.TH TORK\-MASTER 1 2012\-01\-25 15.1.0 .SH NAME .PP tork\-master \- absorbs overhead and runs tests .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCtork-master\fR [\fIOPTION\fP]... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This program reads the following single\-line commands (JSON arrays) from its standard input stream and performs the respective actions as described below. .TP \fB\fC["load",\fR \fIpaths\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIfiles\fP\fB\fC]\fR Adds the given array of \fIpaths\fP to Ruby's $LOAD_PATH, loads the given array of \fIfiles\fP after removing their ".rb" file extension if present, and prints the given command line to the standard output stream. .TP \fB\fC["test",\fR \fItest_file\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fItest_names\fP\fB\fC]\fR Runs the given \fItest_file\fP in a forked child process while instructing your chosen unit testing framework (loaded by your test execution overhead) to only run those tests that are named in the given array of \fItest_names\fP. .IP Prints the given command line to the standard output stream immediately after forking the child process. .IP Prints the given command line, modified with \fB\fC"pass"\fR (if the test passed) or \fB\fC"fail"\fR (if the test failed) in place of \fB\fC"test"\fR, to the standard output stream after the forked child process finishes. .IP The standard output and error streams of the forked child process are redirected to a file whose path and name are the same as that of the test file being run by the forked child process but with ".log" appended. .TP \fB\fC["stop"]\fR Stops all tests that are currently running and prints the given command line to the standard output stream. .TP \fB\fC["quit"]\fR Stops all tests that are currently running and exits. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\fC-h\fR, \fB\fC--help\fR Display this help manual using .BR man (1). .SH FILES .TP \fI.tork.rb\fP Optional Ruby script for configuring .BR tork (1). .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP \fB\fCTORK_CONFIGS\fR A single\-line JSON array containing paths to actual files or names of helper libraries in the tork/config/ namespace of Ruby's load path. These configuration files are loaded just before \fI.tork.rb\fP is loaded. .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR tork (1), .BR tork\-driver (1), .BR tork\-master (1), .BR tork\-herald (1)