# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: strict # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/listen/all/listen.rbi # # listen-3.5.1 module Listen def self.default_logger; end def self.logger; end def self.logger=(arg0); end def self.stop; end def self.to(*args, &block); end end class Listen::Options def initialize(opts, defaults); end def method_missing(name, *_); end def respond_to_missing?(name, *_); end end class Listen::Record def _auto_hash; end def _fast_build_dir(remaining, symlink_detector); end def _fast_try_file(entry); end def _fast_unset_path(dirname, basename); end def _fast_update_file(dirname, basename, data); end def add_dir(rel_path); end def build; end def dir_entries(rel_path); end def file_data(rel_path); end def initialize(directory); end def root; end def unset_path(rel_path); end def update_file(rel_path, data); end end class Listen::Record::Entry def _entries(dir); end def _join; end def children; end def initialize(root, relative, name = nil); end def meta; end def name; end def real_path; end def record_dir_key; end def relative; end def root; end def sys_path; end end class Listen::Error < RuntimeError end class Listen::Error::NotStarted < Listen::Error end class Listen::Error::SymlinkLoop < Listen::Error end class Listen::Record::SymlinkDetector def _fail(symlinked, real_path); end def initialize; end def verify_unwatched!(entry); end end class Listen::File def self.change(record, rel_path); end def self.inaccurate_mac_time?(stat); end end class Listen::Directory def self._async_changes(snapshot, path, previous, options); end def self._change(snapshot, type, path, options); end def self._children(path); end def self.ascendant_of?(base, other); end def self.scan(snapshot, rel_path, options); end end class Listen::Change def initialize(config, record); end def invalidate(type, rel_path, options); end def record; end end class Listen::Change::Config def initialize(queue, silencer); end def queue(*args); end def silenced?(path, type); end end module Listen::Thread def self._exception_with_causes(exception); end def self._log_exception(exception, thread_name, caller_stack: nil); end def self.new(name, &block); end def self.rescue_and_log(method_name, *args, caller_stack: nil); end end module Listen::Adapter def self._usable_adapter_class; end def self._warn_polling_fallback(options); end def self.select(options = nil); end end class Listen::Adapter::Base def _log_exception(msg, caller_stack); end def _queue_change(type, dir, rel_path, options); end def _stop; end def _timed(title); end def config; end def configure; end def initialize(config); end def options; end def self.usable?; end def start; end def started?; end def stop; end end class Listen::Adapter::BSD < Listen::Adapter::Base def _change(event_flags); end def _configure(directory, &callback); end def _event_path(event); end def _find(*paths, &block); end def _process_event(dir, event); end def _run; end def _watch_file(path, queue); end def _watch_for_new_file(event); end def self.usable?; end end class Listen::Adapter::Darwin < Listen::Adapter::Base def _configure(dir, &callback); end def _process_changes(dirs); end def _process_event(dir, path); end def _run; end def _stop; end def self.usable?; end end class Listen::Adapter::Linux < Listen::Adapter::Base def _change(event_flags); end def _configure(directory, &callback); end def _dir_event?(event); end def _process_event(dir, event); end def _run; end def _skip_event?(event); end def _stop; end end class Listen::Adapter::Polling < Listen::Adapter::Base def _configure(_, &callback); end def _process_event(dir, _); end def _run; end end class Listen::Adapter::Windows < Listen::Adapter::Base def _change(type); end def _configure(dir); end def _process_event(dir, event); end def _run; end def self.usable?; end end class Listen::Adapter::Config def adapter_options; end def directories; end def initialize(directories, queue, silencer, adapter_options); end def queue; end def silencer; end end class Listen::Backend def adapter; end def initialize(directories, queue, silencer, config); end def min_delay_between_events; end def start(*args, &block); end def stop(*args, &block); end extend Forwardable end class Listen::Silencer def _ignore?(path); end def _init_ignores(ignores, overrides); end def _only?(path); end def configure(options); end def ignore_patterns; end def ignore_patterns=(arg0); end def initialize; end def only_patterns; end def only_patterns=(arg0); end def silenced?(relative_path, type); end end class Listen::Silencer::Controller def _reconfigure_silencer(extra_options); end def append_ignores(*regexps); end def initialize(silencer, default_options); end def replace_with_bang_ignores(regexps); end def replace_with_only(regexps); end end class Listen::QueueOptimizer def _calculate_add_remove_difference(actions, path, default_if_exists); end def _logical_action_for(path, actions); end def _reinterpret_related_changes(cookies); end def _squash_changes(changes); end def config; end def editor_modified?(changes); end def initialize(config); end def smoosh_changes(changes); end end class Listen::QueueOptimizer::Config def debug(*args, &block); end def exist?(path); end def initialize(adapter_class, silencer); end def silenced?(path, type); end end module Listen::FSM def current_state; end def initialize_fsm; end def self.included(klass); end def state; end def transition!(new_state_name); end def transition(new_state_name); end def transition_with_callbacks!(new_state); end def validate_and_sanitize_new_state(new_state_name); end def wait_for_state(*wait_for_states, timeout: nil); end end module Listen::FSM::ClassMethods def start_state(new_start_state = nil); end def state(state_name, to: nil, &block); end def states; end end class Listen::FSM::State def call(obj); end def initialize(name, transitions, &block); end def name; end def transitions; end def valid_transition?(new_state); end end module Listen::MonotonicTime def self.now; end end module Listen::Event end class Listen::Event::Processor def _check_stopped; end def _deadline; end def _flush_wakeup_reasons; end def _process_changes(event); end def _remember_time_of_first_unprocessed_event; end def _reset_no_unprocessed_events; end def _sleep(seconds); end def _wait_until_events; end def _wait_until_events_calm_down; end def _wait_until_no_longer_paused; end def config; end def initialize(config, reasons); end def loop_for(latency); end end class Listen::Event::Processor::Stopped < RuntimeError end class Listen::Event::Loop def _process_changes; end def _wakeup(reason); end def initialize(config); end def pause; end def start; end def started?; end def stop; end def stopped?; end def wakeup_on_event; end extend Listen::FSM::ClassMethods include Listen::FSM end class Listen::Event::Queue def <<(args); end def _safe_relative_from_cwd(dir); end def close(*args, &block); end def empty?(*args, &block); end def initialize(config); end def pop(*args, &block); end extend Forwardable end class Listen::Event::Queue::Config def initialize(relative); end def relative?; end end class Listen::Event::Config def call(*args); end def callable?; end def event_queue; end def initialize(listener, event_queue, queue_optimizer, wait_for_delay, &block); end def listener; end def min_delay_between_events; end def optimize_changes(changes); end def sleep(seconds); end end class Listen::Listener def ignore!(regexps); end def ignore(regexps); end def initialize(*dirs, &block); end def only(regexps); end def pause; end def paused?; end def processing?; end def start; end def stop; end def stopped?; end extend Listen::FSM::ClassMethods include Listen::FSM end class Listen::Listener::Config def adapter_instance_options(klass); end def adapter_select_options; end def initialize(opts); end def min_delay_between_events; end def relative?; end def silencer_rules; end end