).sub(/^\./, '') folder = File.join(Frank.root, Frank.dynamic_folder) engine = nil TMPL_EXTS.each do |ext, engines| if ext.to_s == file_ext engine = engines.reject do |eng| !File.exist? File.join(folder, path.sub(/\.[\w-]+$/, ".#{eng}")) end.first end end raise Frank::TemplateError, "Template not found #{path}" if engine.nil? path.sub(/\.[\w-]+$/, ".#{engine}") end # lookup the original ext for given template path def ext_from_handler(extension) ext = extension[1..-1] TMPL_EXTS.each do |orig_ext, engines| return orig_ext.to_s if engines.include? ext end end # reverse walks the layouts folder until we find a layout # returns nil if layout is not found def layout_for(path) layout_exts = LAYOUT_EXTS.dup ext = File.extname(path) default = 'default' << layout_ext_or_first(layout_exts, ext) file_path = path.sub(/\/[\w-]+\.[\w-]+$/, '') folders = file_path.split('/') until File.exist? File.join(Frank.root, Frank.layouts_folder, folders, default) break if layout_exts.empty? && folders.empty? if layout_exts.empty? layout_exts = LAYOUT_EXTS.dup default = 'default' << layout_ext_or_first(layout_exts, ext) folders.pop else default = 'default' << layout_exts.shift end end if File.exists? File.join(Frank.root, Frank.layouts_folder, folders, default) File.join(folders, default) else nil end end # if the given ext is a layout ext, pop it off and return it # otherwise return the first layout ext def layout_ext_or_first(layout_exts, ext) layout_exts.include?(ext) ? layout_exts.delete(ext) : layout_exts.first end # render a page using tilt and get the result template markup back def tilt(page, ext, source, filename, locals={}, &block) Tilt[ext].new(filename) do source || end.render(page, locals=locals, &block) end # setup a new page object to be rendered def setup_page page = instance_variables.each do |var| unless ['@response', '@env'].include? var page.instance_variable_set(var.intern, instance_variable_get(var)) end end page end private # parse the given meta string with yaml # set the current_path local def parse_meta_and_set_locals(meta, locals = nil) # parse yaml and symbolize keys if meta.nil? meta = {} else meta = YAML.load(meta).inject({}) do |options, (key, value)| options[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = value options end end meta.merge!(locals) unless locals.nil? meta[:current_path] = @current_path.sub(/\.[\w-]+$/, '').sub(/\/index/, '/') meta end end # Bootstrap will set up Frank up at a root path, and read in the setup.rb def self.bootstrap(new_root = nil) Frank.reset Frank.root = new_root if new_root if %w[publish p].include? ARGV.first begin require 'net/ssh' require 'net/scp' rescue LoadError puts "\033[31mpublish requires the 'net-scp' gem. `gem install net-scp'\033[0m" exit! end end # setup compass begin require 'compass' Compass.configuration do |config| # project_path should be the directory to which the sass directory is relative. # I think maybe this should be one more directory up from the configuration file. # Please update this if it is or remove this message if it can stay the way it is. config.project_path = Frank.root config.sass_dir = File.join('dynamic', 'stylesheets') end # sass_engine_options returns a hash, you can merge it with other options. Frank.sass_options = Compass.sass_engine_options rescue LoadError # ignore if compass is not there end # try to pull in setup setup = File.join(Frank.root, 'setup.rb') if File.exists?(setup) load setup elsif File.exist? File.join(Dir.pwd, 'settings.yml') puts "\033[31mFrank could not find setup.rb, perhaps you need to upgrade with the `frank upgrade\' command \033[0m" exit! end end # starts the server def base = builder = do use Frank::Middleware::Statik, :root => Frank.static_folder use Frank::Middleware::Refresh, :watch => [ Frank.dynamic_folder, Frank.static_folder, Frank.layouts_folder ] run base end unless Frank.environment == :test message = ['got it under control', 'got your back', 'holdin\' it down', 'takin\' care of business', 'workin\' some magic'].sort_by{rand}.first.strip puts "\n-----------------------" if Frank.serving_static? puts " This doesn't look like a frank project. Frank's serving this folder up his way..." else puts " Frank's #{ message }..." end puts " #{Frank.server.hostname}:#{Frank.server.port} \n\n" begin server = Rack::Handler.get(Frank.server.handler) rescue LoadError puts "\n\nUnable to find handler for: #{Frank.server.handler}" puts "\nUse `gem install #{Frank.server.handler}' to install it" puts "\nDefaulting to using webrick" server = Rack::Handler.get("webrick") end, :Port => Frank.server.port, :Host => Frank.server.hostname) do trap(:INT) { puts "\n\n-----------------------\n Show's over, fellas.\n\n"; exit } end end base rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE puts " Hold on a second... Frank works alone.\n \033[31mSomething's already using port #{Frank.server.port}\033[0m\n\n" end # copies over the generic project template def self.stub(project) templates_dir = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.frank_templates') choice = nil puts "\nFrank is...\n - \033[32mCreating\033[0m your project '#{project}'" # if user has a ~/.frank_templates folder # provide an interface for choosing template if File.exist? templates_dir templates = %w[default] + Dir[File.join(templates_dir, '**')].map { |d| d.split('/').last } puts "\nWhich template would you like to use? " templates.each_with_index { |t, i| puts " #{i + 1}. #{t}" } print '> ' # get input and wait for a valid response trap(:INT) { puts "\nbye"; exit } choice = STDIN.gets.chomp until ( choice.match(/^\d+$/) && templates[choice.to_i - 1] ) || choice == '1' print " `#{choice}' \033[31mis not a valid template choice\033[0m\n> " choice = STDIN.gets.chomp end end Dir.mkdir project template = choice.nil? ? 'default': templates[choice.to_i - 1] puts " - \033[32mCopying\033[0m #{template} Frank template" if template == 'default' FileUtils.cp_r( Dir.glob(File.join(LIBDIR, 'template/*')), project ) else FileUtils.cp_r( Dir.glob(File.join(templates_dir, "#{template}/*")), project ) end puts "\n \033[32mCongratulations, '#{project}' is ready to go!\033[0m" rescue Errno::EEXIST puts "\n \033[31muh oh, directory '#{project}' already exists...\033[0m" exit end end